

单词 伉俪情深

See also:


husband and wife (literary)


deep feeling
deep love
deep emotion

深情 adj

soulful adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 权案件中所使用的家庭概念是指强迫失踪受害人同其共同生活的人或者与受害人情深厚的家庭成员之间实际存在的“感情维系”。
The notion of family in international human
rights cases refers to the presence of an
[...] actual “emotional bond” between the victim [...]
of the enforced disappearance and the
persons with whom the victim lived or family members with whom the victim had close emotional ties.
周宏雷;罗杰仕;万马膘夫妇;南希诺德和金浩 伉俪 在 观 看美标 技术员阮才军和申高朋测试药量。
William Zhou (l.); Bill Weimer, John Rogers, Carole Weimer, James Halpern, and Nancy Nord watch AFSL Technicians Cass Ruan and Tom Shen measuring firecracker powder weights.
深信 各位議員都會和我㆒同祝賀霍德爵 伉 儷 在 未來的歲月,生活愉快、多姿多采。
I am sure Members will wish to join me in wishing Sir David and Lady FORD many happy and challenging years ahead.
深信我 的同事會與我㆒起祝福霍德爵 伉 儷 和 家㆟,在倫敦有㆒段非常愉快的生活 和㆒個十分美滿的將來。
I am sure that my colleagues will join me in wishing Sir David, Lady FORD, and their family a very enjoyable sojourn in London and a very happy future.
深情厚意 将永远回荡在我国人民的记 忆中,并将被转达给尼日利亚政府。
Those sentiments will for ever [...]
be etched in our national memory and will be conveyed to the Government of Nigeria.
太阳神被她深情所感 动,就把她变成了一种植物,一整天都随着太阳转动。
Helios was moved by her despair and turned her into a plant whose flowerhead followed the movement of the sun throughout the day.
加拿大土著妇女协会开展了名为“姐 情深 ” 的 研究、教育和政策运动, 目的是提高对加拿大频繁发生的暴力侵害土著妇女和女孩问题的认识。
The Native Women’s Association of Canada developed a
research, education and policy initiative
[...] entitled “Sisters in Spirit” to raise [...]
awareness on the high rates of violence against
aboriginal women and girls in Canada.
我们要对深情地道 一声再会,并赞扬他在任内 的出色工作。
We bid him a fond farewell and commend the very good work he has done in his tenure.
其 中一個可能有利益衝突的情況是:“委員與某人 情深 厚 , 而這或會 令客觀的旁觀者相信,他們的交情會影響該委員所提出的意見;為了 避免出現這個情況,委員便應申報利益。
Potential conflict of interest includes the situations where “some friendships which might be so close as to warrant declaration in order to avoid situations where an objective observer might believe a member’s advice to have been influenced by the closeness of the association.
協會最年長的會員,年近88歲的張忠賓先生與夫人張蔡 伉 儷 ,老當益壯,曾於保齡球比賽過程中,擊出全倒。
Our Hwa Hsia Society’s oldest member at 88 years-old Mr. 張忠賓 and his wife Mrs. 張蔡春 also took part in the bowling competition.
本次订货会以集中展示、推介中高端新品为重点,兰芝、明色 俪 乐 堂 、兰侬、Agatha、Armani、Esprit、Fossil、康斯登、维氏、卡西欧、天美时、欧西亚、新西兰蜂蜜、西班牙橄榄油等丰富多彩的新品牌及其产品给各免税店带来更多的产品选择,最大程度地满足了广大机场、边境、客运站等免税市场渠道的需求。
The trade fair focused on collectivized display and recommendation of middle and high-end new products, and diversified new brands and their products, including LANEIGE, MEISHOKU, L’ile aux Aromes, Lanocreme, Agatha, Armani, Esprit, Fossil, Frederigue Constant, Victorinox, Casio, Timex, Oregon, New Zealand honey, and Spanish olive oil, bring more choices to the duty free shops and maximally satisfy the requirements of the duty free markets at airports, borders and passenger stations on purchasing channels.
答覆的 第(一)部分提及的“香港浸會大學陳漢 伉 儷 中醫專科診所暨 臨床規範研究中心”便在醫管局的協助下引進了此系統。
As mentioned in part (a), the CMIS has also been installed in the Hong Kong Baptist University Mr & Mrs CHAN Hon-yin Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic & Good Clinical Practice Centre with the assistance of the HA.
屢獲國際殊榮、全球最暢銷的樂器演奏家Kenny G,將於2012年10月12日星期五,親臨「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城的頂級私人會所紅伶,以浪 深情 的 色 士風演奏,觸動賓客心靈。
On October 12, multi-award-winning saxophonist and the world’s biggest selling instrumental musician, Kenny G, will be playing his own unique brand of smooth jazz at China Rough,Galaxy Macau.
正如他的性格要求我们狂热的崇拜,所以他的作品赢得大 深情 的 尊 重,在他们的缺陷,但很让人讨厌。
Just as his character demands our enthusiastic admiration, so his writings gain our affectionate respect, in spite of their very irritating defects.
育空省土著妇女理事会最近开展了名为 “育空姐情深”的 分支运动,目的对育空省土著妇女遭受暴力侵害的情况进行 [...]
The Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council recently developed a spin-off campaign
entitled “Yukon Sisters in Spirit” to
[...] research the circumstances of violence [...]
against aboriginal women in Yukon and raise
awareness and educate the public.
現時,共有 8 間公營中醫診所安裝了醫管局發展的中醫醫療資訊 系統,而去年 10 月成立的“香港浸會大學陳漢伉儷 中 醫專科 診所暨臨床規範研究中心”亦在醫管局的協助下引進了此系 統。
With the assistance of the HA, the CMIS is also installed in the Hong Kong Baptist University Mr & Mrs CHAN Hon-yin Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic & Good Clinical Practice Centre, which was established in October last year.
我们高度重视与阿富汗深情厚谊 ,我认为 3 月 11 日在伊斯兰堡签署的联合宣言表明了这一点。
We attach high priority to our close friendship with Afghanistan, and I think that the joint declaration signed in Islamabad on 11 March signifies that.
我們感謝她們深情款待 ,並祝福她們有一個快樂的香港之旅。
We thank them for their hospitability and wishing them have a wonderful trip in Hong Kong!
活動當晚,由李明岳理事長主持, 奧克蘭台北經濟文化辦事處 丁處長 樂伉儷, Good health Director Dave Blanchard,Hantec CEO Bill Han,佳麗寶 董事長 周樹木,TPL 董事長 林明錫,長榮航空 郭何麗麗 主任,HSBC Private Clients Manager Helen Chiang,BNZ Manager Bunny Mahindra,Westpac Senior Mgr Simon Tong,ANZ Head of Asian Segment Cassandra Lee,華頁社長 蘇文德,大紀元時報 社長 沈家林,新西蘭聯合報 楊元勇,及長期支持華夏的廣告及贊助商,參與此次餐敘聯誼會。
A number of guests attended, including T.E.C.O. Director General Lincoln Ting and his wife, Good Health Director Dave Blanchard, Hantec C.E.O. Bill Han, Beauty Plus Owner George Chou, TPL Enterprise President Ming-Hsi Lin, Acting Office Manager of Eva Air Lily He, HSBC Private Clients Manager Helen Chiang, BNZ Otahuhu Branch Manager Bunny Mahindra, Westpac Migrant Banking Senior Manager Simon Tong, ANZ Head of Asian Segment Cassandra Lee, Mandarin Pages Managing Director David Soh, Epoch Times CEO Max Sheng, United Chinese Sales Manager Yuan-Yong Yang, as well as other long-term supporters of the THHSNZ.
過百城中名人應邀出席盛會,當中包括:Panasonic Corporation社長大坪文雄先生、日本駐港總領事佐藤重和先生、「信興教育及慈善基金」副主席張敏儀女士、香港大學校長徐立之教授、香港中文大學校長劉遵義教授、湯恩 伉 儷 、 王英 伉 儷 及 李鵬 伉 儷 等 ;衣香繽影,冠蓋雲集。
Also present at this memorable occasion, were Mr Fumio Ohtsubo, President of Panasonic Corporation; Mr Shigekazu Sato, Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong; Ms Cheung Man-yee, Vice-Chairman of Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund; Prof & Mrs Tsui Lap-chee, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong; Prof Lawrence J Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr & Mrs Tong Yun Kai; Mr & Mrs Wilfred Y W Wong; Mr & Mrs Allen P F Lee, and many others.
加州眾議員- Mike Eng  雖沒能來到現場, 但也送來兩份獎狀 - 表揚 李啓祥 劉德麗(家長會理事)伉儷長 期對CPAD的贊助, 以及大專校友會會長 史迺麗女士多年來對這群有特殊需要的孩子們的關愛。
Also, representative from California State Assemblymember, Mike Eng, presented special citation award to Mr. Kenneth Lee & Mrs. Tak Lee for their generous sponsorship to CPAD, and to Ms. Alice Thomas, the Chairperson of the Joint Chinese University Alumni Association (California), for her contribution to the needy families throughout the years.
民政事務局就此工程項目的情深入 諮詢相關的區議會 後,最近已於2007年 3月 8日向建築署提供工程計劃綱要。
The Director of Architectural Services (D Arch S) explained that the Architectural Services Department (Arch SD) had to obtain user requirements from the Home Affairs Bureau first before proceeding with the project, and the latter had recently provided the project brief to Arch SD on 8 March 2007 after thoroughly consulting the relevant District Council on the details of the project.
为欢迎她的孩子来到这个世界上, 这个长颈鹿母深情地吻着她的新出生的孩子的头。
To welcome her baby into the world, this mother Giraffe kisses
[...] her new child affectionately on the head.
她参演的电影还有《东西战争》、《赤 情深 》 、 《修女也疯狂》、《美国制造》、《扭计当家》、《长脚女佣》、《潇洒有情天》、《妈咪也疯狂》、《当老牛碰上嫩草》、《移魂女郎》和《亡命夺宝》,她还为多部动画配音以及制作记录片。
Her film credits include Jumpin' Jack Flash, Clara's Heart, Sister Act, Made in America, Corrina, Corrina, The Long Walk Home, Boys on the Side, Bogus, How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Girl, Interrupted, and Rat Race, plus several animated voiceovers and documentaries.
尼氏曾在2003和2006年兩度獲《歐洲舞蹈》雜誌讀者選為「全年最佳導演」,2009年更獲頒發英帝國OBE勳銜,表揚他在芭蕾舞上作出的傑出貢獻;憑電影《寫 深情 》 獲 奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創音樂劇或喜劇片配樂的史提芬.
Composer Stephen Warbeck, winner of the Academy Award for Best Original Musical or Comedy Score for Shakespeare in Love, wrote a new score for this tale
while Laurence Olivier Award winner Peter Mumford completes the sparkling
[...] production with his dazzling sets and lighting.
但无论什么样的歌,在José的口中都能唱出浓郁且富 深情 的 味道,他用着自己的方式唱着自己的感受,哪怕是一些陈词滥调,也都能达到朽木再逢春的效果。
He has made waves with covers of songs like Kylie Minogue’s “Hand on your Heart” and “Teardrop” by Massive Attack, but José’s sound is all his own – rich, emotive vocal melodies that cut to the core, backed by delicate classical guitar.
領事館團隊人員、眾多法國與香港各界人士及好友,包括杜惠恺先 伉 儷 、 李國寶先生、鄭維志先生 、郭炎先生、林建岳先生、梁偉賢先生、馬清鏗先生 、李大壮先生 、金董建平女士及劉紀紅女士等賓客均出席儀式致賀。
The ceremony was held at the residence of France, where the team of the Consulate and the French and Hong Kong communities, with the presence of Sir David Li, Mr. Patrick Ma, Mr. Christopher and Ms. Ivy Cheng, Mr. William Doo JP and Mr. William Doo Jr and their spouses, Mr. Peter Lam, Mr. Peter Kwok, Ms. Alice King, Mr. David Lie, Mr. Andrew Yuen, Ms. Joyce Liu, Sir Wayne Leung and other guests, gathered together for this honorable moment.
此贈予儀式於東京八王子的創價大學舉行,科學院院長貢薩洛‧塔沃阿達(Gonzalo Taboada López),前院長安東尼奧‧薩韋德拉(Antonio Saavedra Muñoz)以及玻利維亞駐日大使路易斯‧希加(Luis Masaharu Higa Tomita)及卡門‧希加(Carmen Marañon de Higa)伉儷蒞臨主持。
The presentation took place by proxy at Soka University in Hachioji, Tokyo, and was attended by Academy President Gonzalo Taboada López, former president Antonio Saavedra Muñoz, as well as Bolivian Ambassador to Japan Luis Masaharu Higa Tomita and his wife, Mrs. Carmen Marañon de Higa.




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