




husband and wife (literary)


deep conjugal love
married couple very much in love

External sources (not reviewed)

周宏雷;罗杰仕;万马膘夫妇;南希诺德和金浩观看美标 技术员阮才军和申高朋测试药量。
William Zhou (l.); Bill Weimer, John Rogers, Carole Weimer, James Halpern, and Nancy Nord watch AFSL Technicians Cass Ruan and Tom Shen measuring firecracker powder weights.
Our Hwa Hsia Society’s oldest member at 88 years-old Mr. 张忠宾 and his wife Mrs. 张蔡春 also took part in the bowling competition.
活动当晚,由李明岳理事长主持, 奥克兰台北经济文化办事处 丁处长 乐Good health Director Dave Blanchard,Hantec CEO Bill Han,佳丽宝 董事长 周树木,TPL 董事长 林明锡,长荣航空 郭何丽丽 主任,HSBC Private Clients Manager Helen Chiang,BNZ Manager Bunny Mahindra,Westpac Senior Mgr Simon Tong,ANZ Head of Asian Segment Cassandra Lee,华页社长 苏文德,大纪元时报 社长 沈家林,新西兰联合报 杨元勇,及长期支持华夏的广告及赞助商,参与此次餐叙联谊会。
A number of guests attended, including T.E.C.O. Director General Lincoln Ting andhis wife, Good Health Director Dave Blanchard, Hantec C.E.O. Bill Han, Beauty Plus Owner George Chou, TPL Enterprise President Ming-Hsi Lin, Acting Office Manager of Eva Air Lily He, HSBC Private Clients Manager Helen Chiang, BNZ Otahuhu Branch Manager Bunny Mahindra, Westpac Migrant Banking Senior Manager Simon Tong, ANZ Head of Asian Segment Cassandra Lee, Mandarin Pages Managing Director David Soh, Epoch Times CEO Max Sheng, United Chinese Sales Manager Yuan-Yong Yang, as well as other long-term supporters of the THHSNZ.
过百城中名人应邀出席盛会,当中包括:Panasonic Corporation社长大坪文雄先生、日本驻港总领事佐藤重和先生、「信兴教育及慈善基金」副主席张敏仪女士、香港大学校长徐立之教授、香港中文大学校长刘遵义教授、汤恩王英李鹏;衣香缤影,冠盖云集。
Also present at this memorable occasion, were Mr Fumio Ohtsubo, President of Panasonic Corporation; Mr Shigekazu Sato, Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong; Ms Cheung Man-yee, Vice-Chairman of Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund; Prof & Mrs Tsui Lap-chee, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Hong Kong; Prof Lawrence J Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr & Mrs Tong Yun Kai; Mr & Mrs Wilfred Y W Wong; Mr & Mrs Allen P F Lee, and many others.
加州众议员- Mike Eng  虽没能来到现场, 但也送来两份奖状 - 表扬 李啓祥 刘德丽(家长会理)期对CPAD的赞助, 以及大专校友会会长 史乃丽女士多年来对这群有特殊需要的孩子们的关爱。
Also, representative from California State Assemblymember, Mike Eng, presented special citation award to Mr. Kenneth Lee & Mrs. Tak Lee for their generous sponsorship to CPAD, and to Ms. Alice Thomas, the Chairperson of the Joint Chinese University Alumni Association (California), for her contribution to the needy families throughout the years.
领事馆团队人员、众多法国与香港各界人士及好友,包括杜惠恺先李国宝先生、郑维志先生 、郭炎先生、林建岳先生、梁伟贤先生、马清铿先生 、李大壮先生 、金董建平女士及刘纪红女士等宾客均出席仪式致贺。
The ceremony was held at the residence of France, where the team of the Consulate and the French and Hong Kong communities, with the presence of Sir David Li, Mr. Patrick Ma, Mr. Christopher and Ms. Ivy Cheng, Mr. William Doo JP and Mr. William Doo Jr and their spouses, Mr. Peter Lam, Mr. Peter Kwok, Ms. Alice King, Mr. David Lie, Mr. Andrew Yuen, Ms. Joyce Liu, Sir Wayne Leung and other guests, gathered together for this honorable moment.
此赠予仪式於东京八王子的创价大学举行,科学院院长贡萨洛‧塔沃阿达(Gonzalo Taboada López),前院长安东尼奥‧萨韦德拉(Antonio Saavedra Muñoz)以及玻利维亚驻日大使路易斯‧希加(Luis Masaharu Higa Tomita)及卡门‧希加(Carmen Marañon de Higa临主持。
The presentation took place by proxy at Soka University in Hachioji, Tokyo, and was attended by Academy President Gonzalo Taboada López, former president Antonio Saavedra Muñoz, as well as Bolivian Ambassador to Japan Luis Masaharu Higa Tomita and his wife, Mrs. Carmen Marañon de Higa.




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