单词 | 企鹅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:帝王企鹅—emperor penguin See also:企—plan a project stand on tiptoe 鹅pl—duckspl
当一批企鹅慢慢爬上岸时,你会发现会有只企鹅领队。 4tern.com | When groupsof penguins walked on the shore, there was one leader penguin. 4tern.com |
在Oamaru看野生企鹅需要有耐心及望远镜。 4tern.com | To seethe wild penguinsin Oamaru, you need [...] to be patient and equipped with binocular. 4tern.com |
手电筒-企鹅在傍晚时分(接近天黑)归巢,看完了,恐怕需要手电筒照亮回归之路。 4tern.com | Torch light-Penguinsreturn home in [...] the evening, when the sky begin to dark. 4tern.com |
当然,还有其他的鸟类、黄眼企鹅、蓝企鹅、海狮、海狗等等。 4tern.com | Of course there are other natural [...] wildlife that you can find in here, such as, birds, [...] yelloweyed penguins, blue penguins, seals, sealions [...]and many more. 4tern.com |
沿着这一条路,除了鲸鱼,海狮、海狗、海豚、企鹅(黄眼、蓝眼等等),都会近距离地出现在你的眼前。 4tern.com | Along the road, you will be able to spot basically all the sea animals mentioned above, except whales. 4tern.com |
走着走着,在一条小路上,我们发现了一个可爱的踪影!那是一只企鹅!它愣在那里看了我们数十秒,然後就以它那可爱的脚步躲得无影无踪。 4tern.com | While we walked, we saw a cute figure at an inter junction. 4tern.com |
原来这里附近有个告示牌,说这里是企鹅出没地。 4tern.com | There is a [...] signboard here, statespenguins appear zone. 4tern.com |
他们的临床经验涵盖园内现有动物品种,以及在 [...] 重建及扩建计划下新引入的动物品种,如居於热带雨林展 馆的灵长类动物,以及为“冰极天地”引进的企鹅、海象和 海豹等。 legco.gov.hk | Their experience includes working with existing animal species in the Park, as well as species newly introduced under the Master Redevelopment Plan (MRP), [...] such as the primates in the Amazon [...] Rainforest, and the penguins, walruses and [...]seals to be introduced to the Polar Adventure. legco.gov.hk |
你可以在Oamaru的Bushy Beach发现黄眼企鹅,在Waterfront Road观看蓝企鹅。 4tern.com | You can spot [...] yellow eyed penguin inBushy Beach, meanwhile Waterfront Road forblue penguins. 4tern.com |
来回一个小时路程,可以确保你在路途中看见海狮及企鹅。 4tern.com | This one hour return track, is the place that you can see [...] the sealions and penguinsinfront of you. 4tern.com |
第一天的旅程是畅游圣地亚哥海洋世界,观赏企鹅、海狮、海豚等海洋动物的精采表演, 晚上并欣赏烟火。 cpad.org | Our first day trip will tour San Diego [...] SeaWorld, watchpenguins,sealions, dolphins [...]and other marine animals' incredible [...]exciting performances, and also watch fireworks at night. cpad.org |
在这里要看企鹅、海狮、海狗、海豚、鲸鱼等等水中动物,都可以轻易地看得到。 4tern.com | You are ableto see penguins, sea lions, fur [...] seals, dolphins, whale and so on. 4tern.com |
企鹅归巢的时间也不定,必须等到接近天黑才会看见它们的踪影。 4tern.com | The time foryelloweyed penguinsreturn home is different [...] during every season. Usually you need to wait till the day nearly dark. 4tern.com |
在南极一片冰封的白色天地里,小企鹅乒乓破壳而出,以无比勇气展开充满惊喜的生命旅程。 hkiac.gov.hk | Later, when Ping becomes a father, he decides to brave the worst of the winter weather and embark on another amazing adventure, this time with his son. hkiac.gov.hk |
在观看蓝企鹅归巢的时候,有两大避忌。 4tern.com | When you are onthe blue penguinsobservation platform, [...] there are two things that you can’t do. 4tern.com |
陈克勤议员: 主席,过去几年,海洋公园不断开拓新景点,并引 [...] 入不同地区的动物在园内饲养,但却接连出现该等动物的死亡个案 (包括中华鲟、蓝鳍吞拿鱼、珊瑚鱼和企鹅等)。legco.gov.hk | MR CHAN HAK-KAN (in Chinese): President, in the past few years, the Ocean Park has continued to develop new attractions and introduce animals from different places for husbandry in the Park, but incidents of death of those [...] animals, including Chinese sturgeon, bluefin tuna, [...] coral reel fish andpenguins,and so on, occurred [...]one after another. legco.gov.hk |
在这里也有纽西兰环境保护局(DOC)设立的观看企鹅小木屋。 4tern.com | There isa penguinobservation hut [...] by Department of Conservation (DOC). 4tern.com |
别小看一个Oamaru,它是纽西兰两大企鹅(蓝企鹅和黄眼企鹅)的栖身之地。 4tern.com | Don’t look down on Oamaru, it is a wildlife habitat for two major penguins, yellow eyed penguinsand bluepenguins. 4tern.com |
没错,这里虽然可以让你免费看见数只小小蓝企鹅,但是你有没有想过,你其实可以看超过两百只蓝企鹅? 4tern.com | Yes, you are able to see [...] several lostblue penguins for free, but have you ever thought of seeing more than twohundredpenguins at once? 4tern.com |
奇怪的是,企鹅们都知道那一间是属於他们的家!一抵达家後,企鹅们都纷纷发出了声音,彷佛在聊今天在大海遇见的事。 4tern.com | When they reached home, all of them made sounds simultaneously. Looks likethey were telling what they did in the sea today. 4tern.com |
联锐科技(Joymax):展示了各款推币机、弹珠台等产品,如「欢乐农场」、「宝贝熊猫(Baby Panda)」、「企鹅宝贝(Penguin’s Paradise)」等游戏,相当受到现场买家的注目。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Joymax: Joymax displayed assorted coin pushers and [...] pinball machines such as “Happy Farm”, [...] “Baby Panda” and “Penguin’s Paradise”, [...]and captured a lot of attention from buyers at the show. taiwanslot.com.tw |
皇帝企鹅的商标,配合其新颖的设计,以及独特的高科技面料处理技术,使Munsingwear在世界各地也得到了广泛的好评。 sogo.com.hk | Withthe emperor penguinlogo as the brand [...] trademark, together with the innovative design and the unique high-technology, [...]Munsingwear has made itself well-honoured in the world. sogo.com.hk |
因此,在Oamaru看蓝企鹅的最佳方法是参与Blue Penguin Colony企鹅团。 4tern.com | The best way to see blue penguins isthrough the Blue PenguinColony Tour. 4tern.com |
把车泊在附近後,步行大约10分钟,就可以来到遥望黄眼企鹅的木屋。 4tern.com | You may park your car nearby, and walk about 10 minutes to the observation hut. 4tern.com |
你想不想知道蓝企鹅回到窝里後会怎麽样? 4tern.com | Are you eager to knowhowpenguins sounds? 4tern.com |
此 App 适用於 iPhone 及 iPad,由企鹅公司与媒体服务商 Dare 共同发展,让读者利用创新的颜色轮选择主题以探索该书。 pearson.com.hk | The app for the iPhone and [...] iPad, developed by Penguinand media services [...]agency Dare, allows readers to delve in and out [...]of the book by topic, using an innovative colour wheel. pearson.com.hk |