单词 | 企求 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 企求—seek forless common: hope to gain desirous 企求verb—wishv begging forv
这也是让 [...] 千百万无辜、正受痛苦煎熬的受害者摆脱困境的需 要,我们每天都能从电视屏幕上看到他们企求的目光。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also the need to answer to the plight of millions of innocent, suffering, [...] victims whose pleading eyes we see [...]daily on our televisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
领土政府为努力支持萎缩的经济,于 2010 年成立了经济、贸易和工业部, 以满足当地百慕大人创业和职业发展的企求。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the efforts of the territorial Government to support a shrinking economy, a Ministry of [...] Economy, Trade and Industry was formed in 2010 [...] to address the needs oflocalbusiness and career aspirationsof [...]Bermudians. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们反映了如下事实:自合作社成立以来,合作社没 有模仿它们的企业竞争对手,没有寻求企业利润最大 化,而是寻求满足其成员——业主的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | They reflect the fact that, since their inception, [...] cooperatives have not sought to ape their corporatecompetitors [...]and maximize their profits, but [...]rather to meet the needs of their member-owners. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过有些企业并不愿意看到自己捐赠的东西再次被销售,因此义卖前要征求企业的意见,以 免影响到与企业间正常的合作关系。 animalsasia.org | However some companies do not want their donations resold, so before embarking on [...] charity sales, consent must be acquired [...] from thedonating enterprisesinorder not to [...]affect the cooperative relationship with them. animalsasia.org |
企业文化要达到“外化于行,固化于制,内化于心”的境界,需要较长时间的历炼,同时要求企业文化建设的主导者对企业文化有很高的认知度。 fentbattery.com | Simultaneously it requires the leader who takes charge of the corporate culture construction has a high awareness of corporate culture. fentbattery.com |
按照备选方案 3,提议在厄立特里亚有采矿利益的各企业的东道国政府要求企业应请求披露以现金或实物方式向厄立特里亚政府支付的所有款项的细目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under option 3 it is proposed that the host Governments of companies with [...] mining interests in Eritrea [...] should require them to disclose details of all payments made to the Government [...]of Eritrea, whether [...]in cash or in kind, upon request. daccess-ods.un.org |
IECQ QC 080000 HSPM 标准指在要求企业须推行有效的流程,以辨识并控制其产品中的有害物质含量。 ul.com | IECQ QC 080000 HSPM standards requirethat organizations have implemented processes to identify and control the hazardous substances content in their products. ul.com |
各国政府应通过建立公私营伙伴关系寻求企业界的参 与,并通过以社区为基础的办法寻求贫穷社区的参与,因为城市的众多居 民往往最了解本地面临的各种挑战,因而往往能够提出令人耳目一新的解 [...] 决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments should seek the participationof business through publicprivate [...] partnerships and of poor communities through [...]community-based approaches, as a city’s various residents often know their local challenges best and therefore often have fresh solutions to offer. daccess-ods.un.org |
台湾大哥大以国际化标准落实公司治理、追求 企业永续发展,堪称台湾企业表率。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | TWM was recognized as a role model for [...] companies in Taiwan for its compliance with the strict rules on corporate [...] governanceandenterprise sustainability [...]development. english.taiwanmobile.com |
一成员还建议要求企业证明其尚能继续生产,以此确保其并非只是为获得供资而重建。 multilateralfund.org | A member [...] also suggested thatenterprises be requiredto demonstrate [...]that they were still in a position to continue production [...]as a means of ensuring that they had not been re-established for the sole purpose of securing funding. multilateralfund.org |
你可以将你的计划以合作申请的形式提 交给相应的商业企业,让对方清晰了解这个合作的基本状况以及预期的结果,寻求企业的帮 助。 animalsasia.org | You can seek help from appropriate business enterprises by submitting your plan in the form of a cooperation application, allowing them to clearly understand the basic conditions of this cooperation and the expected results. animalsasia.org |
借助Emulex OneCore Storage SDK,我们重新设计了驱动程序和支持系统,来简化并加快开发存储解决方案的过程,满足存储阵列和要求企业级高带宽、低延时I/O连接的存储设备市场的动态需求。 emulex.com | With the Emulex OneCore Storage SDK, we’ve redesigned our driver and support system from the ground up in an effort to simplify and accelerate the process of [...] developing storage solutions to [...] meet the dynamic needs of the storage array, and storage appliance markets that require enterprise-class, highbandwidth [...]and low latency I/O connectivity. emulex.com |
值得一提的是,上交所引入了“ 每股社会贡献值”的新概念,来衡量企业对社会创 造的价值。129 2008年,上交所颁布了针对采掘业的 公告,要求企业在年报中注明采矿权获得和转移的 具体情况。 syntao.com | Notably, the stock exchange introduced a method to measure companies’ value creation for society, a formula called Social Contribution Value Per Share (SCVPS).129 In 2008, the SSE also authorized a specific article aimed at the resource extractive industry that requires companies to detail mineral rights acquisitions and transfers in their annual reports.130 SSE’s leadership position has diminished in recent years because other [...] exchanges have enacted [...] more stringent requirements, such aspromoting sustainability awareness and reporting standardsforIPOs or as ongoinglistingrequirements.131The SSE can [...]reclaim its principal [...]position by introducing requirements for the extractive industry to disclose payments to governments on a country-by-country and project-by-project level. syntao.com |
追求 企业价值 的 最 大 化 是 本 集 团 长 期 坚 持 的 目 标,本 [...] 集 团 一 贯 十 分 重 视 股 东 的 利 益 和 回 报。 zte.com.cn | It has been the Group’s long-term [...] objective to maximiseenterprise value and a top [...]priority for the Group to reward shareholders and enhance their interests. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
有海外业务的本国公司,缔约国还应当鼓励他们向东道国提供帮助,包括必要时 在武装冲突和自然灾害的情况下,建立必要的能力,要求企业遵守经济、社会和 文化权利的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | States parties that are home to companies active abroad shall also encourage such companies to assist host States, as appropriate, including in situations of armed conflict and [...] natural disaster, in building [...] the capacities needed toaddress the corporate responsibility [...]for the observance of economic, social and cultural rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有一些国家 制定了扶持行动立法,要求企业必须确保一定百分比的工人年龄在 55 岁或以上, 还确定了优先考虑雇用老年人的工作类型。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other countries have enacted affirmative action legislation under which businesses are required to ensure that a percentage of their workers are aged 55 or older, and identifying types of jobs for which hiring priority should be given to older persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
它基于BSOHSAS 18001:2007标准,要求企业能够通过可靠的风险控制,不断提高员工的安全与健康表现,从而保护自己的劳动力。 tuv-sud.cn | It’s based on the BSOHSAS 18001:2007 standard that enables organisations to practice responsible risk control and continually improve safety and health performance to protect their workforce. tuv-sud.es |
复杂的经济和政治形势要求企业重新思考战略和规划方法。 rolandberger.com.cn | The complex economic and political [...] situation requires a rethinkof the firm'sstrategy and planning [...]approaches. rolandberger.com.cn |
FCPA 还要求企业保持准确的账簿和记录,并保持良好的会计控 制。 eps-materials.com | The FCPA also requirescompanies to keep accurate books and records and to maintain good accounting controls. eps-materials.com |
(c) 履行国家的保护责任意味着,国家应执行旨在要求企业尊重人权的法 律并确保其它专注企业的法律和政策不限制企业尊重人权而是使这种尊重成为可 [...] 能,包括涉及土着人民的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Meeting the State duty to protect implies [...] that the State should enforce laws [...] that are aimed atrequiring business torespect [...]human rights and ensure that other businessfocused [...]laws and policies do not constrain but enable business respect for human rights, including in the context of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
WRI / WBCSD议定书修订版要求企业至少对范 围1和2进行分别统计和报告。 wbcsdcement.org | The revised WRI / WBCSD Protocol requires companies to separately account for and report on scopes 1 and 2. wbcsdcement.org |
以REACH闻名的欧盟(EU)法规——化学品注册、评估、许可和限制(欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2006年12月18日第1907/2006号欧盟指令)——要求企业有责任在整个供应链都要证明其产品的安全性。 gunvorgroup.com | The European Union (EU) regulation known as REACH—Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006)—places responsibility on industry to demonstrate the safety of its products throughout the supply chain. gunvorgroup.com |
在资本/金融市场上,算法交易要求企业快速对市场事件作出响应,来通过从竞争对手手中抢夺业务来增加盈利。 emulex.com | Within capital/financial markets, algorithmic [...] trading requiresfirms to react to market [...]events quickly to increase trade profits [...]by taking business from competitors. emulex.com |
它主要是试图直接根 据国际法,要求企业承担人权义务,义务范围与各国根据其所批准条约而接受的 [...] 义务范围相同:“增进、保证实现、尊重、确保尊重和保护人权”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Essentially,this soughtto imposeon companies, [...] directly under international law, the same range of human rights duties [...]that States have accepted for themselves under treaties they have ratified: “to promote, secure the fulfilment of, respect, ensure respect of and protect human rights”. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,成功要求企业必须以高度先进的可执行解决方案去面对复杂的全球挑战。 exolus.com | Today,success mandates companies to face complex global challenges, with highly advanced executable solutions. exolus.com |
从此以後,1-800-FLOWERS.COM 已收购 了多个门类的品牌,提供从食品、鲜花到儿 [...] 童玩具、家居装潢的全套产品,并设立了一 个专门服务於大需求企业客户的商务礼品服 务部门。 webex.com.hk | The company is an eCommerce pioneer, partnering with AOL in 1994 and establishing an online presence in 1995. 1-800-FLOWERS.COM has since acquired a diverse set of brands offering everything from food and flowers [...] to children’s toys and home décor, with a business gift services division specializing [...] in high-volumecorporate accounts. webex.com.hk |
很多利益有 关方表示,希望上交所的披露规定能够与港交所一 致,或是进一步要求企业按规定发布年度报告。133 与之相呼应的是,有超过80家机构投资者公开支 持“采掘业透明度行动倡议”,数十家独立与机构 [...] 投资者支持多德·弗兰克法案第1504项。 syntao.com | Numerous stakeholders in the survey expressed a desire for [...] the SSE’s to align its [...] reporting requirements with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s listing requirements, or to go [...]beyond by requiring annual [...]reporting.133 Such support is congruent with the over 80 institutional investors who officially support the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the dozens of individual and institutional investors who filed briefs in support of Dodd-Frank 1504. syntao.com |
以色列占领者对这一战略目标的重要性不抱幻 想,并在继续设置各种障碍和要求,企图破坏这些努 力,因为这些努力取得成功将意味着加沙重建的开 [...] 始,以色列在和平进程方面的意图也将大白于天下。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli occupier has no illusions about the importance of this [...] strategic objective and continues [...] to add obstacles and demands aimed at undermining [...]these efforts, whose achievement which [...]would mark the beginning of the reconstruction of Gaza and the moment of truth with regard to Israel’s intentions regarding the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |