

单词 企业管理硕士

See also:


business management (as a study)


Master of Business Administration (MBA)


master's degree
learned person

硕士 n

bachelor's degree n

External sources (not reviewed)

Bernard de Laage先生毕业于巴黎高等金融学院,并在波尔多获得 企业管理 的 硕士 文 凭,此后的多年中,他在波尔多和干邑地区的多家公司担任贸易经理,在葡萄酒和烈酒行业里积累了丰富的经验。
After earning a post-graduate degree in business administration and a degree from the Institut des Hautes Finances in Paris, Bernard de Laage gained first-hand experience in the field of wines and spirits working in sales in Bordeaux and Cognac.
双方的合作包括:与公共管理学院合办的公 管理硕士 ( M P A) 项目 企业 高 管 发展课程(EDP)、公司特设课程(CSP)、教师合作以及学生外事交流活动。
In the meeting, SWJTU and NIMI agreed to
[...] cooperate on Master of Public Administration (MPA) program, Executive [...]
Development Programs (EDP),
Company Specific Programs (CSP), and foreign affairs exchange activities for students and teachers.
1983 年,他取得了纽约大学理工学院的工 管 理 专 业理 学 硕士 学 位 ,并获得了华尔街日报颁发的学生成就奖。
In 1983 he earned a Master of
[...] Science in Engineering Management from Polytechnic Institute [...]
of New York, winning the Wall
Street Journal Student Achievement Award.
业务:新加坡中华总商会属下非营利教育培训机构,提供企业管理课程,包括 业管理 学 士 学位、工商 理硕士 M B A 、高 级 企业管 理 文 凭、企业管理大专文凭。
Business: Provides management courses for business managers and professionals; courses include Diploma, Bachelor, Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and MBA;
also provides short
[...] courses on Chinese culture, language and management, as well as Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification [...]
(WSQ) courses
including Provide GEMS Service (PGS) - Heartland Retailers & Shopping Malls.
主席团满意地注意到秘书处就 水资源冲管理硕士专业所提供的新信息,该专业已成为水教育学院最成功的课程之 [...]
2 类中 心(英国)、教科文组织-水教育学院及联合国世界水资源评估方案(WWAP))共同努力 的完美典范。
The Bureau noted with satisfaction the additional information provided by the
Secretariat on the MSc specialization
[...] on water conflict management, which has become [...]
one of the most successful programmes
offered by the Institute as a perfect example of joint work of various pillars of the UNESCO water family (IHP, the category 2 IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science in Dundee (UK), UNESCO-IHE and the UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP).
2003 级软件工硕士经过企业 实习 一年后,基本都留在了实习单位就业,或找到更合适的工作,就业率达到 100%。
Take graduate students of 2003 in software engineering for example, most of them have been employed by enterprises where they did field [...]
work or got more suitable
jobs in other enterprises, with 100% employment rate.
教科文组织--水教育研究所在 2008--2009 年开展的部分能力建设项目包括:1) 一项超 过 50 个短期课程的培训计划,以及为伊朗供水和卫生部门 业 人 员 安排的一次学习考察活 动;2) 开发水资源研究,提高卢旺达国立大学开 理 科 硕士 教 育的能力;3) 设计和实施在 以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦开展的小规模水处理和人工注水试点项目,交流取得的成果;4) 加 强特立尼达和多巴哥水和污水处理 管 当 局 以及西印度洋大学的能力。
Some examples of capacity building projects that UNESCO-IHE led in the 2008-2009 biennium include (1) a programme of over 50 short courses and study
tours for Iranian
[...] professionals working in the water supply and sanitation sector, (2) development of a water resources research and M.Sc.level education capacity at the National University of Rwanda, (3) design, implement and exchange results produced by pilot-sites for small-scale water treatment and artificial recharge in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, (4) capacity [...]
enhancement for the
Water and Sewerage Authority and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago.
为向市政决策者推介电子治理理念和启 管理硕士 培 训 计划,已在圣多明各举 办了一期讲习班。
A workshop was held in Santo Domingo to introduce the concept of e-governance to municipal policy-makers and to launch the Masters programme.
秘 书 长 先 前 关企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案 (A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议企业资源 规划项目的设计、建 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资 管理 等 核 心功能;第二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成管理制、风险管理、 运输和差旅等其余功能的设计-建 立-测试-部署。
The Secretary-General’s previous
[...] proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and a second wave over a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation [...]
and travel.
Blyzinskyj先生在克兰菲尔德管理学院获得金融与市场营销工 管理硕士 学 位,在伦敦大学国王学院以优异成绩获得电子工程学理学士学位。
Mr. Blyzinskyj holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing from the
[...] Cranfield School of Management, and a B.Sc. degree [...]
with honors in Electronic Engineering
from King's College, University of London.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和
[...] 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进), 企业 内 容 管理 和 客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing),
Lean Six Sigma (non-systems
[...] process improvement), enterprise content management and customer [...]
relationship management, as
well as a fuel management system and a rations management system for peacekeeping functions.
Gomo 先生拥有俄勒冈州立大学的业管理 学 士 学 位 ,以及圣塔克拉拉大学的工 管理硕士。
Mr. Gomo has a B.S. in Business Administration from Oregon State University and an M.B.A. [...]
from Santa Clara University.
训练班、研讨会和讲习班:为中层 业 人 员 和决策者开设经济政策 管理 学 硕士 学位方案(2);为非洲公务员和公、私部门官员举办选定领域的短期课程(20);关于区域 一体化的短期课程;贸易政策和贸易谈判;经济增长和发展,特别注重千年发展目标 [...]
(ii) Training courses, seminars and workshops: master of arts degree programme for
mid-career professionals and
[...] policymakers in economic policy and management (2); short-term courses for African civil [...]
servants and public/private
sector officials in selected areas (20); short-term courses on regional integration; trade policy and trade negotiations; and economic growth and development, with particular emphasis on the Millennium Development Goals and meeting Africa’s special needs (8)
布宜诺斯艾利斯,萨尔塔天主教大学,法医科学学位课程,毒理学教授,2005 年;布宜诺斯艾利斯大学高级研究中心,药物滥用问题跨学 硕士 学 位方 案 管理 委员 会成员,2000-2005 年;营养学、食品科学和毒理学系系主任,1999-2001 年;布宜诺斯艾利斯大学医学院,担任评价和选拔学生作为毒理学 业 医 生 培养 对象的委员会成员(1989 年、1990 年、1991 年、1995 年、1998 年和 2001 年)。
Professor of Toxicology, forensic science degree course, Catholic University of Salta, Buenos Aires, 2005; member of the Commission for the
Administration of the
[...] Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree Programme on the Problem of Drug Abuse, Advanced Studies Centre, University of Buenos Aires, 2000-2005; Director of the Department of Health, Nutrition, Bromatology and Toxicology, 1999-2001; member of a committee for the evaluation and selection of students to train as doctors specializing [...]
in toxicology
(1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1998 and 2001), Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires.
徐浩洵以优异成绩获得西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)工管理硕士学位 ,以及纽约州立大学视觉科学/光学 业 博 士 学位。
David received his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, where he graduated [...]
with high distinction.
同时提供语言、文化课程,协 企业管理 人 员 和专业 士 为 到 中国发展作好准备。
It also conducts Chinese language and culture programmes to prepare businessmen and professionals to venture into the China market.
教科文组织预计将参加国家方案成果,改 进治理和社会保护,通过修订教学大纲和培训教师,确保质量和包容性强的教育,特 别是处于社会边缘地位的人群;加强数据收集 管理 的 能 力;加强环境的可持续性; 方案与执行;预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病;获得有效的知识体系和机制;通过便利和支持增 加就业和生计的机会,以发展一 企业 家 文 化、改善地方微型、小中 企业 的 商 业气 候,包括技能培训更新,特别是对妇女和青年的培训。
UNESCO foresees participation in CP Outcomes in improved governance and social protection, ensuring quality and inclusive education through curriculum revision and teacher training, especially for marginalized groups;
strengthened capacities for
[...] data collection and management; strengthened environmental sustainability policy, programmes and implementation; HIV/AIDS prevention; access to effective knowledge systems and mechanisms; enhanced employment and livelihood opportunities through facilitation and support to develop an entrepreneurship culture, improved local business climates for micro-, small- and medium-enterprise sectors, including [...]
upgrading of skills
training with special attention to women and youth.
具体职能包括:系统分析,将现 有系统的数据移入新的客户关系管理系统,对客户关系管理系统和 业 内 容管 理、企业资源规划等其他全机构系统进行必要的集成。
Specific functions would include: systems analysis, migration of data from existing systems to the new customer
relationship management system and working on the required integration between the customer relationship management system and
[...] other enterprise-wide systems, including the enterprise content management and enterprise [...]
resource planning systems.
罗瑞麟获得哈佛商学院工管理硕士 学 位 ,并拥有米德学院(Middlebury College)国际政治与经济学业学士 学位。
Erik holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in International Politics and Economics from Middlebury College.
他拥有麻省理工机械工程的学士及硕士学位,并以制造业领袖项目 (Leaders for Manufacturing) 学员的身份加入麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院,获得 业管理硕士 学 位
He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a master's degree in
business administration from MIT's
[...] Sloan School of Management, which he attended as a Leaders for Manufacturing Fellow.
2008年,他以优异的成绩取得了伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)国际政治经济 理 学 硕士 学 位 ,同时开始就职于英国伦敦 业 金 融 学院。
In 2008 he also completed with Merit an MSc in International Political Economy from the
London School of Economics and
[...] Political Science (LSE) while embarking on a career at London School of Business & Finance.
经社会认为,根据亚洲及太平洋技术转让中心(技转中心)理事会的报 告,该中心在缩短本区域的技术能力失衡方面发挥了重要作用,并赞扬该中 心在中企业管理技术 转让和创新的能力建设方面开展的工作。
The Commission held the view, based on the report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), that the Centre played an important role in bridging the technology capacity imbalance in
the region and commended the work
[...] undertaken by the Centre in building the capacity of SMEs to manage technology transfer [...]
and innovation.
温巧夫总理对于 三星电子副总裁Austin Kim博士和John Lee博士一行 表示衷心感谢,他说,致力于打造世界级优秀天 线 企业 , 是 硕 贝 德 人的追求,过往时间硕贝德经过三星电子的严格审核,公司已经成为三星电子的合格供应商,双方现在合作也很默契,我们希望硕贝德将来有更多的机会,更加深入地为三星电子提供更广泛的专业服务。
General manager Wen Qiaofu to Samsung vice president Dr. Austin Kim and Dr. John Lee and his party
[...] express hearthelt thanks, he says, committed to creating a world class excellent antenna enterprise, is the pursuit of Speed, passing time Speed through a rigorous examination of the [...]
Samsung Electronics,,and has become Samsung Electronics Company qualified suppliers,borh sides now cooperation very good, we hope that the Speed will have more opportunities, more in depth for the Samsung Electronics provides a wide range of professional services.
竞争情报企业竞争策略硕士专业目 的:借助竞争信 理 论 及 实践来回答国际 化经济范畴内的问题:在目前国际化及知识经济全球化的背景下增强企业、 地区乃至 国家的竞争力?
The main objective of the master “Competitive Intelligence and Business Strategy” (CIBS) is to use methodological [...]
and practices
of Competitive Intelligence to analyse one question in International Economy : how rise the competitiveness of firms, territories and countries in a world characterised by a double mutation (the globalisation of the economies and the new development of Knowledge Economy) ?
2007 年,在其关于联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查的第 62/208
[...] 号决议中,大会明确鼓励:继续制定统一办法,如采用《国际公共部门会 计准则》,实现审计定义和评级的标准化,采取统一的现金转账办法,吁请各基 金、方案机构和专门机构进一步协调和简化其业务做法,认识到统一人力资管 理、企业资源 规划系统、财务、行政、采购、安保、信息技术、电信、差旅和银 行业务的重要性。
In 2007, in its resolution 62/208 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, the General Assembly explicitly encouraged: the continuing development of harmonized approaches such as the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, the standardization of audit definitions and ratings, and the harmonized approach to cash transfers, called upon the United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies to
further harmonize and
[...] simplify their business practices, and recognized the importance of harmonizing human resources management, enterprise resource planning [...]
systems, finance, administration,
procurement, security, information technology, telecommunications, travel and banking.
诺可言士除了 在机械、汽车、消费耐用品以及其他工业用品方面拥有丰富经验与知识外,他在生产、采购、研发、供应 管理 、 企业 战 略 以及并购方面也有独到见解与经验。
With rich expertise and experience in machinery, automotive,
consumer durables, and
[...] other industrial goods, Dr. Neuner also has extensive experience and unique insights in the functional areas of manufacturing, sourcing, R&D, supply chain management, corporate strategy, and M&A.
[...] 临的挑战,要求采取以学生为中心的革新的 和灵活的方法,包括重新调整课程设置,将 一些新的科目和问题,如技术、环境、外语 和文化企业管理,以 及迅速发展的服务行 业的要求等都考虑在内。
The challenges facing technical and vocational education in the twenty-first century demand learner-centred innovative and flexible approaches including a reoriented curriculum to take account of new subjects and issues such as technology, the
environment, foreign languages
[...] and cultures, entrepreneurship and the requirements of rapidly growing service industries.
林博士持有加拿大渥太华大学之科学及数学学士、系统科学硕士及工 管理硕士 学 位 、加拿大加尔顿大学之国家行政研究院文凭、英国曼彻斯特城市大学之香港及英国法律深造文凭及法律学士学位、香港城市大学法学 业 证 书 及大律师公会培训课程,及香港大学之哲学博士学位,并于2008年9月成为实习大律师。
Dr. Lam holds a
[...] Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Sciences, a Master of Science in Systems Science, and a Master of Business Administration, all from the University of Ottawa in Canada, a Post-graduate Diploma in Public Administration from Carleton [...]
University in
Canada, a Post-graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law and a Bachelor of Law from Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK, a PCLL (and has completion of the Bar Course) from the City University of Hong Kong, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Hong Kong and commenced as a Pupil at the Hong Kong Bar in September 2008.
Fuller 先生以 优异成绩 毕业于佩斯大学/鲁宾商学院,持有工商管理学学士学位,主修工商管理,副修 业 法 ,并持有哥伦比亚大学商学院工 管理 ( 金融 ) 硕士 学 位,是以瑞士信贷第一波士顿研究员的身份就读的。
Mr. Fuller received a BBA with a major in Business Management and a minor in Business Law, magna mum laude from Pace University/Lubin School of Business, and his MBA with a concentration in Finance from Columbia Business School, where he attended as a Credit Suisse First Boston Fellow.




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