

单词 企业管理



Master of Business Administration (MBA)

See also:

管理 n

management n
administration n
governance n
supervision n



管理 adj

administrative adj
managing adj
managerial adj

External sources (not reviewed)

企业管理人员 、销售人员和客户之间建立了一个立体的管理系统,帮助企业对内和对外实现以“客户为中心”的全方位管理。
It is in business management , sales staff and customers to establish a solid management systems to [...]
help businesses achieve
internal and external "customer centric" comprehensive management.
企业管理的情况下,海关 保税证明书必须在政府部门公告。
In the latter case a customs bond must be posted with the government.
经社会认为,根据亚洲及太平洋技术转让中心(技转中心)理事会的报 告,该中心在缩短本区域的技术能力失衡方面发挥了重要作用,并赞扬该中 心在中企业管理技术 转让和创新的能力建设方面开展的工作。
The Commission held the view, based on the report of the Governing Council of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), that the Centre played an important role in bridging the technology capacity imbalance in
the region and commended the work
[...] undertaken by the Centre in building the capacity of SMEs to manage technology transfer [...]
and innovation.
现在,IT在我的眼中无异于企业,考虑到IT人员的复杂性、系统的多样性以及高额的年度预算等因素,良好的IT管理甚至 企业管理 更 为 重要。
Now, in my eyes, IT is no different from business, and good management is even more important in IT than in business, considering the complexity of IT staffs, various systems, and
huge annual budget, etc. The Business Technology Practice is a place to
[...] build cutting-edge management thinking to reach [...]
business and IT alignment.
[...] 临的挑战,要求采取以学生为中心的革新的 和灵活的方法,包括重新调整课程设置,将 一些新的科目和问题,如技术、环境、外语 和文化企业管理,以 及迅速发展的服务行 业的要求等都考虑在内。
The challenges facing technical and vocational education in the twenty-first century demand learner-centred innovative and flexible approaches including a reoriented curriculum to take account of new subjects and issues such as technology, the
environment, foreign languages
[...] and cultures, entrepreneurship and the requirements of rapidly growing service industries.
特别值得注意的问题有:普通中等教育 与中等职业技术教育之间的衔接、课程改革 企业管理 能 力 、正规教育和非正规教育的资质 认定标准体系、与劳动力市场的联系、资金的筹措和成本效益、性别平等、改进享受职业技 [...]
Issues of particular concern include: the articulation between general and technical and vocational
secondary education;
[...] curricular reform; entrepreneurship; qualifications frameworks for formal [...]
and non-formal education; links to the labour market; financing
and cost effectiveness; gender equality; and new approaches to improving access to and the status of TVET.
全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近日荣膺小 企业管理 局 20 11年度亚利桑那出口商称号的Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M [...]
Vante, a leader in medical device
equipment manufacturing and recently honored as
[...] 2011 Small Business Administration (SBA) Arizona [...]
Exporter of the Year, is rolling
out a dynamic, choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd.
与会者一致认为浙江拥有近万家汽车零部件(用品)生产企业这一产业集群和宁波港出口贸易的优越条件,建立一个为汽车零部件(用品)生产企业融入OEM配套供应链和汽车后市场采购链,并提供信息交流、采购对接、技术咨询、产品实验、检测认证 企业管理 、 合 资融资等服务的经营与发展平台十分必要。
It was agreed that Zhejiang has Jin Wanjia auto parts (supplies) production enterprises of this industry clusters and export trade port of Ningbo favourable conditions for the establishment of an auto parts (supplies) into the OEM production enterprises supporting the supply chain and automotive After the market procurement chain, and to provide information exchange, procurement and docking, technical advice,
product test,
[...] certification testing, enterprise management, venture financing and other business services and [...]
development platform is very necessary.
美国企业管理局网 站提供每月在线讨论论坛,小企业主和专家可以在此讨论创业问题。
The U.S. Small Business Administration website contains [...]
a monthly online chat discussion forum where small business owners
and experts can discuss entrepreneurship.
北京联通经营分析系统(ODS)处于商务管理层,依托于业务管理层的计费账务系统、业务管理系统、客户服务系统、结算系统和商务管理层的财务系统等系统,将客服、营业、财务、市场等多个系统提供的数据整合到统一的信息库,对庞大的数据量进行加载/清洗/转换、整合,对外提供查询、数据交互等功能,实现数据标准的统一和系统间的数据共享,为管理者提供市场、经营等全面的分析信息, 企业管理 和 决策强的有力依据。
    Beijing Unicom’s ODS system is at the business management layer (BML), which, on strength of the billing system, service management system, client service system and settlement system at the service management layer (SML), and financial system at BML, integrates data from client service, sales, financial and marketing
systems to a central information bank, loads/cleans/transforms and integrates the massive data, and
[...] provides query and data interaction functions.
如此一来,使用此项技术的员工,无论使设计者、装配或维修 人员都能找到合适的培训课程,就像 企业管理 中 的 员工一样, 例如采购。
In this way, the technically oriented employee, whether a designer, fitter or maintenance person
can find the right training course, in the same way as the
[...] employee in business administration, for example [...]
in purchasing.
他曾在德国明斯特的威廉大学攻 企业管理 , 毕业后从1990年开始在双子星顾问公司担任国际项目经理一职。
After studying business administration at Wilhelms University in Munster, Germany, the graduate economist worked as international project manager for Gemini [...]
Consulting from 1990.
办公自动化系统(OA)将企业分(子) 公司、财务、行政、人事、业务等部门有效整合在一起,不再是各自独立的信息孤岛 企业管理 层 或 决策者能迅速得到来自企业内部的各种信息、数据,并可对单位内人、财、物及事件等有效跟进、监督,并以此为依据形成企业战略决策。
Office automation system (OA) business hours (a) the company, financial, administrative, personnel, operations and other departments to effectively together, is no
longer a separate island
[...] information, business management or decision-makers can receive from the enterprise internal information, [...]
data, and wife
of units, financial, and material and events, such as effective follow-up, supervision, and the basis for the formation of corporate strategic decision-making.
同时提供语言、文化课程,协 企业管理 人 员 和专业人士为到中国发展作好准备。
It also conducts Chinese language and culture programmes to prepare businessmen and professionals to venture into the China market.
(a) 根据对布隆迪加入东非共同体的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行的分析,
[...] 最后完成区域一体化国家战略,作好应对一体化进程各项复杂问题的准备; (b) 加紧努力提高英语教学,提 企业管理 部 门 以适当方式回应区域一体化 要求的能力。
(b) Increase efforts to improve the
teaching of English, and improve the
[...] performance of business administration to respond [...]
to the demands of regional integration in an appropriate manner.
该计划将针对未提供知识产 企业管理 教 育 国家的企 业经理。
The Program
[...] will target business executives from countries [...]
where IP executive education is unavailable.
通过将股东价值创造、客户管理、流程管理、质量管理、核心能力、创新、人力资源、信息技术、组织设计和组织学习等诸多战略内容及其相互关系在一张图上反映出来, 战略图表能够非常高效地企业管理 人 员 以及普通员工描述企业战略。
By connecting such things as shareholder value creation, customer management, process management, quality management, core capabilities, innovation, human resources, information technology, organizational design and learning with one another in one graphical representation, Strategy
Maps can help greatly in describing the strategy and to communicate the
[...] strategy among executives and to their employees.
管理或转交由政府主导的协会组织和由国家出资组建的合 企业管理的 住 房建设基金转归摩尔多瓦共和国及其合作组织(合资公司或其他实体)私 [...]
人所有,从而覆盖他们的住房需求,同时为公民自由取得不动产所有权 奠定真实的基础。
(1) The privatisation of the housing fund is a process of transfer
of the state and collective
[...] organisations housing fund, managed by the state authorities [...]
over which the state has property
rights or transferred them to state associations and cooperative enterprises, built from the state resources, into the private property of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and their associations (joint-stock companies, other entities) to cover their housing needs and formation of real basis for the right to freely own real estate properties.
常通过联合方案提供支持,如妇女署 领导的埃塞俄比亚两性平等联合方案,该方案向联邦微小型企业局提供支持,其 中包括对约 4 000 名妇女进行市场营销企业管理技能 培训,对 5 000 多名妇女 进行开始经商或扩大其业务的培训。
Support was often provided through joint programming, such as the UN-Women-led Joint Programme on Gender Equality in Ethiopia, which provided support
to the Federal Micro
[...] and Small Enterprise Agency, including the training of almost 4,000 women in marketing and business management skills and over 5,000 [...]
women in initiating business engagements or expanding their businesses.
Hennessy先生在澳大利亚有着丰富 企业管理 经 验 ,负责7个总公司的全部或主要的系统和流程重组。
Mr. Hennessy’s business transformation experience [...]
is amongst the most extensive in Australia, having been responsible for
all or significant parts of 7 total company systems and process transformations.
杨先生在信息技术、金融服务以 企业管理 方 面拥有多年的经验。
Mr. Young has years of experience in information technology,
[...] financial services and business management.
业务:新加坡中华总商会属下非营利教育培训机构,提 企业管理 课 程 ,包 企业管理 学 士学位、工商管理硕士MBA、高 企业管理 文 凭 、 企业管理 大 专 文凭。
Business: Provides management
[...] courses for business managers and professionals; courses include Diploma, Bachelor, Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and MBA; also provides short courses on Chinese culture, language and management, as well as Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) courses including Provide GEMS Service (PGS) - Heartland Retailers & Shopping Malls.
在中小企业方案框架下,其中一个目标就是通过增强中小企业的生产 能力企业管理能力和消除歧视,促进妇女快速和谐地融入促进中小 企业发展活动中。
One objective of the Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SME) Programme is to contribute to women's balanced and speedy integration into the SME promotion process by building their capacities for enterprise creation and management and by eliminating discrimination.
每次为期两天的工作坊内容包括有店长/主管的培训/教练角色、专业资格的需求、全面顾客满足的概念、系统化的有效零售服务培训及零售业培训技能的实习示范等,并由国 企业管理 顾 问 公司担任培训指导,以互动学习方式教授。
The topics of each two-day workshop include The Role of the Manager/Supervisor as a Trainer/Coach, Requirements for Professionalism, Total Customer Satisfaction Concept, System Approach to Effective Retails Service Training, Practical Demonstration of Retail Training Skills, etc, which
will be lectured by the
[...] trainers from an international management development company through [...]
interactive learning method.
常博逸先生长期致力于观察中国社会发展与经济动态,通过其多年的经验积累,于2011年著就了并出版了《中国的管理革命:精神、土地、能量》一书,通过对多位中国企业家代表的访谈,提出了具有中国特色的全新管理模式以供广大中国企业家参考,获得了中 企业管理 界 的 关注。
In 2011, Mr. Bouée incorporated his personal observations of Chinese
social and economic development during the past six years in his
[...] book, "China's Management Revolution: Spirit, [...]
Land, Energy.
SGI公司的解决方案帮助用户应对计算挑战,包括是否可以通过研究药物、设计和制造更安全更高效汽车和飞机、研究全球气候变化、提供国土安全及国防技术,以及帮 企业管理 大 量 数据,实现提高生活质量的目标等。
SGI solutions help customers solve their computing challenges whether it's enhancing the quality of life through drug research, designing and manufacturing safer and more efficient cars and airplanes, studying
global climate change, providing technologies for homeland security and
[...] defense, or helping enterprises manage large data.
2011年香港商业奖简介 香港商业奖于1990年由DHL和香港南华早报创办,奖项的目的在于: 1)
[...] 每年公开表彰对保持及加强香港及珠三角洲的经济繁荣与国际地位做出突出贡献的香港工商业人士及机构; 2) 激发并维持企业家的精神,表彰并肯定优秀 企业管理 标 准
ABOUT Hong Kong Business Award 2011 The Hong Kong Business Awards were established by DHL and the South China Morning Post in 1990 with the following aims and objectives: 1) To create an annual Business Awards to acknowledge publicly the vital contributions made by individuals and by companies in maintaining and expanding the economic viability and international stature in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. 2) To create an environment through which the Business Awards will encourage and sustain the
region's entrepreneurial spirit, and highlight and recognize
[...] excellent standards of corporate management and governance.
新的笔记本电脑后,联想创新的新一套适合关键业务需求设计的,如视频和语音呼叫,权力和绩效管理,全天的电池寿命 企业管理 和 直 观,易于使用的计算智能电脑功能经验。
The new notebooks are designed upon a set of new Lenovo innovations to fit key business needs like video and voice calling, smart PC
features for power and
[...] performance management, all-day battery life, enterprise management and an intuitive, [...]
easy-to-use computing experience.
公司目前主要生产各类工业自动化仪器仪表,铅酸电池充电器,锂电池充电器,镍氢电池充电器,镍镉电池充电器,锂电池管理系统(BMS),锂电池过压保护器,直流变换器,电动汽车充电设备等,注册“阳明”商标 企业管理 已 通 过ISO9000:2000认证,公司致力于提升核心竞争力,致力于提升人员素质。
Currently the main production of various kinds of industrial automation instruments and meters, lead-acid battery chargers, lithium battery charger, nickel-hydrogen battery chargers, nickel-cadmium battery chargers, lithium battery management system (BMS), lithium battery over-voltage protection, DC Converters, electric vehicle recharging facilities, registered "Yangming" trademark, enterprise management has adopted ISO9000: 2000
certification, the
[...] products of its advanced design, full-featured, high-precision, small size of that majority of users at home and abroad greatly welcome , [...]
And some products have been certified by CE.




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