

单词 任职期间

See also:


hold an office or post

期间 conj

during conj


period of time
time period

External sources (not reviewed)

主席还感谢各位成员在任职期间给 予 的支 持,他的任期将于本次会议结束后到期。
He also thanked members for their support during his term as Chair, which [...]
would come to an end at the close of the present meeting.
为特别法庭服务的警卫在法 任职期间 受 到 了最好的培 训,他们现在为拘留设施以及总统的国家安全服务。
The guards serving the Special Court now serve that facility and the national security of the President, having received the finest training in their tenure at the Special Court.
鉴于这是其所主持的执行委员会最后一次会议,委员会感谢主席在 任职期间 熟练 地指导了委员会的讨论。
As it was the last Meeting of the
Executive Committee over which he would preside, the Committee paid tribute to the Chair for guiding the discussions
[...] so skilfully during his term of Office.
在 Grant 先任职期间,公司的全球业务已扩大到包括亚洲、拉丁美洲和欧洲的销售办事处。
During Mr. Grant's tenure the company's [...]
global presence has expanded to include sales offices in Asia, Latin America and Europe.
在这方面,小组委员会建议司法部和卫生部制定监狱所有卫生保健人员在 任职前任职期间的具 体培训方案,以确保卫生保健和医疗专业人员提供的卫生 [...]
In this regard, the SPT recommends that the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health develop a specific
training programme for all health care
[...] staff prior to and during postings in prisons, [...]
in order to ensure that the quality and
appropriateness of health care and health prevention programmes provided by the health care professionals.
在其于 Pitney Bowes 任职期间,他 成功地推动了在其成熟市场的变革,创造了新的收入流,以进入新的市场并确保公司的可持续发展。
Over his time at Pitney Bowes, he was successful in driving transformational change in their mature markets and creating new revenue streams to enter new markets and ensure company sustainability.
本报告注意到该进程产生的提议,其中包 括关于加强成员选举及任职期间的 独 立性、可否随时参与工作和职权问题的提议, [...]
将编入高级专员在 2012 年提出的报告,但依然就短期内如何处理现有积压以及该体 系长期内如何行之有效,同时将来又不会产生更多积压两个问题提出了两项提议。
While noting that the proposals stemming from this process, including on the question of strengthening independence,
availability and competence in the election of
[...] members and during their terms, will be compiled [...]
in a report that the High Commissioner
will launch in 2012, the present report makes two proposals as to how current backlogs could be tackled in the short term and on how the system could work over the long term, without creating further backlogs in the future.
[...] 的主轴,因此我谨向大会第六十五届会议当选主席保 证,非洲国家将在他整任职期间提 供 充分的支持和 积极的合作。
Welcoming his commitment to the ideals of our Organization and noting the major axes of its activities, I should like to assure the President-elect of the General
Assembly at its sixty-fifth session of the full support and vigorous cooperation
[...] of African States throughout his tenure.
任职期间,他监督了通用汽车的新动向 – 从 IBM 桌面环境迁移到运行于 [...]
Linux 系统之上的 IGEL 瘦客户机。
During his tenure, he has overseen [...]
a new trend at GM – the migration from an IBM desktop environment to IGEL thin clients running on Linux.
迫切需要增加教师的人数并提高他们的教学素质,其方法是制定全面、 跨部门的政策,解决征聘、任职前 任职期间 的 培 训、留用、职业发展、 评审、雇用和教学条件以及教师地位等问题。
There is urgent need to increase the number of teachers and enhance the quality of their teaching through comprehensive cross-sectoral policies that address issues of recruitment, pre-service and in-service training, retention, professional development, evaluation, employment and teaching conditions, as well as teacher status.
2010 年 11 月 15
[...] 日,即将离任的委员会主席克劳德·埃列尔大使在联合通报会上报告情况 后,向安全理事会通报了委员会在 任职期间 的 活 动。
On 15 November 2010, the outgoing Chair of the Committee, Ambassador Claude Heller,
briefed the Security Council on the activities of the
[...] Committee during his tenure, following his [...]
report at the joint briefing.
小组委员会欢迎 Tare Charles Brisibe(尼日利亚)当选为 2012-2013 年期间 的主席,并感谢离任的主席 Ahmad Talebzadeh(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)任职期 间推动了小组委员会的工作。
The Subcommittee welcomed the election of Tare Charles Brisibe (Nigeria) as its Chair for the period 2012-2013 and
expressed its
[...] appreciation to the outgoing Chair, Ahmad Talebzadeh (Islamic Republic of Iran), for furthering the work of the Subcommittee during his term of office.
法官和司法官任职期间不得 兼任其他公职或任何私人职务,也不得从事 任何政治活动或于政治团体中担任职务。
During their term of office, judges and Procurators may not concurrently assume other [...]
public or private posts, nor may they assume any post
in organizations of a political nature (art. 89 (3) of the BL and art. 24 of Law 10/1999).
对于选举常设中央麻醉品管制局成员,理事会认为可以任命一名法官、大学 教授、医生、律师或其他专业的专家,而不必要求被任命者在麻管 任职期间放 弃他的职位或停止其专业。
In the case of elections to PCNB, the Council has considered that it may appoint a judge, a university professor, a medical practitioner, a
lawyer, or specialists
[...] of other professions, without requiring that the person appointed give up his [...]
position or cease to exercise
his profession while serving on the Board.
仔细阅读你的具体职责和国 际演讲会日程表,在整任职期间应 参 照本手册中的内容行事。
Pay special attention to your specific role and the Toastmasters calendar, and use the
[...] manual as a reference throughout your term.
建议 4:各立法机构应该决定,行预咨委会、公务员制度委员会以及联检组和联合国系
[...] 统其它类似机构的成员,应遵守一项统一的制度,使他们 任职期间 以 及 在离任后三年内, 不得在他们所担负过监督职责的联合国系统组织内工作,包括担任顾问。
Recommendation 4: The legislative bodies should decide that the members of ACABQ, ICSC and JIU and other similar bodies within the United Nations system be
subject to a uniform regime barring
[...] them from any appointment, including as a consultant, [...]
in the United Nations system
organizations for which they have had oversight responsibilities both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.
任职期间,勤 奋工作,促进中国所有派别天主教徒之间的了解,并为中国和圣座之间的和解点燃了希望之光。
During his years of service, he worked diligently [...]
to promote understanding between Chinese Catholics of all persuasions
and provided a beacon of hope for reconciliation between China and the Holy See.
在加入 Blackstone 之前,Skrenta 先生是瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行全球工业和服务部的一名经理 任职期间 , 他曾在纽约和伦敦经手大量资本市场和咨询项目。
Before joining Blackstone, Mr. Skrenta was an Associate at Credit Suisse First Boston in its
Global Industrial and
[...] Services Group, where he worked on a wide range of capital markets and advisory assignments in New York [...]
and London.
在此后的15年中,帕森斯看好高增长市场并丰富了公司的业务范围,在 任职期间 共 对 包括威诺、热敏碟、美国电气电机(U.S. Electrical Motors)、里奇工具和 爱适易等 36 家公司进行了收购。
Over the next 15 years, Persons targets high-growth markets and diversifies the company’s business portfolio, acquiring 36 companies during his tenure, including White-Rodgers, Therm-O-Disc, U.S. Electrical Motors, Ridge Tool, and InSinkErator.
[...] 以是股东,但不得为董事或本公司高级人员或雇员,该等人士 任职期间 无 资 格担任 本公司核数师。
Such auditor may be a Member but
no Director or officer or employee of
[...] the Company shall, during his continuance [...]
in office, be eligible to act as an auditor of the Company.
对这个问题感到关切的各 个代表团只是希望这项决议的措辞反映它们担心解 雇偿金可能任职期间满 10 年或 10 年以上的工作人 员所误用。
The delegations with concerns about the issue simply wished the wording of the resolution to reflect their concern about possible abuses of the termination indemnity by staff with 10 or more years of service.
自2006年,卢先生担任文思海辉的董事兼首席执行官, 任职期间 , 他 建立了广泛的跨国客户群,并积极开发新的国际市场。
Mr. Loh has served as Director and Chief Executive Officer of Pactera (formerly hiSoft) since 2006, working to expand global operations and building a robust base of multinational clients.
在 JDSU(之前是 Acterna)任职期间,他 也从事过美国马里兰和奥地利维也纳地区的销售管理职位。
During his tenure with JDSU (formerly Acterna) he also held sales management positions based in Maryland , USA and Vienna, Austria.
我应特别感谢科索沃特派团的所有工作人员,即 那些在 6 月 30 日后将继续为科索沃特派团工作的人 员,以及特别是在科索沃特派团的任职已经届满或在
[...] 今后三个月内将届满的那些工作人员,感谢他们在科 索沃特派任职期间所表现的奉献精神、敬业精神和 承诺。
I owe a special debt of gratitude to all of UNMIK’s staff — those who will continue to work for UNMIK after the 30 June and, in particular, those whose tenure with UNMIK has ended or will end during the next
three months — for the dedication, professionalism and commitment they have
[...] demonstrated during their tenure with UNMIK.
公平与和解委员 会在任职期间和不 同利益攸关方在实施其建议过程中推出的项目使机构调整方 [...]
案有了新的动力,这些方案尤其涉及司法改革和加强其独立性、提升刑事政策、 战略规划和促进人权文化。
The initiatives launched by the
Equity and Reconciliation
[...] Commission during its mandate and by the various [...]
stakeholders during the implementation of its recommendations
have given a new momentum to structural programmes, in particular with respect to reform of the justice system, the strengthening of its independence, the updating of criminal policy, strategic planning and the promotion of a culture of human rights.
[...] 就此投票的决议案另行指示)按董事会可能协议的比例及方式分配予各董事会,如 未能达成协议则由各董事平分;惟倘董 任职期间 短 于 有关支付酬金的整段期间 者,则仅可按其在任时间的比例收取酬金。
The ordinary remuneration of the Directors shall from time to time be determined by the Company in general meeting and shall (unless otherwise directed by the resolution by which it is voted) be divided amongst the Board in such proportions and in such manner as the Board may agree or, failing agreement, equally, except
that any Director who shall hold office
[...] for part only of the period in respect of which [...]
such remuneration is payable shall
be entitled only to rank in such division for a proportion of remuneration related to the period during which he has held office.
在Matica公任职期间,Up in领导进行了两起收购的整合工作,推动了该公司在伦敦证券交易所AIM市场上市的进程,此外他还在公司内部实施质量战略,执行全面的质量流程。
In his role at Matica, Upin led the integration [...]
of two acquisitions, facilitated the process to take the company public
on the London Stock Exchange AIM Market, introduced quality strategies and implemented a full quality process within the organization.
小组委员会感谢即将离任的主席 Ulrich Huth(德国)任职期间为小组 委员会取得更大成绩所发挥的领导作用和作出的贡献。
The Subcommittee expressed its
[...] appreciation to the outgoing Chair, Ulrich Huth (Germany), for his leadership and contribution to furthering the achievements of the Subcommittee during his term of office.
其他一切权利和累计福利应于死亡之日终止,但如工作人员细则 3.9(f)所规定, 工作人员在学年开始后任职期间死 亡 时,教育补助金的支付,不受此限制。
All other entitlements and accrual of benefits shall cease as at the date of death, except as provided by staff rule 3.9 (f) for payment of education grant when the staff member dies while in service after the beginning of a school year.




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