

单词 任教

任教 ()

work as teacher

External sources (not reviewed)

UNESCO participated in the preparation of the UNDAF, under which the Office and UNICEF are
[...] co-Chairpersons of the Education Commission.
根據學生在較長時段內 的表現,並由認識學生任教教師進 行評核,可以提供較為可靠的學生評 核。
Obtaining assessments based on student performance over an extended period of time and
developed by those who know the students
[...] best – their subject teachers – provides a more [...]
reliable assessment of each student.
还拟议把一名航空助理(本国一般事务)员额调往区域服务中心, 任教 育补 助金科行政助理。
It is also proposed to reassign one Aviation Assistant
(national General Service) post to the Regional Service Centre, as an Administrative
[...] Assistant in the Education Grant Section.
不過,要進㆒步改善學前教育,我們必須繼續在統㆒學前教育 的問題㆖入手,令兒童無論在幼稚園或幼兒㆗心接受教育,都會在政府的資助及監管 之㆘,使教育的質素有保證;任教 和 服 務於幼稚園或幼兒㆗心的教師都有合理的薪 酬待遇;以及開辦更多職前、文憑及學位的幼兒教育師訓課程,提高學前教育工作者 的入職條件、資歷及專業㆞位。
We will also see to it that the teachers who teach and serve in kindergartens and child care centres will have reasonable salaries, and that the Government will set up more pre-service, certificate and degree courses in the training of kindergarten teachers to raise the employment qualifications, experience and professional status of pre-school education workers.
若 然 認 為 在 校 內 進 行 會 見 是 有 必
[...] 要,會 見 應 只 在 取 得任 教 師 或 其 指 定 代 表 的 同 [...]
意 並 在 其 在 場 之 下 方 可 進 行 。
Where it is found essential to conduct the
interview at school, this should be done only with the consent, and in the
[...] presence, of the head teacher, or his nominee.
后来,特别工作组的成员扩大到包括教育部门的所有 任 、 教 科 文 组织 中央职能部门的负责人以及相关研究所的主任和一些总部外办事处,主要是地区教育办事处 [...]
The membership was later expanded
[...] to include all Education Sector directors, [...]
the heads of the Organization’s central services,
and directors of relevant institutes and certain field offices, notably the Regional Bureaux for Education.
另一方面,學生要任教師會 尊重他們的努力,給予機會討論他們的理解,並解釋他們對解決 [...]
On the other hand, the
[...] students must trust the teacher to respect their [...]
efforts and give them opportunities to discuss their
understanding and explain their attempts to solve the problems.
据提交人,大学不再雇用 他任教师, 因为他依良心拒服兵役;国防部已经阻止他在支付“社会保障”的 [...]
According to the author, the university will no longer
[...] employ him as a teacher due to his conscientious [...]
objection to serving in the military;
the Ministry of National Defence has prevented him from being employed at a place that ―pays social security‖ and he remains unemployed and under pressure due to the lawsuits that have been launched against him.
學區與學校行政管理者、任教師、師範院校、課本及其他教材的出版商都會在他們的 工作中密切關注內容標準。
District and school administrators, classroom teachers, universities that prepare teachers, and publishers of textbooks and other instructional materials pay close attention to the content standards in their work.
[...] Gregory the Great,590-604 年任教皇)的作品。
This version of the life of Benedict, the
patriarch of Western monasticism, is based on Book II of the Dialogues traditionally ascribed to Saint
[...] Gregory the Great (pope 590–604).
張教授一直孜孜不倦地工作,從他在1996年起出任城大校長後,便致力於法國和香港間大學與科學發展的交流,在2004年更設立雙文憑制度,與 l’université de
[...] Paris-Dauphine合作舉辦碩士經濟數學課程,眾多優秀的法國高級教授也參 任教。
His tireless action, since his nomination in 1996 as a president of City University of Hong Kong, in favour of the development of university and scientific relations of the highest level between France and Hong Kong, marked by the creation of the first double-diploma in 2004, a master degree in financial mathematics
collaborating with l’Université de Paris-Dauphine, the nomination of several high level
[...] French professors within the teaching team
此外,它可以得到IWC的製表大師,曾在蘇黎世大學,一個自定義的表背定義,理論物理研究所 任 , 教 授 本 ·摩爾的淨在北半球的天空或南方,很可能從他們所選擇的位置上看到一個晴朗的日子裡的黃色部分。
Moreover, it can obtain IWC watchmakers who worked with Professor
[...] Ben Moore, Director of the Institute of Theoretical [...]
Physics at the University of Zurich,
a custom caseback defining, with a net yellow part of the sky in the Northern Hemisphere or South that is likely to see on a clear day from the location of their choice.
本表顯示誤配教師 (未持有合法證書的教師) 以及教師職位空缺 (在學年或學期開始時無任教師教授) 的數字 請注意: 誤配教師總數包括教授英文的誤配教師。
This table displays the number of teacher misassignments (teachers assigned without proper legal authorization) and the number of vacant teacher positions (not filled by a single designated teacher assigned to teach the entire course at the beginning of the school year or semester).
关于教育问题,卡帕斯半岛的希族塞人中小学继续运作,联塞部队提供了协 助,帮助运送教科书和任教师, 而土族塞人一方继续提出利马索尔缺少一所土 耳其语小学的问题,这一问题令人关切。
With respect to educational issues, the elementary and secondary Greek Cypriot schools in the Karpas peninsula continued to function, assisted by
UNFICYP through the delivery of school
[...] textbooks and the appointment of teachers, while the [...]
Turkish Cypriot side continued to
raise the lack of a Turkish language primary school in Limassol as a cause for concern.
任教科文组织基础和高等教育特使的卡塔尔 埃米尔夫人谢哈·莫札·宾特·纳赛尔·阿勒米斯奈 德殿下在多个国际论坛表示,她对武装冲突和暴力对 教育造成的有害影响感到关切。
At a number of international forums, Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser al Missned, the wife of the Emir of Qatar, who is UNESCO Special Envoy for basic and higher education, has expressed her concern about the harmful impact of armed conflict and violence on education.
自2010年以來,Thom和George一直任教 學 設計師,幫助界定和協調確保奧運會順利進行所需的700多個不同的志愿者崗位。
Since 2010, Thom and George have
[...] been serving as Instructional Designers and helping [...]
to define and coordinate the more than
700 different volunteer roles required to ensure the London Games run smoothly.
[...] College獲取其政治博士學位,現任香港浸會大學政治及國際關係學系助理教授,另亦 任教 於 波 蘭華沙大學及格旦斯克大學。
Kenneth Ka-Lok Chan received his D.Phil. in Politics from Nuffield
College, University of Oxford and is
[...] currently Assistant Professor at the Department [...]
of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.
任教于哈 杰泰佩大学,历任加齐大学职业教育学院院长、萨姆松五·一九大学校长、高等教育助学贷款和宿舍管理组织主席、高等教育委员会主席、总理府国家工作人员职业操守委员会主任。
He served as the Dean of Vocational Education Faculty of Gazi University, the Rector of Ondokuz Mayıs University in Samsun, the Chairperson of Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution, the Chairperson of Council of Higher Education, the Chairperson of the Prime Ministry Public Officers Ethic Board.
[...] 的一年里,美国培训了 3 000 多名阿富汗妇女任教 师,我们并继续通过我们在喀布尔大学的方案支持对 [...]
The United States has trained more than 3,000
[...] Afghan women as teachers over the past year, [...]
and we continue to support higher education
for women through our programmes at the University of Kabul.
必须指出的是,2008 年 11 月 23 日,高等教育委员会任用委员会授予 Haula Abu-Bakar(一名在以色列河谷学任教的 讲师)教授职称,使她成为以色列 有史以来第一位阿拉伯籍女教授。
It must be mentioned that on November 23, 2008, the Appointments Committee of the Higher Education Council bestowed the title of professor on Haula Abu-Bakar, a teacher and lecturer at Jezreel Valley College, making her the first female Israeli-Arab professor in Israel.
1977年美国麻省理工学院学士学位毕业,1984年获美国加州大学伯克莱分校博士学位,其后1990年加入 U C S F 任教 , 是 美国国家科学院和美国国家文理学院院士。
He received his undergraduate education from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1977), obtained the PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, USA (1984) and joined the UCSF faculty in 1990.
年6月 至''''年'0月,王 先 生 在 東 南 大
[...] 學 電 子 工 程 系任 教 師,''''年'0月 加 入 中 [...]
興 新,曾 任 本 公 司 國 際 部 副 總 經 理 兼 巴 基 斯 坦 公 司 行 政 總 裁,第 一 營 銷
事 業 部 副 總 經 理 等 職。
From June '99' to October '994, Mr.
[...] Wang worked as a teacher in the Electronic [...]
Engineering faculty of Southeastern University.
1982年哈特尔获海德堡大学医学博士学位,1982至1990年于慕尼黑海德堡大学及后于加州大学洛杉矶分校从事研究工作,1991至1997年他在斯隆凯特林研究所 (Sloan Kettering Research Institute) 任教员并展开独立研究工作。
Hartl received his MD from the University of Heidelberg in 1982 and did postgraduate work at Heidelberg, Munich and then Los Angeles from 1982 to 1990
before he began his independent
[...] work as a faculty member at the Sloan Kettering Research [...]
Institute where he remained from 1991 to 1997.
在化學 科,校本評核要求學生參與有意義的活動,有助激發他們的學習動機。對任教化學科的教師來說,校本評核可以強化課程的宗旨和實踐良好的教 學,並為日常運作的學生評核活動提供系統架構和增加其重要性。
Within Chemistry, SBA can serve to motivate students by requiring them to
engage in meaningful
[...] activities; and for teachers, it can reinforce the curriculum aims and good teaching practice, [...]
and provide
structure and significance to an activity they are in any case involved in on a daily basis, namely assessing their own students.
附录是说,没有父亲古的意见,但是最近的教皇,因为同样的和尚谁想到圣奥古斯丁走得太远,自称(说附录)“,他们只批准了跟踪和什么是最教廷使徒彼得的有福了,由批准其 教 “ 部 任教。
An appendix is added, not of the opinions of ancient Fathers, but of recent popes, since the very same monks who thought St. Augustine went too far, professed (says the appendix) "that they followed and
approved only what the most holy See of the Blessed Apostle Peter
[...] sanctioned and taught by the ministry of its prelates".
在人道主义改革框架内,儿基会被赋予了讲卫生运动和营养组群全球领导角 色;与拯救儿童联盟共同任教育组 群的全球领导;在保护问题专题组内,在儿 [...]
Within the context of humanitarian reform, UNICEF has been assigned the global leadership role for the WASH and
nutrition clusters; the global co-leadership
[...] role for the education cluster, with [...]
the Save the Children Alliance; and, within
the global protection cluster, the leadership role for the child protection area of responsibility, and, with UNFPA, the co-leadership role for the gender-based violence area of responsibility.
他曾就讀於倫敦大學金匠學院,並於Alfred大學陶瓷學院取得藝術碩士,其後在北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分 任教 於 美 術系、在荷蘭Hertogenbosch歐洲陶瓷工作中心創建擔任藝術總監,並在芝加哥藝術學 任教。
He was Artistic Director of the European
[...] Ceramics Work Centre in Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands from 1991 to 1999, before teaching at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC).




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