单词 | 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 —lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and |
你有没有兴趣水上活动如钓鱼,滑水,水上滑板,管材,独木舟, 滑 浪风 帆 , 独木舟,帆船和或门多塔湖周围在威斯康星州游泳吗? cn.moba-app.com | Are you interested in water [...] sports, such as fishing, water-skiing, wakeboarding, tubing, canoeing, wind-surfing, kayaking, sailing [...]and swimming in or [...]around Lake Mendota in Wiscons... moba-app.com |
有些工作任务需要特别明 亮的光线,例如剔鲑鱼骨或 坐在柜台时。 safeatwork.se | some work needs very good light conditions, such as filleting fish or operating a cash register safeatwork.se |
不过,在起草本报告时,专家组在本 任 务 期 间还没有通过正规渠道收 到联刚稳定团印发的任何文 件和/或报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, as of the drafting of the present report, during its current mandate, the Group has not received through formal channels any documents and/or reports issued by MONUSCO. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借对马术运动的执着热情,Longines ( 浪 琴 表 )携手 新 任 形 象 大使西蒙∙贝克(Simon Baker),传承长达180年之久的优雅风 范 和 卓越性能。 wthejournal.com | With its new ambassador, Simon Baker, and its commitment to equestrian sport, Longines perpetuates the values of elegance and performance backed by 180 years of history. wthejournal.com |
来自毛里求斯的Farzana在女子组中出尽 了 风 头 , 凭 一 己 之力一路打败其他对手 , 稳坐 女 子 组冠军宝座。 systematic.edu.my | In the women’s category, Farzana from Mauritius stole the show with her showcase of strength by defeating all the other female contestants in the competition. systematic.edu.my |
从在充满各种鱼的湖泊旁安静地钓鱼 , 到 乘 坐 豪 华 游艇沿着香侬河观光,卡文的自然珍宝就等你来探索了。 discoverireland.com | From tranquil angling in bounteous fish-filled lakes [...] to gliding down the River Shannon in a luxury cruiser, Cavan’s natural [...]treasures are just waiting to be explored. discoverireland.com |
执行局还欢迎设在罗 马的这三个机构的主管在世界粮食保障委员会上一届会议上显 示团结,当时,他们在开幕式期间一 起 在 讲 台 就 坐 并 发 言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board further welcomed the unity demonstrated by the three heads of Rome-based agencies at [...] the last session of the CFS, [...] when they were seated together at the podium and took the floor [...]during the opening ceremony. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且在由强风、大浪或激流引起的复杂操作情况下更能显示出优势。 voith.com | And even more so in difficult operating [...] conditions caused by heavy winds, high waves or strong [...]currents. voith.com |
但是现在,10岁的鹏发现,自己不得不睡在城市霓虹灯下肮脏的人行道上 , 任凭 夜 里 冷吹刮,蚊虫叮咬, 流 浪 狗 或 酒鬼袭击,得不到任何保护。 unicef.org | But Poon, now 10, quickly found himself sleeping on a filthy sidewalk in [...] the city’s red light [...] district, a place that offered no protection from chilly night winds, mosquitoes, stray dogs or drunken adults. unicef.org |
我们不能坐视不管,任 凭全球 军事支出继续远远超过供用于实现千年发展目标的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | We cannot stand idly by while global military spending [...] continues to far exceed the funds allocated to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). daccess-ods.un.org |
不论您想从自己的汽艇跳入水中还是 坐 在 皮 船上 乘 风 破 浪 - 爱 尔兰都为您准备好了。 discoverireland.com | And whether you want to dash through pristine waters on your very own jet-ski or ride the rapids in a kayak – Ireland’s got it sorted. discoverireland.com |
北京香格里拉饭店毗邻金融街和科技园 、 钓鱼台 国 宾馆、颐和园、北京动物园和后海娱乐中心,为您游览北京名胜提供了优越的条件。 shangri-la.com | It is also close to the State Guest House, the historical Summer Palace and Beijing Zoo, providing an excellent base from which to explore Beijing's many attractions. shangri-la.com |
挪威驻华大使司文先生和挪威的太阳能公司REC(Renewable Energy Corporation [...] ASA—可再生能源公司)于2012年7月12日出席了在北 京 钓鱼台 国 宾 馆举行的2012中国光伏产业领袖峰会。 norway.org.cn | Norwegian ambassador Svein O. Sæther and Norwegian solar energy company REC (Renewable [...] Energy Corporation ASA) participated at the "China PV Summit [...] 2012", held at Diaoyutai State Guest House [...]on 12 July 2012. norway.cn |
受欢迎的休闲活动如帆船、皮划艇和 钓鱼继 续吸引着游客来到这个风景如 画的海滨地区。 paiz.gov.pl | Popular recreational activities [...] including windsurfing, kayaking and fishing also continue to attract tourists [...]to this picturesque coastal region. paiz.gov.pl |
最近我访问了钓鱼台宾馆,那里有四幅木板,展现中国对世界数百年发展所作的贡献:指南针、火药、造纸和印刷机。 embassyusa.cn | I recently visited the Diaoyutai guest house where [...] four wood panels illustrate the Chinese contributions that defined the [...]world for centuries: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and the printing press. eng.embassyusa.cn |
徒步旅行,滑雪,钓鱼和我们的自行车租赁服务是伟大的方式来看 看 风 景。 instantworldbooking.com | Hiking, skiing, fishing and our bike rental service are great ways to see the sights. instantworldbooking.com |
法庭已经最终确定关于向余留事项处理机制移交记录的准备工作的导则, 并且检察官被选为余留事项处理机制的检察官确保了所 有 起 诉 任 务 的 平 稳 转 接。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Tribunal has finalized guidelines for preparation of records for transfer to the Residual Mechanism, and [...] the Prosecutor’s selection as Prosecutor of the Residual Mechanism ensures a [...] smooth transition of all prosecutorial tasks. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们可承受电磁元件通电时引起的瞬 时电 流 浪 涌 而 不会损失 NEMA ICS2-100 要求的次级电压稳定性。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | They accommodate the momentary current inrush [...] caused when [...] electromagnetic components are energized, without sacrificing secondary voltage stability per NEMA ICS2-100. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
波动,金枪鱼市场不稳定。 2011年影响全球金 枪 鱼 领 域 的主要问题是主要渔场的 更低产量、根据更可持续的资源管理对延 绳 钓 和 围网 捕 鱼 越 来越多的限制以及可 持续性的其他行动和引入生态标签。 fao.org | The major issues [...] affecting the global tuna sector in 2011 were lower catches in major fishing areas, growing restrictions on longline and purse-seine fishing in the pursuit of more sustainable resource management, other [...]moves towards [...]sustainability and the introduction of ecolabels. fao.org |
所以,我認為在價格方面,如 有足夠供應,自然不會有任何人可以 坐 地 起 價。 legco.gov.hk | In my opinion, no one can raise the price if there is sufficient supply. legco.gov.hk |
从系统配置里的公司简介/许可证里打印升级服务 许可证,填写后您付费凭据一起寄给 我们。 fingertec.com | Print out the update service license from Company Profile/License within System Configuration, fill it up and send it together with your payment to us. fingertec.com |
触控式平板电脑的处理器具有低耗能的特点,同 时 凭 借 其 稳 定 系 统架构,触控式平板电脑可 在 任 何 工 业环境下提供理想解决方案。 advantech.com.cn | The feature processors of touch [...] panel computers that [...] are low in power consumption. With their stable system architecture, a touch panel computer [...]is an ideal solution [...]for any industrial environment. advantech.be |
透過與合資企業夥伴合作 ,天浪衛視平台提供全面性服務 ,由硬件 分發和產品推廣 ,以至客戶服務和訂戶管理 。 asiasat.com | Working through its joint venture [...] partners, the Skywave platform provides a comprehensive [...]offering from hardware distribution [...]and product promotion, to customer service and subscriber management. asiasat.com |
如果 客人需要,度假酒店还可以安排有教练提供指 导的水肺潜水(需付费)、深海钓鱼 、 双 体帆 船、滑翔伞、滑水、尾流滑水以及乘 坐 香 蕉船 和橡皮船等。 oneandonlyresorts.com | If desired, the resort can also arrange [...] paid-for guided scuba diving excursions, deep-sea fishing trips, catamaran sailing, parasailing, water-ski, [...]wake-boarding and banana and tube rides. oneandonlyresorts.com |
另一方面,新兴崛起的企业正凭借对最新商业机会的敏锐嗅觉快速发展,但也很快便面临如何在强者如林的竞争环境中突出重围,打 造 稳 固 的 核心竞争力的战略议题。 rolandberger.com.cn | Although newly-born enterprises are able to rapidly develop their acute sense of the latest business opportunities, it is inevitable that they deal strategically with how to get through fierce competition and how to build strong core competency. rolandberger.com.cn |
最后,专家们普遍同意,当前欧洲联盟和国际货币基金的补偿性融资机制虽 然起到了稳定政 府收入的作用,但它们过于繁杂,付款不够迅速,是顺周期性 [...] 的,也没有保护小型农业生产者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, it was generally agreed that the current compensatory financing mechanisms of the European [...] Union and the International Monetary Fund, [...] while serving to stabilize governmental revenues, [...]were cumbersome, not quick-disbursing, [...]procyclical, and did not protect small-scale agricultural producers. daccess-ods.un.org |
的确,最近在整个中东和北非地区各国 掀起 的示威浪潮证 明了互联网在动员人民要求正义、平等、 责 任 和 更尊重人权方面可 起到的关键作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, the recent wave of demonstrations in countries across the Middle East and North African region has shown the key role that the Internet can play in mobilizing the population to call for justice, equality, accountability and better respect for human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样的陈词乍听很怪,毕竟新浪微博已成长 为 坐 拥 4亿 用户(其中4000万为日活跃用户),国内外品牌首选的 平 台 ( 新 浪 微 博 据称拥有13万活跃品牌页面),而这则要归功于其广泛的影响力和全新的企业版。 labbrand.com | Such a statement seems odd given that Sina Weibo has grown its member base to an impressive 400 [...] million users (amongst [...] which 40 million are active daily) and is now seen as the platform to be for local and international brands alike (it boasts [...]over 130,000 active [...]brand pages) thanks to its influence and to a new enterprise version. labbrand.com |
整体地理参照映射功能的特色在于FLIR独特的STC(从追踪到传递信号)侦查功能,它命令FLIR的全方位/俯仰 云 台 安 防 红外热像仪,精确地为您指出FLIR红外热护栏™网络 上 任 何 传 感器产生 的 任 何 报警 的 坐 标。 flir.com | The integral geo-referenced mapping function features FLIR's unique slew-to-cue function, which commands FLIR's pan/tilt IP thermal security cameras to point at the precise coordinates of any alarm generated by any sensor on your FLIR Thermal Fence™ network. flir.com |