

单词 任何人

任何人 pronoun ()

anyone pron

See also:




appoint (sb. to a post)



何人 pron

anyone pron

External sources (not reviewed)

任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外 任何人 不 得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an [...]
official shall remove
from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
除非得到公司或任何人員的 書面特准 任何人 不 得 在 任 何 巴 士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路 處所的任何部分唱歌、跳舞或演奏任何樂器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音機、卡式機、雷射碟機 或類似的設備、電視或任何其他電氣或機械設備,而相當可能對他人造成煩擾、不便或騷擾。
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or other instrument or use a radio, cassette recorder, compact disc player or similar device, television or any other such electrical or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外 任何人 士 、 透過 任何 其 他 人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式 任何 其 他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外 任何人 士 、 透過 任何 其 他 人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer,
adjusted the amount of any
[...] quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
(C) 於所有適用法律、規則及規例之管制及准許之範圍內及按以下規定取得 所有必需之同意(如有)之情況下,倘 任何人 士 以 條例並無禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有關財務文件及屬於適用法律、規則及規例所規定格式並載有當中所規定資料之財務報告 概要而非有關財務文件,即就該人士而言將被視為已符合本細則第(B)段之規定,惟倘 有權獲取本公司有關財務文件 任何人 士 按 照條例及所有其他適用法律、規則及規例 向本公司發出書面通知提出要求,則該人士除財務報告概要之外並可要求獲寄送本公 司有關財務文件之完整印刷本。
(C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in
paragraph (B) of this Article
[...] shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance [...]
with the Ordinance
and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations, by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents.
任何人都不 得援引本公约的规定侵犯《世界人权宣言》规定的或受到 国际法保障的人权和基本自由或限制其适用范围。
No one may invoke the provisions of this Convention [...]
in order to infringe human rights and fundamental freedoms as enshrined
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or guaranteed by international law, or to limit the scope thereof.
(B) 依據本公司細則出售任何股份之方式、時間及條款(包括但不限 於出售之一個或多個價格)須由董事會根據其認為適當之往來銀行、經紀或其他人士 之諮詢意見,經考慮所有情況(包括出售股份之數目及不可延遲出售之規定)後確定 為合理可行;且董事會不會任何人 士 因 依賴該等諮詢意見之任何後果承擔責任。
(B) The manner, timing and terms of any sale of shares pursuant to this Bye-law (including but not limited to the price or prices at which the same is made) shall be such as the Board determines, based upon advice from such bankers, brokers or other persons as the Board considers appropriate consulted by it for the purposes, to be reasonably practicable having regard to all the circumstances including the number of shares to be disposed of and the requirement that the disposal be made without delay; and the Board shall not be liable to any person for any of the consequences of reliance on such advice.
此外任何人(作为欧洲联盟居民并为某成员国国民 任何 自 然人;在欧洲联盟 注册任何法人;在 欧洲联盟以外定居的任何成员国国民和在欧洲联盟以外设立而由 某成员国国民控制的船务公司;作为欧洲联盟居民的任何其他自然人;在欧洲联盟内、 包括在其领海和领空以及由某成员国管辖或控制的任何飞机或任何船只从事职业活 动的任何其他自然人)不得遵任何直接或间接基于或产生于“1996 年古巴自由和民 主团结法”或在该法基础上或由其产生的行动的规定或禁令,包括外国法院的命令。
Furthermore, no person (any natural person being a resident in the European Union and a national of a member state; any legal person incorporated within the European Union; any national of the member states established outside the European Union and shipping company established outside the European Union and controlled by national of a member state; any other natural person being a resident in the European Union; any other natural person within the European Union, including its territorial waters and air space and in any aircraft or on any vessel under the jurisdiction or control of a member state, acting in professional capacity) [...]
shall comply with any
requirement or prohibition, including requests of foreign courts, based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996” or from actions based thereon or resulting therefrom.
30 如股份(非繳足股款的股份)涉及任何已催繳或於規定時間應繳付的款項 (不論是否現時應繳付),公司就該款項對該股份擁有首要留置權;本公司 亦就股東或其財產或遺產欠本公司的所有債務與負債而對登記於該股東名下 (不論單獨或與他人聯名)的全部股份(繳足股款股份除外)擁有首要留置 權及抵押權,而不論有關債務與負債是否於通知本公 任何人 士 (該股東除 外)的任何衡平權益或其他權益之前或之後產生,以及不論有關債務與負債 的付款或解除期間是否已實際到臨,即使有關債務與負債為該股東或其承人及任何其他 人士(不論該人士是否為本公司股東)的共同債務或負債。
30 The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid up share) for all moneys, whether presently payable or not, called or payable at a fixed time in respect of such share; and the Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paid up shares) standing registered in the name of a member (whether solely or jointly with others) for all the debts and liabilities of such member or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such member or his estate and any other person, whether such person is a member of the Company or not.
[...] 约》或本《议定书》受到司法程序审查 任何 人在整 个过程中依据国内法和国际法享有得到 [...]
公正待遇和审判的保障,而且这种保障在任何 情况下都不能低于国际法所认可的保障。
Without prejudice to, if applicable, the relevant rules of
[...] international law, any person regarding whom [...]
proceedings are being carried out in connection
with the Convention or this Protocol shall be guaranteed fair treatment and a fair trial in accordance with domestic law and international law at all stages of the proceedings, and in no cases shall be provided guarantees less favourable to such person than those provided by international law.
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违背个人意愿 任何人 送 入精 神病院;确保医学原因所致非自愿住院以独立精神病专家的建议作为依据;缔约 国有哪些决定允许被非自愿送入精神病院的个人提起上诉。
(a) The steps taken to ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions for non-medical reasons; that any involuntary hospitalization for medical reasons is based on the advice of independent psychiatric experts; and that decisions by the State party to involuntarily hospitalize individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
8.14 由 HKIRC 作出的關於申請的中文域名是否為其中文公司名稱、商業名稱或產品名稱中的有意義含詞的 決定均由 HKIRC 自行判斷任何人士不 得提出反對,不論是否依據本《.香港 優先註冊期規則》的 第 9 項或其他規定提出。
8.14 All decisions made by HKIRC in relation to whether the Chinese Domain Name is the meaningful subset of its Chinese company name, trade name or product name are in HKIRC‟s sole judgment and are not open to challenge, whether under Section 9 of these Pre Launch Priority Registration Period Rules or otherwise.
(d) 有條件或無條件地認購、包銷、獲委託發行或其他方式取得、持有、處理及轉換所有類型的股 額、股份及證券,及就分享溢利、互惠特許或 任何人 士 或 公司合作締結合夥或任何安排,及 發起或協助發起設立、組成或創辦任何類型的任何公司、聯合組織或合夥,以取得及承擔本公 司的任何財產及負債或直接或間接推動本公司的宗旨或為達成本公司認為合宜的任何其他目 的。
(d) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or organise any company, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.
4.20 就分佔溢利、共同權利、合作、合營企業、交互特許權、合併或其他 事宜,與任何從事或將從事或於經營或從事令本公司直接或間接將或 可能從中受益之任何業務或事業中擁有或將擁有權益 任何人 士 或 公 司訂立合夥業務或任何安排;進行貸款、 任何 有 關人士或公司擔保 合約或以其他方式協任何有關 人士或公司,及認購或以其他方式獲 得有關公司之股份及證券,以及出售、持有、再發行(不論有否擔 保)或以其他方式交易有關股份及證券。
4.20 To enter into partnership or into any arrangements for sharing profits, union of interests, co-operation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, amalgamation or otherwise with any person or persons or company engaged or interested or about to become engaged or interested in the carrying on or
conduct of any business
[...] or enterprise from which this Company would or might derive any benefit whether direct or indirect and to lend money, guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person [...]
or company and to take
subscribe for or otherwise acquire shares and securities of any such company and to sell, hold, re-issue with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with the same.
(d) 维持和平行动部采取行动,在发给各常驻代表团征求提供军事观察员、 联合国行动警察部分人员、借调惩戒干事等各类人员的普通照会中,确保会员国
[...] 了解,秘书处的期望是,参加联合国行动 任何人 员 都 在部署前接受过关于零容 忍政策的训练,并且认识到某些行为可能构成犯罪,因而要追究责任。
(d) Action by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to ensure that notes verbales sent to permanent missions seeking personnel, such as military observers, individual contributions to the police component of a United Nations operation and seconded corrections officers, make Member
States aware of the expectation of the
[...] Secretariat that any person who serves as part [...]
of a United Nations operation is to have
received predeployment training in relation to the zero tolerance policy and is aware that certain conduct may amount to a crime for which they will be held accountable.
(B) 在法規規限下,本公司可按董事會認為適當之有關條款直接或間 接向任何人士已 經或將會購買或以其他方式收購本公司或本公司任何控股公司之 任何股份提供財務資助。
(B) Subject to the Statutes, the Company may give, directly or indirectly, financial assistance for the purpose of or in connection with a purchase or other acquisition made or to be made by any person of any shares in the Company or any holding company of the Company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
董事會可在香港或其他地方設立任何當地委員會或代理機構,管理本公司之任何事務,並 可任任何人士擔任這種當地委員會成員或為本公司委任經理或代理,及可確定其酬金,而且 可將授與董事會之任何權力、權限及處理權授與任何這種當地委員會、經理或代理(由董事會決 定是否附帶轉授權力),以及授權任何當地委員會成員或任何委員會填補其中任何空缺,而且不 論有無空缺都授權辦事,而任何這種委任或授權可根據董事會認為適當之條件作出﹔董事會可 撤換如此委任任何人士, 亦可撤消或改變任何這種授權,但著意從事業務而未收到撤消或改 變通知之人士則不受其影響。
The Directors may establish any local boards or agencies for
managing any of the
[...] affairs of the Company, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and may appoint any persons to be members of such local boards, or any managers or agents for the Company, and may fix their remuneration, and may delegate (with or without power to sub-delegate as the Directors shall determine) to any local board, manager or agent any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Directors, and may authorise the members of any local boards, or any of them, to fill any vacancies therein, and to act notwithstanding vacancies, and any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Directors may think fit, and the Directors [...]
may remove any person so appointed, and may annul or vary
any such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such annulment or variation shall be affected thereby.
(f) 按其認為適宜的條款借款予該等人士或公司,尤其是與本公司有業務 往來的客戶及其他人士,並擔保該 任何人 士 或 公司履約,及╱或按所 安排的條款就任何年期或概況的土地、樓宇、可繼承產及物業、股份、 證券、商品及其他財產作抵押的墊款及借款,尤其是使任何貸款(包括 利息)可每月或每季分期或以其他形式償還。
(f) To lend money to such persons or companies and on such terms as may seem expedient, and in particular to customers and others having dealings with the Company, and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any such persons or companies, and/or to advance and lend money on the security of land, buildings, hereditaments and premises of any tenure or description, shares, securities, merchandise and other property upon such terms as may be arranged, and in particular so that any loan including interest thereon may by made repayable by monthly or quarterly instalments or otherwise.
(B) 本公司可以加蓋印章之書面文件,一般地或就任何特定事項授任 何人士為 其受權人代其簽署契據及文件,以及代其訂立及簽署合約,而該受權人 代本公司簽署及加蓋其印章之所有契據均對本公司具約束力,並如同該契據已加 蓋本公司印章之相同效力。
(B) The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified matter, as its attorney to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the seal of the Company.
169.3 授任何人士代 表所有有權享有權利的股東與本公司訂立協議,規定 分別向彼等配發彼等根據該資本化有權享有的入帳列作繳足的任何其 [...]
他股份、債權證或其他證券,或(倘情況需要)本公司代表彼等將決 議須予資本化的股東各自部分的利潤用於繳付彼等現有股份中餘下未
繳付的股款或其任何部分,且根據該授權訂立的任何協議應對所有相 關股東有效並具有約束力。
169.3 to
[...] authorise any person to enter on behalf of all members [...]
entitled thereto into an agreement with the Company providing
for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares, debentures or other securities to which they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or, as the case may require, for the payment up by the Company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares, and any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members.
因此不得对囚犯实施包括医 学或科学实验等非人道或侮辱性的对待或惩罚;对被剥夺自由者以外 任何人, 不得使之陷入困境或限制其自由。
For this reason, prisoners cannot be subject to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including medical or scientific experimentation, nor to hardship or to constraint other than those which result directly from the deprivation of freedom.
然而,如果发任何人在执 行国家征兵计划中实施不人道和有 辱人格的待遇、酷刑,或实行强迫、无报酬劳动,政府绝不宽恕。
Nevertheless, the Government spared no effort in prosecuting anyone found guilty of subjecting people to inhuman and degrading treatment, torture or exacting forced and/or free labour of youth in the national service programme.
(c) 如果按上述方式進行分配的任何股份包含有涉及催繳股款或其他債務,根據該分配而 持有該類股份任何人士可在通過特殊決議後十天內發書面通知,指示盤人出售其股份,並將 淨收益支付給他,而清盤人在實際可行的情況下應照此辦理。
(c) In case any of the shares to be divided as aforesaid consist of shares which involve a liability to calls or otherwise, any person entitled under such division to any of the said shares may, within ten days after the passing of the special resolution by notice in writing, direct the Liquidator to sell his proportion and pay him the net proceeds, and the liquidator shall, if practicable, act accordingly.
(e) 收購及從事本公司獲授權從事的任何業務或擁有適合本公司業務宗旨的財產任何人士或 公司的全部或任何部分業務、財產及負債。
(e) To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business property and liabilities of any person or company carrying on any business which the Company is authorized to carry on or possessed of property suitable for the purposes of this Company.
除在大會上退任的董事外任何人士 如 未獲董事推薦參選,均無資格在任何股 東大會上獲選出任董事,除非總辦事處或註冊辦事處已收到一份由妥為符合資格 出席大會並於會上投票的股東(不包括擬獲提議推薦的人士)簽署的通知,其內 [...]
示候選意願的通知,惟作出有關通知的最短期間須至少為七(7)日,且提交有關通 知的期間不得早於指定進行選舉的股東大會的通知寄發翌日,也不得遲於有關股 東大會召開日期前七(7)日。
No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors [...]
for election, be eligible
for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the head office or at the Registration Office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that the period for lodgment of such Notice(s) shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
(b) 根據公司條例之條文,本公司每份資產負債表須經簽署,及每份資產負債表 之副本(包括根據法律規定須與之隨附之每份文件)及於股東大會上向本公司提呈的損益賬連 同董事會報告副本及核數師報告副本,須於不遲於大會舉行日期前(二十一)日,向本公司每 名股東及每名債權證持有人及根據細則第 46 條登記之每位人士以及每名有權收取本公司股東 大會通告之其他人士寄發,惟本細則並無規定須向本公司並不知悉其地址 任何人 士 或超過一 名任何股份或債權證聯名持有人寄發有關文件。
(b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report and a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall not less than (twenty-one) days before the date of the meeting, be sent to every member of, and every holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
根據房屋條例第 26A 條的規定任何人士若 因違反是 項規 定而被法庭定罪,可被判令(a) 將所購得的樓宇轉讓予房委會或其提名人;或(b) 向房委會繳付一筆款項,數額相等於該單位原 來買價與在判罪時十足市值的差額。
On conviction of such an offence, the court may, under Section 26A of the Housing Ordinance, order (a) that the flat so purchased be transferred to the HA or its nominee; or (b) that the offender pay the HA a sum equivalent to the difference between the original purchase price of the flat and its full market value as at the date of conviction.
(a) 采取了哪些措施使国内法律和政策与《公约》第3 条相符,从而防止 在有充分理由相任何人在另 一国家将有遭受酷刑的危险时将其驱逐、遣返或引 渡至该国。
(a) The measures taken to bring national legislation and policy into conformity with article 3 of the Convention, thereby preventing any persons from being expelled, returned or extradited to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of being subject to torture.
除法例另有规定外,本公司不会确 任何人 士 为 以 任 何 信 托方式持有 任何股份,而本公司不应以任何方式被约束或强迫认可(即使已获有关通告)任何 股份的任何衡平、或然、未来或部分权益、或股份中的任何零碎部分的任何权益, 或(除该等细则或法例另有规定者外)有关任何股份的任何其他权利,惟有关登记 持有人就其整体的绝对权利除外。
Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder.
(d) 以信託方式作為全球任何地方 任何人 士 或 多名人士、公司、法團或任 何慈善或其他機構(不論是否註冊成立)的受託人或代名人持有,並管理、 處置及利用任何類別的任何房地產及私人財產,尤其是股份、股額、債 權證、債權股證、票據、證券、期權、保單、賬面負債、索償及據法權 產、土地、樓宇、可繼承產、商務及業務、按揭、質押、年金、專利、 執 照、任何房地產或私人財產的權益,以及就該財產 任何人 士 、 商號 或 法團提出的任何索償。
(d) To hold in trust as trustees or nominees of any person or persons, company, corporation, or any charitable or other institution in any part of the world and whether incorporated or not and to manage, deal with and turn to account, any real and personal property of any kind, and in particular, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, notes, securities, options, policies, book debts, claims and choses-in-action, lands, buildings, hereditaments, business concerns and undertakings, mortgages, charges, annuities, patents, licences, and any interest in any real or personal property, and any claims against such property or against any person, firm or corporation.




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