

单词 任人宰割

See also:


appoint (sb.to a post)


take advantage of (others)
(fig.) ride roughshod over


rip somebody off

External sources (not reviewed)

体制存在缺陷,但我们还没有找到更好的办法,用以 协助和加强因刚启动而脆弱的和平进程;协助需要帮 助的国家恢复能力,管理本国领土,进而避免冲突死
[...] 灰复燃;保证国际社会保持警惕,不让最脆弱任人 宰割句话,动员整个国际社会参与解决我们不能 [...]
Clearly, even if all of us clearly favour prevention, and despite the system’s imperfections, we have not yet found anything better with which to assist and strengthen nascent and therefore fragile peace processes; to assist States in need to restore their capacities, administer their territory and thus avoid a return to conflict; to guarantee the international community’s
vigilance and ensure that the most
[...] vulnerable are not left allalone in facing the hangman — [...]
in a word, to involve the entire
international community in the settlement of crises from which we do not want to avert our eyes.
以色列政府主 动提出与巴勒斯坦主席举行会谈,同时却让 El Ad 和 Ateret Cohanim 等团体继续在以色列法律——在被占 领土上实施以色列法律本来就是越权行为——掩护下 侵占巴勒斯坦土地,此举十分可鄙,不像是一个自己 在历史上曾任人宰割受极大痛苦的民族的所 作所为。
For the latter to offer to hold talks with the Palestinian President while simultaneously allowing groups like El Ad and Ateret Cohanim to continue their usurpation of Palestinian lands under the veil of Israeli law, the very imposition of which is ultra vires, is contemptible and not becoming of a people who themselves have historically suffered greatly at the hands of others.
国家哈桑·古莱德·阿普蒂敦开始组建新政府并开始 宰人命 运。
Hassan Gouled Aptidon, the country’s first
[...] President, then began to organize the new State and presided thereafter overthe destiny of the people.
国际社会 面临的挑战极其严重,如果我们没有通过各方的努力 及时找到适当的解决办法,我们将再过 去那样遭到军宰割
The challenge to the international community is serious enough that if we fail to find appropriate solutions in due time, with the efforts of all, we will be again putting the people at thewhim ofthe military, as they have been in the past.
社会科学及人文科学部门助理总干事在访问期间会见了妇女事务部部长、巴勒斯坦 妇女问题研究和文献中心 、比学的学者以及一批杰出的巴勒斯坦妇 女活动家。
During her mission, ADG/SHS met with the Minister of Women Affairs, the Director and staff of the PWRDC, academics at BirzeitUniversity and a group of prominent Palestinian women activists.
该研究 社 指 出,《布基 纳 法索宪法》宣布了人民的权利和责任,该研究社 称 赞
[...] 布 基 纳 法 索 站 在 它 所 扞 卫 的 立 场 的 前列, 认利和必须同时加 以增进。
CRED noted that the Constitution of Burkina Faso proclaims peoples’ rights and duties, and congratulated Burkina Faso for being at the
forefront of positions defended by it, namely that
[...] human rights and duties areindivisible and must be promoted conjointly.
、或任何货品在其制作或生产过程中未能遵守CITES公约(Convention on
[...] International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Life Flora and Fauna) 它国际标准、规则及法例,包括但不限于World Conservation Union (“ICUN”)所发出的有保护的濒危物种的标准 (称为“不道德货品”)。
The Exhibitor shall not exhibit at the Exhibition any counterfeit goods or any goods which infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights (“Infringing Goods”) or any goods which are prohibited or restricted by local laws or regulations (“Prohibited Goods” ) or any goods which in their manufacture or production fail to comply with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Life
[...] Flora and Fauna (“CITES) or any otherinternational standards, regulations and legislation in respect of ethical slaughteringandconservation of endangered species, [...]
including without
limitation standards issued by the World Conservation Union (“ICUN”) (“Unethical Goods”).
因此,这一禁止规定针对的是下述情形:㈠对采购合同以客观考虑作为理由; 低采购价值的任何计算方式。
The prohibition is therefore directed at both (i) any division of a procurement contract that is not justified by objective considerations, and (ii) any valuation method that artificially reduces the value of procurement.
帮助土着人民参与外部的、非土着的决策进程的那些机制可能是有问题 的,这一情况有多种原因:这些机制可能是在土政治、社会和经济角度 不处于的环境里开展工作,而尽管这些机制加强土参与性,但 它们并没有进而使非土着的个人及民众在平等水平上行动;它们使土着人民在决 策中有切实的影响力;由于它们的执行工作有问题,或者出现以前未遇见的问 题;或由于它们在与其他土着个人相比优先考虑某些土着个人的参与,造成了对 它们是否能够在个人间达成平等的能力所产生的疑虑。
Mechanisms enabling the participation of indigenous peoples in external, nonindigenous decision-making processes can be problematic for various reasons; they may operate in environments where indigenous peoples are politically, socially and economically non dominant and, while they enhance indigenous peoples’ participation, they do not go so far as to level the playing field with non-indigenous individuals and peoples; they do not allow greater indigenous influence over decisions in practice; because they are poorly implemented, or suffer from previously unforeseeable problems; or because they privilege the participation of certain indigenous individuals over that of others, creating concerns about their ability to achieve equality between individuals.




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