

单词 价而

External sources (not reviewed)

有的与会者指出,就人类福利和环境 价而 言 , 用玉米生产生物燃料是不可 持久的。
It was suggested that corn biofuel production is
[...] unsustainable in terms of welfare and [...]
environmental costs.
他们的政府为了一个国民可以付出终极 价, 而我们 的政府却拿我们当动物一般地宰杀,我们 [...]
Their Government is prepared
[...] to pay the ultimate price for one citizen, while [...]
our Government kills us like we were animals,
and our Arab neighbours say that it is an internal matter”.
通过与信通技术培训中心以及为 价而 设 立 的咨商小组之间的讨论和协 商提出了建议。
The recommendations have been developed through discussion and consultation with the APCICT and the Reference
[...] Group set up for this evaluation.
我呼 吁所有海地民间社会组织,特别是我们的媒体更好地 利用自由,我们为这种自由付出了巨大 价 , 而 且尚 未完全掌控这种自由。
I call on all Haitian civil society organizations, and in particular our press, to make better use of a freedom that has cost so much, yet remains incompletely mastered.
调查的结果将有助于对方案进行价 , 而 评 价 旨 在 尽可 能系统和客观地确定关联性、效率和效力,包括特派团活动对其任务规定、行动 目标和业绩指标的影响。
The findings from the survey would support programme evaluation, which is aimed at determining as systematically and objectively as possible the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, including the impact, of the activities of the mission in relation to its mandate, operational objectives and performance targets.
她强调,不仅要根据每一项 目的目标进行价,而且应 参照其结果进行评价,她并补充说,所提议的监测和评价预算 看来高于过去的金额。
She emphasized that each project should be evaluated not only against its objectives but also against its results, adding that the proposed budget for monitoring and evaluation appeared to be higher than in the past.
这并不简单意味着能源价,而应鼓 励供应 商之间进行竞争,采取可持续的能源举措,包括燃料搭 配多样化,工业、城市建设与运输方面可持续性政策, [...]
This does not mean
[...] simply cheap energy prices – rather, it means encouraging [...]
competition among suppliers, and engaging in
sustainable energy practices – including fuel mix diversification, sustainable industrial, urban construction, and transport policies, and energy prices that reflect the true social cost of using energy”.
(h) 委员会决定,由于宣称可出入巴勒斯坦被占领土的以色列批发贸易商施 加的垄断价而产生的损失,通常不是由该墙引起,不应列入登记册。
(h) The Board decided that losses based on asserted monopoly pricing imposed by wholesale traders from Israel with access to the Occupied Palestinian Territory are not normally attributable to the Wall and should not normally be included in the Register.
2010 年 7 月将对这一临时安排作出价,而后 就是否延长这一安 排作出决定。
This temporary arrangement is to be evaluated in July 2010 before a decision is made as to its prolongation.
1972年,以对鱼类和候鸟(而非对人类)的毒性研究为依据,美国环境保护署全面禁止使用DDT,一种曾被广泛使用来杀灭致病虫害的 价而 有 效 的杀虫剂。
In 1972, on the basis of data on toxicity to fish and migrating birds (but not to humans), the United States Environmental Protection Agency
banned virtually all uses
[...] of DDT, an inexpensive and effective pesticide once widely deployed to kill disease-carrying [...]
此外,它还 委托进行独立的评价,并负责联合国系统内的机构间 价 , 而 且 与 其他伙伴机构 进行联合评价。
In addition, it commissions independent evaluations and undertakes inter-agency evaluations within the United Nations system and joint evaluations with other partners.
大会第 65/245 号决议第五节第 2 段请秘书长继续征求会员国对所提供会议 服务质量的评价意见,包括通过每年举行两次各语文情况交流会征求意见,并确 保此类措施使会员国有均等机会以 6 种联合国正式语文作出价,而且完 全符合 大会相关决议。
In section V, paragraph 2, of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to continue to seek evaluation by Member States of the quality of the conference services provided to them, including through the languagespecific informational meetings held twice a year, and to ensure that such measures provided equal opportunities
to Member States to
[...] present their evaluations in the six official languages of the United Nations and were in full compliance with the relevant resolutions of the Assembly.
正如一些研究结果所示, 无所作为的代价远远大于有所作为的 价 , 而 且 未来 20 至 30 年的投资将是至 关重要的。
As shown by a number of studies, the cost of inaction greatly outweighs that of taking action, and investments in the next 20 to 30 years will be critical.
JumperTel的设计理念是为全世界用户提供一个 价而 简 单的解决方案,让用户们可以彼此通话,且无需购买昂贵的设备和难以使用的软件。
JumperTel was created to give people all over the world an affordable and easy solution to talk to each other without having to buy expensive
equipment and hard to use
[...] softwareThe JumperTel network is a safe and secure service that protects your privacy and keeps your number [...]
confidentialThe system
uses a specialized plug and play USB phone called the JumperPhone 100The JumperTel phone has software preloaded on the device so it automatically installs and gets updated with the most current version of JumperTelJumperTel is a portfolio company of Optimo Commercial Investments and is based in Madison, WisconsinFor more information, visit www.jumpertel.com .
当您找出您需要的零部件时,可通过直接从零部件页面上提交 RFQ(请求价)而请求供应商报价。
When you locate a component you want, request a quote from the supplier by simply submitting an RFQ (Request for Quotation) directly from the component page.
到目前为止开展的业绩审查包括一些独立 价 , 而 且 根 据审查 会议的建议,已经将审查结果公之于众并在审查过程中采用了透明标准。
Performance reviews conducted to date have included some element of independent evaluation, and the results have been made publicly available and have used transparent criteria, as recommended by the Review Conference.
资发基金同开发署一道,致力于兑现针对关于开发署对加强 地方治理之贡献的 2010 年价而作的承诺。
Together with UNDP, UNCDF is committed to implementing commitments made in response to the 2010 evaluation of the UNDP contribution to strengthening local governance.
国行列的国家数量在不断增加,这证明了该问题的 重要性,他强调该草案的目的不是预测全球化的发
[...] 展轨迹,也不是对全球化的价值进行 价 , 而 是把握通信和生产手段以及技术工具中发生的变化的复 [...]
杂性以及当前许多现象的影响,以探寻在当今世界 中更好地行使全部人权的方法,使国际社会能够更
He stressed that the goal was not to prejudge the course of globalization or to make value judgments, but rather to
grasp the complexity of the changes in
[...] communications and production as well as in [...]
technological tools and the impact of many
current phenomena in order to seek ways to improve the enjoyment of all human rights in the modern world and to ensure that the international community was better equipped to meet new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.
(c) 在第三十八次会议向世界银行划拨的经费中暂时扣发 1,159,980 美元 因 为世界银行所提供不退还这些支助费用的解释不够详细 对这一事项作任 何进一步审议都应该与世界银行提供秘书处所索取的资料挂钩 以便秘书 处评估世界银行遵守第 35/13(k)号决定的情况 (d) 指出只有在以下情况中 才可以不执行联合国的做法 不退还已撤消项目 和有经费节省的已完成项目的部分支助费用 执行机构已经向财务中介机 构支付了一笔费用 以便在执行项目之前对有关企业进行一次财务价 而有关项目随后被撤消
(d) To note that the only circumstances under which it would be possible for a portion of the support costs from cancelled projects and completed projects with savings not to be returned according to United Nations practice was when a fee was paid by the implementing agency to a financial intermediary to undertake a financial evaluation of the enterprise before project implementation, and the project was subsequently cancelled.
同时,您能通过对采购的原材料进行脂肪含量的 价而 控 制 供应环节。
At the same time, you can control supplies by assessing meat fat content of incoming raw material.
[...] 和费用评估相互脱离,不符合企业的经营理念;此外,缺乏绩效评估的信息收集 方式;只对单个指标进行孤立价, 而 没 有 综合评价值方法对整体绩效作出评判; [...]
对企业实施 ISO14001 体系后的绩效变化及内在原因也缺乏研究。
The performance changes and its root [...]
causes after enterprises’ implementation of the ISO 14001 system still are in need of research.
国家对 退 休 金进行了调 整 , 以 使其适应新的工资
[...] 制度,并 通过四次 修改公务员 基本工资 指 数的价 而 逐 渐 提高薪 资 水 平。
The retirement pension has been adjusted to fit a new salary system and the gradual
increase of salary has also been made through
[...] modifying the unit price of the basis salary [...]
index of the civil servants for four times.
此外,一些缔约方指出,不仅应考虑到与这种行动相关联的 价 , 而 且 应 考虑到不 采取任何行动而会造成的代价。
In addition, a number of Parties noted that not only should the cost associated with such action be taken into account, but also the cost of not taking any action.
鉴于上述讨论情况,食典委同意要求食品添加剂联合专家委员会对牛生长激素进 行重新价,而且该 重新评价应局限于对DNA重组技术产生的四种天然牛生长激素类似 物(重组牛生长激素),即食品添加剂联合专家委员会第四十届和五十届会议曾评价的 牛瑞生长素、牛蛋氨生长素、牛亮氨生长素和牛度生长素,以及按照良好兽药使用规范 的使用情况。
In light of the above discussion, the Commission agreed to request JECFA to re-evaluate bST and that re-evaluation should be limited to the four analogues of natural bovine somatotropin (bST), produced by recombinant DNA techniques (rbSTs): somagrebove, sometribove, somavubove and somidobove which had been previously evaluated by the 40thand 50th JECFA Meetings and to their use according to good veterinary practice.
旨在保护设保人免受未经授权办理登记影响的任何其他惩罚均取决于 各国对未经授权的登记和欺诈性登记的风险程度相对于这种性质的行政规定的价而作出 的判定(见《指南》第四章第 20 段)。
H). Any additional sanctions aimed at protecting grantors against unauthorized registrations depend on a determination made by each State as to the extent of the risk of unauthorized and fraudulent registrations relative to the cost of administering prescriptions of this nature (see the
儿基会将充分利用其领导层对在公平问题的重视,充分利用 针对性别价而采用的工具、程序和指导方针,进一步建立考绩系统。
UNICEF will make full use of its leadership focus on equity, as well as the tools, procedures and guidance that have been introduced in response to the gender evaluation, to further systematize its performance.
[...] 进行评估的进程,评估的两个方面是:促进性别平等的成果;在联合国伙伴中为 促进联合及同行价而发展 能力和推动承诺,以达成大幅度扩大关于“如何”实 现性别平等的知识这一较长远目标。
UN-Women is engaged in a process to assess the concrete benefits that emanate from its participation in joint programming and in joint programme implementation, both in terms of results in advancing gender equality, and in developing capacity and commitment among
United Nations partners to foster
[...] joint and peer evaluations, towards the longer-term objective [...]
of greatly expanding knowledge
on the “how to” of achieving gender equality.
英文报道;中文报道)回到我“好警察、坏警察”的类比,这种意外转变似乎是斐雪派克的管理层扮演“好警察”的角色,帮助海尔确定最初收 价 ; 而 独 立 董事现在扮演“坏警察”角色,要更多钱。
To return to my “good cop, bad cop” analogy, this unexpected turn looks a bit like F&P’s management is playing the role of
“good cop” by helping Haier to
[...] determine the initial offer price, while the independent [...]
directors are playing the role of “bad
cop” in now asking for more money.
Musial女士获得了克拉科夫音乐学院的硕士学位,得到了高度 价 , 而 且 师承Stefan Wojtas教授;获得了温哥华音乐学院的艺术家文凭,师承Lee Kum-Sing教授;还获得了蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学的高级音乐表演研究文凭,师承Anna Szpilberg 和 Philip Cohen 教授,而且 Philip Cohen 教授至今仍是她的指导员和长期的表演辅导员。
Ms. Musial holds a Masters degree with high honours from the Academy of Music in Cracow under Professor Stefan Wojtas, as well as an Artist Diploma from the Vancouver Academy of Music under Professor Lee Kum-Sing and a Diploma in Advanced Music Performance Studies from Montreal's Concordia University under Professor Anna Szpilberg and Philip Cohen who remains as her mentor and long term performance coach.
2010 年的亮点包括特别项目执行审查工作,2010 年在此项工作下资发基金 委托进行了 9 次全面价,而 2009 年进行了两次评价和几个案例研究。
Highlights of 2010 included a Special Projects Implementation Review Exercise (SPIRE), under which UNCDF commissioned nine full evaluations in 2010, compared with two evaluations and several case studies in 2009.




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