

单词 件量


案件量 n

caseload n

测量条件 n

measurement condition n

External sources (not reviewed)

在保持对管理目的极其重要的详细内容 的同时,它还尽力为减少件量( 第166 EX/5.2号决定)做出贡献。
It also seeks to contribute to
[...] reducing the volume of documentation (166 EX/Decision [...]
5.2), while capturing details essential for governance purposes.
司法機 構正密切監察有關情況,並會在有需要時調撥足夠資源,以應 付件量增加
The Judiciary had been closely monitoring the situation and would deploy adequate resources to cope with the increase in caseload if necessary.
特别委员会决定继续依照限制件量 的 目 标,精简 提交大会的报告。
The Special Committee, consistent with the
[...] goal of limiting documentation, decided to continue [...]
to streamline its report to the Assembly.
讨论 的问题除其他外包括:㈠预期增设的 P-3 员额拟放在毒品和犯罪问题办公室各
[...] 区域办事处;㈡缩短巴勒莫实施情况审议组任期的可能性;㈢把某些工作组归 入巴勒莫实施情况审议组的可能性,条件是审议机制被采用;㈣减少 件量和 国别访问次数。
Several issues were discussed including inter alia (i) the anticipated P-3 posts to be placed in the UNODC regional offices; (ii) the possibility of reducing the duration of the Palermo Implementation Review Group; (iii) the option of subsuming some of the working groups into the Palermo Implementation Review Group,
provided that the review mechanism is adopted; and
[...] (iv) reducing the volume of documentation and the number [...]
of country visits.
综合报告应包括以下内容:(a) 对 为期三年的试点项目,包括所得经验教训进行完整的质量分析;(b) 以清晰透明 的方式介绍现有结构和试点项目结构及其覆盖的外地特派团;(c) 全面的成本效 益分析,包括以精确假定为基础的试点项目结构的效力和效率,并对外地特派团 调查工作的长期趋势进行分析;(d) 全面说明调查员和调查资源的部署理由,以 及监督厅应对不断变化的案件要求的能力;(e) 关于目前人员编制、空缺率和件量的完整和最新资料(见第 63/287 号决议,第 37-40 段)。
The comprehensive report was to include: (a) a complete qualitative analysis of the implementation of the three-year pilot project, including the lessons learned; (b) a clear and transparent presentation of the existing structure and the pilot project structure and their respective coverage of field missions; (c) a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis, including of the effectiveness and efficiency of the structure of the pilot project based on accurate assumptions, including an analysis of the long-term trend of investigations in field missions; (d) fully justified rationale for all deployments of investigations staff and resources and the ability of OIOS to respond to changing caseload requirements; and (e) complete and updated information on the current staffing, vacancy rate and caseload (see resolution 63/287, paras. 37-40).
由於勞資審裁處於2009年的件量(7 758宗 ) 與 2010年 (7 [...]
760宗 )相若,葉議員詢問為何預計2010年的平均輪候時間為 較之前長的30天。
As the Labour Tribunal would
[...] have similar caseloads in 2009 (i.e. [...]
7 758) and in 2010 (i.e. 7 760), Mr IP asked why a longer
average waiting time of 30 days were projected in 2010.
讨论了若干问题,其中包括:(a) 审议是否适宜将拟增设的 P-3
员额放在联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室各区域办事处;(b) 是否可能缩短巴 勒莫实施情况审议组届会的会期;(c)
[...] 如果审议机制获得通过,将某些工作组归 入巴勒莫实施情况审议组的问题;(d) 减少件量和国别访问次数;(e) 拟培训政 府专家的人数;(f) 任何机制都应当具有成本效益。
Several issues were discussed, including the following: (a) the consideration of the expediency of the proposed P-3 posts to be placed in the regional offices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; (b) the possibility of reducing the duration of sessions of the Palermo Implementation Review Group; (c) the option of subsuming some of the working groups into the Palermo Implementation Review Group, provided that
the review mechanism was adopted;
[...] (d) reducing the volume of documentation and the number [...]
of country visits; (e) the number
of governmental experts to be trained; and (f) the need for any mechanism to be cost-effective.
成员国注意到,根据现有的、由WIPO发起的统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP),中心2011年办理的 件量 创 下 了纪录。
Member states noted that under the existing
WIPO-initiated Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), the Center
[...] administered record case filings in 2011.
秘书长指出,自实行新的内部司法系统以来,行政法科的工作量剧增,这 是由于下列许多因素:(a) 申诉程序复杂,不再基于书面呈件,而是基于审判诉
讼模式,并且在专业法官主持下和在法律专业律师的对簿下进行听证;(b) 需要 增加处理案件的工作日,上诉案件从 5 日增至 15
[...] 日,违纪案件从 10 日增至 20 日;(c) 案件量增加,2010 年前三个月已提交 [...]
87 个新案件,而 2009 年为 86 个 案件。
The Secretary-General indicates that the workload of the Administrative Law Section has increased significantly since the introduction of the new system of internal justice, owing to numerous factors: (a) the complexity of the appeals proceedings, which are no longer based on written submissions but on a trial litigation model, with numerous hearings before professional judges and against professional legal counsel; (b) the increase in the number of working days needed to process a case from 5 to 15 days for appeals and from 10 to 20
days for disciplinary cases; and (c) the
[...] increase in the volume of cases, with 87 [...]
new cases having been filed in the first
three months of 2010, as compared to 86 cases in 2009.
由于此类工程件量特别 大、责任多样化,合同文件的存档问题就特别重要,但我 们注意到(i)没有预先为各类文件制定存档计划,(ii)因此只有将文件归类的那 [...]
As to the archiving
[...] of the contract documents, which for works of [...]
such magnitude presents particular problems in terms of
the volume of documents and the different roles and responsibilities, it was found that (i) no archiving plan had been drawn up in advance for the various types of documents, (ii) as a result, only the person who filed the documents knows where they are, and (iii) these documents are consequently very difficult to locate.
2010 年的件量增加,多数案件涉及盗窃儿童基金 会的资金(26%),其次是诈骗法定福利(19%)。
The caseload increased in 2010, with [...]
the majority of cases involving theft of UNICEF funds (26 per cent) followed by entitlement fraud (19 per cent).
由于现有件量较大 ,案头和 文件审阅工作贯穿了评估期的大部分时间。
Given the large amount of documentation available, desk and documentation reviews were [...]
carried out throughout most of the evaluation period.
据妇女权益网所述,1989 年的《基里巴斯法律法》规定,在没有立法的情 况下,习惯做法即成为法律。47 大赦国际补充说,该法的附件1s3(a)至(e)项规 定,刑事件量刑时可以参照习惯法。
According to K-WAN, the Laws of Kiribati Act 1989 provide that in the absence of legislation, customary practices become the law.47 AI added that Schedule 1s3(a)-(e) of the Act provide that customary law may be taken into account in a criminal case in determining the penalty for an offense.
该会议讨论的成果结集成书——《在独立国家联合体仲裁:当前的问题》,其中收录了Petrik女士的文章《SCC投资 件量 的 概 述》。
The seminar resulted in a book Arbitration
in CIS countries, Current Issues, which included an article by Ms. Petrik on
[...] “Overview of the SCC Investment Caseload”.
因此,将在 2011 年底完成几 乎所有我们目前的件量。
Therefore, almost all of
[...] our current caseload will have [...]
been completed by the end of 2011.
否则,监狱缺乏足够的空间关押还押的海盗嫌犯和已定罪的海盗,会限制本报告 讨论的反海盗特别法庭处理件量的 能 力。
Otherwise, the lack of sufficient prison space for piracy suspects on remand and convicted pirates may restrict the caseload capacity of the specialized anti-piracy courts that are the subject of this report.
鉴于自 2004
[...] 年设立专门调查职能以 来投诉持续增加,预计 2011 年平均偏高的件量将会继续。
Given the continual increase in complaints since
a dedicated investigation function was established in 2004, the
[...] high average case load is expected to [...]
continue in 2011.
特别委员会注意到,它在这一年遵照大会有关决议,特别是第 34/50 号决议、 第 39/68 号决议、第 51/211 B 号决议和第 65/245 号决议,继续采取措施,控制 和限制件量。
The Special Committee noted that, during the year, it had taken further measures to control and limit its documentation in compliance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, in particular resolutions 34/50, 39/68, 51/211 B and 65/245.
这份邮寄名单的件量较少 ,就新功能或API变更发送公告。
This is a low-volume mailing list [...]
with announcements regarding any new features or API changes.
随着圣诞节和新年的来临,香港出口航空 件量 最 近 大幅上升。
With Christmas and New Year approaching, there has been a significant increase recently in
[...] outbound airmail traffic from Hong Kong.
此举有助于为将来的摸底调查工作建立一种方法,以便将这一方法纳入国 家主管部门为处理件量最大 的各州的任意拘留问题而计划派遣法官和检察官 [...]
This exercise will help to establish a methodology for future mapping with a view to
informing the effort, planned by national
[...] authorities, to send mobile teams of [...]
judges and prosecutors to address arbitrary
detention in those States where the caseload is highest.
2010 年,申请 WIPO域名争议解决服务的数量继续攀升,商标持有人共提起 2,696 件投诉,与 2009 年相比,件量 增加了 28%。
Demand for this WIPO service continued in 2010 with trademark holders filing 2,696 complaints, an increase of 28% over the 2009 level.
國泰航空今天公布連同港龍航空一併計算的今年二月份客、貨運量,顯示客運業務錄得強勁的增長,而貨物及 件量 亦 有 增幅。
Cathay Pacific Airways today released combined Cathay Pacific and Dragonair traffic figures for
February 2008 that show robust growth in the number of passengers carried together with
[...] a rise in cargo and mail tonnage.
调解的结果不可预测:有些检察官在案件提交调解时便放弃指 控;还有的检察官则在对件量刑时 考虑调解的结果;还有一些则根本不允许调 解影响法律程序。
The outcome of mediation was unpredictable: some prosecutors dropped charges when the case was referred to mediation; others took the outcome of mediation into account when determining the penalty in a case; while others did not allow mediation to affect the legal process in any way.
The expected documentation volume is based on the [...]
calculations provided by the United Nations Office at Geneva
阿尔卑斯绿色件量产的 《GLMC系列》功率电感器面向笔记本电脑的存储器和液晶显示器等局部电源实现了同行业最高水平※低损耗,受到了市场的高度评价。
Alps Green Devices has earned a high reputation in the marketplace for the "GLMC Series" power inductors it produces for use in the local power supplies for memory, LCD displays, and other subsystems and which achieve industry-leading* low losses.
履行机构回顾第二十届会议的结论,即可酌情将提交信息和意见的要求扩 大到非政府组织,但有一个谅解,即此类提交材料将不作为正式文件印发,以免 增加件量,但 会在《气候公约》的网站上公布。
The SBI recalled its conclusions at its twentieth session that requests for submission of information and views could be extended to NGOs where appropriate and on the understanding that such submissions would not be issued as official documents, in order not to expand the volume of documentation, but would be made available on the UNFCCC website.66 The SBI requested the secretariat to continue its efforts to make these submissions more accessible on the UNFCCC website.
公司创建于上世纪末公元1999年,生产厂区占地面积26000平方米,具备专业生产大型铸钢件的条件,2600平方米的现代新型车间4座,现代高压电房3栋,30~50T的现代化电退火炉2座,90~100T的退火炉1台,中频炉3台,5T电弧炉1台,可生产大型单件铸钢30T,还有配套的先进设备50余台,有专业化验设备和化验室,化验设施3套,公司拥有强大的技术力量,高级工程师、工程师20余名,其中专业技术人员70余名,拥有员工150余名,具有一支朝气蓬勃的生产大军,年生产铸 件量 3 0 0 00 吨左右。
It has four new modern workshops of 2600 square meters, three modern high-voltage rooms, two 30 ~ 50T modernization of the electric Annealing furnaces, one 90 ~ 100T annealing furnace, three IF furnaces, one 5T electric arc furnace, which can produce large one-piece steel 30T, more than 50 supporting advanced equipments, 3 sets of professional equipment and laboratory tests Room, and laboratory facilities.
通过带有集成功率终放值的价格低廉且非常紧凑的 2 轴定位控制系统 SMCI21(50x50 毫米),它可在最短的时间内通过便捷的 Windows 编程界面低成本地实现调节任务,并评估适用于大 量件 数 的可能的解决方案。
The favorably priced and extremely compact SMCI21 2-axis positioning control (50 x 50 mm) with integrated final output stage enables economic adjustment tasks to be realized in the shortest of
time with a simple
[...] Windows programming interface and, thus, possible approaches to a solution for high quantities to be assessed.
以Sharkand Dolphin椅子( 量35件  ) 为例 , 配有柔软舒适的海豚和鲨鱼玩具的这件作品在2007年5月拍出了3.1万欧元; [...]
然而在2010年6月 ,在相同的城市和相同的拍卖行( 飞利浦拍卖行 )仅售得 不 足 1 万 欧 元  。
The Shark and Dolphin seat for example (edited by Estudio
[...] Campana in a limited edition of 35), both regressive [...]
and comforting with its softtoy
dolphins and sharks, fetched the equivalent of €31,000 in May 2007; however in June 2010, in the same city and at the same auctioneer, (Phillips de Pury & Company) it fetched €10,000 less.




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