

单词 仰韶



Yangshao neolithic culture from the central Yellow river basin, with red and black pottery

See also:

rely on
look up
face upward
surname Yang

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 與廣東省的合作 –
[...] 借助廣東省主要城市的文化魅力,例如中山、珠 海、開平韶關等 ,為長途市場旅客開發新的旅遊行程。
(c) Partnership with Guangdong – Leverage on the cultural appeal
of key Guangdong cities, such as Zhongshan,
[...] Zhuhai, Kaiping and Shaoguan, to develop itineraries [...]
for long-haul markets.
郭 家麒議員支持這項建議,並詢問貴州、湖南 韶 關 以外 的地區是否同樣需要援助。
While supporting the proposal, Dr Kwok Ka-ki enquired if areas other than
[...] Guizhou, Hunan and Shaoguan were also in need [...]
of help.
(二) 在未取得第三家活豬代理權之前,農業專區已經在內地廣東韶 關設立了活豬養殖場。
(b) Prior to being appointed as the third live pig agent, ASZ has already set
[...] up pig farms in Shaoguan of Guangdong Province.
早前,我與一羣豬農韶關與當地政府進行討論,構思讓這羣已交牌的 農友,透過內地的農業試驗區計劃,在內地生產活豬。
We hope that under the "agricultural test base" scheme of the Mainland, the
[...] government of Shaoguan will allow these [...]
pig farmers who have already surrendered
their licences to continue their operation of pig farming in the Mainland.
[...] 间对话领域建立一个专门的妇女仰 协 会/组织网络,加强方法论、做法和工具的交流。
A database has also been designed to build a special
[...] network of women faith-based associations/organizations [...]
in the field of interreligious
dialogue and to enhance their exchange of methodologies, practices and tools.
年內,共有七個有關燃氣銷售和管網建設項目簽訂正式合同,包括四川 簡陽、遼寧鐵嶺、朝陽、本溪、廣 韶 關 和 清遠。
A total of seven projects were secured during the year comprising piped gas distribution and gas pipeline construction in cities that included Jianyang in the
Sichuan province, Tieling, Chaoyang and Benxi in the Liaoning
[...] province, and Shaoguan and Qingyuan in the Guangdong province.
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教仰自 由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
了以下问题:尤其是农村的全民优质教育,普遍重视性别问题,面对失业和艾滋病毒/艾滋 病(HIV/AIDS)的青年的需要,艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防,环境的可持续性,人的安全,促进
[...] 可持续发展的科学教育,和平与宽容教育,预防冲突,促进文化间和 仰 间 的 对话,文化多 样性和使用多种语言。
Among other pressing issues special emphasis was placed on quality education for all in particular in rural areas, gender mainstreaming, the needs of youth in the face of unemployment and the incidence of HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS prevention, environmental sustainability, human security, science education for sustainable development, education for peace and
tolerance, conflict prevention, promotion of
[...] intercultural and inter-faith dialogue, cultural [...]
diversity and multilingualism.
2009 年 10 月 6 日第 373 号命 令规定)是根据俄罗斯联邦人民的宗教、民族和族裔-文化需要制定的,涉及教育
[...] 和人格发展,以便能够在容忍基础上建设一个民主的文明社会,同时进行文化对 话,尊重组成俄罗斯社会的多族裔、多文化和多 仰。
The federal State standard for primary general education (established by Order No. 373 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 6 October 2009), which is tailored to the religious, national and ethnocultural needs of the peoples of the Russian Federation, involves the education and development of personal qualities which will meet the objectives of building a democratic civil society on the basis of tolerance while
establishing a dialogue of cultures and respect for the multi-ethnic,
[...] multicultural and multi-faith composition of Russian [...]
部分豬 農會韶關重新開設養豬場,希望可以原本的供應量將豬隻運到香港。
Some of these pig farmers will set up
[...] new pig farms in Shaoguan in the hope of [...]
exporting the previous quantity of pigs to Hong Kong.
关于侵 犯言论自由和宗教仰自由的问题,厄立特里亚应当废除其宗教禁令,不再逮捕 其他宗教的信徒;不再歧视耶和华见证会。
Regarding the violation of freedom of opinion and worship, Eritrea should repeal its ban on religions, cease its practice of arresting individuals who meet and practise other faiths, and end discrimination against Jehovah’s Witnesses.
鲁侯每天在太庙里对它敬酒,命乐队演奏《 韶 》 使 它高兴,准备牛、羊、猪三牲全备的肉作为它的食物。
So he sent his deluxe carriage to take the bird to the Imperial Ancestral
[...] Temple, where he watered it with [...]
the best wine, fed it with the finest sacrifice,
and pleased it with the most ceremonious music, hoping the bird could live happily and comfortably.
在一個追求純 美學合成的過程當中,韶勁探 索藝術創作的空隙,在這個神聖的時刻,當界限被扭曲同 時,思緒,圖像和形式亦被溶解成一個存在於可能與現實之間的實體。
In a quest for pure aesthetic synthesis, Ng is exploring the interstice of artistic creation, that divine moment where boundaries are distorted and thought, image and form are dissolved in a physical reality that sits just in the middle between possibility and reality.
廣東省 中山大學、北京師範大學珠海分校、汕頭大學、南方醫科大學、
[...] 星海音樂學院、深圳大學、華南師範大學、華南理工大學、暨 南大學、肇慶學院韶關學 院、廣州大學、廣州中醫藥大學、 [...]
廣州美術學院、廣東工業大學、廣東外語外貿大學、廣東金融 學院、廣東商學院、廣東藥學院
重慶市 西南大學、西南政法大學、重慶大學
Sun Yat-sen University, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, Shantou University, Southern Medical University, Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Shenzhen University, South China Normal University, South China
University of Technology, Jinan University, Zhaoqing
[...] University, Shaoguan University, [...]
Guangzhou University, Guangzhou University
of Chinese Medicine, The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangdong University of Business Studies, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
資深 大 律 師 余韶老 先生曾經提出 過 : “ 一 百 多 年 來 , 香港 作為英國殖 民 地,港 英 當 局何時在 立法之前諮 詢 公 眾呢?
Mr Patrick YU, a veteran barrister, once remarked, "Throughout the hundred years or so when Hong Kong was a British colony, when did the British Hong Kong Government consult members of the public before enacting laws?
As if flowing from a hypnagogic state, the “Solo Exhibition by Kingsley Ng” further draws us into the threshold of consciousness.
他詢問, 自 1997年 10月 1 日起獲委任為委員會成員的沈韶醫生 及何京文先生的任期,為何超逾了法定團體成員最長6年 的正常任期。
He asked why the tenure of Dr SHUM Ping-shiu and Mr HO King-man, who were appointed as members of LTPSRB from 1 October 1997, had exceeded the normal maximum tenure of six years for membership of statutory bodies.
同時,亦獲得內地當局的配合,韶 關 建立了首個養殖 場,並成功投得第三個活豬代理權,達成養殖、運輸至代理的一條龍經營企 業。
We also got the support of the mainland authorities to set up the first farm in Shao Guan and succeeded in bidding the third agency right for live pigs.
此外,韶光的 著作有《風水百寶箱》、《家居好風水》第一、二、三輯,《古靈精解》、《風水新廣場》、《風水百答》、《為你解風水》 [...]
In addition, the Song Infoking writings feng [...]
shui treasure chest "," home good feng shui, two, three series, DIE solution
"feng shui Square," feng shui 579 "," solution for your feng shui " solution numerology "you" for your solution-telling, "and so argumentative incisive, vivid writing is simple and obvious, popular Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and America around.
這是他當年返韶山時所 作,眨眼之間已是35年光景。
In the wink of an eye, 35 years had lapsed.
来自中国华中科技大学韶关学 院的研究人员和研究生也参与开展了CRC CARE与恒健亚洲集团有限公司的合作项目。
The partnership between CRC CARE and HLM Asia Group also involves researchers and postgraduate students from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and Shaoguan University in China.
(a) 主要夥伴 –
[...] 澳門、廣東省內的深圳、廣州、珠海、中山、開平韶 關, 海南; 旅發局會與以上城市的旅遊推廣機構,一起於海外宣傳包括香 [...]
港在內的「一程多站」行程,並推廣香港作為進出內地的「一程多站」旅 遊樞紐。
The HKTB will join these partnering [...]
cities to promote multidestination itineraries featuring Hong Kong in selected markets,
while highlighting Hong Kong’s position as a “must-visit” city in the itineraries.
韶(現年92 歲) 在小冊中告訴我們,他是一個小修生,曾陪伴傳教士拉馬克神父(Ramakers [...]
Echt) 到正定府,是文致和主教等被綁架後第三天。
Further on in the booklet Mr. Ming-Sho-Chao ( 92 years
[...] old) tells how he, as a seminarian, [...]
the missionary Ramakers (Echt) accompanied
to Chengtingfu on the third day after the abduction.
1.宋韶光精品擇吉日曆單色系列: 8K: 28元/本 16K:18元/本 32K:8元/本 批發另議請聯繫店主 尺寸規格: 8K:38.5cm*16.5cm 16K:19cmX26.5cm 32K:19cm*13.5cm 家有韶光 福運代代傳 風水日曆 催運招財韶光(大師)簡介: 性別: 男;出生地方: Hong Kong(香港);現時住址: Hong Kong(香港)韶光、廣東鶴山人,國立台灣大學歷史系學士、美國伊利諾州大學歷史系研究所碩士;曾任教於香港珠海書院、浸會大學歷史系。
1.Song Shaoguang boutique selection Kyrgyzstan Calendar monochrome series: 8K: 28 yuan / this 16K: 18 yuan / this $ 32K: 8 / this Wholesale negotiable please contact the owner Dimensions: 8K: 38.5cm * 16.5cm 16K: 19cmX26.5cm 32K: 19cm * 13.5cm Song Shaoguang fortune for generations home Feng shui calendar reminders shipped Lucky Song Shaoguang (Masters) Introduction: Gender: Male; birth place: Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Current residential address: Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Shaoguang Song Heshan, [...]
National Taiwan University,
Department of History, BA, University of Illinois, Department of History Institute Master; Chu Hai College, Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of History has taught at.
第二个国家行动计划包括以下几点 :设立打击人口 贩运 、走 私和交易及 对 妇 女 儿童的性剥削工作队 ,由副 首 相兼内政大韶肯阁下 牵头 ;48 成立国家级 工作队 ,执行柬埔寨与 其他相 关国家就防止 贩 运 人 口 和 救助人 口交易 受 害者达成 的 协 议和谅 解 备 忘 录 ,由国务秘书尤 艾 女 士 阁 下 牵 头 ;49 设立预防、保护、整 合 和执法修 正高级 别 工作队秘书处, 以 及设立省 级 相 关机制。
48 The establishment of the national level task force is to enforce the agreement and the Memorandums of Understanding between Cambodia and other involved countries in preventing against the human trafficking and rescuing victims of human trades, chaired by the Secretary of State H.E Madam Yu Ay.
我曾經就選址問題組團韶關和 梅州探路,當 地的市政府、市長和農業局局長都親自與我們詳談,他們都不是省油的燈, 如果我們是“寄生蟲”,又怎能做到高規格地發展這個行業呢?
Their municipal governments and mayors as well as Agriculture Bureau Directors all talked with us personally.
(b)-(d) 在 2012-13
[...] 年度,旅發局會主力與位於泛珠江三角地區的城市,包 括廣東省的主要城市如開平韶關及 深圳等,以及澳門,推廣「一 程多站」行程,計劃中主要的工作項目、時間表及合作省份/城市 如下
(b)-(d) To promote “multi-destination itineraries” in 2012-13, the HKTB will focus its resources on co-operating with
cities in the Pan-Pearl River Delta area,
[...] including Kaiping, Shaoguan, Shenzhen, etc. [...]
in Guangdong Province, and Macao.




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