

单词 仪器



Texas Instruments


precision instruments


optical instrument

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如果三脚架仪器被移 动,在进行新的测量之前务必重新启 动功能并重新测量参考点的高度。
If the tripod and the instrument are moved, always restart the function and measure the height reference point again before continuing to measure!
这意味着除了能够在计算机上注册样品然后把批次发送 仪器 上 以外,所有的结果、数据和事件都能自动地传回和储存在计算机和SQL数据库中。
This means that in addition to sample registration and sending batches to the Kjeltec, all results, data and events from analysis will automatically be sent to and stored in the PC and SQL database.
我们是应力分析测试行业的领先供应商,可提供电阻应变计、应变计配件和特殊的电阻式传感器,同时也是开发和制造静态与动态应变 仪器 的 专 家。
For stress analysis testing, we are the leading supplier of electrical resistance strain gages, strain
gage accessories, and
[...] special resistive sensors and specialists in the development and manufacture of static and dynamic strain gage instrumentation.
仪器将自 动寻找选定的颗粒并从每个颗粒的中心收集拉曼光谱。
The instrument will automatically find the selected particles and collect a Raman spectrum from the center of each one.
同时,我们通过配备精确的扭矩荷载感 仪器 , 始 终将驱动 机与现代化的程序控制机整合在一起。
In addition, our drive products have
always been engineered to integrate into modern process controls by providing accurate
[...] torque load sensing instrumentation.
仪器(TI)业 务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易被有意忽略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了降低成本,部分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和安规方面电路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本,也是LED驱动芯片厂商设计能力的体现,不同的芯片厂商提供的方案,增加这部分电路增加的成本差别很大。
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development [...]
Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high
ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
飞行任务所完成的目标是:(a) 建造一个带有 11 件科仪器的复 杂的航天器;(b)通过在近地轨道上作轨道提升 [...]
机动,将航天器送入绕月圆型轨道;(c)在月球上插上印度的国旗;(d)进行成像 作业和收集关于月球土壤矿物含量的数据;(e)建立一个深空跟踪网络,实施深 空旅行作业程序。
The completed mission’s objectives were:
(a) to construct a complex spacecraft with
[...] 11 scientific instruments; (b) to place [...]
the spacecraft in a circular orbit around
the Moon by orbit-raising manoeuvres from a near-Earth orbit; (c) to place the flag of India on the Moon; (d) to carry out imaging operations and collect data on the mineral content of the lunar soil; and (e) to set up a deep-space tracking network and implement operational procedures for travel into deep space.
用已知高度对参考点做测量 (如水准基点或地板),每个点距 仪器 的 高 度和水平距离会显示在 显示屏内。
After measuring a reference point with a known height (e.g. bench mark or floor), the height and horizontal distance to the instrument are displayed for each following point.
项目的例子包括:专用遥控潜水器和自动潜航器、海底石油 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设备发送和收
[...] 回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量浮标系 统、深水海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)以及勘测 仪器 和 定 制。
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service capsules for subsea oil and gas construction and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling system to predict vessel and payload motions during equipment launch and recovery; oceanographic and meteorological measurement
buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system;
[...] and survey vessel instrumentation and customization.
e仪器将会从波长 700 纳米运行到 400 纳米直到发出信号时表示完成。
Handle by frosted sides only. d) Press Enter. e) The instrument will run from 700 to 400 nm and beep when done.
教科文组织代用券计划是根据 1947 年大会第二届会议通过的第 2 C/ 号决议设立 的,目的是帮助教育人员、研究人员及学生利用代用券购买适于教育、科学及文化目的的出 版物、影片及各种器材,其中包括学校的教科书、讲义、艺术作品和乐谱的复制品、原胶片 及冲洗器材、收音机及电视机、磁带录音机、录相带及录相机、乐器,以及科学设备、化工 产品、机床和测仪器、计算机、软件及有关物品。
The UNESCO Coupons Programme was created further to 2 C/Resolution adopted by the General Conference at its 2nd session in 1947 in order to permit educators, research workers and students to purchase publications, films and materials intended for educational, scientific and cultural purposes. This includes school textbooks, copies of courses, reproduction of art and sheet music, raw film, developing material, radio and television sets, tape recorders, videotapes and video recorders, and musical instruments, as well as scientific equipment, chemical products, machine tools and measuring instruments, computers, software related items.
操作易受以下两种情况的影响: (1)仪器可能导致有害干涉, (2)仪器肯定接收任何收到的干涉,包括可能引致意外操作的干涉。
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
威安公司为国内外企业制造矿 井气体测仪器,并 在矿井防爆安全方面不断研发 创新检测技术。
They are specialized to develop and manufacture weather-technical measuring and monitoring devices for explosion hazardous areas in national and international coal mines.
箔电阻器和电流传感器应用于各种需要高精度和高稳定性的应用,例如医疗测试设备、高性能音频设备、精密测 仪器 以 及 航空航天与军事应用。
Our foil resistors and current sensors are used in applications requiring a high degree of precision and stability, such as in medical
testing equipment, high performance audio equipment,
[...] precision measuring instruments and aerospace [...]
and military applications.
TNT 12000 X 射线测试工具系统是最新且最全面 仪器 系 列,用于保证诊断 X 射线成像系统的质量和安全。
The TNT 12000 X-Ray Test Tools system is the newest and most comprehensive family of instruments available for assuring quality and safety of diagnostic x-ray imaging systems.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE
[...] 的各类适 应症;(2)确定小儿超声心动图室的最 仪器 设备 和检查室的设置;(3)提供超声技师和医 [...]
师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查 操作步骤并确定必要的声窗和切面;(5)建立 完整的小儿超声心动图检查所需基本测量项目清
The purposes of this document are to: (1)
describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2)
[...] define optimal instrumentation and laboratory [...]
setup for pediatric echocardiographic
examinations; (3) provide a framework of necessary knowledge and training for sonographers and physicians; (4) establish an examination protocol that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline list of recommended measurements to be performed in a complete pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements and formatting of pediatric reports.
原子能机构向各国 提供了 800 多套辐仪器,用 于探测核材料和其他放射性材料未经许可的流 动,包括非法贩运事件。
IAEA provided States with over 800 radiation instruments for detecting the unauthorized movement of nuclear and other radioactive material, including illicit trafficking incidents.
现在,若您点击屏幕左上方的红色按钮启动示波器,然后对着测量话筒讲话,您应当 可以看到示波器和频谱分仪器中的 信号变化。
Now, if you start the oscilloscope by pressing the red button at the upper left corner of the screen, and then
talk before the measurement microphone, you should be able to see your
[...] “voices” in the Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer.
过去五年中,已为罹患严重癫痫的儿童与家人提供重要援助,包括提供癫痫警报救生系统(在夜间患儿严重发病时通知其父母),以至创新的DNA诊 仪器 和 专业的饮食诊疗服务,以减缓试验和错误治疗所带来的负面效果。
From lifesaving epilepsy alarms which alert parents to potentially fatal night-time seizures, to ground-breaking DNA diagnostic equipment and specialist diet clinics which help reduce the life-limiting effects of trial and error treatment.
(c) 在船只上放置或导致放置可能会损害或损毁船只 仪器 或 物 质,从而危 及其航行安全。
(c) Placing or causing to be placed upon a ship any device or substance that would damage or destroy the ship so as to endanger its safe navigation.
仪器负责 人员应确保所有使用人员阅读并遵循此 手册。
The person responsible for the instrument must ensure that all users understand these directions and adhere to them.
不论是铟锡氧化物,氧化锌,还是聚合物(3,4-乙烯基),我们独有的ITO光学模型,加上可见/近红 仪器 , 可 以测得厚度和光学常数,费用和操作难度仅是光谱椭偏仪的一小部分。
Whether one encounters Indium Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide, or Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), our proprietary ITO optical model, coupled with our visible/near IR instruments, can solve for both thickness and optical constants at a fraction of the cost and effort of a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
仪器自动测量分散样品中的粒度及粒形,操作方法与 Morphologi [...]
The instrument automatically [...]
measures the size and shape of particles in a dispersed sample in exactly the same manner as the Morphologi G3.
古巴实施原子能机构技术合作计划取得的主要 成果包括:提高国家的放射治疗和核医学能力;提高生产放射性药物和标识化合
[...] 物的质量;加强国家核监管机构的设施和核辐射保护的技术基础;建立和加强区 域中心,以维修和维持国家的仪器 ; 改 善国家核实验室的服务;完善核技术在 农业、水利和工业等方面的其他应用。
The principal outcomes achieved through the implementation of IAEA technical cooperation programmes in Cuba have been focused on improvements in national capacity in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine; an increase in the quality of production of radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds; strengthening the infrastructure of the nuclear regulatory body and the technical basis for radiological protection; the establishment and strengthening of a regional centre
for repairs and
[...] maintenance of nuclear instrumentation; improvement of [...]
the services of nuclear analysis laboratories at the national
level; and further development of other applications of nuclear technologies in agriculture, hydrology and industry.
对于联网的工业仪器仪表应 用开发人员来说,BF516 中增加了具有媒体独立接口(MII)与简化媒体独立接口(RMII)的以太网10/100 [...]
For developers of network-connected
[...] industrial and instrumentation applications, [...]
the BF516 adds an Ethernet 10/100 MAC with
Media Independent Interface (MII) and Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII).
该项目还在利用翻仪器(石 墨)在一个开放源网站布劳威尔(莫兹拉)上开发了非 罗马体的载体;用于支持缅甸语和西非语言;并开发了一些多语言编辑工具。
The project also developed the support of non-roman scripts in an
[...] open source web browser (Mozilla) with a [...]
rendering engine (Graphite); fonts to support
Burmese and West African languages; and various multilingual editing tools.
[...] 100 微米的厚度和可见光谱不透明性决定了 F20-NIR 是这一用途方面全世界众多实验室内最受欢迎 仪器。
Catheter and Angioplasty Balloon Wall Thickness: Thickness greater that 100 microns and
visible-spectrum opacity both mean
[...] that the F20-NIR is the preferred instrument for this application [...]
in large number of labs worldwide.
载荷由三仪器组成 :法国提供的一台太阳直径成像仪和表面测绘仪成像望远 镜,旨在测量太阳的直径,精确度达到 1 微弧秒以内;一台太阳可变性 Picard (SOVAP)差分辐射仪;以及一台精确检测太阳可变性(PREMOS 2)的 UV-光 度计。
The payload consists of three instruments: a solar diameter imager and surface mapper (SODISM) imaging telescope from France, designed to measure the diameter of the Sun to within 1 milliarc-second; a solar variability Picard (SOVAP) differential radiometer; and a precision monitoring of solar variability (PREMOS 2) UV-photometer.
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期染色体标本是进行染色体显微操作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩增产物片段在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600 bp左右;(3)杂交结果显示,本研究所获得的单条染色体是黄鳝3号染色体;(4)与显微操作仪和微激光分离相比较,该方法不需要昂 仪器 , 在常规实验室即可操作,具有广泛的普及应用意义。
The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the ideal material for single chromosome microisolation; (2) The sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, averagely 600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4) Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, the methods developed in the study can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument.
作为 UL 工程技术的主管,Mader
[...] 先生负责保持技术的卓越性并在组织内部促进科技创新,包括制定和实施一致和一流的测试、实验室、校正和测 仪器 的 政策、程序和实践。
As the head of engineering technology at UL, Mr. Mader was responsible for technical excellence and driving technical innovation across the organization, including developing and
implementing consistent, state-of-the-art testing, laboratory,
[...] calibration, and instrumentation policies, procedures [...]
and practices.




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