

单词 以飨读者

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External sources (not reviewed)

她赞成“容许限制”这样的谨慎措辞 以 免读 者混淆
She favoured such cautionary language as “permissible
[...] limitations”, so as not to confuse readers.
这家纽约香水厂自 2006 年开始制造令人迷醉的定制香水 以飨 最 挑 剔的鼻子,曾荣膺多个奖项。
The New York–based perfume house has been handcrafting head-turning, made-to-order concoctions since 2006, garnering prestigious awards and the devotion of discerning noses.
每场演出都座无虚席,有些观众在没有座位的提供下甚至不惜站在席后方欣赏这场难得的音 飨 宴 直 到表演结束。
All seats were filled and many of the audience stood at the back and sides of the concert halls until the end of the show.
关键字功能,以让您把重要的信息给予备注,让 读者 更 能 快速的知道此关键字的意思。
Keyword feature that allows you to note
[...] important information to give , let the reader know more quickly the meaning of this [...]
keyword .
黑杰克的故事,读者开放的结束, 以 理 解 你的想象力。
End of Black Jack
[...] stories and open towards readers can understand by your imagination.
群晖科技首席执行官许格超表示:「DSM 4.2 不仅提供企业用户仰赖的优异架构与灵活管理,也提供令个人用户惊艳不已的多媒 飨 宴。
DSM 4.2 provides the architecture and manageability that enterprises depend upon and amazes individuals with multimedia feast.
咨询委员 会认为可以有进一步的改善,为此在以下各段中提出一些建议,认为这些建议以帮助 对预算提案的审议,使提案能很容易地为那些不熟悉难民署日常业务读 者所阅读。
It believes that further improvements could be made, and offers in the paragraphs below some suggestions that, in its view, could facilitate
consideration of the
[...] budgetary proposals and render them more easily accessible to audiences that are not familiar with the day-to-day operations of UNHCR.
预祝全球性的2012 User Friendly大会在中国成功举办,为中国用户体验从业人员提供一趟完美的精 飨 宴。
Best Wishes for a Successful and spiritually fulfilling global event of User Friendly Conference 2012 to all China UX practitioners.
四位东南亚现代音乐青年作曲家将与15名来自来自新加坡,马来西亚与泰国的音乐家联合15位来自德国音乐工厂青年室内乐团的学生在总监彼德威尔的率领下,为听众们开设音 飨 宴。
Four acclaimed ASEAN composers and join 15 musicians from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as they partner 15 students from Germany (Studio musikFabrik) and their director, Mr. Peter Veale to put contemporary music on stage.
本 文的不同部分都包括了一些问题以 帮 助 读者思 考他们国家的情况。
Questions are included in different parts of the
[...] document to help the reader reflect on the circumstances [...]
in his/her country.
对一读者来说 ,这一专题 部分可能更加有用,因为它提供了自决议通 以 来 , 在应对恐怖主义的挑战方面, 国际社会从最广泛的意义上说取得进展的较全面情况。
This thematic part might be more useful to the general reader, as it provides a more holistic picture of how the international [...]
in the broadest sense, has progressed in dealing with the challenge of terrorism since the adoption of the resolution.
只要您会使用打印机,此软件的使用对您来说就不存在难度,一切都与平时操作一样,连启动此程序的步骤都 以 免 去 ,可外挂于所有支持打印的软件,如用 ACDSee 打印照片为 PDF,或是用 Word 打印文案为 PDF,甚至连 PDF 加密和 PDF 压缩的支持都已额外提供,对中文支持较好,您仅需导入相应的字体即可创建面向中 读者的 PDF。
As long as you use the printer, the use of this software does not exist for you more difficult, everything is operating as usual, and even the steps to start this
procedure can be removed,
[...] can print all the support plug-in software, such as ACDSee print Photos for the PDF, copy or print with Word for the PDF, and even PDF encryption and PDF compression provide additional support have been of Chinese support for better, you just import the font for Chinese readers to create the PDF .
不要 在第一句话中就提到你们组织的名称,相反地,应当关注问题本 以 及 事件 对 读者 、 观众 或听众的影响。
Avoid the temptation to put your
organisation’s name in the first sentence, instead concentrate on the issue
[...] and how it affects the reader, viewer, or listener.
读者可将 本报告与全球云技术服务 商调查报告《突破采用云技术的障碍》一并读,以更全 面地了解目前的云技术环境。
When combined with our companion report, Breaking through the cloud adoption barriers, a global survey of cloud service providers, [...]
a comprehensive view
of the current cloud environment begins to form.
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守“联 合国教科文组织公共图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据, 读者 提 供 一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏以配合 不同年龄及各阶层人士对信息、研究、自学及善用 余暇方面的需要。
The Hong Kong Public Libraries have been following the principles laid down in the UNESCO Public
Library Manifesto in
[...] acquiring library materials for the provision of a balanced and diversified library [...]
collection to meet
the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading.
Oris团队自3月26日起至4月2日,将参与年度钟 飨 宴 - 巴塞尔钟表珠宝展。
From 26th March to 2nd April the Oris team will be in action at the annual watch and jewellery fair Baselworld.
此次的2011DreamHack冬季赛事,曜越科技Tt eSPORTS再次展现在电子竞技场上的强势计划,当然也带入了一连串的娱 飨 宴 与 活动,玩家及粉丝们的惊叫声不断,因为Tt eSPORTS所带来的电竞激情元素完全融入现场摊位,而这为期四天的赛事,所有玩家皆 以 现 场 体验的方式与Tt eSPORTS进行互动模式,当然也充份掌握到Tt eSPORTS的最新电竞配备。
Tt eSPORTS are pleased to be at our first Dreamhack event and have planned a lot of fun competitions and activities over the next few days to interact with the gamers of the event and to share the “Passion” and “Lifestyle” that we at Tt eSPORTS have for gaming.
为了方便读者,对该杂志的格式进行了轻微变动并减少 了页数。
For reader comfort, the magazine’s [...]
format has been slightly changed and the number of pages reduced.
洳舞飨偈惋镲专业憷1991掖沔开设 飨 偈 惋镲专业燮肜躞瞩毕业哝,瞍啶氧渫颌区掬会 飨 偈 悬术煅瞀钴完给朽SOC孙设耖衙瞩耢椹钴是咪。
Established in 1991, our department of civil engineering has been playing important role of supplying civil engineering human resources in the southwest regional community and constructing social overhead capital producing the graduate students.
读者可能还 记得,他们当初买的书的封面上写着这样一行字:“因著作权,此版不在美国发售。
It is for this
[...] reason that some readers may remember purchasing [...]
books which had on the cover the words: “For copyright reasons
this edition is not for sale in the U.S.A.
报告巴勒斯坦方面死亡人数使用的措辞“丧生”和针 以 色 列 方面 使用的措辞“被杀”,可能读者暗示 1 300 名巴勒斯坦人丧生仅仅是其自身行 为造成的结果,而没有把这些人的死亡归咎于杀害或军事侵略或暴力等具体行 [...]
The choice of terminology to report deaths on the Palestinian side as “lost their
lives” and for the Israeli
[...] side as “were killed” may imply to the reader that the loss of life of the 1,300 Palestinians [...]
was simply a
result of their own doing without attributing these deaths to a specific action such as killing or military aggression or violence, while it is clearly implied that those on the Israeli side were killed intentionally by the Palestinian side.
在本报告所述期间,新闻部继续通过其销售和市场营销部门扩大其数字和印 刷品随要随印方案,目标以读者首 选 格式向其提供联合国材料。
During the reporting period, the Department continued to expand its digital and print-on-demand programme
through its sales and marketing arm, with the goal
[...] of providing readers with United Nations content in their preferred format.
任何涉及不同背景的人和机构的具有包容性和参与性的审查程序,都具有其 挑战和限制,但尽管如此,本报告仍然 读者 提 供了所有资料, 以 了 解 各种 事实和挑战,以及今后按照不同组合的专题在布隆迪建设和平所需要采取的行 动。
Notwithstanding the challenges and limitations inherent in any inclusive and participatory review process involving
many people and institutions
[...] from different backgrounds, readers will find all the information [...]
they need in order to understand
the facts, challenges and the future actions required in respect of peacebuilding in Burundi in accordance with the different sets of themes.
当医疗保健设施缺乏或无法 企及时,妇女和女孩就得承担过度的护理责任,因此就往往必须放 读 书 或 正规 的就以便提供护理。
Women and girls carry a disproportionate care responsibility when
health-care facilities are lacking or inaccessible and thus often
[...] must forego education or formal employment to provide care.
读者在寻 求专利保以及在 实施专利或行使专利权时去咨询专 利专家,而本指南则提供了实用的情况,意在有助读 [...]
者了解基本情况,在就专利问题咨询专利专家时能提 出合适的问题。
While readers are advised to consult a patent expert [...]
when seeking to protect, exploit or enforce a patent, the guide provides
practical information intended to help readers to understand the basics and to be able to ask the right questions while consulting an expert on patent matters.
以2011年3月11日发生在日本东北外海的9级地震及海啸给日本及世界经济带来的影响,本文对本次日本强震所引发的冲击和应对方式进行深入探讨 以 使 读者 了 解 此次日本大地震对于不同产业(汽车行业、半导体行业)所造成的影响与冲击,与各企业应变与恢复运作的措施,进而更深入了解企业应如何执行营运持续管理及供应链风险管理。
Drawing upon the economic consequences for Japan and the world following the magnitude-9 earthquake and the tsunami that happened on 11 March 2011 north east of
Japan, this article initiates an in-depth discussion on the shock triggered by the temblor and the
[...] response aiming to help readers understand the impact [...]
of the earthquake
in different industries (automobile and semiconductor industries), the measures of resilience and the recovering operation, and learn more about how companies should implement business continuity management and supply chain risk management.
七.16 咨询委员会还获悉,为了使全世 读者 更 容 易获得电子版的联合国出版 物,销售和营销组推出了在平板电脑和移动阅读设备上使用的电子书和应用链接 [...]
VII.16 The Advisory Committee was also informed that,
in order to make United Nations publications
[...] more easily available in electronic [...]
form to users worldwide, the Sales and Marketing
Cluster had introduced e-books and applications (“apps”) for tablet computers and mobile reading devices.
报告题为《工程技术:问题、挑战和发展机遇》,针对从决策者到学生的广 读者 ,其 中全面介绍了工程应用如何解决贫困、可持续发展和气候变化等问题。
The Report, “Engineering: Issues, Challenges and
Opportunities for Development”, which
[...] targets a broad readership from policy-makers [...]
to students, is a comprehensive resource
on engineering applications to address poverty, sustainable development and climate change.
除上文披者外, 於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值1 0% 或 以 上 任 何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, [...]
directly or indirectly,
interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
该法令进一步加强 了儿童的权利并保障了儿童的福利,同时并为需要保护的儿童规定在经过批准的 家庭或批准的学校寄宿或读,以及 适 当的还押收容所和受法律拘押的儿童的拘 押场所。
It further enhanced the rights of children and safeguarded their welfare, and also provided for approved homes and approved schools for children in need of protection, and proper remand homes and places of detention for children admitted to legal custody.




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