

单词 以言词或文字抨击

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

言 人最后说,尽管受到不公正抨击, 但 伊朗仍坚定 地致力于促进人权。
Iran remained firmly committed to the promotion of human rights, despite the unjust criticism in the report.
现在不是找词和相互抨击的时 候,而是要讨论和平问题的时候了。
It was not a time for excuses and invective, it was a time to talk peace.
对我们双方人民来说,通往和平的唯一途径显然 是谈判桌边的真正对话,而不是这一论坛中一再出现 的那种充满词滥调的抨击谩骂
It is clear that real dialogue around the negotiating table — and not the tired diatribe that has characterized this forum — is the only path to peace for our two peoples.
至於李柱銘議員的原議案,雖然表面上 字 眼 好 像與《基本法》第二十 二條的規定有點相似,而《基本法》第二十二條亦沒有甚麼值得爭 或 爭論 的地方,但當我們看清楚一點,再聽畢李柱銘議員剛才 言 後 , 便發覺原議 案是想藉着缺乏證據的臆測報道,借機 抨 擊 中 央政府干預本港的內部事 務,以,我 們認為必須反對這項原議案。
On the surface of it, although the wordings of Mr Martin LEE's original motion are somewhat similar to the provisions of Article 22 of the Basic Law and there is nothing in Article 22 which is worth arguing, we will find if we take a closer look and after listening to the speech just delivered by Mr Martin LEE that the original motion seeks to slam the Central Government for [...]
interfering in the internal affairs of
Hong Kong with unfounded, speculative reports.
创建目或词汇表,加入索引的关 字 , 并查看链接,屏幕截图,增加下拉部分或提示框内 以 及 设 计PDF小册子都是完全集成的,而且只需使用简单的几个 击 或 拖 放就可实现。
[...] the Table of Contents or Glossary, adding Index Keywords and See Also Links, capturing screenshots, adding drop down sections or tip boxes to content and designing PDF booklets are all fully integrated and simply achieved using a few clicks or drag and drop.
總督答(文): 這位議員,請恕我說㆒句,我認為㆟們不應 抨 擊 香 港總 言 行 的種 種說法都㆒律以為真
THE GOVERNOR: With respect to the Honourable Member
[...] [...] which I mean, I think that one should not necessarily believe that the attacks on the Governor of Hong Kong for doing this or that are always accurate.
塞尔维亚共和国 政府于 2006 年 5 月通过的《关于提高公共行政机构中少数民族成员比例的措施 的结论》规定,公共行政机构计划系统员工总数的三分之 以 上 在 地区建立的地 方单位工作,如果在这个地区根据地方政府主管机构的决定使用一 或 多 种 少数 民族语言,公共行政机构应当采取措施,规定在《内部组织和工作分工程序规 则》中有特定数量的工作岗位,在执行特殊工作任务时,工作人员需要有关于至 少一种在地方政府部门所在地区正式使用的少数民族 言 和 文字 的 知 识。
The Conclusion on Measures to Increase the Share of Members of National Minorities in Public Administration Bodies adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in May 2006 stipulates that public administration bodies, which are envisaged to have more than one third of the total number of systematized employees working in regional units established in their
respective territory in which languages of one or more national minorities are in use pursuant to decisions of competent bodies of local government units, shall undertake measures to envisage a specific number of working positions in the Rules of Procedure on Internal Organization and Job Classification when the execution of tasks for specific jobs requires the knowledge of at least one of the languages and the script of the national minority which is in official use in the territory at which the local government unit has been established.
第5/1999 号法律第9 条规定,任何以言词、动作或散布 文 书 、 又 或 以其 他与公众通讯的工具,公然侮辱国家象征又或对之不尊重者须承担刑事责任。
If a person
[...] publicly offends or disrespects the national symbols through words, gestures, writing or any other [...]
means of communication
with the public, such person is criminally responsible under article 9 of Law 5/1999.
更具体言,该定义意在包含较广泛的数字化通信概念,并涵盖新的技 术,其中包括便以电子 方式进行一对一审理的技术,例如可使计算机翻译人 类语音并记录文字或将文字转 换成语音的自动语音识别技术,还可包括使用 无线电波在电子标签和阅读器之间传输信息的无线电频率识别技术。
More concretely, the definition is intended to encompass the broader concept of digitized communication and accommodates new technologies, including those facilitating
[...] one-on-one hearing in electronic form such as automatic speech recognition that allows computers to interpret human speech and transcribe it to text or to translate text to speech, and may also include radio-frequency identification that uses communication [...]
through the use of radio waves to transfer information between an electronic tag and a reader.
少数民族的成员,除其他外,享有以下权利:培育、发展 和公开表达自己的民族、种族、文化和宗教特性;在公共场所使用自己的符号; 使用自己的言和文字;在 他们的人口占多数的地方,在国家机构的诉讼程序以他们 的语言开展工作;建立私立教育机构;使用以自己的语言表示的姓名;在 他们的人口占多数的地方,以其自己的语言书写传统的本地名称、街道和住区名 [...] [...]
称及地名;以自己的语言接受完整、及时和客观的信息,包括表达、接收、发送 和交流信息和想法的权利;建立自己的大众媒体。
Members of national minorities have, inter alia, the following rights: to foster, develop and publicly express their national, ethnic, cultural and religious specificity; to use their symbols in public places; to
use their language
[...] and script; to have proceedings conducted in their languages before State bodies in areas where they make up a significant [...]
majority of population;
to receive education in their languages in public institutions and institutions of autonomous provinces; to found private educational institutions; to use their name and family name in their own languages; to have traditional local names, names of streets and settlements and topographic names written in their languages, in areas where they make a significant majority of population; to receive complete, timely and objective information in their language, including the right to express, receive, send and exchange information and ideas; and to establish their own mass media.
报告没有清楚指出这些袭击是恐 怖主义分子攻击,尽管秘书长在文件 S/2009/585 中 强烈谴责这种攻击是“毫无意义的滥杀行为”,安全理 事会新闻稿 SC/9775 用最强烈言词谴责这些击,并 且说它们是一系列的恐怖主义攻击。
The report does not clearly mention that these were terrorist attacks, despite the fact that the Secretary-General strongly condemned
the attacks in his
[...] report contained in document S/2009/585 as “senseless and indiscriminate” and that Security Council press release SC/9775 condemned these attacks in the strongest terms and described them as a series of terrorist attacks.
由于照相机、闭路电视影带和字媒 介 存录设备遭扣押,此后仅披露了选定的少 量信息,调查团不得不极为谨慎地处 以 色 列当局播放的影像,只要这些影像与 在其中露面的击证人的证词不相 符合。
In light of the seizure of cameras,
[...] CCTV footage and digital media storage devices and the subsequent disclosure of only a selected and minute quantity of it, the Mission was obliged to treat with extreme caution the versions released by the Israeli authorities where those versions did not coincide with the evidence of eyewitnesses who appeared [...]
before it.
因此,我會考慮建議民主黨研究是否應該修改這部分的會議常規,令正在 言的 同 事如果說出㆒些與其他議員非常不同的意見,甚至猛 抨 擊 對 方時,例如說他㆟歪或誤導時,彼此以有交鋒的機會。
In a way, this is not desirable. so I am considering making a request to the Democratic Party to look into the possibility of amending the relevant part of the Standing Orders to require the speaking colleague to respond, especially when he or she
is talking about something
[...] totally different from what other Members think or something that amounts to an attack on somebody, for example, accusing somebody of distorting the facts or misleading others.
目标文件夹 — 若要创建目标文件夹,将日期 / 时间、文档中的可用字段或为 库配置的其他内容类型规定的可字 段 双 击或 拖 到目 标 文 件 夹 框中。
drag the available fields from
[...] the Date/Time, Document or available fields specified by other Content Types configured for the library into the Destination Folder box.
只是几个简单的击,Mac用户以只 读 的PDF表转换成完全可编辑的Excel电子表格在Mac OS X是否恢复或修改的PDF表中的字或文 本 , 然后是如微风容易。
Just with several simple clicks, Mac users can convert read-only PDF tables to fully editable Excel spreadsheets on Mac OS X. Then whether recovering or modifying the numbers or text in PDF tables is [...]
as easy as breeze.
在商議過程中,法案委員會要求 政府當局考慮一位委員的建 議,將由英文字母“LC”組成的登記號碼(條 例 草案規定 保留給 行政管 理 委員會)推出作公開拍或在自 訂車牌號碼計劃下供 公 眾 申請;而由文字母“LEGCO”組成的相若 車牌號碼組合,則予保以供 編 配予行政 管 理委員會擁 有的車輛。
In the course of deliberation, the Administration has been asked to consider a member's suggestion that registration marks consisting of the letters "LC" which are reserved for the
Commission under the Bill
[...] should be released for public auction or for application under the PVRMs Scheme; while similar combinations consisting of the letters "LEGCO" can be reserved for assignment [...]
to vehicles
owned by the Commission instead.
特别委员会的报告用大量篇幅以色 列进行猛抨击,但 随便忽略了在其 7 月份访问加 沙期间发生的向以色列平民发射 19 颗火箭弹的事件 ——而且刚刚再次否认——而在过去的十年中,已 向以色列南部发射了 9 000 多枚火箭。
The Special Committee had filled many pages of its report with fierce criticism of Israel, but the firing of 19 rockets at Israeli civilians during its mission to Gaza in July had been conveniently excluded — and just denied once more — as had the more than 9,000 rockets launched into southern Israel over the previous decade.
[...] 响的选举制度;对少数群体问题和少数群体成员持反对意见的政党;在选民中普 遍存在的偏见抨击有意 纳入少数群体候选 或 提 出 少数群体问题的党派;对少 数群体的关切和参与怀有敌意的媒体。
Discrimination which inhibits the political participation of minorities may manifest itself in, among others: a type of electoral system which negatively affects minority representation; political parties which are adverse to minority issues and minority membership; widespread prejudice among the electorate
which punishes parties
[...] willing to include minority candidates or voice minority issues; media which [...]
are hostile to minority concerns and participation.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教 或以 观 察 员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦的字被秘 书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教或以观察 员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议言时 段的 数 字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy
See, in its capacity
[...] as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has been drawn by the representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
这里的“内容”不仅只包括实际的文章主体内容,还包括文章的标题,你博客的名字,分类的标题,其他博客的链接描 或 着 任何你相信那些最终会输出到屏幕 文字 ; 然 后, 击 侧 边 栏里的 言 选 择链接,确认所有的东西是不是都转换到了正确的 言 ; 点 击多 言 版 的一个文章的不同语言版本,确认该文章是不是转换到了对应的语言;确认,当一个文章还没有两个语言版本时,是否显示你刚在系统管理里设置的对应的语言缺失时的消息;检查在你点击了另外一个语言选择后,再点击一下网页上其他的链接,所选择的语言是否保持不变;检查是否RSS新闻是显示的正确的语言版本。
The “content” which can be not just including the
post entry, but
[...] also including entry titles, blog name, category title, blog roll links or anything you believe will be finally output as text into the screen; then click the language selection link in the side bar, confirm everything change [...]
to the right language;
click the language switch link for a multi-language post, to confirm that the post changed into other language; confirm that if a post don’t have the language version, the Text Missing Message set in the Admin shown up on screen; after click the language selection link switched to another language, click another normal link navigate to another page to confirm that the language sticks; check to see if the RSS feed is in the right language.
文词组通常是两或多个汉字的组 , 是 以 这 个 产品同时也具有预测下一组字符的功能.当用户输入汉字笔画时,中文引擎会自动猜测相近似的汉字和词组.通过这个功能,用户可以直接选择下一个或多个汉字而无需逐个输入.这样减少了用户的输入时间使得该方式更有效率。
Chinese words normally combined with two or more characters, and this product [...]
also has the function to predict the next
character, when users input Chinese stroke, the engine will automatically predict similar characters and words.
(b) 根據上市規則及任何適用法例、規則及規例,任何通告或文件(包括但 不限於第161條所述的文件)及任何公司通訊可只以英文、 以 中 文或 同時以中英文作出,惟本公司已獲取有關股東事先表明同意的確認書 只以英文、以中文或同時以中英 文方式收 或以 其 他 方式獲得本公 司向其作出的通或文件除外,以及 惟 該股東如有要求,可向本公司發 出書面通知,隨時要求本公司向其寄發或作出其之前未獲提供 言的 任何通或文件或公司通訊。
(b) Subject to the Listing Rules and any applicable laws, rules and regulations, any notice or document, including but not limited to the documents referred to in Article 161 and any Corporate Communication, may be given in the English
language only, in the
[...] Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language provided that the Company has obtained the relevant member’s prior express positive confirmation in writing to receive or otherwise have made available to him such notices or documents in either the English language only or the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language and provided further that such member may, if he so requires, by notice in writing served on the Company, demand at any time that the Company sends or makes available to him any notice or document or Corporate Communication [...]
in the language
not previously provided to him.
在前几稿中使用了“程序原则”,但是起草 小组认为,至少在一些言和文化中 “程序” 词 具 有强烈的法律意味,因此改用了“实 施”词,以避免这类限制性的含义。
In earlier drafts the term ‘procedural principles’ was applied
but the Drafting Group
[...] felt that the word ‘procedural’ might, at least in some languages and cultures, have strong judicial connotations and therefore adopted the term ‘implementation’ to avoid any such restrictive [...]
以此方式送達的通或文件對 於沒有登記或電子地址的股東 (視情況而定)或地址不正確的股東 言 是 充 份的送達,惟此 (B)段的內容概不得詮釋為規定本公司須向並無提供登記地址 或電子地址(視情況而定以向其 或並非名列本公司股東登記 冊首位的任何股東送達通知或文件或地址不正確的任何股東 送達任何通知或文件。
Any notice or document served in the manner so described shall be sufficient service as regards shareholders with no registered or electronic address (as the case may be) or incorrect addresses, provided that nothing in this paragraph (B) shall be construed as requiring the Company to serve any notice [...]
or document on any
shareholder with no or an incorrect registered address or electronic address (as the case may be) for the service of notice or document on him or on any shareholder other than the first named on the register of members of the Company.
随着 发表最后报告,政治行为者们变得更加 言 不 讳,其中一些呼吁总统接受和全部 执行这些建议,另一些则公抨击和 反 对各项建议,后者当中有一些根据委员会 的建议将被起诉。
With the release of the final report, political actors have become increasingly vocal, with some having called on the President to accept and fully implement the recommendations, and others, some of whom are recommended for prosecution by the Commission, publicly denouncing and rejecting them.
人权问题调查之后的报告和倡导活动必须供人们质疑, 如果“实况”是通过不可靠的方法 或 由 经 验不足、有偏见的实况调查人员收集, 则很容易受抨击。
The reporting and advocacy that follow human rights investigations are open to challenge and can readily be impugned
where the “facts”
[...] themselves were gathered through unreliable methodologies, or by inexperienced, or biased fact-finders.
很多議員對管制計劃大抨擊,但不要忘記,我們 以說 得㆝花龍鳳,以要求取㆘月亮,但最終要簽訂管制計劃合同時,是需要說服投資者 去字,如果條件不合理,投資者亦不會簽新協議。
But we must not forget that we could be as high-sounding as we like and we could even ask for the moon, but when we finally conclude the scheme of control agreement, we still must persuade the investors to sign it.
全球粮食、能源和金融危机暴露了放松监控 的全球市场的运作所固有的系统性缺陷,需要各国政 以 适 当 方式参与应对这些 危机,对支撑华盛顿共识的传统理念给 抨击。
The global food, energy and financial crises that exposed the systemic flaws inherent in the functioning of deregulated global markets required Governments to step in to address those crises — and in ways that dealt a blow to the conventional wisdom underpinning the Washington Consensus.




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