

单词 以致于

See also:


up to
down to
such an extent as to


tender (greetings, thanks etc)

致以 v

present v

External sources (not reviewed)

在美国某些地区,如佛罗里达州,故障发生率极为频繁 以致于 一 些 地区已完全禁止使用铜作为冷热水管道的制作材料。
In some parts of the country, such as Florida, the failures occurred so frequently that the use of copper for plumbing has been completely banned in some areas.
自以色列政府去年9月对定居活动采取解冻措 施以来——事实上只是部分冻结——定居活动不仅 达到了先前的增长速度,而且还成倍增长 以致于在 9 月份后的头六周中,增量不仅弥补了 10 个月的冻结 量,甚至还超过了该水平。
Since the Israeli Government lifted the freeze on settlements last September — a freeze that was only partial, in point of fact — the settlement activities have not only reached their previous rate of growth but doubled to the point that, during the first six weeks after that September date, they had made up for that 10-month freeze and even gone beyond it.
由于廉价亟待找到工作的劳动力供应远远超过了需求,权力关系 往往如此绝对地不公平以致于家庭 佣工所经受的剥削程度完全凭雇主的意愿而 定。
With the supply of cheap, desperate labour outstripping demand, power relationships are often so grossly unequal that the degree of exploitation endured by domestic workers depends on the employer’s will.
在欧洲一些国 家内,尚没有承认互裨姑娘安排的家庭工作 以致于 存 在 管理保护方面的空白。
In some European countries, the domestic work aspect of au pair arrangements is not recognized, leading to regulatory protection gaps.
在这方面所作的努力。我们愿赞赏的第一件事是,米 格尔·德斯科托·布罗克曼先生如此重视所有国家都 有受到倾听和注意的同等权利 以致于 现 在所有地方 都能听到他正确地创造出来的一个词——192 国集 团,即 G-192。
The first thing we wish to recognize is that Mr. Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann gave such weight to the fact that all countries have the same right to be heard and heeded that the term that he correctly coined — the Group of 192, or G-192 — can now be heard in all quarters.
然而,由于我们认为不合规“无 法避免”,再加上资源不够以致于 该 系 统长期受到善意忽略,到今天随着工作 量日益增加而处于难以为继的边缘,即便是不考虑这样一个令人吃惊的事实:即 每个条约平均有 23%的缔约国从未参与过该条约的审查程序。
But by resigning ourselves to the “inevitability” of non-compliance and inadequate resources, the system was left to suffer a long history of benign neglect to the point where, today, it stands on the verge of drowning in its growing workload, even when leaving aside the shocking fact that at average 23 % of States parties to one treaty have never engaged in the review procedure of that treaty.
这些问题可能会延迟熔断,导致温度过高 以致于 使 涂 层破裂,并使熔断导线附近的空气发生电离。
This can delay fusing, resulting in high enough temperatures to fragment the coating and ionize the air near to where fusing occurs.
很多人认为,现在的专利标准,尤其是美国的专利标准定得过低以致于很多微不足道的发明都被授予了专利;或者,由于专利检验员的工作压力太大,授 予了许多在法庭上将会被宣判为无效的专利52。
Many argue that the standards of patenting,
[...] particularly in the US, have been excessively lowered so that too many patents are issued for inventions that are trivial; [...]
or, because of pressures
on patent examiners, too many patents are issued that will not prove valid in the courts if challenged.52 The problem in the US has been described thus
自 1945 年以来,由于非常需要这样的合作 以致于 教 科文组织自己促进 建立了其所需的合作伙伴。
From 1945 onwards, the need for such cooperation became so great that UNESCO itself helped to found several of its indispensable partners.
1945 年,旧金山的起草委员会提及第二
[...] 条第七项的国内管辖权条款,声明说,如果基本自由和权利遭到“严重触犯以 致于造成 的影响危及和平或阻挠《宪章》规定之适用,那么它们就不再仅仅是一 [...]
In 1945, the drafting committee in San Francisco, referring to the domestic jurisdiction clause of Article 2 (7),
declared that if fundamental freedoms
[...] and rights are “grievously outraged so as to create conditions [...]
which threaten peace or to
obstruct the application of provisions of the Charter, then they cease to be the sole concern of each State”.
挑战源自那些在专业领域内和社会上都很有影响力的作品集 以致于 其 它 书目实体都起 源于这些作品集,且这些作品集体系正在不断壮大 (Petek, 2008)。
The challenge lies with those which are so influential in their field and also in society that other bibliographic entities stem from them and their family grows larger (Petek, 2008).
就教科文组织而言,这项倡议对于负责试办地的多国办事 处和地区办事处(达喀尔、蒙得维的亚、内罗毕和威尼斯)的要求特别多 以致于 其 他 多国 办事处和/或地区办事处的职责需要削减(至少在短期内)。
For UNESCO, the initiative has been particularly demanding for cluster offices and regional bureaux responsible for pilot locations (Dakar, Montevideo, Nairobi and Venice) to the extent that other cluster and/or regional responsibilities have had to be curtailed, at least in the short term.
视图中一天和另一天按水平排 以致于 能 够 排列数周,而周的排列是按一周位于另一周的下方的方式。
This view positions days one after another horizontally so that they construct weeks while weeks are placed one under another.
这部分反映了公众对国家安全机构 和刑事司法制度依然缺乏信心的情况 以致于 群 众擅自执法,常常造成严重伤害、 死亡或财产损失。
This partly reflects a continued lack of public confidence in national security institutions and the criminal justice system, leading people to take justice into their own hands, frequently resulting in serious injury, death or property damage.
我们 需要在可取 与可行之间找到平衡,从而使该政策不会太冒进以 致于同履 行我们总体任务的工作产生冲突。
We need to find a balance between what is desirable and what is feasible, in order for the policy not to become so invasive that it conflicts with the achievement of our overall mandate.
应当注意的是,尽管这 不是当场抓捕,但事前不存在对这种羁押的司法监督 以致于 警 察 可以自行决定 是否应当剥夺某人的自由。
It should be noted that, despite the fact that it is not a case of flagrante delicto, there is no ex ante judicial supervision of this detention, so that the police can decide on their own initiative whether a person is to be deprived of liberty.
当意外或冲击发生,也会造成摆轮摆动加快 以致于 造 成 腕表的时间走得太快。
Knocking may also be caused by an accident or shock that makes the balance accelerate positively.
那些希望给自己行动披上法律合法性外衣的人,常常尽可能宽泛 地界定受保护的利益,也就是说,他们为其所保护的生命划定了非常宽泛的界限以致于大可能发生、甚至想象的伤害也被列入其中。
Those who wish to clothe their actions with the legitimacy of the law often define the protected interest as broadly as possible — that is, they draw the perimeters around the lives they are protecting so widely that it includes distant or even fanciful harm.
这名小女孩疟疾病情严重,他说 —— “她病得如此严重以致于我都 认为她会死掉”。
The girl had been gravely ill with malaria, he says – “so sick I thought she would die”.
只有通过宣传这些问题方面的 真实情况,才能够做到这一点,但多数政治家隐瞒或 无视这些真实情况,新闻界也不公布这些真实情况, 而且这些情况对于人们来说实在是太可怕了 以致于 看起来都难以置信。
That is possible only through the dissemination of truthful information on such issues, which most politicians conceal or ignore, which the press do not publish and which for the people are so horrendous that they seem unbelievable.
占领在武装冲突范畴内发生时,是否包含在武装冲 突之中以致于我们 可以不用专门提它吗?
When occupation occurs in the context of an armed conflict, is it part of the conflict to the extent that there is no need for specific mention of it?
......就我所见,随着社会的持续发展,大问题之一是:物质主义和对成功的渴望是否会充塞在教会里 以致于 降 低教会的影响力?
... I see as society continues to develop, one of the big questions is: Will the materialism and the desire for success crowd out the church and really dilute its influence?
虽然《刑事诉讼法典》第 282 条规定,“检察官办公室、国家警察和刑事调 查警察的调查应当总是在司法监督下进行”,但这种监督通常是事后行使 以致 于通常不能防范审前监禁。
While article 282 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that “investigations by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the National Police and the Criminal Investigation Police shall always be carried out under judicial supervision”, this supervision is usually exercised a posteriori so that it does not usually prevent pretrial imprisonment.
在产业项目的规模、费用和风险过 以致于 一 国 难以独自 开展的情况下,跨国产业合作就提供了解决办法。
Cross-border industrial cooperation can also present solutions in cases where the size, costs and risks of an industrial project are too big for one country to implement the project alone.
文件指出,都市地区增长太快,难以确保地名标准 化以致于无法 向所有使用者提供一致的数据。
It was pointed out that the growth of urban areas made it more difficult to ensure that place names were standardized to enable consistent data to be made available to all users.
[...] 绘了一幅关于加沙地区和约旦河西岸医疗状况的悲 惨场景,却绝口不提以色列已经发放了数以万计的 进入以色列境内就医的入境许可证 以致于以 色列 人民都颇有微词;报告员错误地指出加沙地带是被 占领的领土,以色列是这块领土的实际控制者;他 描述了加沙的物资供应受到限制的状况,却丝毫不 [...] [...]
考虑过境点经常受到恐怖分子的袭击,而人道主义 机构的工作重点则通常不在于此。
Moreover, it wrongly asserted that the Gaza Strip was an occupied territory over which Israel exercised effective control.
一些代表团认为,审议外层空间活动的长期可持续性不应被用作一种借口 供那些已得以不受控制地发展了其空间能 以致于 造 成 当今面临的挑战的国家 用来限制或控制那些希望行使其合法权利使用同样技术造福本国的其他国家。
Some delegations expressed the view that the consideration of the long-term sustainability of outer space activities should not
be used as a pretext
[...] for States that had been able to develop their space capabilities without control, resulting in the challenges [...]
faced today,
to restrict or impose controls on other States wishing to exercise their legitimate right to use the same technology for their national benefit.
的贡献 如果在贵国的NAP中,尚未基于相关的科学知识、专家知识和/或传统知识对DLDD驱动因素、它们 之间的相互作用以及DLDD与气候变化和生物多样性之间的相互作用进行分析 以致于 自 我 评估过程 没有完全成功进行,那么您预期何时对您的NAP进行调整,以便它能成功通过自我评估?
National contribution to the target If in your NAP, DLDD drivers, their interactions, and the interaction of DLDD with climate change and biodiversity, are not analyzed on the basis of relevant scientific, expert and/or traditional knowledge, such that the self-assessment process is not fully successful, when do you expect to adjust your NAP so that it can successfully go through the self-assessment?
如果测量直径为80至100 mm、长度为150 mm的腔体几何形状,SP25测头需要花费大量的时间才能精确地采集足够的数据点 以致于 我 们只在设计部提出特殊要求或机器初配置时才进行此类检测工作。
To accurately collect enough data points to measure the geometry of a bore 80 to 100 mm in diameter and 150 mm in length, the SP25 probe took so long we limited those inspections to machine set up or special requests from our design department.




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