

单词 以至



up to
down to
the extent that...

以至于 conj

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External sources (not reviewed)

透過與合資企業夥伴合作 ,天浪衛視平台提供全面性服務 ,由硬件 分發和產品推廣以至客戶服務和訂戶管理 。
Working through its joint venture partners, the Skywave platform provides a comprehensive offering from hardware distribution and product promotion, to customer service and subscriber management.
(iv) 多用途的廣場:廣場應可容納從享受綠色空間的靜態休憩活 以至 舉 行 充滿活 力的不同活動。
(iv) Multi-purpose uses: The piazza should be able to accommodate activities ranging from passive enjoyment of green open space to vibrant events.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後加上“審慎評估落實小班教學所需的 額 外 資 源 , 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保師資 培 訓 得以配 合 下 , ” ;在“ 逐 步 在小學”之後刪除以至 中 學 ” ;及在“因材施 教,”之後加上“以”。
To add "prudently assess the additional resources required for implementing small class teaching, weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available," after "urges the Government to"; and to delete ", and then in secondary schools," after "primary schools".
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运人口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
In addition, the policy, legal and institutional framework across the economic and social sectors as well governance, human rights, justice and the wider rule of law continue to be inadequate on the whole.
特區政府應加強與廣東省及珠江三角洲地區城市的合作,在減緩排放、適 應氣候變化以至技術 和財務範疇上協同合作。
The HKSAR Government should enhance cross-boundary cooperations with the Guangdong Province and cities over the Pearl River Delta in the areas of mitigation, adaptation, technology and finance.
楊教授對委員會說,教院遇上多項不幸情況,其中包括削減 經費( 所有院校均需同樣面對) ;人口結構改變導致教師的需求銳減以至對師 資培訓院校的資助亦減少或可能減少( 對於像教院這樣的 “單一專科”高等院校,問題尤為嚴重) ;社會對教師的要求日高, 認為所有教師都應具備大學畢業的資格,因此,副學位程度的學額須 減少( 教院是提供副學位課程的主要院校) ;接收自以前的師範學院的 教院職員( 公務員) 都按高於大學教授的薪級表支薪,但他們卻沒有受 過有關訓練或未作好準備教授學位課程;以及師資培訓院校招收不到 最好的學生( 這是所有師資培訓院校都面對的問題,但教院的情況尤 為嚴重) 。
Professor Young told the Commission that a number of unfortunate circumstances converged on HKIEd, including the funding cuts (which applied to all institutions), the demographics leading to a substantial reduction in the demand for teachers and therefore cuts or potential cuts for teacher education providers (a particularly serious problem for a “mono-technic” HEI such as HKIEd), the community’s increasing expectation that all teachers should be graduates with degrees and therefore sub-degree places (HKIEd being the major provider) had to be reduced, some of HKIEd’s staff inherited from the former teacher training colleges (civil servants) were paid on a higher scale than university professors when they were not trained or prepared to teach up to degree level, and that TEIs were not attracting the best students (common to all TEIs although it was more serious in the case of HKIEd).
患者的身体部分,如面部或喉部会发生肿胀 以至 于 无 法呼吸。
Parts of the body, for example the face or throat swell up so much that the patient can't breathe.
此外,他們亦應在產 品出廠、運以至貯存和零售期間採取措施,包括使用合適的容器和不透光的箱,避免 [...]
產品暴露在強光下;保持正確的低溫環境(盡量維持温度於攝氏20度或以下,切勿超過 攝氏38度),使用適當的隔熱貨櫃,並配合付運時間和適當的貯存設施,避免產品暴露
From production throughout shipment [...]
to storage and retail, they should also take measures to prevent products from light
exposure by means of proper containers and covering boxes; and to minimise heat exposure by maintaining the correct cold chain, preferably at or below 20°C and critically not above 38°C, by means of appropriate insulated containers, to be coupled with shipping schedules and storage facilities; and to keep stock according to the first-in-first-out principle.
[...] 應市場環境變化而調整其最低內部資金流動性額度目標,但其流動性仍可由於非其能夠控 制的情況而受到影響,這些情況包括整體市場中斷、商品價格顯著上升或可影響其供應商 或客以至本身的營運上問題等。
While Glencore adjusts its minimum internal liquidity targets in response to changes in market conditions, its liquidity may be impaired due to circumstances it is unable to control, such as general market disruptions,
sharp increases in the prices of
[...] commodities or an operational problem that affects its suppliers or customers or itself.
事实上,委员会会就广泛的政策事项和服务 范畴向香港特区政府提供意见;有关事项和范畴遍及无障碍通道、教育、就业及 职业训练、资讯及通讯科技、医疗康复、艺术及文化、康乐及体育、社会及社区 康复以至交通运输等。
RAC advises the HKSAR Government on a wide span of policy subjects and service areas, ranging from barrier-free access, education, employment and vocational training, ICT, medical rehabilitation, art and culture, recreation and sports, social and community rehabilitation and transportation, etc.
在某些情况下,这些成果非常宽泛,因此可以对行 动和活动详加说明以至于如果单纯看这些行动和活动,有时显得和工作重点预期结果的联系极不明显,但这 些行动和活动又被认为是工作重点的组成部分。
In some cases, they were very broad and therefore permitted the elaboration of actions and activities which, when taken on their own, appeared, occasionally, to have only a tenuous link to the expected results of the main line of action of which they were supposed to be a component part.
b. 然而,特區政府在回應公民社以至 整 體社會對更大程度參與、互動制定 公共政策的訴求,反應遲緩。
b. However, the Government has been slow in adopting measures for meeting the growing civic society and community expectation of greater involvement and higher interactivity in public policy making.
过去五年中,已为罹患严重癫痫的儿童与家人提供重要援助,包括提供癫痫警报救生系统(在夜间患儿严重发病时通知其父母 ) , 以至 创 新 的DNA诊疗仪器和专业的饮食诊疗服务,以减缓试验和错误治疗所带来的负面效果。
From lifesaving epilepsy alarms which alert parents to potentially fatal night-time seizures, to ground-breaking DNA diagnostic equipment and specialist diet clinics which help reduce the life-limiting effects of trial and error treatment.
为进一步提高经营和管理效率,降低企业运营成本,以获取更大的企业效益,电信企业对网络资源管理及运营机制提出了新的要求,即需要一个能够全面提升电信运营管理水平的综合网络资源管理系统,有效解决电信运营商的资源数据及资料维护,支撑各类电信业务所需的动态资源调度、数据与应用同营销业务系统等(如客户资源管理系统、电信97、专线系统、故障处理系统等)等基于工作流的互联互通、资源的使用分析与优 以至 决 策 支持等。
To further increase operations and management efficiencies and reduce corporate operating costs for better corporate effectiveness, telecommunications corporations set new requirements for network resources management and operating systems; in other words, they need a comprehensive network resources management system, which can generally raise the level of telecommunications operations and management, to effectively dispose of resources data and documentation maintenance for telecommunications carriers and give support to dynamic resources dispatching, workflow-based interconnections and interchanges like those between data/applications and marketing business systems (such as client resources management system, Telecom 97, leased-line system and troubleshooting
system), analysis and
[...] optimization of resources usage and even decision support, [...]
as required for various types of telecommunications business.
鍾庭耀認為,基於維護學術自由和資訊自由的前提下,所有針對票站調 以至 一 般 民意調查的規管,應該根據三項原則制訂:即政府愈少監管愈好,資訊流通愈暢順愈好,和愈早制訂專業守則愈好。
According to Robert Chung, in order to protect academic freedom and the free flow of information, any restriction on opinion polling including exit polling should be based on three principles: the less government restriction the better, the more free flow of information the better, and the earlier we could establish a professional code of practice the better.
a) 直接或間接透過一間中或多間中介機構控制本集團,或受本集團所控制,或與本集團受共同控制;或持 有本集團之權以至足以對本 集團產生重大影響力;或擁有本集團之共同控制權
a) directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, the party controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Group; has an interest in the Group that gives it significant influence over the Group; or has joint control over the Group
可是,要把不同城市非住宅用戶的電費作出比較則有相當 困難。這是因為各地電力公司為非住宅用戶(包括商業、 工以至農業 等)所提供的收費計劃種類繁多,而這些不 同的收費計劃,又受到個別國家或城市對個別行業的政策 及經濟考慮等因素影響。
It is, however, very difficult to compare non-residential tariffs in the different cities because of the variety of tariff schemes offered by different power companies to different non-residential customer groups in the commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors, which in turn are affected by the policies and economic considerations, etc., of the countries or cities for each economic sector.
它能加载和保存为若干种图像文件格式,包括从Twain 扫描仪中获得图像(单个和多个页面),屏幕截图,使用滤镜,合并图像,选择图像区域(支持魔术棒 以至 于 其他的图像格式。
It can load and save from several image file formats, acquire from TWain scanners (single and multi pages), capture video, applies filters, merge images, select image regions (Magic Wand supported) and other.
任何人凡通过暴力、恐吓或欺诈,扣押、损害或损毁飞机、船舶或其 他类型的船只或海上平台,或威胁这些船只上的人员、货物或物品的,应被 判定犯有海盗罪,可以 10 至 15 年监禁。
Anyone who through violence, intimidation or fraud, seizes, damages or destroys an aircraft, ship or other type of vessel or sea platform, or threatens persons, cargo or goods aboard such vessels, shall be convicted of piracy and liable to a term of imprisonment of 10 to 15 years.
如能證明「會員」以至誠及事先已將「信用卡」、「e-shopping卡戶口號碼」妥為保管及保密,並於接獲通知或懷疑其已遺失、被竊 或遭冒用後在合理切實可行範圍內盡快報失,在符合適用之法律及規例之規定下及除因「「生」、或「「生」職員或僱員之疏忽或過失 外,「會員」對於「「生」實際收到遺失、被竊或遭冒用之報告前所產生之所有未經授權之「分期計劃」交易均須負責。
When it is established that the Cardmember has acted in good faith, exercised reasonable care and diligence in safe-keeping the Card, the e-shopping Card Account Number and reported the loss, theft or misuse as soon as reasonably practicable upon notice or suspicions thereof, subject to applicable laws and regulations and unless due to the negligence or wilful default of Hang Seng, its officers or employees, the Cardmember shall be liable for all unauthorized Instalment Plan transactions made before Hang Seng actually receives the loss, theft or misuse report.
筆者認為,如果本地的專業新聞工作團體,如報業公會、新聞行政人員協會、新聞工作者聯會、記者協會、報業評議會 以至 個 別 傳媒及調查機構,能夠共同推介上述的指引,然後把內容逐步完善,最後成為業界具約束力的守則,則香港的媒體,肯定能夠在華人社會中手執牛耳,帶領整個華語傳媒體系向前發展。
In the author's view, if the local professional media practitioners, such as the Newspaper Society, the Hong Kong News Executives' Association, the Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, the Hong Kong
Journalists Association, the
[...] Press Council and even individual media and survey bodies can recommend [...]
the above guidelines together,
and gradually improve the content, so as to form a set of binding regulation within the profession, then the media in Hong Kong can definitely take a leading role and guide the whole Chinese media to move forward.
遗憾的是,加沙在保健、教育 和饮用水方面的重建需求如此巨大 以至 于 尽管联 合国其他机构也致力于解决问题,但基础设施崩塌 毁坏的速度仍然超过了修缮进度。
Unfortunately, the reconstruction needs in Gaza were so huge — in such areas as health, education and water — that the crumbling of the infrastructure was outstripping improvements, even though other United Nations agencies were also working on the problem.
他指出,海地 政府和人民高度赞扬儿基会开展的工作 以至 于 儿 基会已成为海地复苏和发展过 程中最珍视的伙伴之一。
He noted that the work of UNICEF was greatly appreciated both by the Government and the people of Haiti, to the extent that UNICEF was becoming one of the most revered partners in the country’s recovery and development.
[...] 同种类的海洋生物对酸化引起的海水化学变化 敏感性不同以至于我 们不是很确定海洋酸化 的生物学效应。
There is less certainty, however, on possible biological impacts from ocean acidification because we have not experienced
such changes and different groups of marine organisms appear
[...] to be more or less sensitive to changing [...]
sea water chemistry.
這個 長期而富挑戰性的項目能提升多方面的能力,包括強化變電站及網絡的自 動化運作、自我修復及狀況監控、改善網絡效益 以至 靈 活連接可再生能 源系統、電動車和貯能裝置、智能電錶和先進電量測計基礎設施等,從而 與客戶建立更緊密的聯繫。
The enhanced capabilities which we seek include enhanced substation and network automation, self-healing and condition monitoring, improved network efficiency, flexible connections with renewable energy sources, electric vehicles and energy storage installation, as well as smart metering and advanced metering infrastructure for better connection with customers.
若要相同公称尺寸的内螺纹和外螺纹拥有相 同的压力额定值、内螺纹往往需要更厚的管壁、可能会造成接头 过大和过于笨以至于无法使用。
For female and male pipe threads to have the same pressure rating in the same nominal pipe size, the female thread would require a heavier wall, resulting in a fitting too large and bulky to be practical.
國家法律對“恃強淩弱”的定義是 1)任何蓄意嘗 試或威脅他人,揚言對其將造成傷害,而且很明顯 有能力這樣做;2)任何武力的故意炫耀,使受害者 有理由恐懼或以為立即會受到身體的傷害;或3)任 何故意的書面,口頭,或身體的行為,讓他人有理 由的認為,正受到威脅,騷擾,或恐嚇 以至 於 : a) 導致嚴重的身體傷害; b)在很大程度上干擾了該生 的教育和學習; c)其狀況如此嚴重,持久,或普遍以至形成了一個恐嚇/威脅的教育環境;或d)擾亂了 學校的正常教學秩序。
State law defines Bullying as: 1) any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so; 2) any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or 3) any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate that: a) causes substantial physical harm; b) substantially interferes with a student’s education; c) is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating/threatening educational environment; or d) disrupts the orderly operation of school.
憑 藉 武 漢 、 長 江 流以 至 中 國 整 體 的 經 濟 發 展 , 本 集 團 持 續 提 高 及 增 加 其 本 地 貨 物 吞吐 量 、 收 入 及 未 計 利 息 、 稅 項 、 折 舊 和 攤 銷 之 盈 利 , 已 成 功 於 回 顧 期 間 將 其 虧 損 大 幅 減 少 。
In light of the economic development of Wuhan, the Yangtze River Region and indeed China as a whole, the Group has continued to improve and increase its gateway cargoes throughput, revenue and EBITDA and has been able to significantly reduce its losses during the period under review.
以下為 娛 樂 場 主 要 的 改 變 : (i) 娛 樂 場 全 部 三 層 博 彩 樓 層 進 行 大 型 裝 修 工 程 , 將 娛 樂 場 二 樓 及 三 樓 改 為 獨 家 的 私 人 貴賓房 以 配 合 高 端 客 戶 的 需 要 ; (ii) 角 子 機 均 進 行 升 級 以 配 合 娛 樂 場 的 新 格 調 ; (iii) 安 裝 現 場 直 播 百 家 樂機, 讓 60 名 玩 家 在 賭 枱 以 外 同 時 參 與 ; (iv) 基 於 上 述 變 動 , 客 流 有 所 提 升 , 而 玩 家 的 質 素 亦 由 原 來 以中低 檔 為 主 提至 以 高 端 及 貴賓為 主 。
The following are the major changes to the casino: (i) Large-scale renovation work done on all three gaming floors of the casino, altering the 2nd and 3rd floor of the casino to exclusive private VIPgaming rooms to accommodate the high-end clientele needs; (ii) slot machines upgrades to fit with the new décor of the casino; (iii) installation of live-broadcast baccarat machines which allows 60 simultaneous players to participate outside the gaming tables; (iv) due to the changes above, an enhancement of flow of customers and the improvement of player’s level from low to mid-tier to predominately high-end and VIP.




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