

单词 以爬

See also:

get up or sit up

External sources (not reviewed)

一开始,我觉得我的身体不可能爬得上去,但是我相信神赐我超自然的力量, 以爬 到 最 高峰。
Initially I thought it looked physically impossible
[...] for me to climb, but I believe God gave me supernatural strength to climb to the summit.
那麼,第四屆便一定要“爬頭”了,但現在明言 不以“爬頭” ,即最多也只是向橫行,又怎可以算是向前邁進,還說要邁 進一大步?
But it is now stated explicitly that we must not take over them and that we can increase our number only horizontally at most.
可以对RS Femisapien进行设计,在至少80步距离内实现一些常规的动作、功能和声音,RS Femisapien 机器人以爬坡, 递名片,甚至是打飞吻。
Programmable to perform a routine of movements, functions and sounds up to 80 steps long, the RS Femisapien robot can perform runway struts, present business cards and even blow kisses.
普羅市民都可以透過教育而在社會階梯㆖㆒路向㆖爬,從而改善生 活質素,因為教育的機會是比較豐富,令每㆒個㆟都有機會可以獲得更高的教育,從 而以爬㆖更高的社會階梯。
The implication is that educational opportunities are quite plentiful and everyone is able to make use of these opportunities to receive higher education with a view to achieve higher social mobility.
至於貧窮的人,那 些聰明的、運氣好的,便以爬上階 梯,但大部分人也無法爬上階梯,於是 [...]
便站在桌邊 ─ 梁耀忠議員剛才說過,李卓人昨天也說過 ─ 也許會有 餅屑可吃。
As a result, they can only stand by the [...]
table ― as mentioned by Mr LEUNG Yiu-chung just now and Mr LEE Cheuk-yan yesterday
― and end up having some crumbs to eat, probably.
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止两类国家而是四类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化和结构变革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢
[...] 受益于高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能 以 攀 爬 收入 阶梯的低收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。
This time around the dynamics are more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the ‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ countries,
those low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive
[...] capacities to move up the income ladder.
我想特別指出 數 點 ,例如 在一些 劃 一 規則下,所有選手能 公 道 、 平 等 地 競爭, 並 可 訓練人 不 怕 挫 折 , 跌 倒 後以 再 爬 起 來 , 一次又 一次 的 嘗 試 , 令自己 的 體 能活動能達 到 高 峰 , 亦 幫 助 不 少 選手找 到 自信。
But still I wish to raise a few points here, such as the fact that if all athletes can compete fairly and equally under the same regulations, and if the training they have received can enable them to stand up again after falling down ─ to try over and over again, their physical strengths will certainly reach new heights and they will gradually build up their self-confidence.
建議包括在下課後及假期間將所有門戶和鐵閘緊鎖、在校舍 周圍裝設照明度高的電以阻嚇盜賊 爬 入 校舍 , 以 盡 量 減少存放 在校內的現金等。
These suggested measures include locking all doors and gates of the school premises properly after school hours and during holidays,
installing good perimeter light to
[...] deter trespassing through climbing walls, and keeping the cash [...]
holdings in schools to a minimal.
自由市場是否告訴我們,金融、地產有足夠的高薪職位,讓我 們的下一代,讓大學畢業同學都以 向 上 爬?
Is it telling us that these two
sectors can provide sufficient high-salaried jobs to allow our next generation or
[...] university graduates to climb up the ladder?
我不期望他 們當立法會議員,但最低限度他們 以 向 上 爬 , 改 善香港社會的質素。
I do not expect them to become Legislative Council Members, yet, they should at least have the opportunities for upward social mobility, which would help improve the quality of our society.
换句话说,截肢者现在可以指挥肌肉来主动提升和刺激残肢与POWER KNEE 同步肌肉活动以完成爬楼梯和爬坡。
In other words, the amputee can now call upon muscles to actively lift and stimulate simultaneous muscle activity of the stump and the POWER KNEE to walk up stairs, inclines and ramps.
他詢問現屆政府會否考慮擴展發牌 條件以涵蓋貓隻爬行動 物及其他寵物。
He asked whether the current term of the Government would consider extending the licensing
[...] conditions to cover cats, reptiles and other pet animals.
和悬挂在楼板上的塔吊提升式 TLS 一样,该 TLS 现在也以用作自爬升系统,并以 用 于任何高度的结构。
As well as the crane-lifted version of the
TLS that is suspended from the slab, the TLS
[...] can now also be used as a self-climbed system for any height of structure.
[...] 基層市民製造更多就業機會,讓他們 以 向 上 爬 , 無須再長年累月依 賴安全網的保障。
This is because economic developments will not only provide the safety net with "maintenance fees", but more importantly, also create more
employment opportunities for the grassroots
[...] and allow them to climb up the social ladder, [...]
so that they do not have to rely on
the protection of the safety net year after year.
我們 香港社 會 便 是這樣的, 我 們以一直爬 , 有 公平競 爭的社 會,每個人 也是可以成 功 的。
This is what the Hong Kong people are like. As long as we have a level playing field, with our hard work, everyone stands a good chance of success.
有些走廊位置是以讓匪徒爬出外 面,直達隔鄰單位,然後再爬進屋內。
For example, in many of the newly designed housing estates, the corridor actually
[...] enables the criminal to climb outside of the building [...]
and then
back in again, by way of an adjacent flat.
阿斯帕林山国家公园(Mount Aspiring
[...] National Park)是新西兰第三大的国家公园,也是一座世界遗产公园 以 冰 川 、远足 爬 山 而 闻名。
Mount Aspiring National Park is a World Heritage Park, the third largest in New Zealand
[...] and famous for its glaciers, tramping and climbing.
這 些由淺入深的課程,以幫助學員爬 上 事 業的階梯,從而促進他們在社 會上向上流動。
These programmes offer progressive training to the
[...] participants and enable them to climb up the career ladder [...]
so that they can achieve upward social mobility.
各種資源不足所引起的教育問題其實也可由增加撥款來解決,但 教育制度內的功利方向,是要學童無情無義地競爭,而這種競爭由幼 稚園已經開始,這是一個更深層次的問題,需要我們改變整體社會政 策,以至改變大學收生標準,才可令中小學、幼稚園 以 至 以 仍 在爬 行的 幼兒為對象的playgroup內那種競爭的心態停止。
Only with such changes can we stop the competitive culture established in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and even playgroups targeting at toddlers.
如上指的侵犯住所发生在晚上或僻静地方,以暴力或以暴力相威胁,使用武器,以破毁、爬越或 假钥匙之手段,又或由
If the offence is committed during the night, with violence or under the threat thereof, through housebreaking or by three or more persons, it is punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment or a fine (art. 184 (2) and (3) of the CCM).
例如,众所周知,克钦邦野生动物,如濒临灭绝 爬 行 动 物、 鸟以及豹 、老虎等,被不断出口到对外来动物需求极大的中 国。
For instance, wild animals
[...] in Kachin state such as reptiles, birds, as well as leopards [...]
and tigers in danger of extinction, are known to be exported to China,
where the demand is high for exotic animals.
消耗体力较少的日常活动不包括在内,比如做家务、整理庭园 爬 楼 梯 、步 以 及 在 院子里追逐孩子,等等。
This is in addition to routine light
physical daily tasks such as household chores,
[...] yard work, climbing stairs, walking, chasing after children in the yard, etc.
据王东升介绍,京东方北京8.5代线自去年9月量 以 来 , 产能快 爬 坡 , 已于今年7月底实现满产,产品良率达到94%;作为中国大陆首条高世代线的京东方合肥6代线,一直保持满产满销,已于6月份实现单月盈利约1700万元,上半年营业收入较去年同期增加22.4亿元;京东方成都4.5代线主要生产手机、数码相机、GPS等各类移动电子产品用显示屏,自2010年4月以来一直处于满产满销、持续盈利的状态。
According to Wang Dongsheng, East Beijing 8.5
generation line since last September
[...] production capacity fast climbing, since, in the end of [...]
year 7 to achieve full production,
the yield of the product reached 94%; as China 's first generation line Hefei BOE 6 generation line, has maintained a full production with sale, in June to achieve monthly profit of about 17000000 yuan, the first half of the year business income is 2240000000 yuan the same period last year; BOE Chengdu 4.5 generation line mainly produces mobile phone, digital camera, GPS and other mobile electronic product display screen, since 2010 April has been in full production with pin, sustained profitable status.
創新產品包括會走路、說話爬行 、飛 行 以 及 發 出咕嚕聲的小玩具,這些小玩具還會替各家庭成員進行遠端網真和通信。
These innovations include gadgets that walk, talk, crawl, fly, purr and enable remote telepresence and communications -- something for every member of the family.
希望政府能夠從虛偽的塔爬㆘來 ,令港㆟ 以 抬 起 頭來,與火堆同樣發出光芒、 尊嚴的光芒。
Let our Government climb down from the tower of hypocrisy [...]
and raise the heads of Hong Kong people to shine against this bonfire.
政府不 能 單單提供一個資歷 架構便 了 事,必 須
[...] 提供一些配套 措施來 促 使 員 工 向爬 ,以便 他 們 於架構上“步步高 升 ”。
The Government must not stop after introducing a framework but must also put in place a
package of other measures to induce employees to
[...] upgrade themselves, to climb up continuously [...]
on the ladder of qualifications.
Kurt Kinetic前轮垫块有四种不同的高度,可以让您的爱车在骑行台上训练时水平放置,也可将车头垫高模 爬 坡 的 角度 以 练 习 不同肌肉群的力量。
There are four different height, front
wheel spacers Kurt Kinetic also
[...] elevate the front analog climbing angle horizontally riding [...]
the bench training allows your
car to practice the strength of different muscle groups.
以前 的房屋政策之所以是一套科學化的思維,是因為它串連起這些市民,讓他們 可以依着這個像“階梯”般的制度往 爬 , 以 改 善 自己及家人的居住環境。
In the past, the housing policy was supported by a set of scientific rationale linking up people of different strata, providing a "path" for people to move upward on the social ladder and improving the living conditions for themselves and their family members.
[...] 入賭博行列,不務正業,無心提升自己能力之餘,還更進一步影響社會基層 往爬的動力,以,我 覺得開賭是得不償失的,對我們的低技術工人的就 [...]
Thus I think
[...] building casinos will lead to more losses than gains [...]
and it will only produce adverse impact on the problem
of employment among the low-skilled workers.
這些動物福利團體包括亞洲香港臘腸狗協會、兔兔醫生、南丫島動物保護組 織、大嶼山動物保護協會、Sai Kung Stray Friends、香港兔友協會、香港兩棲 及爬行動物保育基金香港兩棲爬蟲 協會 , 以及 Hong Kong Rescue Puppies。
These AWOs include Asian and Hong Kong Dachshund Society, Dr Rabbit, Lamma Animal Welfare Centre, Protection of Animals Lantau South, Sai Kung Stray Friends, Hong Kong Rabbit Society, Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation and Hong Kong Rescue Puppies.




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