

单词 以此为

See also:


be under the impression

以为 v

thought v
believe v
think v


this end
in this respect
for this reason
with regards this
in order do this

External sources (not reviewed)

但不以此为由侵犯人的尊严、人权和基本自由, 也不得因此而违反本宣言阐述的各项原则或者限制各项原则的适用范围。
However, such
[...] considerations are not to be invoked [...]
to infringe upon human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms,
nor upon the principles set out in this Declaration, nor to limit their scope.
(c) 到 2015 年实现千年发展目标 6 下的各项具体目标,以此为基础 ,进 一步扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病蔓延的情况,降低疟疾和其他主要疾病的发病率。
(c) Achieve targets under Millennium Development Goal 6 by 2015 and, building on this, further reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.
以此为动力 ,吉布提政府坚持充分履行已加入国际文书相关的国际义务,向 主要条约机构委员会提交该份共同核心文件。
The Government also sets importance on fulfilling its obligations under the international instruments it has signed by submitting the present common core document to the main treaty body committees.
高分辨率地形资料等数据将为沿海 脆弱性研究、海浪冲击和淹没模型制作确定根本基线,但此类数据几乎根本不存
[...] 在;因此,人们对太平洋岛屿区域沿海脆弱性的认识,多是根据不充分的基线数 据推断以此为基础的。
Data such as highresolution topographical information, which would provide the fundamental baseline for coastal vulnerability studies, wave impact and inundation modelling, is almost entirely absent; thus much of what is
understood regarding coastal vulnerability in the Pacific islands region is inferred
[...] or based on inadequate baseline data.
该科的任务包括处理 新的和重新任命的工作人员的保险申请,与客户(工作人员、其家属及行政干事) 沟通,回应查询以及追踪索赔情况 以此为 参 与 维和行动的客户服务。
The tasks of the Section include servicing clients in peacekeeping operations by processing insurance applications for new and reappointed staff, communicating with clients (staff members, their relatives and administrative officers), responding to queries and following up on the status of claims.
我们吁请民间社会,包括媒体在内,支持努力避免儿童和青年接触可能 加剧暴力和犯罪的信息内容,特别是描述侵害妇女和儿童的暴力 为 并 以此为荣 的信息内容。
We call upon civil society, including the media, to support the efforts to protect children
and youth from exposure
[...] to content that may exacerbate violence and crime, particularly content depicting and glorifying acts of violence [...]
against women and children.
Consequently they make no claim to be [...]
an accurate representation of the original.
各受灾国家政府以此为契机 ,对社会部门进行投 资,将其作为复苏和重建工作的一部分,在农业部门进行新的战略性 [...]
Governments in the disaster-hit countries
[...] can take the opportunity to invest in [...]
social sectors as part of recovery and reconstruction
efforts, undertake new and strategic investments in the agriculture sector, as well as make improvements in urban planning and land use to reduce disaster risks.
On that basis, a number of the patent claims made may be invalid (which is only verifiable through legal means or re-examination).
一条道路是,大胆地从根本上改变冷战思维,放弃不合时宜的对朝鲜民主主 义人民共和国政策以此为朝鲜 半岛的和平与安全作出贡献,为确保自身的安全 创造条件。
One path is to make bold and fundamental change in its Cold War mindset to renounce
its anachronistic
[...] policy towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and thus contribute to the [...]
peace and security in
the Korean peninsula and pave the way for ensuring its own security.
在这方面,我们促请所有尚未这样做的国家优 先考虑成为《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》缔约方,并呼吁加 以此为 目标的合作。
In this regard, we urge as a matter of priority all States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, and call for increased cooperation with the same objective.
尼日利亚永久性全球导航卫星系统网络将 由总共 50
[...] 个台站组成,目的是在国家一级提供统一的覆盖面 以此为 国 家 维持 一个现代的基准框架。
The Nigerian permanent GNSS network (NIGNET) would consist of a total of 50 stations with
the aim of providing uniform coverage at the
[...] national level, thus maintaining a modern [...]
reference frame for the country.
关于涉及性别问题的建议,多米尼加共和国提到了国家性别平等计划,准以此为框架 ,在所有国家政策中纳入性别观点,同时确保对各种行为者进行协 调。
With regard to the recommendations on gender issues, reference was
made to the national plan on gender
[...] equality and equity as the framework for the [...]
incorporation of a gender perspective in
all public policies, and ensuring coordination with different actors.
协定》的目的是让港 口国在船只进入之前获得有关信息,以评估船只从事非法、无管制和未报告的捕 捞活动的可能性,并可以此为由拒 绝船只入港。
It is designed to allow port States to have information in advance of a vessel’s entry in order to
assess the likelihood
[...] that a vessel has engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, which could lead to a denial of entry.
分析 2012 年度部长级审查的主题(“促进生产能力、就业和体面工作,在各 级实现包容性、可持续和公平的经济增长 以此为 背 景进行扶贫,以实现千年发 展目标”),委员会注意到,由于世界很多地方持续的就业不足和失业率上升, 就业已成为全球关切的重大问题。
In its analysis of the theme of the 2012 annual ministerial review (“Promoting productive capacity, employment and decent work to eradicate poverty in the context of inclusive, sustainable and equitable economic growth at all levels for achieving the Millennium Development Goals”), the Committee noted that employment had become a major global concern in view of persistent underemployment and increased unemployment in many parts of the world.
对于《政府财政统计》,已经注意到其案文与 2008 年国民账户体 系之间的任何不一致之处,并 以此为 依 据对手册加以修订。
With regard to the former, note was taken of any divergence from its text and that of the 2008 SNA, which will serve as input to a revision of the manual.
科威特正以此为 目标,转化成区域金融和贸易中心;还在努力将科威 特纳入世界经济,吸引本地和外国投资。
His country was being transformed into a regional financial and trade centre with that in view; efforts were also under way to incorporate it into the free world economy and attract local and foreign investment.
土库曼斯以此 为 目 标 ,在国际努 力的支持 下,正 在与各国际组织一起 开展活 动和协 商 ,以监 测 现有的立法, 使 之 符 合土库 曼 斯坦加 入 的各项国际文书。
With that aim, and with the support of international efforts and together with international [...]
organizations, activities and
consultations were being undertaken to monitor existing legislation and to bring it in line with international instruments to which Turkmenistan is a party.
西班牙种族主义和仇外心理监察处负责收集种族主义和仇外心理的有关信 息,以此为基础开展调研和完成报告,同时推进和协调各种有利于实现待遇平 等原则和在移民问题上的打击种族主义和仇外心理的政策。
The Spanish Racism and Xenophobia Monitoring Centre is responsible for compiling information on racism and xenophobia for use as the basis for studies and reports, as well as for promoting and coordinating policies in favour of the principle of equality of treatment, and for combating racism and xenophobia in the area of immigration.
[...] 文件(S/2012/523,附件)已经涵盖此问题,国际 社会所有负责任的成员和叙利亚各方应 以此为指 导
As far as the political basis for the Special Envoy’s work is concerned, that is covered by the outcome document of the Geneva conference (S/2012/523,
annex), which all responsible members of the international community, as well as the
[...] Syrian parties, should be guided by.
除了政府资助的融资, 低成本的中国劳动力以及原材料的进口渠道之外,
[...] 中国人还常常吹嘘他们的工作热情,在该地区的经 验,以及工作效率以此为基础 强调其比较优势。
In addition to subsidised financing, the low cost of Chinese labour and access to imported raw materials,
Chinese often tout their work ethic, experience in the region,
[...] and efficiency as bases for their comparative [...]
以此为基础 ,伊朗伊斯兰共和国国家淘汰计划的调整数将为 [...]
465,000 美元,其计算 依据是 2003 年用于制造计量吸入器的 93.0 ODP 吨氟氯化碳消费量,以及 5 美元/公斤的 成本效益值。
On this basis, the adjustment [...]
to the NPP for the Islamic Republic of Iran would be US $465,000, calculated on the basis
of the CFC consumption of 93.0 ODP tonnes in 2003 for the production of MDIs, and a cost-effectiveness value of US $5.00/kg.
众所周知,巴勒斯坦领导人、阿拉伯国家和国际社 会均支持近距离间接会谈,是 以此为 手 段 缩小双方之 间在定居点、边界和安全等问题上存在的距离,重申已 经商定的和平进程框架,以便为直接谈判铺路。
It is well known that the proximity talks were supported by the Palestinian leadership, the Arab countries and the international community as a means to bridge the gap between the two sides on the issues of settlements, borders and security and to reaffirm the agreed terms of reference of the peace process in order to pave the way for direct negotiations.
建议在《防 治荒漠化公约》进程中让定期科学同行审评发挥作用 以此为 手 段,不仅可促进 吸收新的观点,对不断发展的科学、用户需要以及因执行《公约》而产生的具体 目标做出回应,而且还有利于树立指标系统的可信度,以及应对《公约》涉及的 其他科学问题。
It was recommended that a role be built into the UNCCD process for periodic scientific peer reviews as a means not only to facilitate integration of new ideas in response to evolving science, user needs and specific objectives arising from the implementation of the Convention, but also to build credibility for the indicator system, as well as other scientific issues addressed by the Convention.
尽管这些力量同中 国的军事实力相比规模还较小,但中国执法部门仍将这 些军事力量扩张视为警示,以此为 由 在 有争议的水域 加大执法行动。
Although these forces are still small in comparison to China’s, Chinese law enforcement agencies see this expansion as an alarming sign and have used it to justify the country’s increased law enforcement activities in disputed waters.
研讨会取得了成功,东盟地区论坛各国外交部 以此为 契 机,在菲律宾马尼 拉第 14 届东盟地区论坛部长级会议上通过了一项支持该决议的声明,他们在声 明中鼓励东盟地区论坛与会者,根据 1540 委员会 2006 年 4 月给安全理事会的报 告(S/2006/257 和 Corr.1)所载建议,作为持续执行第 1540(2004)号决议的进程 的一部分,酌情向 1540 委员会提供关于本国执行情况的补充资料,包括路线图 或行动计划。
Building on the success of the workshop, at the 14th ARF Ministerial Meeting in Manila, Philippines, ARF Foreign Ministers adopted a statement in support of the resolution, by which ARF participants were encouraged to provide, as and when appropriate, additional information to the 1540 Committee on national implementation as part of the ongoing process of implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), including, inter alia, in the form of a road map or action plan, as recommended in the 1540 Committee April 2006 report to the Security Council (S/2006/257 and Corr.1).
全世界 33 个国家的 100 名英国圣公会妇女每年均参加妇女地位委员会 会议;(d)2007 年,圣公会咨委会主办了两次会外活动,研究新的援助模式以 此为两性 平等及赋予妇女权力供资;重新审查为两性平等及赋予妇女权力供资的 “禧年原则”,妇发基金(联合国妇女发展基金)支持该原则并为之提供资金。
On average each year, 100 Anglican women from 33 countries worldwide attend the session of the Commission on the Status of Women; (d) in 2007, ACC sponsored two side events on examining the new aid modalities as a way of financing gender and women’s empowerment; and on revisiting the Jubilee Principles to finance gender and women’s empowerment, which were supported and resourced by UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women); (e) Commission on Sustainable Development: representative/s of ACC at the United Nations attended high-level meetings on environment and water.
在这方面回顾其以前的决议,包括 1990 年 12 月 4 日第 45/55 B 号和 1993 年 12 月 16 日第 48/74 B 号决议,其中除其他外,强调增强透明度的必要性并肯 定建立信任措施的重要性以此为手 段 有助于确保实现防止外层空间军备竞赛的 目标,又回顾秘书长 1993 年 10 月 15 日提交大会第四十八届会议的报告, 其附件
Recalling, in this context, its previous resolutions, including resolutions 45/55 B of 4 December 1990 and 48/74 B of 16 December 1993, which, inter alia, emphasize the need for increased transparency and confirm the importance of confidence-building measures as a means conducive to ensuring the attainment of the objective of the prevention of an arms race in outer space
为 了便利执行委员会就哈龙库准则作出最后决定,秘书处和执行机构应密切监侧这些项目以此为基础 ,从其商业生存能力和对基金财务影响的角度评估临时准则,并评估制定一个 区域哈龙库方案的可能性,包括能否提供一笔优惠贷款。
In order to facilitate a final decision by the Executive Committee on halon banking guidelines, the Secretariat and the Implementing Agencies should closely monitor these projects as a basis for assessing the interim guidelines in terms of their commercial viability and their financial impact on the Fund, and for assessing the possibility of establishing a regional halon banking programme, including the possibility of a concessional loan component.




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