

单词 以权谋私

See also:



私权 n

private right n

External sources (not reviewed)

最高法院作出决定,被质疑的专员出现包 以权谋私或 不 能胜任在内的不当行为后,总统发布命令解除其职务。
This may be effected by order of the President upon a decision of the Supreme Court that the Commissioner in question has been shown to have engaged in misbehaviour, including by profiting from his or her office, or to suffer from incapacity.
参与这些项目私营公司也有责任,不做侵犯权 的 同 谋。
The private companies that are involved in these projects also have a responsibility to not be complicit in human rights abuses.
第 36 条规定,这权利赋予了每个公民 以 使 他们有 能力通过自由选择和协议,根据自己的能力在公共 私 营 部 门 谋 生。
In line with
[...] article 36, these rights have given to every people so that they have capacity to make their living via free choice and agreement according to their ability in either public or private sectors.
瓦努阿图腐败现象的 原因可大致归为下列两类 : (a)经济原因 (例如政府官员可 能利用政府的资谋 取 私利 )和 (b)政治原因(一 旦 任命为部长,一 个领导人可 能利权利任命本党 的人担 任 某一职 位 )。
Apparently there are two major causes of corruption in Vanuatu which may classified under the following classes: (a) economic causes (a government officer may use the
government assets allocated to him for personal gain) and (b) political causes (once appointed in a Ministry, a leader may use his power to appoint people from his party to a particular post).
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财 权 , 以 及 除 了通过正当法律程 序之外,这些权利不得被剥夺的权利;法律面前人人平等和受法律保护的权利; 尊私人生 活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机构行使职能时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政治观点的权利;父母或监护人访问为子女或受监护人 的教育自己选定的学校的权利;行动自由;良知自由和宗教信仰与实践自由;思 想和言论自由;结社和集会自由;以及新闻自由。
These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the
person and enjoyment of
[...] property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the [...]
right of equality of
treatment from any public authority in the exercise of any functions; the right to join political parties and to express political views; the right of a parent or guardian to access a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press.
我们不得披露或利用任何非公开信 以谋 取 私 利 (这项规定延伸到我们的家庭成员及附属公司)。
We will not disclose or take advantage of any non-public
[...] information for personal gain (this requirement [...]
extends to our family members and associates).
新《宪法》(2008 年 8 月 7 日获得批准)保证公民权利、政治权利和基本自 由。除其他外,其中包括:生命权;不受歧视的权利;公正和公开审判权;不受
[...] 或有辱人格的待遇;上诉权利;因为遭受非法逮捕或拘留而获得赔偿的权利;投 票(投票年龄降至 18 岁)和担任公职的权利;见解和言论自由; 私权 ; 知情 权;结社自由;集会自由;移徙自由 以 及 向包括儿童、青少年、老年人及有特 需的人在内的弱势群体提供特别保护。
The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from arbitrary detention; right to bail; freedom from forced confession; right to legal aid; prohibition of torture or degrading treatment; right to appeal; access to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and
to hold public
[...] office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; [...]
freedom of assembly;
freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.
2006 年,马尔代夫在日内瓦设立了一个外交使团,促进与人权理事会和人
[...] 权事务高级专员办事处的互动,以更好地履行它的新国际人权承诺和实施条约机 构的《结论性意见》的后续行动以 及 谋 求 与 人 权 理 事 会特别程序进行建设性对 话。
In 2006, the Maldives opened a diplomatic mission in Geneva to facilitate interaction with the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, with a view to better implement its new international human rights commitments and follow-up on the Concluding Observations
of Treaty Bodies, as well as to pursue its constructive dialogue with
[...] the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council.
强烈谴责侵犯和欺凌流落街头和(或) 街谋生的儿童权利的行为,包 括歧视和鄙视以及缺乏基本服务、包括教育和基本保健,以及他们所遭受的一 切形式的暴力、欺凌、虐待、忽视或照料不周,如剥削、基于性别的暴力、贩 [...]
运、强迫乞讨和危险工作、武装部队和武装团伙强行征兵、强迫失踪和法外杀 人
Strongly condemns
[...] the violations and abuses of the rights of children living and/or working on the street, including [...]
and stigmatization and lack of access to basic services, including education and basic health care, and all forms of violence, abuse, maltreatment, neglect or negligent treatment experienced by them, such as exploitation, gender-based violence, trafficking, forced begging and hazardous work, forced recruitment by armed forces and armed groups, forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings
其中明确规定以下权利和 自由:生命权、身心健康权、个人自由、抗辩 权、迁徙自由、个人及家庭私权、 住 处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动、罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 童与青年受保护权、残疾人受保护权、请愿权、遭受公共部门侵害者的权利。
The following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability [...]
of domicile, secrecy
of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
机密材料(如有 关保护证人的资料,第 70 条材料,从各国政府和组织收到的其他敏感文件)必须 存档,适当限制查阅以保护 机密性、安全性和 私权。
Confidential materials (such as information on protected witnesses, Rule 70 material and other sensitive documents received from governments
and organizations) must be archived with appropriate
[...] restrictions to protect confidentiality, security and privacy rights.
所有形式私营企 业,无论是从事国内市场、对外投资还是国际贸易,都需 要一个有利于增长和发展的作业环境,包括和平、稳定、法治、附有问责和透明 制度的善治、无腐败、适足基础设施、有素质的劳动力队伍、清晰 权 、 以 及可 强制执行的合同。
All forms of private enterprise — domestic markets, foreign investment and international trade — require an operating environment conducive to growth and development, including: peace and stability, the rule of law, good governance with accountability and transparency, the absence of corruption, adequate infrastructure, an educated workforce, clear property rights and enforceable contracts.
[...] 一致,也是基于这样的认识,那就是关于“人的安全” 概念的讨论应当完全侧重于实现我们各国人民的经 济和社会发展以及通 过充分、有效行使发 权谋求 人类福祉。
Our delegation joined the consensus on the draft resolution also based on the understanding that the discussion on the notion of human security should focus exclusively on the economic and social development of our
peoples and on seeking the well-being of human
[...] beings through the full and effective exercise of the right to development.
本集团感到震惊,并将继续反对有系统地谋 曲解《世界权宣言 》和国际条约,借此纳入联合国 广大会员国从来没有阐述或商定过的这类不明确概 念,并反对将这些不确定的概念强加给联合国决议以获取狭隘的内部政治利益。
The group is alarmed and will continue to reject systematic attempts to misinterpret the Universal Declaration and international treaties to include such undefined notions, which were never articulated or agreed upon by the general membership [...]
of the United Nations, and the forcing of such undefined notions on United Nations resolutions to achieve narrow, internal political gains.
联合国经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)多次审议该问题,并于 2008 年 实质性会议上通过了经社理事会第 2008/233 号决定,请教科文组织总干事 (i) 就执行和落实 经社理事会第
2001/39 和 2004/9
[...] 号决议、《世界人类基因组与人权宣言》、《世界人类遗传 数据宣言》、《世界生物伦理与人权宣言 以 及 联 合国系统通过的有关遗传 私权 和 不歧视 问题的其他准则和文书;(ii) 就可行的机构间协调机制,与相关联合国实体协商。
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) considered the issue several times and adopted, at its 2008 substantive session, ECOSOC decision 2008/233 which invites the Director-General of UNESCO to consult with relevant United Nations entities: (i) on the implementation of and follow-up to ECOSOC resolutions 2001/39 and 2004/9, the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, the International Declaration on Human
Genetic Data, the
[...] Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, and other norms and instruments adopted [...]
within the United
Nations system that are relevant to genetic privacy and nondiscrimination; and (ii) on a possible inter-agency coordination mechanism.
在 2011 年实质性会议上,理事会第 2011/242 号决定注意到秘书长的说明:
[...] (E/2011/108),其中请机构间生物伦理委员会继续定期讨论遗传 私权 和 不 歧视 问题以确定 需要进行一致或共同努力的领域,并处理影响加强这一领域合作的 [...]
At its substantive session of 2011, the Council, in its decision 2011/242, took note of the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on genetic privacy and non-discrimination (E/2011/108), invite the Inter-Agency Committee on
Bioethics to continue to regularly
[...] address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in [...]
order to identify areas calling
for concerted or joint efforts and address major gaps and constraints affecting enhanced cooperation in the field.
作为惯例( 除非有相反的迫切人权方面理由)
[...] ,确保在国家预防机制的每 次个人探访后尽快公布其报告和建议,发表在摩尔多瓦人权中心的互联网站上, 采取后续措施确保被拘留者的人身安全和 私权 , 以 及 在 整个全国预防机制内部 得到同行认可
(f) Ensure that, as a rule, and unless there are compelling human rights reasons to the contrary, the report and recommendations of each individual visit of the national preventive mechanism are made public and posted on the Internet website of the Centre for Human Rights of Moldova shortly after
the visit, following
[...] measures to ensure rights of personal security of person and privacy for detainees, [...]
and following collegial
approval within the national preventive mechanism as a whole
诸如孟加拉等国和非洲联盟17 等组织正在考虑制定单独适用法律,规 以 社区 为基础的对生物资源和相关传统知识 权 利 , 并 谋 求 对有关社区的文化和实践惯例给予更 多的承认。
Countries such as Bangladesh, and organisations such as the AU,17
are considering sui
[...] generis legislation that provides communitybased rights over biological resources and associated traditional [...]
knowledge and are
seeking to give increased recognition to the cultural and customary practices of communities.
阿尔及利亚仍致力于任何能结束以色列对巴勒 斯坦领土和其它阿拉伯领土的占领的举措,并推动建 立一个权和独 立并以圣城为其首都和在解决方案 规定范围内与其邻国和平而居的巴勒斯坦国 以谋求 中东公正和持久的和平。
Algeria remains committed to any initiative that would put an end to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory and other Arab territories, and the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, living in peace with its neighbours within the parameters laid out by a settlement with a view to a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, established by resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and 1397 (2002) and on the basis of the principles of the Arab Peace Initiative, in particular the principle of land-for-peace.
因此,委员会认为,当一些巴勒斯坦人被剥夺了获得公职的权利时,他们 不仅被剥夺了工作谋生权,而 且还被剥夺了其他权利,包括享有社会保障、享 有适当住房和医疗保健、结婚和生儿育 以 及 享有体面生活水平、尊严和教育等 权利。
The Commission therefore considers that when some Palestinians are deprived of the
right of access to a
[...] public position they are not only denied the right to work and earn a livelihood, but also deprived of other rights, including, inter alia, the right to social security, [...]
suitable housing
and health care; the right to marry and raise a family; and the right to a decent standard of living, dignity and education.
在一个面临重大社会活动和变革的区域,该论坛提供了一个开展新 型对话的创新空间,将社会科学和政策联系起来 以谋 求 共 识,增强其对社会变革的 贡献。
In a region facing important social movement and changes, the Forum provided an innovative space to develop a new kind of dialogue, bringing together social sciences and policy in the search for a common understanding and a common commitment to enhance their contribution to social transformations.
最后,我们应提出警告,国际社会包括安全理事 会利用阿拉伯人民的苦难谋求私利 、 推行 权 更迭 不利于国际和平与安全。
Lastly, we should warn that it is not in the interests of international peace and security for the international community, including the Security Council, to use the plight of the Arab peoples to pursue self-interest and execute regime change.
极权国家的当权者无视 其民众的健康与环境,从而暴露出自己的本质——一谋取自我私利、顽固把权力, 而不管会给人民带 来什么代价、造成什么痛苦与苦难的小集团。
Ignoring the state of its citizens’ health and surroundings, the totalitarian State exposed itself to be what it was — a self-serving clique hell-bent on maintaining its power, no matter what the cost to its people, no matter what pain and suffering ensued.
如果各国建立国际组以谋求或加强在某些领域的合作,而且将若 权限 归属于这些组织并给予豁免权,可能会对基本权利的保护产生影响。
Where States establish international
[...] organizations in order to pursue or strengthen their cooperation in certain fields of activities, and where they attribute to these organizations certain competences and accord them immunities, there may [...]
be implications as to
protection of fundamental rights.
针对从清单中去除一些类别(友好、通商和航 海条以及关于私权的类 似协定,保护环境条约,关于国际水道和有关装置和设 [...]
施的条约,和关于商业仲裁的条约)的建议,特别报告员指出,尽管这些类别的 协定不能总是整体存续,这一清单仅为指示性的,且第 10
条草案中规定了具体 条款分开处理的可能性。
As regards a proposal to eliminate categories from the list (treaties of friendship,
commerce and navigation and analogous
[...] agreements concerning private rights; treaties relating [...]
to the protection of the environment;
treaties relating to watercourses and related installations and facilities; and treaties relating to commercial arbitration), the Special Rapporteur noted that while it might be true that those categories of agreements did not always survive in their totality, the list was merely indicative and the possibility of separability of individual provisions was established by draft article 10.
维护社权,保障其原则、财产不受侵害,防止个别团体的利己主义, 例如,谋取私利危害儿童健康或社会成员的道德准则
Respect for the right of society to be protected against the destruction of its foundations and values and the self-interest of individual groups, for example when, for the sake of personal advantage, the [...]
health of children or
the morals of members of society are jeopardized
某些 国家担心,收集这类数据会激化不同群体之间的矛
[...] 盾;为尽可能降低这方面的风险,各国必须恪守关 键原则,其中包括自我认同、私权 、 保 护个人数以及相关利益攸关方的参与。
Certain States were concerned that the collection of such data could aggravate tensions between groups; in order to minimize the risk of that occurring, States must abide
by key principles, including
[...] self-identification, the right to privacy, the protection of personal [...]
data and the involvement of relevant stakeholders.




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