

单词 以律

External sources (not reviewed)

它注意到,尽管面对政治、经济和社会困难,阿富汗和国际社会在创 建一个政治制度,确保法律和司法改革以及通过 律以 维 护 人权标准方面取得了 重大成就。
It noted that, despite political and economic and social difficulties, Afghanistan and the international community had made important achievements in creating a political system, ensuring legal and judicial reform and adopting laws in keeping with human rights standards.
对此项权利的行 使不得加以限制,除去按照律以及 在 民主社会中为维护国家安全或公共安全、 [...]
No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this
right other than those imposed in conformity
[...] with the law and which are necessary [...]
in a democratic society in the interests
of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
(d) 关于军事方针和方案的律,以满足 军队的组织和装备需要; (e) 关于建立军事委员会的律,以监测 国防部队和安全部队改革。
(e) A law establishing a military committee to monitor the reform of defence and security forces.
(2) 若有屬於業務組成部分並位於香港以外任何國家、地區或地方的財産及
[...] 法律責任的移轉及轉歸是受香港 律以 外 的 規定所管限,則倘若中國工 商銀行(亞洲)提出要求,華比銀行香港分行須在指定日期後,在切實可 [...]
轉予及轉歸中國工商銀行(亞洲),而在作出上述移轉及轉歸之前,華比 銀行香港分行須以受託人身分絕對地代中國工商銀行(亞洲)持有該財産 及負有該法律責任。
(2) Where the transfer and vesting of any property and liabilities situate in any country, territory or place outside Hong Kong and forming
part of the undertakings is governed
[...] otherwise than by the laws of Hong Kong, [...]
Belgian Bank, Hong Kong Branch shall, if ICBC
(Asia) so requires, so soon as is practicable after the appointed day, take all necessary steps for securing the effective transfer and vesting thereof in ICBC (Asia) and, pending such transfer and vesting, Belgian Bank, Hong Kong Branch shall hold any such property and liabilities in trust absolutely for ICBC (Asia).
律政司動議㆓讀:「㆒項修訂與警司警誡少年罪犯有關的法律、撤銷與出版有關的某些 罪行、修訂關於在刑事法律程序㆗某些程序事項的法律、修訂影響律師及外國律師執 業的法律、授權律政司向法庭申請委任司法受託㆟、使若干條例在㆒些次要方面合理 化及加以改善、將女性罪犯或女性受感化者的監管㆟員須為女性的規定予以免除、授 權㆟民入境管理隊的成員在某些情況㆘持手令進入㆞方及搜查、修訂關於囚犯在監管 ㆘釋放的法律、修訂關於將去世㆟士的遺體或其部分用於治療或其他獲准目的的律,以及就 其他雜項及次要修訂訂定條文的草案。
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL moved the Second Reading of: "A Bill to amend the law relating to juvenile offenders cautioned by police superintendents, to abolish certain offences relating to publication, to amend the law relating to certain procedural matters in criminal proceedings, to amend the law affecting solicitors' and foreign lawyers' practice, to enable the Attorney General to apply to the court for appointment of judicial trustees, to rationalize and improve minor aspects of various Ordinances, to dispense with the requirement for supervising officers of female offenders or probationers to be female, to empower members of the Immigration Service to enter and search with warrant under certain circumstances, to amend the law relating to release of prisoners under supervision, to amend the law relating to the use of deceased persons' bodies or parts thereof for therapeutic or other permitted purposes and to provide for other miscellaneous and minor amendments.
阿富汗还强调,该国的律制度 重视两性平 以 及 所 有儿童获 得平等的教育机会。
As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to education for all children, embodied in its legal system.
这些活动包括:组织介绍情况访问团及 参加在区域和国家一级组织的各种研讨会和会议 ;协助各国评估其贸易法 改革需要,具体方法包括审查既有法规 ;协助起草国家律以落实 贸易法 委员会的法规 ;协助多边和双边发展机构在其法律改革活动和项目中使用 贸易法委员会的法规;就贸易法委员会法规的使用问题向诸如专业协会、 律师组织、商会和仲裁中心等国际组织及其他组织提供咨询意见和援助; 举办培训活动,便利法官和法律从业人员执行和解释在贸易法委员会法规 基础上制定的相关法律。
These activities include organizing briefing missions and participating in seminars and conferences, organized at both national and regional levels; assisting countries in assessing their trade law reform needs, including by reviewing existing legislation; assisting with the drafting of national legislation to implement UNCITRAL texts; assisting bilateral and multilateral development agencies to use UNCITRAL texts in their law reform activities and projects; providing advice and assistance to international and other organizations, such as professional associations, organizations of attorneys, chambers of commerce and arbitration centres, on the use of UNCITRAL texts; and organizing training activities to facilitate the implementation and interpretation of legislation based on UNCITRAL texts by judges and legal practitioners.
到那 时,他们将成为“有声的律”,以 便 将 《规约》和《程序和证据规则》的规定 转化为有生命力、可运作的律,从 而 以 绝 对 中立的方式伸张正义。
At that stage, they will become the
[...] “speaking law” in order to translate the provisions of the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence into living and operational law, and thereby dispense justice in an absolutely impartial manner.
会议鼓励麻管局和世卫组织继 续合作,展开相关研究以支持各国政府努力更好地评估其在这类药物方面的医 学需求,确保经济上能够承受的药品供应,并通过 律以 确 保这类药品在治疗 疼痛方面的供应。
The Board and WHO were encouraged to continue to cooperate and conduct research to support Governments in their efforts to better assess their medical needs for such substances, ensuring the availability of affordable medications and adopting legislation to ensure the availability of such medications for the treatment of pain.
因此,尽管《宪法法院组织法》在其第二过渡 条款第 2 章中规定该组织法有效,并可以不执行《宪法》第 53.2 条的规定,但 可以肯定的是:为了保护各种管辖和裁决命令(包括:有关民事、刑事、行政诉 讼和劳动争议的命令)所涉及的各种基本权利,西班牙的各种程序法收集了的一 些特别程序,并可以通过这些特别程序来废除上述某些 律 , 如 : 以 《 刑事诉讼 法》为代表的通过对现有法律的修订来废除原 律 , 以 《 劳 动诉讼法》(1995 年 4 月 7 日的第 2/1995 号皇家敕令)、1998 年 7 月 13 日的第 29/1998 号法律(《行 政诉讼裁判监督管理法》)和 2000 年 1 月 7 日的第 1/2000 号法律(《民事诉讼 法》)为代表的通过颁布新法律来废除原法律。
However, this act pre-dated the Constitution, and although section 2 of the second transitional provision of the Constitutional Court Organization Act extended that protection as long as the provisions of article 53.2 of the Constitution were not implemented, it is certain that Spanish procedural acts have been providing for special procedures for the protection of fundamental rights in each of the courts (civil, criminal, administrative, labour) that have involved a derogation of the law – either through amendment of existing laws, as is the case of the Criminal Justice Act, or through the promulgation of new laws, as has been the case with the Labour Procedure Act (RDL No. 2/1995) of 7 April 1995, the Administrative Dispute Regulation Act (No. 29/1998) of 13 July 1998, and the Civil Procedure Act (No. 1/2000) of 7 January 2000.
关于“关于众议院和参议院选举以及修订和完成关于地方公共行政部门选 举的第 67/2004 号法律、第 215/2001 号律以及关于地方当选官员法规的第 393/2004 号法律”的第 35/2008 号法律于 2008 年举办的地方选举中推行县议会 议长直接选举。
Law no. 35/2008 on the election of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate and for the amendment and completion of Law no. 67/2004 for the election of local public administration authorities, of Law no 215/2001 and of Law no. 393/2004 regarding the statute of local elected officials introduced the direct election of the presidents of county councils at the local elections held in 2008.
你知道吗,由于2004 - 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在这里付出了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的GMC获得几千东部欧洲GP的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟 律 , 以 把 他 们通过的英语能力测试!(不用说法国人采取不通知的这疯狂的一块立法和做试验他们)。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics from Europe (as ordinary surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand Eastern European GP’s (through agencies), but they are prohibited by EU law to put them through an English competence test!
[...] 情况下,直接提供保障,或者通过或修订 律 , 以 使 儿 童能够充分享有这项权 利。
This obligation requires that States parties, with respect to their particular judicial
system, either directly guarantee this right, or
[...] adopt or revise laws so that this right [...]
can be fully enjoyed by the child.
会议注意到艾滋病毒问题和法律委员会在指明诸如以下一些特别 重要的领域方面所作出的贡献:建立有利的法律环境,从而促进以有
[...] 效和可持续的方式应对艾滋病毒及提供可负担得起的药品方面的各种 问题,颁布相关律,以及使 主要受影响人口能获得司法服务和保 [...]
The Meeting noted the contribution of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law in identifying areas of particular significance, such as an enabling legal environment for effective and sustainable
responses to HIV and affordable access to
[...] medicines, enactment of laws, and access to justice [...]
and protection against discrimination
and human rights abuses with regard to key affected populations.
开幕经文告诉具备了学习圣人Bhrigu,就是他马努是如何恭敬地走近远古时代的10个伟大的先贤,并要求宣布他们的种姓的神圣 律 , 以 及 如 何他欣然加入了他们的工作要求仔细教的神圣法律的格律机构,提供给他们这个宝贵的指示。
The opening verses of the work tell how Manu was reverently approached in ancient times by
the ten great sages and asked to declare to
[...] them the sacred laws of the castes and [...]
how he graciously acceded to their request
by having the learned sage Bhrigu, whom he had carefully taught the metrical institutes of the sacred law, deliver to them this precious instruction.
修订歧视妇女的法律和制订对 妇女友好的律、以及确 保妇女能够获得体面的工作和社会保障等领域, 被作为优先重点领域和主要挑战而提出。
The revision of laws discriminatory to women and enactment of women-friendly laws as well as ensuring and that women had access to decent jobs and social protection were cited as priority areas and challenges.
[...] 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女免遭暴力的 律, 以使妇女在政府和阿富汗的社会生活中享有适当份额。
Regarding women’s rights, it was reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women
[...] and had in place a law to protect women [...]
from violence, in conformity with the Convention,
in order to give women an appropriate share in the Government and social life in Afghanistan.
援助侧重以下几 个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的律和政 策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力以便以综合 协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 [...]
的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption [...]
bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way;
(c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
主任的职责包括:按照理事会制定的工作计划领导中心的工作;提出 工作计划与预算草案,提交理事会通过;拟定理事会和执行委员会届会的临时议程,并向其
[...] 提交其认为有利于中心行政管理工作的一切建议;编写通过执行委员会提交给理事会的中心 活动报告;并在律以及所有民事诉讼中代表中心。
The duties of the Director are: to direct the work of the Centre in conformity with the work plan established by the Governing Board; to propose the draft work plan and budget to be submitted to the Governing Board; to prepare the provisional agenda for the sessions of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee and submit to them any proposals that he or she may deem useful for administration of the Centre; to prepare reports on the Centre’s activities, to be
submitted through the Executive Committee to the Governing Board; and to
[...] represent the Centre in law and in all civil acts.
[...] 施包括预防暴力的各种政策、方案和 律 , 以 及 利 用刑法和执法制止犯罪者并 将其绳之以法,从而有效执行立法和各项政策。
Relevant measures include both
[...] policies, programmes and laws to prevent violence, [...]
as well as the use of criminal law and
law enforcement to deter and bring perpetrators to justice to effectively implement the legislation and policies.
根据 2000 年 2 月 18
[...] 日关于共和国和地方人口社会支助基金的第 827-XIV 号律以及 2000 年 10 月 26 日第 1083 [...]
号政府决定通过的关于贯彻落实共和国和 地方人口社会支助基金法的条例,每年向拥有子女的家庭、拥有
16 岁以下残疾 儿童的家庭、单亲家庭、需要监护非社会福利机构孤儿的家庭、由于需要照顾 3 岁以下子女而没有参加就业的人员以及其他低收入家庭提供援助,以及向孤儿、 失去父母照顾和处于社会援助和家庭保障司/局照顾下的儿童提供援助。
In accordance with the Law on the republican fund and local funds of social support
of population No. 827-XIV from 18
[...] February 2000 and the Regulations adopted by Government [...]
Decision No. 1083 from 26 October
2000 on implementation of the Law on the republican fund and the local funds of social support of population, aid is offered annually to families with children, to families with children with disabilities of an age of up to 16 years, single parent families, families with tutorship on non-institutionalised orphan children, persons not involved in employment due to the need to take care of children until the age of 3 years and other families with low incomes, as well as to orphan children and left without parental care and who are under care of the social assistance and family protection Sections/Directorates.
一些阿拉伯国家出席 了会议,会议最终通过了《开罗宣言》,宣言
[...] 特别呼吁尚未成为《海牙公约》及其 1954 和 1999 年两项议定书缔约国的国家加入这些文 书,促进文化财产的认定和编写国家文化财产 清单,或者协调其国家律,以惩治 破坏文化 财产的罪行。
The meeting, attended by a number of Arab countries, resulted in the adoption of the Cairo Declaration which, among other things, called upon States not yet party to the Hague Convention and its two 1954 and 1999 Protocols to join them, to promote the identification of cultural property and the
preparation of national
[...] inventories of such property or to harmonize their national legislation with a view to punishing [...]
offences against cultural property.
因此,格林纳达政府既不颁布、实施、也不能容忍侵犯或破坏任何国家主权 权利的一切法律或措施,限制或阻碍任何国家国际贸易或航运的 律 ; 以 及 单 方 面实施限制贸易自由流动的经济贸易措施。
The Government of Grenada therefore, neither promulgates, applies nor condones laws or measures that would encroach on or undermine the sovereign rights of any State; any law that would restrict or hinder international trade or navigation by any State; or any unilateral application of economic and trade measures that would restrict the growth and development of any state.
在国家一级,我们高 兴地注意到,已经有 131 个国家批准了《儿童权利公 约》关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书,在将 儿童权利和保护儿童的目标纳入国家发展计划和战 略方面取得了重大成功,许多国家颁布了新 律以防 止 和禁止针对儿童的严重侵犯行为,以及更多武装冲 突当事方现在参与制定从他们的部队中释放儿童的 行动计划,并且停止招募和使用儿童兵。
At the national level, we are pleased to note that 131 countries have ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, that significant successes have been recorded in integrating child rights and child protection goals into national development plans and strategies, that many States have enacted new pieces of legislation to prevent and prohibit grave violations against children, and that more parties to armed conflict are now engaged in establishing action plans to release children from their ranks and to end the recruitment and use of child solders.
她还着重提到德国议会颁布的关于适应基金董事会法律能力的 律, 以及关 于适应基金的临时安排运作绩效的报告,对于该报告,将在本届会议上连 [...]
She also highlighted the law enacted by the German
[...] Parliament conferring legal capacity to the [...]
Adaptation Fund Board and the report on the
performance of the interim arrangements of the Adaptation Fund, which would be considered during this session along with the report of the Adaptation Fund Board.
(d) 颁布并执行律,以禁止 基于文化特征的歧视,以及构成煽动歧视、 敌对或暴力行为的鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的做法,同时考虑到公民权利和政 [...]
治权利国际公约第十九条和第二十条,以及消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约第四 条。
(d) Promulgate
[...] and enforce legislation to prohibit discrimination [...]
based on cultural identity, as well as advocacy of national,
racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, taking into consideration articles 19 and 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
(g) 铭记有必要维持预算律,以有成 本效益的方式利用会议服务并更有 效率地开展工作,委员会请秘书处提供一份与为委员会编写的文件有关的报 [...]
告,包括这些文件的费用及其印发数量和频率、秘书处为以编制此类文件的方 式发现内部效率而作出的努力和与这些效率相关的节省,以及关于这些问题的
建议,包括探讨有无可能通过彻底审查其现行任务授权以查明过时或重复的任 务授权来进一步改进和减少每年的报告要求。
(g) Bearing in mind the need to
[...] maintain budget discipline, to use conferences [...]
services in a cost-effective manner and to
conduct its work more efficiently, the Commission requests the Secretariat to provide a report related to documentation prepared for the Commission, including the costs and the number and frequency of issuance of those documents, the efforts made by the Secretariat to find internal efficiencies in the manner in which it produces such documents and the savings linked to those efficiencies, as well as recommendations on these issues, including exploring possibilities to further improve and reduce the yearly reporting requirements through a thorough examination of its current mandates, with a view to identifying outdated or duplicative mandates.
根据现行律,以无限 期合同雇用残疾毕业生(其学业由国家预算资助,尚 未分配到工作)连续 18 个月按月获得津贴,对每名被雇用残疾毕业生的津贴相当 [...]
According to the legislation in force, employers that employ graduates [...]
with disabilities on a indefinite period contract,
the studies of which have been financed by the state budget and which have not been assigned a job, receive a monthly allowance for 18 consecutive months, for each employed graduate with disability, equal to a minimal monthly salary; these categories also benefit from professional integration and reintegration allowances.
路线图中应当在过渡期间实现的关键目标包括 任命一名部长来负责协调索马里过渡联邦政府打击
[...] 海盗的努力,制订与其它区域和政府的共同反海盗战 略,起草和通过一部打击海盗的 律以 及 宣 布设立索 马里专属经济区。
Key targets in the road map to be achieved during the transition period include the appointment of a single minister to coordinate the Transitional Federal Government’s (TFG) counter-piracy efforts; the development of a counter-piracy strategy in common with other regions and
administrations; the drafting and adoption of a
[...] counter-piracy law; and the proclamation [...]
of a Somali exclusive economic zone.




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