单词 | 以强凌弱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 以强凌弱 —there is no honor in the strong bullying the weak [idiom.]See also:强弱—strong or weak • amount of force or pressure 强弱 n—intensity n
民主的原则也应包含国家之间的民主关系,不应 当 以强凌弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | The principle of democracy also had to include democratic relations between countries, without the domination [...] of the strong over the weak. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还关切的是,这种竞争激烈的学校环境可能造成 恃 强凌弱 、 精 神疾 病、逃学、辍学以及学 龄儿童自杀等现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned that this [...] highly competitive [...] school environment may contribute to bullying, mental disorders, truancy, drop-out [...]and suicides among children of school-going age. daccess-ods.un.org |
新加坡 代表团强烈反对法国代表关于法治的评论,它认为 [...] 相比国内法而言,法治更适用于国家间的关系,否 则可能会是非颠倒,恃强凌弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation strongly disagreed with the comment by the representative of France about the rule of law which, it believed, was even more applicable [...] to inter-State relations than domestic law since otherwise might would prevail over right and [...] the strong over the weak. daccess-ods.un.org |
学生们带着Lady [...] Gaga参观了他们的教室,并谈到了日常生活中面临的一些困难,如:遭遇 恃 强凌弱 的 问 题。 unicef.org | Students gave Lady Gaga a tour of their classroom and spoke about some of the challenges they face in [...] their daily lives, such as bullying. unicef.org |
欺凌和骚扰是指强势的 个人或群体因可感知的不同,例如文化、种族、性别、性取向、宗教或外貌等原因,欺 压 弱 势 的 个人或群体。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Bullying and harassment involve a more powerful person or group oppressing a less powerful person or group because of a perceived difference, such as culture, ethnicity, [...] gender, [...]sexuality, religion or physical appearance. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
然 而,委员会关切的是,缺乏《公约》包含的某些领域的相关数据,如贫困儿童、 残疾儿童和非日本籍儿童入学率的资料 , 以 及 有关校园暴力及 恃 强凌弱 情 况 的数 据。 daccess-ods.un.org | It expresses concern, however, at the lack of data in relation to some areas covered by the Convention, including on the school enrolment rates of children [...] living in poverty, children with disabilities and [...] non-Japanese children, as well as on violence and bullying in schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年 7 月至 2010 年 6 月,化剑铸犁促进会卡尔加里分会举办了 13 次涉 及广泛裁军问题的教育会议,和 3 个关于相关议题的周末讲习班;发动了两个核 裁军运动;领导 50 多个地方团体建起了卡尔加里和平之柱;在各学校开展了一 个名为“和平木偶”的防止恃强凌弱 的 方 案;主办了一次新书发布会;与其部分 执行成员所属的 8 个团体建立了网络关系;并举办了两次电影放映、两次国际和 平日活动,以及一 次提起裁军问题的候选人论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | Between July 2008 and June 2010, the Calgary branch of Project Ploughshares held 13 educational meetings covering a broad range of disarmament issues and three weekend workshops on relevant [...] topics; created two [...] campaigns for nuclear disarmament; led over 50 local groups in having a peace pole built in Calgary; ran a “Puppets for Peace” bully-proofing programme in schools; hosted a book launch; networked with eight groups with which [...]some of its executive [...]members were affiliated; and organized two film screenings, two International Day of Peace events and a candidates forum, at which disarmament issues were raised. daccess-ods.un.org |
綠 色和平的立場更為強硬,直指這是“對美國政府的一記耳光,美國政府 原以為可以恃強凌弱,先迫使歐洲然後其他地區接受其基因改造生物政 策。 legco.gov.hk | Greenpeace takes a harsher stance, calling it "a [...] slap in the face of the US administration [...] which thought by bullying, Europe and eventually [...]others would swallow its GMO policy. legco.gov.hk |
敦促 敦促 敦促 敦促所有各国和国际社会考虑到女童在冲突前、冲突期间和冲突后环境 中以及在 出现其他人道主义紧急情况时特别 脆 弱 , 尊重、促进和保护女童权利, 此外还敦促各国采取特别措施保护女孩,尤其是保护她们免于性传播感染,包括 艾滋病毒感染,防止她们遭受基于性别的暴力,包 括 强 奸 、 性 凌 虐 和 性剥削、酷 刑、绑架和强迫劳动,特别要关心难民女孩和流离失所女孩,并在分发人道主义 援助物品及实施解除武装、复员、协助转业和重返社会方案过程中考虑到她们的 特殊需要 daccess-ods.un.org | all States and the international community to respect, promote and protect the rights of the girl [...] child, taking into account [...] the particular vulnerabilities of the girl child in pre-conflict, conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as in other humanitarian emergencies, and further urges States to take special measures for the protection of girls, in particular to protect them from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection, gender-based violence, including rape, sexual abuse [...]and sexual exploitation, [...]torture, abduction and forced labour, paying special attention to refugee and displaced girls, and to take into account their special needs in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation assistance and reintegration processes daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织主张教育领域的规划和管理工作 应 以 更强 有力 的证据为基础,而且主张尝试使用具有包容性、方便儿童的创新型教育办法,制定有效 的教育政策和法律,重点确保优质教育权、特别是农村 和 弱 势 群 体的优质教育权,从而提高 质量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO advocated [...] for stronger evidence-based planning and management in the area of education and for improved quality through piloting innovative inclusive and child-friendly educational approaches and developing effective education policies and laws, focusing on ensuring the right to quality education, especially for rural and disadvantaged populations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(a) 采取了哪些包括立法在内的措施,以 打 击 贩运妇女、家庭暴力、婚内 强奸和抛弃女婴等各种形式的暴力侵害妇女行为,对所有有关虐待 和 凌 辱 的 指控 进行调查及保护受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) The measures, including legislative ones, taken [...] to combat various [...] forms of violence against women, including trafficking, domestic violence, marital rape and abandonment of girl babies, to investigate all allegations of ill-treatment and [...]abuse, and to protect the victims. daccess-ods.un.org |
Lady Gaga受邀观看了一场由学生们自主表演、反映校园生活中 恃 强凌弱 问 题 的戏剧。 unicef.org | Lady Gaga was invited to watch a play put together by the students [...] that depicted bullying in school life. unicef.org |
我希望司長能夠盡量在餘下的十多天任期,發出一項最重要的指 [...] 令給所有政府部門,避免令政府蒙羞,亦避免有人指責司長“講一套 做一套”,在議事堂裏說得很偉大,但在實際運作時,繼 續 以 惡 法欺 凌弱勢市民。 legco.gov.hk | I hope the Secretary for Justice can exert his best to issue a most important order to all government departments in the remaining fortnight of his term, so as to avoid bringing disgrace on the Government and drawing the criticism that the Secretary for Justice is preaching one thing but practising another, making high-sounding [...] statements in the legislature [...] but continuing to bully disadvantaged members of the public [...]with a draconian law in actual practice. legco.gov.hk |
此种措施将包括在因凌辱和忽视最终不得不将儿童与其父母分离 的情况下,建立适当的基础设施,以 及 实 行 凌 辱 和 忽视儿童行 为 强 制 报 案制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such measures would include the creation of appropriate infrastructure in cases where, as a last resort, children have to be separated from their parents due to abuse and neglect and the introduction of mandatory reporting of abuse and neglect of children. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,就 公眾信心來說,如果當局被認為濫用檢控權和 欺 凌弱 小, 將會造成很大打擊。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, as far as public confidence [...] is concerned, if the [...] authorities are regarded to be abusing their power of prosecution and bullying the disadvantaged, it will deal a severe [...]blow to the authorities. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 采取一切必要的有效措施,包括酌情实行法律改革 , 以 便 消 除对女孩的 一切形式歧视和一切形式暴力,包括杀害女婴、产前性别选择 、 强 奸 、 性 凌 虐和 切割女性生殖器等有害的传统或习俗、早婚、未经未婚配偶双方自由表示完全同 意的婚姻、强迫绝育等歧视和暴力,为此制定和大力执行法律,并酌情制订全面、 多学科及协调一致的国家计划、方案或战略以保护女孩 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) To take all necessary and effective [...] measures, including [...] legal reforms where appropriate, to eliminate all forms of discrimination against girls and all forms of violence, including female infanticide and prenatal sex selection, rape, sexual abuse [...]and harmful traditional [...]or customary practices, including female genital mutilation, early marriage, marriage without the free and full consent of the intending spouses and forced sterilization, by enacting and enforcing legislation and, where appropriate, by formulating comprehensive, multidisciplinary and coordinated national plans, programmes or strategies to protect girls daccess-ods.un.org |
巴勒斯坦平民已经因以色 列强加给它的为期两年的封锁而极度 虚 弱 , 以 色列 在加沙地带针对巴勒斯坦人实施的残暴的军事侵略 ——按照联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(戈德斯通报 告)和其他独立调查的判断——严重违反了国际人 [...] 道主义法,这就相当于犯下了战争罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | During its brutal military aggression in the Gaza [...] Strip against a [...] Palestinian civilian population already debilitated by the deprivation imposed on it by [...]a two-year Israeli blockade, [...]Israel had — in the judgement of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (the Goldstone report) and other independent investigations — been guilty of grave breaches of international humanitarian law, which amounted to war crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
這種以強凌弱、以大欺小的行為是可恥的,絕對不應該 鼓勵。 legco.gov.hk | It is a bullying act which is shameful [...] and definitely should not be encouraged. legco.gov.hk |
我们认为,执行和平协定 的进程必须与提供人道主义和紧急援助;创建能够解 决冲突、使冲突各方实现和解并且使国家与被治理者 [...] 能够对话的政治体制;开展安全部门改革;进行行政 和经济重组以及增强弱者的力量、建立尊重人权文化 和恢复经济活动等齐头并进。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that the process of implementing a peace agreement must run side by side with the provision of humanitarian and emergency assistance; with the creation of political institutions that can resolve conflicts, reconcile parties to conflicts and allow dialogue between the State and the governed; with security sector reform; with [...] administrative and economic restructuring; and [...] with empowering the weak, building a human [...]rights culture and resuming economic activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,政府完全沒有就以上問 題作出處理,而且繼續放縱,讓金 融霸權欺凌弱勢社羣。 legco.gov.hk | Rather, it has kept its arms folded and let the financial hegemonists bully the disadvantaged. legco.gov.hk |
(o) 消除两性不平等、基于性别的凌虐和 暴力; 增 强 妇 女和少女防范艾滋病 毒感染的自我保护能力,主要手段是提供保健和各种服务,包括性保健和生殖保 健等服务,使她们能够全面获得各种信息和教育;确保妇女能行使其权利 , 以便 能够在不受胁迫和歧视以及没 有暴力的情况下,控制并负责任和自主地决定与其 性生活有关的事项,从而增强其保护自己免受艾滋病毒感染的能力,包括加强其 性健康和生殖健康;并采取一切必要措施,创造赋予妇女权力的有利环境,加强 她们的经济独立,同时在这方面重申男子和男孩在实现两性平等方面所能发挥的 重要作用 daccess-ods.un.org | ( o ) Eliminating gender inequalities, gender-based abuse and violence; increasing the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection, principally through the provision of health care and services, including sexual and reproductive health, and the provision of full access to comprehensive [...] information and education; ensuring [...]that women can exercise their right to have control over, and decide freely and responsibly on, matters related to their sexuality in order to increase their ability to protect themselves from HIV infection, including their sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion, discrimination and violence; and taking all necessary measures to create an enabling environment for the empowerment of women and to strengthen their economic independence, while, in this context, reiterating the importance of the role of men and boys in achieving gender equality daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会第 [...] 1325(2000)号决议呼吁武装冲突各方采取特别措施,保护妇 女和女孩在武装冲突局势中不受基于性别的暴力,特别 是 强 奸 和 其他形式的 性凌 虐,以及所有其他形式的暴力。 un.org | In its resolution 1325 (2000), the Security Council called on all parties to conflict to take special measures to protect women and girls from [...] gender-based [...] violence, particularly rape and other forms of sexual abuse, and all other [...]forms of violence in situations of armed conflict. un.org |
我们希望,安全理事会将一直是一个防护堡垒, 保护弱者不受强者欺凌,并 且保护受害者抵御掠夺 者。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that the Security Council will always be a [...] bulwark of defence of the weak against the strong and [...]the victim against the usurper. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過, 我們亦 要 關 注 到 , 在 市場爭 奪 走 上 全 球 化 [...] 時 , 實力雄 厚 的國際 級 集 團 會 否“以大蝦 細 ” , 恃 強 凌 弱 , 剝 奪 了本地中小型 企 業 的生存 空 [...]間 呢 ? legco.gov.hk | While the struggle for markets is moving towards globalization, we need to note whether [...] international consortium with [...] tremendous strength will "bully the weak", thereby depriving the local [...]small and medium enterprises of their room for survival? legco.gov.hk |
文化多样国际基金应该促 进文化和制度方面的能力建设,加 强弱 势 文 化的表现并支持各种教育和研究计 划 以 及 语 言多样 性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Fund should contribute to cultural and [...] institutional [...] capacity-building, strengthen vulnerable cultural expressions and support educational and research programmes, in addition [...]to linguistic diversity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
普遍的不安全状况继续加剧人权状况的恶化,难 民和境内流离失所者等弱势群体遭到 凌 虐 , 妇女和儿 童成为强奸和 其他性暴力和性别暴力等普遍存在的 侵犯人权行为的受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prevailing insecurity continues to contribute to the [...] deterioration of the human [...] rights situation, with abuses against vulnerable groups such as refugees and internally [...]displaced [...]persons, and with women and children being notable targets and victims of widespread human rights abuses, such as rape and other sexual and gender-based violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我国代表团认为,联海稳定团的工作远未 完成,并且相信安全理事会将会延长其任务期限,继 续向它提供支持,以建设和强化稳固的国家机构,从 而巩固法治,并填补因体制能力薄 弱以 及 该国缺乏人 力和物力资源而造成的缺漏,同时注重直接影响到海 地恢复和重建进程的三个要素——治理、安全和发 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, my delegation believes that the work of MINUSTAH is far from done and trusts that the Security Council will renew its mandate and maintain ongoing support to achieve reconstruction [...] and solid national [...] institution-building, so as to solidify the rule of law and fill the gaps created by weakened institutional capacity [...]and the country’s [...]lack of human and material resources, emphasizing the three factors directly affecting Haiti’s recovery and reconstruction process — governability, security and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样一 些政策通常都是社会性政策、经济性政策或环境性政策,可能着眼于某一特定 部门或普遍发展,改善环境,加强弱 势 群 体地位 , 以 及 考 虑经济因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such policies are usually of a social, economic or environmental nature and may be aimed at a specific sector or [...] general development; environmental [...] improvements; enhancement of the position of disadvantaged groups; and economic [...]factors. daccess-ods.un.org |
你也可以设 置主音调,启用键盘模式或者键盘加吹管的模式(Yamaha或Akai的吹管都可),启用相应的弯音响应,选择音头的类型,将滑音设置到力度或CC5,给 延音踏板分配不同的功能,比如强弱 控 制 ,次谐波或吼叫音。 samplemodeling.com | You may also set the master tune, enable keyboard mode, or keyboard + breathcontroller, or windcontroller mode (for either Yamaha and Akai WC), enable (a)symmetrical pitchbend response, choose among various attack setups, link portamento time to either velocity or CC5, assign the sustain pedal to different functions, such as soft velocity control, subharmonic [...] or growl. samplemodeling.com |
深信 深信 深信 深信在此全球化时代和信息革命之际,世界各国比以往任何时候都更关切军 备管制、不扩散和裁军问题,因为这些问题总 会 以 某 种方式影响到它们,因此它 们应有可能参加为解决这些问题举行的谈判, 铭记 铭记 铭记 铭记存在各项裁军和军备管制协定的广泛结构正是许多国家,无论大 小强 弱,都 参加的非歧视性和透明的多边谈判的结果 daccess-ods.un.org | that, in the globalization era and with the information revolution, arms regulation, non-proliferation and disarmament problems are more than ever the concern of all countries in the world, which are affected in one way or another by these problems and, therefore, should have the possibility to participate in the negotiations that arise to tackle them daccess-ods.un.org |