单词 | 以弗所 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 以弗所noun—Ephesusn以弗所—EphesisExamples:以弗所书—Epistle of St Paul the Ephesians See also:所以—therefore as a result the reason why so 所以adv—actuallyadv thusadv consequentlyadv
他出生在皮西迪亚Sozopolis,他的父亲是一个城市的参议员,以及后代的Sozopolis主教谁出席了在安理会431以弗所。 mb-soft.com | he was born at Sozopolis in Pisidia, his father [...] being a senator of the city, and descended from the Bishop of Sozopolis who had attended [...] the CouncilofEphesus in 431. mb-soft.com |
对于伊格主教是团结中心(以弗所书4),都必须服从权威的人,因为他们的神,在其地方主教规则(Ignat.到Polyc,六;。 mb-soft.com | For Ignatius the bishop is the [...] centre of unity (Ephesians 4), the authority [...]whom all must obey as they would God, in whose [...]place the bishop rules (Ignat. to Polyc. mb-soft.com |
他陪同Dioscurus到以弗所强盗会在449,他说自己“我和我的兄弟的祝福神父Anatolius”(即Dioscurus书记,他提拔到君士坦丁堡见)。 mb-soft.com | He accompanied Dioscurus to the [...] robber CouncilofEphesus in 449, ashe says [...]himself "together with my brother the blessed [...]priest Anatolius" (the secretary of Dioscurus, promoted by him to the See of Constantinople). mb-soft.com |
以弗所书5:15-18和以赛亚书61:1-3是向我启示的两段主要经文,特别帮助我能够顺服主在那一年中的旨意。 amccsm.org | Ephesians5:15-18and Isaiah [...] 61:1-3 were the two main scriptures revealed to me, which specially kept me aligned with the [...]Lord's purposes throughout the year. amccsm.org |
保罗在写给他在以弗所所建立的教会的信中,描述了一直存在于犹太人和外邦人之间的冲突,以 [...] 及藉着十字架可以获得的和睦(弗 2:11-16)。 sallee.info | In writing to the [...] church he planted in Ephesus, Paul describes [...]the conflict that had existed between the Jews and the Gentiles [...]as well as the reconciliation that is available by the cross (Eph 2:11-16). sallee.info |
例如,在418,一会背诵的迦太基在一个教皇使节在场的前非洲次全体会议,会议的所有大炮,安理会的chalcedon所有的行为体现了劫匪的以弗所第一届理事会,以及行为的该届会议上载有两名君士坦丁堡主教的行为。 mb-soft.com | For example, in 418, a Council of Carthage recited all the canons of former African plenary council in the presence of a papal legate; the Council of Chalcedon embodies [...] all the Acts of the first session of the [...] Robber CouncilofEphesus,and theActs of [...]that session contained the Acts of two synods of Constantinople. mb-soft.com |
A的第二次修订的译本是由一Theodotion,也许是以弗所本土的,谁可能有对生活的第二个世纪结束的。 mb-soft.com | A second revision of the Septuagint was made by one Theodotion, [...] perhaps anativeofEphesus,who mayhave lived [...]toward the end of the second century. mb-soft.com |
他的论点对犹太人被发现在精心创作的“对话与Trypho”,在那里他的着作权的启示使徒的方式说话其中一流的重要性是在一个人的嘴谁是在以弗所的一些转换前132年的时间。 mb-soft.com | His arguments against the Jews are found in the well-composed "Dialogue with Trypho", where he speaks of the Apostolic authorship of the Apocalypse in a [...] manner which is of first-rate importance in the mouth of a man who [...] was converted atEphesus sometime before [...]the year 132. mb-soft.com |
在以弗所书6:18-20节中,保罗请求以弗所人为所有教会和他自己代祷:"靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求;并要在此儆醒不倦,为众圣徒祈求,也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆开口讲明福音的奥秘,我为这福音的奥秘作了带锁炼的使者,并使我照着当尽的本分放胆讲论。 amccsm.org | In Ephesians 6:18-20, Paul asked for prayer forall the church and [...] for himself: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication [...]in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints - and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. amccsm.org |
安理会已被宣告无罪后欧迪奇,圣主教利奥坚持签署东本函,特别是那些谁已以弗所部分不光彩的场面,在。 mb-soft.com | After the council had acquitted Eutyches, St. Leo insisted on the [...] signing of this letter by the Eastern bishops, especially by those who had taken part [...] in the disgraceful scenes at Ephesus. mb-soft.com |
以弗所书1:15-21透露使徒保罗对以弗所人的心,以及他如何为他们祷告。 amccsm.org | Ephesians 1:15-21 reveals the heart of the apostle Paul for the Ephesianchurch and [...] how he prayed for them. amccsm.org |
以弗所书3:3-6】这在今天也许不再是奥秘,但在新约之前的时代,外邦人在神的国里的位置是无人知晓的。 bcbsr.com | Eph 3:3-6 This maynot bemuch [...] of a revelation today, but prior to New Testament times it was unclear what the status of [...]Gentiles were in God's kingdom. bcbsr.com |
我们的紧迫感来自如下事实:我们如此深爱耶稣,以至于我们想要尽可能快、尽可能充分地把每个族群带到他面前——使人们可以享受在耶稣里面的丰盛生命,并使他们有能力脱离在耶稣之外的无力、虚空的生命,从现在直到永远(以弗所书4.19以下)。 conversation.lausanne.org | Our urgency comes from the fact that we are so in love with Jesus that we want to introduce every people group to Him as soon and as fully as possible––to give people access to abundant life [...] in Jesus and enable them to escape their powerless, futile lives outside of [...] him, now and ineternity (Ephesians 4.19ff). conversation.lausanne.org |
这教训說_______________________________________ F. 这些事奉的目的可以在以弗所书4:12-16 中找到。 calvarygs.org | F. The purpose of these [...] ministries isfound in Ephesians4:12-16. calvarygs.org |
当完善,而他的人期待他们的描述是“荣耀的盼望,”这是他们在耶稣复活的荣耀,鉴于是参与,这是保持在他们希望由他留置明亮的存在(上校1:27 )和精神(以弗所书1:13密封 - 14,18 - 21)。 mb-soft.com | When the consummation to which his people look forward is described as their "hope of glory," it is their participation in Jesus' resurrection glory that is in view; that [...] hope is kept bright within them by his indwelling presence (Col. 1:27) and [...] sealed by the Spirit (Eph. 1:13 -14, 18 - 21). mb-soft.com |
F. 在以弗所书中4:30,圣靈拥有什麽情绪? calvarygs.org | F. What personal [...] emotion is ascribed tothe HolySpiritinEphesians 4:30? calvarygs.org |
为西安的信徒合一祷告(以弗所书4:3),好让他们能够一起成为身旁人眼中强而有力的见证人。 amccsm.org | Pray for unity amongst the [...] believers inXi'an(Ephesians 4:3),so that [...]together they can be a powerful and effective witness to those around them. amccsm.org |
许多父母如此热心于以弗所书6:4 的第二部分,即“只要照着主的教训和警戒养育儿 [...] 女”,以至于他们忘记了这节经文的第一部分“不要惹儿女的气”。 sallee.info | Many parents are so intent on the [...] second part of Ephesians6:4, bringing [...]up their children in the training and instruction [...]of the Lord, that they forget the first part, do not exasperate your children. sallee.info |
)它们包括狄奥多西等(如需到这些作品伟人Baradæus像塞维鲁,和参考书目见以弗所约翰。 mb-soft.com | They include great men like Severus, Baradæus Theodosius, etc. (For an account of these works and for [...] bibliography seeJOHN OFEPHESUS. mb-soft.com |
火热的西里尔遏制他的自然冲动,相互的解释之后,以及在434 3年后的以弗所议会的谴责聂斯脱里,和平是安提阿和亚历山大之间作出。 mb-soft.com | The fiery Cyril curbed his natural impetuosity; mutual [...] explanations followed; and in 434, three years after [...] the Council of Ephesuswhich hadcondemned [...]Nestorius, peace was made between Alexandria and Antioch. mb-soft.com |
使徒行传 19:1-10 [...] 描述了保罗在下监之前 的最后事工中,是怎样通过开始培养在以弗所的十二个人来培养其他领袖的。 sallee.info | Acts 19:1-10 describes how in Paul’s last ministry before he was imprisoned, he developed other leaders by [...] beginning with twelve meninEphesus. sallee.info |
作者以弗所强盗主教(449),保卫西里尔的神学,废黜Theodoret,强迫他到流亡一年。 mb-soft.com | The Robber SynodofEphesus (449), defending [...] Cyril's theology, deposed Theodoret and forced him into exile for a year. mb-soft.com |
当耶稣的跟随者为了彼此造就(以弗所书4:11-16)、彼此相爱(约翰福 音 13:34-35)的对内目的聚在一起,并发挥新约中教会的作用(使徒行传 [...] 2:42-43)时,他们 就为向失丧的世界传福音的对外目的受到了更好的装备。 sallee.info | As followers of Jesus [...] gather for the inward purpose of edifying one another (Eph 4:1116), loving [...]one another (Jn 13:34-35), [...]and practicing the functions of the New Testament church (Ac 2:42-43), they are better equipped for the outward task of outreach and ministry to the lost world. sallee.info |
直到那纸片在圈中至少传过一遍为止,然後停下來一起讀以弗所书4: 29。 global.gofamilylife.com | After the cutout has been around your group at least [...] once, stopand read Ephesians4:29. global.gofamilylife.com |
你要上战场之前要先好好穿戴整齐。以弗所书6:11-18的全付军装。 bbnradio.org | Before you go into battle put on the whole armor of God one [...] piece at a time from Ephesians 6:11-18. bbnradio.org |
狄奥多西二世乃众人在以弗所召开议会,在449,超过该Dioscurus,创办了一节真正的基督一性的,主持(见以弗所强盗会)。 mb-soft.com | Theodosius II convened an [...] œcumenical councilatEphesus,in449,over which Dioscurus, the real founder of Monophysitism as a sect, presided (see ROBBER COUNCIL OFEPHESUS). mb-soft.com |
在所有比赛中,他 - 但无意 - [...] 对阿里乌主义的父亲,他的学生是该邪教领导人:尤西比乌斯的尼科美底亚,阿里乌斯本人,以弗所,亚他那修的Anazarbus,Menophantus和仅有的两个主教谁拒绝想在理事会的尼西亚,尼西亚Theognis和Maris的chalcedon除了智者安提和可耻的主教Leontius [...]Asterius新信条。 mb-soft.com | At all events he was -- however unintentionally -- the father of Arianism, and his pupils were the leaders of that heresy: [...] Eusebius of Nicomedia, Arius himself, with [...] Menophantus of Ephesus, Athanasius of [...]Anazarbus, and the only two bishops who refused [...]to sign the new creed at the Council of Nicaea, Theognis of Nicaea and Maris of Chalcedon, besides the scandalous bishop Leontius of Antioch and the Sophist Asterius. mb-soft.com |
同样,居住在同一社区的人可以见证夫妻之间的爱和信实,即耶稣和祂的教会之间的关系的 彰显(以弗所书5:22-23)。 sallee.info | In the same way that the love and faithfulness of a husband and wife can be witnessed [...] by others in the community in which they live, the relationship between Jesus and [...] His church is on display(Eph 5:22-23). sallee.info |
在以弗所,431会作为圣文森特指出,圣西里尔从父亲提出的报价单系列,吨hagiôtatôn启hosiôtatôn [...] paterôn启episkopôn diaphorôn marturôn,这是对弗拉维安,腓立主教议案阅读。 mb-soft.com | In the Council of Ephesus, 431, as St. Vincent [...] points out, St. Cyril presented a series of quotations from the Fathers, [...]tôn hagiôtatôn kai hosiôtatôn paterôn kai episkopôn diaphorôn marturôn, which were read on the motion of Flavian, Bishop of Philippi. mb-soft.com |