

单词 以小人之心,度君子之腹

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Sometimes, I feel that we should make subjective guessesabout others' intention.
以小 人 之 心 度 君 子在有些人会欺 骗 老 人家的金 钱 , 如果他们不 在香港的 话 [...]
, 我们怎 样 确 保 他们取 得津贴呢?
I have a suspicious
[...] mind. There are people who will cheat elderly people of their money.
鉴於上述 原 因 , 在“民 调 事件”上, 实 在不以小人 之 心度君 子
For these reasons, as far as the
opinion polls affair is concerned,one really
[...] should notgauge the heartofa man of integrity with [...]
one's own mean measure.
因 此 ,主席,我 支持这项 议 案 , 希 望 大 家 不要以 为 我们现在的 要 求 ,是 在 “ 鸡 蛋 里 挑 骨 头 ”,事 实并非如此;说 不 好 听 一 点,这 样 批 评我们,是以 小 人 之心度 君 子
Madam President, I support this motion, and I hope that others will not consider our proposed resolution a nitpicking attempt because this is absolutely not what we have in mind.
在递补机制事情上,梁美芬议员是教授法律 的,她说不如惩罚那些人,她以小人之心度君子:“不让 他们参选便可以了,只要不让他们参选,他们便会害怕。
On this issue, the Honourable Priscilla LEUNG, who is a law professor, said we should punish the legislators who resigned.
因此,其实很简单,约法三章,击掌为盟,这个古老教训告诉我们,一 定要让普通人知道其权限的合理范围,规定权力本身有多少,别人便会放 心,越是不这样做,便越不能说别以小人之心度君子
This ancient story tells us we must make
known to the public the
[...] reasonable scope andthe limits to the authority, and this will give peace of mind tothe people.
如果纯粹找一个和你很亲近的人出任主席 ─ 当我们以小人之 心度君子过法例时,当然不止考虑最乐观的情况,也要同时考 [...]
虑种种状况,在这个情况下,仍然是不够稳妥,因为一旦有了所谓的保留、 备用权力,便会有很多不稳定因素。
If you just look for someoneclose to you to assume the Chairmanship…… Just assume that we are
[...] unfairly adoptinga suspicious attitudewithout proper justifications, [...]
but naturally
we cannot just consider the most optimistic scenarios, and we should also take all kinds of situations into consideration.
甚 至 乎
[...] 当自由党 今 天 也 说 部 长制时 , 我 也 不排除我以小人 之心君 子为部 长制可能会 是 保 障 了他们的 利 益 。
When I found the Liberal Party was talking about the ministerial system
today, I could rule out the fact
[...] that I amjudging thegoodguys from my meanestpointof view, too, for [...]
I think the ministerial
system will protect their own interests.
Please do not measure another's corn by one's own bushel.
如果特首以为今天到来立法会,仍然天下或许因为 他站得比较高,所以有此错觉 ─ 希望他所说的话便是最终的论述,则我 相信再没有一个更好的明权力如何,而腐化的是 他连自省的能力也减弱了。
If the Chief Executive thinks that his appearance in the
Legislative Council today
[...] is like "an emperorgiving orders to all the world" this is perhaps an illusion for he is standing on a higher place ― and that his words would be final, I believe there will be no better example to illustrate how power corrupts, and how it corrupts to such extentthat one's [...]
ability to conduct self-reflection can be eroded.
他建议, 在流离失所地区,在提义援助的同时应之以小生计项目,以限制 对援助的依赖
He recommended that humanitarian assistance be complemented by small-scalelivelihood projects in displacement areas, in order [...]
to limit dependency on assistance.
Ghanea 女士总结了五条初步 结论:(a) 讨论表达自由的脱离根 据 整 个公约所承 担 的总体义务,例 如,法律面人人,应有的程序 和 少利等;(b) 与表达没有合理的联系的随意的或的暴力行为不应成为对 表达自由的理由;(c) 在仇恨本身就引起暴力的地方,表明了一种更广泛 的暴力模式;启动了第 20 条就表明国家没有能够保证第 26 条所规定的不受歧视 的权利;(d) 第 20 条也要求有仔细的分成不同等级的制裁;最低一级,不应侵害 表达本 身 ,最高一级,可引 发制裁 ;小心让 限制对总的表达自由造 成 消极 影响;(e) 在国家范畴内还需要其他的行动。
Ms. Ghanea drew five preliminary conclusions:
(a) the discussion on
[...] limitations to freedom of expressioncould not be dissociated fromthe overall obligations under the Covenant as a whole, such as full equality before the law, due process and rights of minorities; (b) random or orchestrated acts of violence that have no reasonable link to expression should not justify limitations to freedom of expression; (c) where hatred itself incited to violence, it showed a broader pattern of violations; triggering article 20 demonstrated a failure of the State to guarantee the right to non-discrimination under article 26; (d) article 20 also required a careful and calibrated range of sanctions; at a minimum, it should not infringe expression itself and at a maximum it could trigger sanction; care hadto be taken [...]
for the limitations
not to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in general; and (e) other actions in the national sphere were needed.
提议编列的 29 400 美元差旅费是为了工席下列关于维持和平中 的信息技术相关专题的会议或讲习班:特派团支助事务主任和主管; 国际委员会的会议与维和部下一年战略计划和举措 有关的信息和通信技术;与紧急电信工作组和机构间电信咨询组的会议,讨论 有关维和行动中的机构间合作以及实行信息和通信技术共同服务的问题;多国 行动商业信息技术年度会议,以改善和促进建立和平、维持和平和建国领域的 军民互动。
The amount of $29,400 is proposed for staff to travel to the following
[...] [...] seminars/conferences/workshops on information technology-related topics in peacekeeping: the annual conference of Directors and Chiefs of Mission Support; meetings of the International Computing Centres Management Committee to ensure strategic [...]
plans and initiatives
related to information and communications technology for DPKO for the coming year; meetings of the Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications and of the Inter-agency Telecommunications Advisory Group to discuss issues related to inter-agency cooperation and the implementation of information and communications technology common services in peacekeeping operations; the annual conference of the Commercial Information Technology for Multinational Operations to improve and facilitate civilian and military interaction in the area of peacemaking, peacekeeping and nation-building.
下列人员不需事先就业或从事等于工作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 重度 残疾的8 孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级的在 登记失十二个月期间至少 180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定 [...]
的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the
twelve months prior to registration as
[...] unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a childof up to 18 years of age with amoderate,severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age or a child of 8 years of [...]
age until
the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
在 “信贷收紧”之前加上“可能因为经济下行而出现”;在“融资需要”之前删除“满足”,应”代 替;在 “让银行除“;担保计划”,并以“,以”代替;在“银行体系;”之後 删除“截至今年11月底,担保计划已批准4 672宗申请,涉及信贷 担保金额达169亿元,帮助不少”,并 以 “但贷款息率仍高踞不下, 未能真正帮助”代 替;及 在 “需要和之後删除时推 出更多措施”,并 以 “或接纳工商界一直争取的方案,适时重推‘特 别信贷保证计划’”代替。
To add "probably resulting from economic downturn" after "tightening of credit"; to delete "satisfy" before "their financing needs" and substitute with "respond to"; to delete "; the Schemeenables"before "banks togrant loans" and substitute with ", which enables"; to delete "as at late November this year, 4 672 applications had already been approved under the Scheme, with the guarantee coverage amount reaching $16.9 billion, thus helping many" after "banking system;" and substitute with "yet, the persistently high interest rates of loans are unable to really help"; and to delete "and introduce more measures" before "in a timely manner," and substitute with "or accept the proposal long advocated by the industrial and commercial sector to re-launch the Special Loan Guarantee Scheme".
(d)小 心免 令人 以关 的 人 所 作 出 的 回 答,只 会 作 为 针 对 此 人 的 证因 为 这 样 有 可 能 会 阻 止 无 辜 者 作 出 可 能 有 助 其 洗 脱 罪 名 的 陈 述 。
(d) Care should be taken to avoid any suggestion that the person's answers can only be used in evidence against him, as this may prevent an innocent [...]
person making
a statement which might help to clear him of the charge.
虽然在两批受人之配这笔赔偿金遇到 一些困难,但该案已得到最高法院审理,受害人就这笔资金的分享达成了一君 子,因此受害人获得了适当的赔偿。
Although there had been
[...] difficulties in sharing themoney between two groups of victims and this case was heard by the Supreme Court, the victims had reached agentleman’s agreement to share this money.
八.57 关于“联合国处理维持和平行动中与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关 问题的工协调,咨询委员会经询问获悉,“联合国自创一直通过维持和平行动部特派团一级的艾滋病毒/艾滋病顾问和协调人同该 部一道开展工作。
VIII.57 With regard to
[...] coordination between theUN Cares team and staff dealing with HIV/AIDS-related issues in peacekeeping operations, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that since its inceptionUN Cares hadbeen working with [...]
the Department
of Peacekeeping Operations through the latter’s mission-level HIV/AIDS advisers and focal points.
在封建社会时本来自为贵” 的民本思想,即使在封建的带着爱民如子的进步,被视为皇帝的德政。
Infeudal society, the power of themonarch overrodehuman rights and the idea of being people-oriented originated from the people-based thoughts [...]
of Mencius, who said that
the populace came before the monarch.
My supplementary question just now was asking what kind of role the Bureau
was playing, and what kind of relationship it based
[...] on in reminding others of the existence of that gentlemen's agreement.
在过去两年,我们在教育事务委员会与教资会的查史美伦女士一 起跟进,结果制订了一个good practice,即良好处理方法的惯例,希 望 8间大学会君子,表明会跟从这些建议行事,包括第一,但 凡有申诉时,要尽量适时尽快处理;第二,确保不会有任何“秋後算 帐 ”及报复性的行动;第三,在申诉的最终上诉阶段,必须有校与其事投诉的员工觉得校方由“自己人”作决定,然後由 “自己人”作调查,令作出投诉的员工觉得不公道。
During the past two years, we in the Panel on Education and Mrs Laura CHA of the
UGC have followed this
[...] up together and eventually formulated a good practice, setting out good handling approaches in the hope that the eight universities will reach agentlemen's agreement and pledge compliance with these recommendations which include firstly, any complaint received must be dealt with in a timely and speedy [...]
manner as far as
possible; secondly, efforts must be made to ensure that there is no reprisal or retaliation; and thirdly, external parties should be involved at the final stage of an appeal, so as not to give the complainant the feeling that a decision is made by the university's own people and then an investigation is also carried out by their own people, thus making the complainant feel that it is far from fair.
秘书处和两个机构集中 讨论了四点重要事项,即卡塔尔回收念和相关费用;同氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所涉 的制冷维修技行直接交流的次数;卡塔尔参与关于建立可证域努 力的情况合最终淘汰管理计划已核准、重新指示的供资和氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所 需的新资金。
The Secretariat and the agencies concentrated their discussions on four main items,
namely the concept of a
[...] reclamation center forQatar and the associated cost; the amount of direct interaction with the refrigeration servicing technicians included in the HPMP; the participation of Qatar in a regional effort to establish an e-licensing [...]
system; and the combination
of already approved, redirected funding from the TPMP and new funding required under the HPMP.
有见及此,今年,推出「康宏代言人计划2013」,并在芸芸30多名参加者当中,挑选出三位合资格的专业理财顾问 ─ 康宏理财服务有限公司联席董事吴婉奇小姐(Christine Ng)、联席董事卓啓雄先生(Franky Cheuk理联席董事梁君小Morise Leung),作为新一任代
As a result, "Convoy Spokesperson Programme 2013" is launched this year to
further enhance
[...] the scheme. 3 qualified professional financial advisors were selected among 30 applicants, including Ms. Christine Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited, Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited and Ms.Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Directorof Convoy Financial Services Limited, as the new spokespersons.
In addition to severe pain just before, during or after menstruation, other symptoms of dysmenorrhea include cramps or pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, a pulling feeling in the inner thighs, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches [...]
and dizziness.
他制订的政策往往是设法撇除这包袱,当然这是我自己小人之人 度权特首希望我的感觉是错的,也希望他在未来的时间能 证明他没有这想法,这便最好不过了。
The policies formulated by him are often designed to try to cast off this burden.
(乙) 秘书长既为诸多政之心腹在其退休后之即时,任何会员 国政府似不应聘其担任政府职位,致其所持有之机密情报或将 使其他会员国感受不安;而秘书长亦应避免接受此项 性质之任何职位。
(b) Because a Secretary-General is aconfident of many governments,it isdesirable that no Member should offer him, at any rate immediately on retirement, any governmental position in which his confidential information [...]
might be a source of embarrassment
to other Members, and on his part a Secretary-General should refrain from accepting any such position.
行预咨委会曾报告(A/64/660 和 A/65/743)中要求秘书长,除其 他外,在他的下一个中提出重新定位全球服务中心的较详细提案,包括 提出在重新定位进程结束后该中心的设想配置;在根据设想将业务职能和事务职 能转移到全球服务中心后,外勤支助部的设想组织结构和工置;澄清总 部与全球服务中心及区域服务心之角色分工。
In its previous reports (A/64/660 and A/65/743), the Advisory Committee had requested, inter alia, that the Secretary-General provide a more detailed
proposal for the
[...] reprofiling of the Global Service Centre in his next progress report, including its envisaged configuration at the end of the reprofiling process; the envisaged organizational structure and staffing of the Department of Field Support after the envisaged transfer of operational and transactional functions to the Global Service Centre; and clarification of the division ofroles betweenHeadquarters and the Global Service Centreand theRegional ServiceCentre.
在酒税的问题上,正如刚才多位议员提到,酒商代表向我们游说的时 候,我已小人君子多次亲自质问他们如果政府调低税项的话,他们 会否跟着调低售价,而他们当时是斩钉截铁、誓神劈愿地表示他们一定会这 样做。
On the issue of duty on alcoholic beverages, as a number of Members have said, when the representatives of the alcoholic beverage trade lobbied us, I tried to be strict before being generous by questioning them personally if, should the Government reduce the duty, they would lower the sale prices accordingly.
与会者讨论了将恐怖之以同时充分尊基本自由这一国际义务所涉的各个方面,以及其与不同领 域国际法(即人权法、难民法及安全理事会针对基地组织和塔利班的制裁间的相互关系。
Meeting participants discussed various aspects of the
international obligation
[...] to bring terrorists to justice while giving due respect for humanrights and fundamental freedoms and their interrelation with different areas of international law (i.e., human rights law, refugee law and the Security Council sanction regime againstAl-Qaida [...]
and the Taliban).




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