

单词 以叙

See also:


so as to prep
with prep
by prep
in order to prep
according to prep
by means of prep

External sources (not reviewed)

这些规则将被视为特殊规则,不 需要专门以叙述。
They would be regarded as special rules and need not be made the object of a special reference in that Part.
我们继续支持致力于恢以叙谈判 和区域全面 和平的一切努力。
We continue to support all efforts towards a
[...] resumption of Israeli-Syrian negotiations, and [...]
comprehensive regional peace.
这方面的信息和有关 典型玩具的例子,均以叙述( 文本)再以表格形式讲述。
This information, as well as examples of representative toys, is presented first in narrative (text) form and then in chart form.
2009 年 4 月,杨洁篪外长访问埃、巴以、叙 四 国 后接受新华社专访,阐述 中国推动中东和平进程的主张。
In April 2009, after his visit to Egypt,
[...] Palestine, Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic, Foreign [...]
Minister Yang Jiechi, in an interview with Xinhua News Agency,
elaborated China’s position on promoting the Middle East peace process.
下文中,对于各年龄组的玩具特征和游戏行为,我们将 以叙 述 形 式(文本), 再以表格形式加以讲述。
As discussed below, toy characteristics and play behaviors are described for each age group first in narrative (text) form and then in chart form.
这些决 议中的八项(扫盲十年、文化遗产年、各种文明之间的对话全球议程、为世界儿童建设和平 与非暴力文化国际十年、将文化财产送回或归还原有国、联合国关于最不发达国家问题的第
[...] 类免疫缺陷病毒/后天性免疫缺陷综合症状的联合国联合计划)在本文件中均作为单独的项 目以叙述, 向执行局通报联大的这些决定,教科文组织正在或将要作出的反应,以及供执 [...]
Despite the opening dramatic weeks, the Assembly soon reverted to considering its usual agenda, adopting 257 resolutions, most of them of interest and relevance to UNESCO, some of them at the heart of UNESCO’s fields of competence: eight of these resolutions (Literacy Decade, Year for Cultural Heritage, Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations, International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin, Third United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, Emergency international assistance for peace, normalcy and reconstruction of warstricken Afghanistan, Joint United Nations Programme on Human
Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired
[...] Immunodeficiency Syndrome) are reflected in this [...]
document as separate sub-items, informing
the Board on General Assembly decisions, what UNESCO is or will undertake in response, and a draft decision for the Board’s consideration and adoption.
他著述颇丰,主以叙利亚 语写作,也使用阿拉伯语,内容涉及哲学、神学、灵性和历史。
He wrote
[...] prolifically, mostly in Syriac but also in Arabic, [...]
on philosophy, theology, spirituality, and history.
特别有趣的是,这份文稿的每一页不仅有叙利亚文,还并列有加苏尼文 以叙 利 亚 字写的阿拉伯语)。
Of special interest is the fact that the work was copied here not only in Syriac, but also in Garshuni (Arabic written in Syriac script) in a parallel column on each page.
该协会一以叙述方 式和照片提供信息,配有概述结果的表格,并 带有一些图表分析。
Information is generally presented in the form of descriptions and photographs, with tables summarizing the results and some graphical analysis.
从叙利亚一 侧侵以叙之间 的脱离接触线提出了令人不安的问题,就是我们区域的某些行为 体是否在试图利用此类挑衅来无所顾忌地转移对其他问题的注意力。
This breach of the disengagement line between Israel and Syria from the Syrian side raises disturbing questions about whether certain actors in our region are seeking to use such provocations as a cynical distraction from other issues.
本综合进度报告总结了各双边机构和执行机 构1 以叙述形式和数据库形式报告的进 展情况和财务信息。
This consolidated progress report summarises progress and financial information provided by the bilateral and implementing agencies1 in both their narrative and database formats.
我们再次呼吁叙利亚当局无条件完全执行安南 先生的六点建议,从而结束一切暴力和侵犯人权的行 为,确保人道主义援助准入,以叙 利 亚 人民的合理 民主愿望为基础,促进叙利亚人主导的政治过渡。
We reiterate our call on the Syrian authorities to unconditionally implement Mr. Annan’s six-point proposal in its entirety in order to bring an end to all violence and human rights violations, secure humanitarian access, and facilitate a Syrian-led political transition based upon the Syrian people’s legitimate aspirations to democracy.
随函附上加拿大的报告,其以叙述方式论及你的前任 2007 年 10 月 17 日信 中概述的三项内容。
Attached, please find Canada’s report, which addresses in narrative form the three items outlined in your predecessor’s letter of 17 October 2007.
叙利亚也绝对反对有人企图利用叙利亚 政府保护其边界不受跨国恐怖主义威胁之举以推行藏在划定两国之间 边界的要求背后的政治议程,以叙 利 亚 的这些举措为由,将毛头指向 叙利亚,这正是目前在叙领土上发生的一些活动的企图所在。
Syria also absolutely rejects any attempt to exploit the efforts exerted by the Government of Syria to protect its borders from the threat of transnational terrorism in order to carry out the political agenda that lies behind the demands to delineate the border between the two countries or to link those efforts to attempts to target Syria as part of the events that are currently taking place in its territory.
以叙述语 的形式对第 23C(b)、(c)和(d) 分段加以修订,以此作为集体程序可如何对待债权人的实例。
Subparagraphs 23C (b), (c) and (d) would be
[...] revised in a narrative form as examples [...]
of the ways in which a collective proceeding might deal with creditors.
该纪录以叙 述的 方式展示了中德双方在海南省和湖南 省项目区开展的农业生物多样性保护与可 持续利用项目。
In addition, explanatory texts and exhibits on the traditional way of life of a particular ethnic group demonstrate to the viewer the importance of conserving diversity to the identity of the people on the ground.
法国的 6 个双边项目被列为执行有拖延的项目,包括伊朗的一个中小型企业研 究 (IRA/SEV/26/TAS/36) 、黎巴嫩的制冷剂管理计划剩余用途技术援助支助
[...] [...] (LEB/REF/28/TAS/29)、摩洛哥的甲基溴淘汰项目(MOR/FUM/29/INV/37)、摩洛哥冷藏设 备技术援助(MOR/REF/32/TAS/42)以及叙利亚的 4 个制冷项目(SYR/REF/29/INV/48-53-5456)。
Eight French bilateral projects are classified as projects with implementation delays including a small and medium enterprises study in Iran (IRA/SEV/26/TAS/36), technical assistance support for remaining issues for the RMP in Lebanon (LEB/REF/28/TAS/29), phaseout of methyl bromide project in Morocco (MOR/FUM/29/INV/37), technical assistance for cold
storage equipment in Morocco
[...] (MOR/REF/32/TAS/42) and four refrigeration projects in Syria (SYR/REF/29/INV/48-53-54-56).
方案现在 处于最后阶段,已经产生了一个克拉里昂-克利珀顿区多金属结核矿藏地质模型,
[...] 其中提供了三个相互独立的模型编制方法,并制定了一份探矿指南,其中包以 叙述方 式说明在该区域勘探多金属结核方面的关键因素,包括关于已知矿藏的数 [...]
Now in its final stages, the programme has produced a geological model of polymetallic nodule deposits in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, which provides three independent approaches to
model development; and a prospector’s guide
[...] containing a narrative description [...]
of the key factors relevant to exploration for
polymetallic nodules in the Zone, including data and available information on known deposits.
安全理事会吁请叙利亚政府和反对派本着诚意与特使合作 以 便 和平 解叙利亚危机,立即全面执行特使的六点初步建议。
The Security Council calls upon the Syrian government and opposition to work in good
faith with the Envoy towards a
[...] peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis and to implement [...]
fully and immediately his initial six-point proposal.
(1) 承诺在叙利亚人主导的包容各方的政治进程中与特使合作 以 满足 叙利亚 人民的合理愿望与关注,为此,承诺在特使提出邀请时,任命一名受 [...]
(1) commit to work with the Envoy in an inclusive Syrian-led political process to address the legitimate aspirations
[...] and concerns of the Syrian people, and, to this [...]
end, commit to
appoint an empowered interlocutor when invited to do so by the Envoy
本文件概述了教科文组织自执行局第一七二届会议(2005 年 9 月)至 2006 年 1 月这段
[...] 时间针对巴勒斯坦的教育和文化机构(第 II 部分以及被占叙利亚 戈兰的教育和文化机构 (第 III [...]
The present document provides a general overview of action undertaken by UNESCO with regard to Palestinian educational and
cultural institutions (Part II), as well
[...] as in the occupied Syrian Golan (Part III), [...]
since the 172nd session of the Executive
Board (September 2005) and up to end January 2006.
他谴责以色列在占领区监狱的野蛮行径,并对 被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚被羁押者遭受的不人 道境况表示关注,呼吁以色列重新开放库纳特拉入 境点以便以色列占领区叙利亚 公民 以 进 入自 己的祖国。
He condemned the brutal Israeli practices in occupation prisons and expressed concern over the inhuman conditions of the Syrian
detainees in the
[...] occupied Syrian Golan, calling upon Israel to reopen the Quneitra entry point, so that Syrian citizens [...]
under Israeli occupation could visit their motherland.
在同次会议上,莫桑比克(代表非洲集团)、安提瓜和巴布达(代表加勒比共 同体)、印度尼西亚、秘鲁、博茨瓦纳 以 色 列 、阿拉 叙 利 亚共和国、越南和 澳大利亚的观察员也发了言。
At the same meeting, statements were also made by the observers for Mozambique (on behalf of the African Group), Antigua and Barbuda (on
behalf of the Caribbean Community), Indonesia, Peru,
[...] Botswana, Israel, the Syrian Arab Republic, Viet Nam [...]
and Australia.
(b) 参与拟订共同制度一级的叙级政策和标准、拟订和维持分类通用职务说 明、提叙级咨询,以及支助叙级上诉机关的工作。
(b) To participate in the development of classification policies and standards at the common system level; develop and maintain classified generic job profiles; provide classification advice; and support the work of the classification appeals bodies.
美国盼望就安全事务方面更完全地与中国结成伙伴,例如通过共同努力制止核扩散,让伊朗遵守其国际义务,使韩朝半岛无核化 以 及 促进 在 叙 利 亚 、阿富汗和苏丹的和平发展。
The United States looks to partner more fully with China on security issues, for example by working together to halt nuclear proliferation, bring Iran into compliance with its
international obligations, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and promote
[...] peaceful development in Syria, Afghanistan and Sudan.
本文件以下章节叙述报 告所涉期间政评处工作方案的关键主题,并概述 在各主题下开展的具体活动。
The following sections of this paper identify the key themes of the PDES work programme during the reporting period and provide a summary of the specific activities undertaken in relation to each of them.
阿联酋代表团要求国际社会,作为紧急事项, 采取 A/64/339
[...] 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联 合国决议,即对以色列实施制裁;要求以色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土以履 行 其使命;并 要以色列 政府对其给巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙 利亚 戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补偿。
His delegation requested the international community, as a matter of urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter the
occupied territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli Government to pay
[...] appropriate compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提 供的补充信息中表示,这些员额需要 叙 , 以 便 准 确反映这些职位的全面职责范 围,包括向这些工作地点联合国房地的工作人员、代表和来访要人提供安全和安 [...]
In the supplementary information provided to the
Advisory Committee the Secretary-General
[...] states that these reclassifications are necessary [...]
to accurately reflect the full scope
of responsibilities of the positions, including responsibility for the safety and security of staff, delegates and visiting dignitaries on United Nations premises at those duty stations.
拘留条件,并且对叙利亚被拘留者进行公开审判, 任意逮捕了两名叙利亚记者,对其的指控是与其老
[...] 家通讯,并且软禁了一名两岁的小孩,其借口是他 出生叙利亚戈兰以外的地方,而他的父母都就读 于大马士革大学,正如特别委员会的报告第 [...]
92 段描 述的那样。
Israel had subjected the population of the Golan to harsh, tyrannical and inhuman conditions of internment and had held show trials of Syrian detainees, arbitrarily arresting two Syrian journalists on a charge of communicating with their homeland, and imposing house arrest on a
two-year-old child on the pretext that he
[...] was born outside the Syrian Golan while his parents [...]
were studying at the University
of Damascus, as described in paragraph 92 of the Special Committee’s report.
此外,优先考虑与以下各区域的南南合作关系:非 洲(阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、佛得角、埃塞俄比亚、冈比亚、加纳、几内亚、几内
[...] 多美与普林西比、塞内加尔、塞舌尔和塞拉利昂)、亚洲和中东地区(中国、越南、 伊朗、巴勒斯坦叙利亚)以及具 有战略地位的欧洲国家(俄罗斯、法国、白俄罗 [...]
In addition, priority is given to South-South relations with Africa (Algeria, Angola, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Libya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Sahrawi Republic, Santo Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles and Sierra Leone), Asia
and the Middle East (China, Vietnam,
[...] Iran, Palestine and Syria) and strategic European [...]
countries (Russia, France, Belarus, Italy and Ukraine).




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