

单词 以北

External sources (not reviewed)

太平洋岛屿论坛渔业局强调,其一些成员担心,拟议的《南太平洋渔管组 织公约》的北部边界不包括其位于赤 以北 成 员 的国家水域。
The FFA highlighted the concerns of some of its members that the northern boundary of the proposed SPRFMO would not include the national waters of its members situated above the equator.
2009 年 3 月 14 日,21 时 30
[...] 分,以色列敌方从在纳库拉角的阵地,朝 3 号 浮标线约 500 米以北黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯 5 秒钟。
On 14 March 2009, at 2130 hours, the Israeli enemy, from its position at Ra's
al-Naqurah, directed a searchlight for five seconds towards Lebanese territorial
[...] waters some 500 metres north of buoy No. 3.
[...] 括一幅狹長土地,涉及經調整走線後的邊界巡邏通路 以北 的 地 區, 以及沿邊界的過境站( 即各邊境管制站和沙頭角墟) 。
The reduced FCA will comprise a narrow
strip of land covering the re-aligned BPR
[...] and areas to its north, together with crossing [...]
points along the boundary (i.e. the
Boundary Control Points and Sha Tau Kok town).
专家组访问的一个简易机场位于 Korhogo 以北 65 公里附近的 Tongon,由 Randgold [...]
One airstrip visited by the Group is situated at
[...] Tongon, around 65 km north of Korhogo; it was [...]
constructed by the Randgold mining company.
南苏丹的人道主义组织已开始协助基 尔/伯海尔阿拉伯以北、阿 卜耶伊镇东南方地区人数不多的回归者群体,向其 [...]
提供食物和补充营养餐方案,并在可进入的地区为 6 至 59 个月大的儿童提供麻 疹疫苗接种、维生素 A 和肥皂。
Humanitarian organizations from South Sudan
started assisting small
[...] groups of returnees north of the Kiir/Bahr [...]
el-Arab River in areas south-east of Abyei town with
food distribution and supplementary feeding programmes and by providing measles vaccinations, vitamin A and soap to children aged between 6 and 59 months in accessible areas.
就文錦渡指明作家禽屠宰中心的用 地,該幅土地位於梧桐以北,附近主要是一些已劃作“露 天貯物”或 “港口後勤”用途的土地,供露天貯存不能放於一 [...]
般倉庫的貨物,以及為跨界貿易提供服務之用,例如汽車 修理工場和貨倉(危險品倉庫除外)及貨櫃車場等。
As for the
[...] site in Man Kam To north of Indus River and [...]
designated specifically for a centralized PSC, sites in its vicinity
are mainly zoned for "Open Storage" or "Port Back-up" use, for open storage of goods that cannot be stored in ordinary warehouses, and for the provision of services for cross-border trade, such as vehicle repair workshops, warehouses (except dangerous goods stores) and container vehicle parks.
我们强烈呼吁以色列结束对蓝线以北 盖 杰 尔村的占 领,避免进行任何侵犯黎巴嫩主权和违反第 1701(2006)号决议的行动,并避免采取任何挑衅黎巴 [...]
We strongly urge Israel to end the
[...] occupation of the northern part of Ghajar village, north of the Blue Line, [...]
and refrain from any
violation of Lebanese sovereignty and of resolution 1701 (2006), as well as any provocation of the Lebanese armed forces or the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
本报告所述期 间印发的出版物包括:2006 年关于富钴结壳和海山动物群分布形态多样性的研讨 会会议记录,2003 年关于建立赤以北太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带多金属 结核资源地质模形的研讨会会议记录,以及国际海底管理局《技术研究》第 4 号: “有关《联合国海洋法公约》第八十二条执行情况的问题”。
Publications issued during the period covered by the present report include the proceedings of the March 2006 international Workshop on Cobalt-rich Crusts and the Diversity of Distribution Patterns of Seamount Fauna, the proceedings of the May 2003 Workshop on the Establishment of a Geological Model of Polymetallic Nodule Resources in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) of the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, and ISA Technical Study No. 4, entitled “Issues associated with the implementation of article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”.
以北京, 上海,深圳,哈尔滨及香港为五大人才集聚地,通过德勤中国的丰富服务网络,为整个大中华区的大中型国有企业,在华跨国公司,高科技高成长的民营企业提供覆盖企业全价值链的高质量行业专精化的战略与运营管理咨询,人力资本咨询和信息技术服务。
Our talents from the Beijing, [...]
Shanghai, Shenzhen, Harbin and Hong Kong offices provide industry-oriented and high-quality
strategy, human capital and IT consulting services covering the whole value chain of corporates to clients all over the Greater China region through Deloitte China's extensive service network.
希拉穆仁草原在蒙语中意为“黄河”,位于呼和浩 以北 9 0 公 里
Meaning the “Yellow Water” in Mongolian, the Xilamuren Grassland is
[...] located 90 kilometres north of Huhhot.
[...] 以色列占领当局已经批准在被占领的东耶路撒 以北 “ Pi sgat Zeev”非法定居 点非法建造 32 [...]
In addition to these illegal and provocative home demolitions, I regret to inform you of the approval by the Israeli occupying authorities in Jerusalem
of the construction of 32 new illegal units in the illegal settlement
[...] of “Pisgat Zeev” north of Occupied East Jerusalem.
NASA的關鍵數據經由一以北電中 樞路由器為基礎的美國及國際網絡傳送。
NASA's critical data is transmitted across a US and
[...] international network of Nortel backbone routers.
格陵兰的伊路利萨特冰湾(40 240公顷)位于格陵兰岛西岸北极圈 以北 2 5 0 公里,是少数几个通过格陵兰冰冠入海的冰河之一瑟梅哥-库雅雷哥(Sermeq [...]
Located on the west coast of
[...] Greenland, 250 km north of the Arctic Circle, [...]
Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord (40,240 ha) is
the sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the few glaciers through which the Greenland ice cap reaches the sea.
洛亚蒂群以北还有 几个无人居住的岛屿。
There are also several
[...] uninhabited islands to the north of the Loyalty Islands.
阿尔斯特最著名的一点无疑就是其壮观海岸线那无尽的美景,从西部多尼戈尔的天然地带、沿着伦敦德里到布什米尔斯的北部海岸线、再到美丽的安特立姆海岸,最终到达贝尔法斯 以北 的 拉 恩(Larne)。
What is undoubtedly the most impressive aspect of Ulster is its spectacular coastline, from the wild reaches of
Donegal, along the northern shoreline from Londonderry to Bushmills, and down the Antrim
[...] coast to Larne, north of Belfast.
它为全球市场提供产品,其以北美 市 场为重点。
It supplies markets worldwide with
[...] regional emphasis in North America.
在安全理事会通过该决议,呼吁以色列从所有黎 巴嫩领土撤军四年之后,正如秘书长报告第 8 段中指 出的那样,以色列武装部队“违反第
[...] 1701(2006)号决 议,继续占领盖杰尔村北部和‘蓝线 以北 的 一 个毗 邻地区。
Four years after the Security Council adopted that resolution, calling on Israel to withdraw its troops from all Lebanese territory, the Israeli armed forces, as noted in paragraph 8 of the Secretary-General’s report, continue their “occupation of the
northern part of Ghajar village and an
[...] adjacent area of land north of the Blue Line, [...]
in violation of resolution 1701 (2006)”.
福伊特为巴西水电站提供了全套的机电设备,该水电站位于里约热内 以北 600 公里处。
Voith has supplied the complete
electro-mechanical equipment for the Brazilian hydro power plant that is
[...] located 600 kilometers north of Rio de Janeiro.
作为法国的独特海外社区, 该领土适用法国宪法第十三章,位处澳大利亚以东 1 500 公里和新西以北 1 700 公里的太平洋,由一个称为大陆地的大岛以及洛亚蒂群岛(乌韦阿、马雷、利福 和蒂加)、贝莱普群岛、松木岛和胡昂群岛等较小岛屿组成。
The Territory, considered as a French overseas sui generis community and governed by chapter XIII of the Constitution of France, is located in the Pacific Ocean, 1,500 kilometres east of Australia and 1,700 kilometres north of New Zealand.
乔恩·鲁本此次为布置匹兹堡馆展览,购买了洛瓦西克(Lovasik)家族的一批物品,这户美国人家是斯洛伐克后裔,几代人一直住在匹兹 以北 几 分钟车程的工业城。
For the Pittsburgh Pavilion, Jon Rubin purchased the estate of the Lovasik family, an
American family of Slovak descent who lived for generations in a house in an old
[...] mill town minutes north of Pittsburgh.
i. 普 魯 士 在 「 小 德 意 志 」 中 的 領 導 權 a. 俾 斯 麥 旨 在 為 普 魯 士
[...] 在 美 因 河 (River Main)以 北 那 部 份 德 意 志 領 [...]
土 中 建 立 起 霸 權 。
Prussian leadership in Little Germany i. Bismarck aimed at establishing Prussian hegemony in the part of
[...] Germany to the north of River Main.
刘方先生于2002年获得对外经贸大学MBA学位,同年8月加入中国家乐福并任家乐福大北区百货采购总监,负责黄 以北 所 有 门店百货的采购工作(百货在家乐福里叫BAZAAR [...]
Mr. Liu Fang graduated from University of China International Business and Economics with an MBA degree in
2002 and during the same year, he joined Carrefour China as the
[...] Purchasing Director of Northern China with BAZAAR [...]
[...] Ayin”非法定居点的定居者袭击 了来自哈利勒(希布伦)以北 Safa 村的巴勒斯坦平民。
Such acts of terror continued today with an attack by settlers
from the illegal “Bat Ayin” settlement against Palestinian civilians from
[...] the village of Safa, north of Al-Khalil (Hebron).
在通过一项基于劳工组 织第 169 号公约、适用于芬马克的萨米族人核心地区(挪威最北部的郡)陆地的新 的法规规定之后,2006
[...] 年任命产生了一个沿海捕捞委员会,负责就萨米族人在芬 马以北海洋 中从事捕捞的权利要求进行研究并提出建议。
After a new statutory regulation based on ILO Convention No.169 for the land area of the core Saami districts in Finnmark (the most northern county of Norway), a Coastal Fishing Committee was appointed in 2006
to undertake research and make recommendations regarding Saami demands for rights to
[...] fish in the ocean north of Finnmark.
Century礦 山
[...] Century礦山是一座露天鉛鋅礦,位於澳洲昆士蘭的 Carpentaria海 灣 附位的Mount Isa以北約250公里。
Century mine The Century mine is an
open-cut zinc and lead mine located
[...] approximately 250 kilometres north of Mount Isa, near [...]
to the Gulf of Carpentaria in Queensland, Australia.
其中反映了所提出的按《争议解决中心仲裁规则》第 37(2)条的大 致行文起草一则规定的建议以北美 自 由贸易委员会的“2004 年 10 月 7 日自由 贸易委员会关于非争议当事方参与的声明”B.2 段所述几点内容为补充 (A/CN.9/717,第 122 段)。
It reflects the proposal to draft a provision along the lines of Rule 37 (2) of the ICSID Arbitration Rules, as complemented by elements dealt with under paragraph B.2 of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission’s “Statement of the Free Trade Commission on non-disputing party participation of 7 October 2004” (A/CN.9/717, para. 122).
联科行动收到几起与该国各地,主要在阿比让、伊西亚和拉科塔( 距拉科塔 4
[...] 公里处的科科拉“谷仓”地区)、 Dahiri ( 拉科以北4公里)和 Lobodiguia (达洛 亚) [...]
UNOCI has received several reports of alleged mass graves in various parts of the country, mainly in Abidjan,
Issia and Lakota (in the Kokora “poulailler” zone, 4 km from
[...] Lakota), Dahiri (4 km north of Lakota) and Lobodiguia [...]
此外在敘利亞問題上 目前阿拉伯聯盟正 準備對敘利亞採取一連串的制裁措施 可能進 一步導致該經濟體內部產生更嚴重的政治不穩 定 甚至引發內戰 加上利比亞與埃及目前處 於權利過渡的真空階段 內部經濟也尚處於相 當困難的狀況 因此近期阿拉伯半以北周邊與北非地區的政治穩定仍是一大問題 這也將 使得明年的全球原油市場價格仍存在一定程度 的風險 若進一步納入明年歐盟景氣不振對中 東北非地區原油 原材料產品 設備產業與觀 光產業等等的影響 2012 年上半年中小企業在 中東與北非地區的經營風險預計仍是相對較高 的 作者為台灣經濟研究院副院長
Also, the Arab League is ready now to take a series of sanctions against Syria, which may probably make the economy’s domestic politics more seriously unstable, even to the extent of civil war. Moreover, as Libya and Egypt are currently at a transition period with a “power vacuum” and rather difficult domestic economy, the political stability remains a serious problem for the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula and for North Africa.
目前,公司以深圳为基点以北京为 先导,立足光彩国际中心、泛海国际居住区两个重点项目,全面启动ISO9001(质量)、ISO14001(环境)、GB/T28001(职业健康安全)三位一体认证工作,打造标准化、规范化、职业化的一流物业管理企业。
Based on Glory China Center and Oceanwide International Residential District, OPM is on the way for three certifications: ISO9001 (quality), ISO14001(environment) and GB/T28001 (professional health security) , which would shape it into a standardized, regulated and professional top-tier property management company.
cohg.com.cn 城巿規劃師 Ian Thomas Brownlee 先生在保護海港協會
[...] 所提交的其中一份誓章中駁斥,在中環灣仔繞 以北 填海約 9 公頃(約 100 萬平方呎)土地,是由於需要 [...]
興建約 29 個抽水站的安排所致。
devb.gov.hk Mr Ian Thomas Brownlee, a Town Planner, in one of SPH’s affirmations, has argued that some 9 ha
(approximately 1 million square feet) of
[...] reclamation to the north of the CWB is justified [...]
by the need for some 29 pumping stations.




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