单词 | 令人鼓舞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 令人鼓舞—encouraging(almost always used)less common: heartening Examples:不令人鼓舞—disheartening discouraging See also:令人—cause sb.(to do) make one (feel sth) (used in constructing words for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc) 鼓舞v—encouragev tellv cheerv bolsterv 鼓舞n—inspirationn spurn liftn 鼓舞—boost (morale) heartening (news) 鼓舞...v—spark sth.v
最 后,他表示最近对泰国提高最低工资的政策评估显示在提高生产力、促进工 人的购买力和减少不平等方面已取得了令人鼓舞的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | To conclude, he observed that a recent assessment of his country’s [...] policy to increase the [...] minimum wage hadshown encouraging results in termsof increasing [...]productivity, boosting the purchasing powerof workers and reducing inequality. daccess-ods.un.org |
在行动环境的便利和安全状况方面,新的冲突 后局势令人鼓舞,但是该国的安全计划的各个阶段仍未作改动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The new state of [...] post-conflict is encouraging, regarding access [...]and security in the operational environment, but the security [...]phases in the country have remained unchanged. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿尔及利亚还注意到,不丹在解 决有关粮食安全,特别是农村地区的粮食安全问题方面,取得了令人鼓舞的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria also noted that [...] Bhutanhad achieved encouraging results inresolving [...]problems related to food security, particularly in rural areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其令人鼓舞的是,我们大家今天来到一起,共同讨论安全理事会如何能在这些机制中进一步发 挥作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, it ishighlyencouraging that we are all here [...] today to look at how the Security Council can further its role in these mechanisms. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数国家 部门的结果令人鼓舞,虽然有限;在一些部门,土 着居民与大多数班图人和平共处,在村委会和区议 [...] 会中担任职务,甚至通婚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Results were encouraging, though modest,in most [...] of the country’s departments; in some, indigenous populations coexisted [...]with the majority Bantu population, sitting on village and district councils, and even intermarrying. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,令人鼓舞的是,安全理事会认识到,持续建设和平需要联 合国系统各部门采取综合的办法,加强协调政治、安全、发展人权和法治方面的 [...] 活动,并确保能力建设支助,协助国家当局坚持法治,特别是在联合国维持和平 及其他有关特派团结束之后。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is thus encouraging thatthe Security Council [...] recognized that sustainable peacebuilding requires an integrated approach [...]among all parts of the United Nations system, which strengthens coherence among political, security, development, human rights and rule of law activities and ensures capacity-building support to assist national authorities to uphold the rule of law, especially after the end of United Nations peacekeeping and other relevant missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
最不发达国家已经在性别平等和妇女赋 权的某些方面,如小学教育和议会中妇女代表方面取得了令人鼓舞的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Least developed countries have made encouraging progress on some aspects of gender equality and empowerment of women, such as in primary education and women’s representation in parliament. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于战略性计划目标 6(科学技术伦理计划)的评估结果对国 际图书委员会和秘书处都是有益的,令人鼓舞,同时也是关于如何提高效益、知 名度和影响力的讨论的主题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The evaluation findings on SPO6 (concerning the ethics programmes on science and technologies) has been beneficial and stimulating for both the IBC and the Secretariat and has been the subject of discussion on how to increase effectiveness, visibility and impact. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正在试验的新技术能否在未来生产适当上市规格显着数量的章鱼依然需 要观察,尽管到目前为止进展令人鼓舞。 fao.org | Whether the new technologies being experimented will be able to produce [...] significant amounts of octopus of the right market size in thefuture remains to be seen, [...] although progress sofar is encouraging. fao.org |
考虑到此类经验,再加上令 人鼓舞的信息交流,应当有助于解决其余的问题(例如甜瓜中可能发生的幼芽和根桩茎 [...] 之间的不相容,或砧木的适当选择)。 multilateralfund.org | Consideration of [...] such experiencesplusencouraging information exchange [...]should help solve remaining problems (for example, [...]incompatibility between scion and rootstock which may occur in melons, or appropriate selection of rootstocks). multilateralfund.org |
另外一个积极措 [...] 施是禁止生产用于制造武器的裂变材料;在这方 面,某些国家声明单方面暂停生产裂变材料令人鼓 舞。daccess-ods.un.org | Another positive step would be the ban on the production of fissile material for weapons purposes; in that [...] connection, the declaration by certain countries of a unilateral moratorium on the production of [...] fissilematerial was encouraging. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种办法在许多情况下显示出令人鼓 舞的结果,捕鱼业往往喜好转到完全新的网具类型和捕鱼方式,这种替代有许多 不确定性和更高经济风险。 fao.org | This approach has shown promising results in many cases and is often preferred by the fishing industry over transitioning to a completely new gear type and fishing practice, which is an alternative that has many more uncertainties and higher economic risks. fao.org |
我们提出这种市况好转的可能性已有好一段时间 ,现在 终於对业绩带来正面的影响 ,实在令人鼓舞,惟未来亦存在不明朗因素 。 asiasat.com | We have been signalling the possibility of such an improvement for [...] some time and it is encouraging thatit maynow be [...]making a positive impact to the bottom line. asiasat.com |
也有一些令人鼓舞的迹象表明正在形成这样一项共 识,即解决核武器带来的危险的最佳办法就是取缔 [...] 核武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therewere alsoencouraging signs thataconsensus [...] was forming that the best way to address the dangers posed by nuclear weapons was to abolish them. daccess-ods.un.org |
她提到,该国政府由于与民间社会的对话脱轨,在制定国家人权行动计划方 [...] 面遇到困难;该国最高当局最近发表了承认维护者在该国合法工作的令人鼓舞的声明;该国政府为维护者采取的不完善的措施;早期预警系统的不足之处;应对 [...]当前有罪不罚现象的不足之处;以及为打击非法情报活动所采取的初步行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | She presents: the difficulties faced by the Government in adopting a national human rights action plan [...] owing to a derailed dialogue with [...] civil society; recent encouragingstatements bythe [...]highest authorities in the country in [...]recognizing the legitimate work of defenders; the imperfect protective measures taken by the Government for defenders; the deficiencies in the early warning system; the insufficient response to the prevailing impunity; and the preliminary action taken against the illegal intelligence activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
回顾高级代表上次报告(见 S/2011/682)以来的 六个月,我们的总体结论是,虽然仍有理由对波斯尼 [...] 亚和黑塞哥维那的重要政治和经济进程的进展速度 感到关切,但也出现了重要和令人鼓舞的事态发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reflecting on the past six months since the last report of the High Representative (see S/2011/682), our general conclusion is that while there are still reasons for concern with the pace of progress of important [...] political and economic processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there have also [...] been important andencouraging developments. daccess-ods.un.org |
在加共体单一市 场和经济方面的进展一直相当缓慢,但在该区域劳务、资本、货物和服务自由流 动方面,也看到一些令人鼓舞的趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress towards the CARICOM Single Market and Economy has been quite slow but some encouraging trends are seen in the free movement of labour, capital, and goods and services in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
外部基础设施条件方面出现令人鼓舞的迹象,其中包括一些有现有C-波段卫星能力的运营者有兴趣与太平洋小岛屿发 [...] 展中国家合作,以较低的费率向这些国家出租能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Encouraging signs in terms of external infrastructure [...] conditions include the fact that some operators with existing C-band [...]satellite capacity are interested in working with Pacific small island developing States, leasing capacity to them at low rates. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国重新与国 际社会和联合国系统合作,也是令人鼓舞的一大进 步。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its re-engagement with the international community and the United Nations [...] systemwas also anencouraging development. daccess-ods.un.org |
该代表指出,积极的成果十分明显,而且令人鼓舞的是, 10 年来,塞拉利昂的人类发展指数第一次高于最低的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative noted that positive results were already [...] evident, and that it wasencouraging that, for thefirst [...]time in 10 years, Sierra Leone was [...]ranked above the bottom countries with respect to the Human Development Index. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过海湾合作委员会各国间的合作抑制非法贸易的工作取得了令人鼓舞的进展,巴林和科威特的情况就反映了这一点,在那里,履约协助方案促进了阿拉伯联合酋长 国若干贸易问题的解决。 multilateralfund.org | Encouraging progress was made in curbing illegal trade, through cooperation amongst GCC countries, which is reflected in the examples of Bahrain and Kuwait, where the resolution of several trade issues with UAE was facilitated by CAP. multilateralfund.org |
虽然这些选举的结果应留待伊拉克人来解释,但 是,令人鼓舞的是,所有这一切都进行得非常顺利, [...] 尤其是,在被提名的 440 名新议会成员中,妇女占了 大约 110 人,我必须再次提到这一点,因为它的确值 得一提。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it remains up to Iraqis to interpret the results of these [...] elections,it is hearteninghow all this moved [...]along smoothly, including the fact [...]— which I must mention again, because it is something noteworthy — that there were about 110 women among the 440 new council members nominated. daccess-ods.un.org |
该地区进行的深度钻探显示出已知矿脉北部存在令人鼓舞的矿化潜力迹象。 mmg.com | Deep drilling in the [...] same area has shown encouragingsignsof mineralisation [...]potential to the north of known ore lenses. mmg.com |
重要的是,尽管二零零八年下旬全球经济危机爆发,本公司核心业务 之营业额仍维持令人鼓舞的增长,达到 32,000,000 港元,主要来自若干客户对转发器容量的需求增加。 asiasat.com | It was significant in that, despite the global economic [...] crisis in late 2008, the Company was [...] still able to maintainencouraging growthin turnover [...]of our core business which amounted [...]to around HK$32 million, primarily attributable to increased capacity requirements by certain customers. asiasat.com |
我们进一步认识到,虽然一些国家和部门在这一领域取得了令人鼓舞的进展,但我们这 个时代最巨大的挑战之一是 达到资源高生产率和高水平社会及人的发展的同时实现人 [...] 均资源的低消费。 greenindustryplatform.org | We further [...] recognizethatwhileencouraging progress has been made [...]in this area in some countries and sectors, one of the [...]biggest challenges of our age is to achieve a situation where high resource productivity and high levels of social and human development are combined with low per capita resource consumption. greenindustryplatform.org |
监於在海港政府大楼安装电子镇流器 的计划十分成功,我们陆续在其他政府建 [...] 筑物安装南京、深圳、福建等地生产的不 同牌子的电子镇流器,成绩同样令人鼓 舞。devb.gov.hk | Following the successful implementation of electronic ballasts in Harbour Building, we had also tried in some other Government [...] buildings, other brands of electronic ballasts manufactured in Nanjing, Shenzhen, [...] Fujian, etc.with similarencouraging results. devb.gov.hk |