

单词 令人称许的

See also:


known as
person (first person, second person etc in grammar)

称许 v

praise v



的人 pl

persons pl

External sources (not reviewed)

令人鼓舞的是,许多政 府、资助机构和民间社团都越来越支持这一关于教育的更 完整和更全面的观点。
It is encouraging that many governments, [...]
funding agencies and civil society organizations are increasingly rallying to this
more inclusive and comprehensive view of education.
令人关切 的是,有报称,许多袭击者身着南苏丹警察局和苏丹解放军制服。
Of particular concern were reports that many of the attackers were in South Sudan police and SPLA uniforms.
联合国环境议程在生物多样性、臭氧层、荒漠 化、环境变化及其他领的进展 令人称许 , 但还必 须辅助采取更为综合的办法,使得部门努力与全球 [...]
While the progress of the environmental agenda of the United Nations at the level of biodiversity, the ozone
layer, desertification, climate change
[...] and other sectors was laudable, it must be supplemented [...]
with a more holistic approach
in which the sectoral and global aspects were mutually supportive.
阿联酋代表团感谢理事会成员的称赞和批评:所有评论都将有助于阿联 酋 进一步 改善人权记录, 而 这 一 记录受到许 多 发的称 赞 。
The delegation of the UAE thanked the members of the Council for their appreciation and for their criticism also:
all comments will help the UAE
[...] to further improve their human rights record, which has been commended by many speakers.
梅南先生(多哥)(以法语发言):请许 我 感 谢阿 拉伯国家联盟叙利亚问题部长级委员会主席、卡塔尔 国首相兼外交大臣阁下以及阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长 向安理会作了通报,也感谢他们为使叙利亚实现和平 而继续作令人称道的努力
(Togo) ( spoke in French
[...] ): Allow me to thank the Chairman of the Ministerial Committee on Syria of the League of Arab States, His Excellency the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar, as well as the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, for their briefings to the Council, as well as for the praiseworthy efforts that they [...]
continue to undertake to bring peace to Syria.
申诉人针对该决定上诉至移民法院, 称 驱 逐 令的 执行 存在政治障碍,即移民局通常不驱逐原籍阿富汗南部 人 的 决 定。
The complainants appealed against this decision to
the Migration Court,
[...] claiming that there was a political impediment to the enforcement of the expulsion orders, namely the Migration Board’s general decision not to expel persons originating from the south [...]
of Afghanistan.
称,许多人 加入或支持被禁的伊斯兰团伙。
Many are said by officials to be members or supporters of proscribed Islamist groups.
他呼吁以色列和巴勒 斯坦有关当局毫不拖延地许多据 称的 严 重侵 害人 权事件进行可靠的国内调查。
He called on Israel and the relevant Palestinian authorities to conduct, without delay, credible domestic investigations into the
[...] many reported allegations of serious human rights violations.
特别报告员回顾说,虽然该国政府近年来采取 令人称 道 的 举 措来应对众多 挑战带来的部分难题,但在立法、政策及其有效落实与人权教育方面,仍 许多 工作要做。
While the Government has taken commendable initiatives in recent years to address some of the numerous challenges, the Special Rapporteur recalled that much remains to [...]
be done in terms of legislation,
policies and their effective implementation, as well as in terms of human rights education.
(e) 不应把分配一个用户身份和令称作 允 许 访 问 登记处服 的 唯 一 方 法,因为目前已有或今后可能还有其他方法。
(e) Assigning a user identification and password should not be presented as the only method for granting access to registry services as other methods were presently available or might become available in the future.
最后,我们要对海洋事务和海洋法司以及两项决 议草案的协调员所开的令人称道的工作表示赞赏, 我们将支持这两项草案的通过。
We do not want to conclude without expressing our
[...] appreciation of the commendable work by the Division [...]
for Ocean Affairs and the Law of
the Sea and by the coordinators of the two draft resolutions, whose adoption my country will support.
(c) 说明各地近期通过令,允许以劳教制度作为对“异常上访”案件进 行处的情况 ,以及近期有报告说,包括陈玉莲和刘嘉远在 的 一 些 个 人 因 实 际 上访或被认为可能上访而受到警察虐待的情况。
(c) The recent decrees passed by localities permitting the use of the RTL system as punishment in cases of “abnormal petitioning” as well as recent reports that individuals, including Chen [...]
Yulian and Liu Jiayuan, were abused
by police as a result of their actual or assumed status as petitioners.
据申诉称,补 救措施应涵盖受害人遭 的 所 有 损失, 包括归还财产、赔偿、康复、作 令人 满 意 的 答 复 和保障此类行为不再发生,以 及预防、调查和惩处责任人。
According to the complainant, remedial measures cover all the damages suffered by the victim, including restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition, as well as prevention, investigation, and punishment of the persons responsible.
特别报告员为作出区分而提出的 理由似乎值称道,也是令人信服的 , 但有的委员认为,在当代国际关系中,如 果外交部长是在国外经常代表国家的若干国家官员中的唯一代表,那么,在声称 [...]
While the reasons offered by the Special Rapporteur
for the differentiation seemed
[...] plausible and convincing, it was contended that if in contemporary [...]
international relations,
a foreign minister was only one among several State officials who frequently represented the State abroad, then a distinction in the way immunity was to be asserted — based on being widely known — did not appear to be justified.
与此形成鲜明对比的是,似乎极少部分 的文献篇幅讨论或认识到发展中国家的知识产权持有者在诸如英国、美国或日本这样的国 家维护其权益所面的难题 ,例如,诉讼费用 许 高 得 令人 望 而 却步。
By contrast, it seems to us that there is very little discussion or recognition of the problems which face IP rights holders from the developing world in enforcing their rights in countries like the UK, the US or Japan, for example, where the costs of litigation may be prohibitive.
就在几天时间内,伊朗最高领袖称以色列是“中东心 的 一 颗 毒瘤”,伊朗 总统呼吁“全人类社会将以色列 人 类 中 消灭掉”,伊朗航空部队 令 威 胁称 “将以色列从地图上抹掉”。
Over the course of just a few days, Iran’s Supreme Leader called Israel a “cancerous tumor in the heart of the Middle East”; its President called on “all human communities to wipe out [Israel] from the forehead of humanity”; and the head of its Aero-Space Forces threatened to “wipe [Israel] out of the map”.
鉴于约旦在教科文组织通常会追踪的领域内人力发展的记录,它是一个中等水平 的发展中国家,在阿拉伯地区拥有合理的发展指标和一个几 令人称 羡 的 发 展 地位。
Jordan is a middle level developing country with reasonable development indicators and an almost enviable development position within the Arab region given its human development track record in the areas usually tackled through UNESCO interventions.
人权协会关的是,有报称,许多人被关押的 条 件 极其恶劣,卫生状况很差。
It expressed concern at the reports of harsh and insanitary conditions in which a number of people were held in detention.
尽管 政府在努力进行经济和公共管理改革方面取得 令人称 道 的 进 展,但这些积极步骤 到目前为止尚不足以缓解该国由于缺乏社会和经济发展而造成的局面。
Although the Government had made commendable progress in its efforts to implement economic and public management reforms, those positive steps had nevertheless been insufficient so far to relieve the country’s situation as the result of the lack of social and economic development.
我们的努力和牺牲都不是徒劳的,我们认为,我 们的成果是我们各国人令人称道的 努 力 的成果,无 疑必须得到维护和支持。
Neither our efforts nor our sacrifices have been in vain, and
we believe that our gains, which are
[...] the fruit of the commendable efforts of our [...]
peoples, must unquestionably be preserved and supported.
但是,也表示了关切,认为如果采取的方法基于以知识产权是否可以在知 识产权登记处登记来决定适用的法律,则可能与某些国家宪法规定的权利持人平等 待遇要求背道而驰,也不符合欧洲议会和欧洲理事会 2004 年 4 月 29 日 关于知识产权强制执的第 2004/48/EC 号令(也称作“ (知识产权)强制执行 指令”或“强制执行指令”)所采取的做法。
The concern was expressed, however, that an approach based on whether an intellectual property right might be registered or not in an intellectual property registry for determining the applicable law might run counter to the requirement for the equal treatment of right holders under constitutional
law in certain States
[...] and the approach taken in Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (also known as “(IPR) Enforcement Directive” [...]
or “IPRED”).
隔离墙行经的路线以及租房价的骤 然 上涨 令许 多耶路撒人有可 能失去永久居留地位的两个主要因素,因为他们发现自己生活 在隔离墙以东。
The routing of the wall and the steep rise in rental prices were two important factors that placed many Jerusalemites at risk of losing their permanent residency status as they found themselves living to the east of the wall.
只有五个监督条约执行情 况的机构确定了自的程序,允许声 称 是 缔 约国违反有关条约中阐明的某项权的受害人提出申诉,要求予以审议(第 II 部分)。
Only five treaty-monitoring bodies have established procedures under which persons claiming to be victims of a violation by a State Party of any one of the rights set out in the respective treaties may submit their complaints for examination (Part II).
会议在批准请求时还注意到,一个缔约国在《公约》生效将近12年 之后仍不能确知还有多少工作要做以及如何开展余 的 工 作 ,这 许令人 遗 憾, 但人欣慰的是, 乍得打算重新做出努力,了解余下挑战的确切范围,并据以制 定计划。
(iv) Also in granting the request, the Meeting noted that while it may be unfortunate that after almost twelve years since entry into force a State Party is unable to specify how much work remains and how it will be carried out, it is positive that Chad intends to renew efforts to garner an understanding of the true remaining extent of the challenge and develop plans accordingly.
这一规定在《国际军火贩运条例》的框架内执行安全理事会的行动,将 利比亚列入第 126.1(c)节,并修订了第 126.1(k)节对利比亚的原来政策, 宣布现行政策是拒绝所有向利比亚出口或以其他方式转让防卫物项和服的许可证 或其他申请,除非安全理事会禁 令 不 加 以禁止,并经认定符合美 国的国家安全和外交政策。
This rulemaking implements the Security Council’s actions within the International Traffic in Arms Regulations by adding Libya to section 126.1(c) and revising the previous policy on Libya contained in section 126.1(k) to announce a policy of denial for all requests for licenses or other approvals to export or otherwise transfer defence articles and services to Libya, except where not prohibited under Security Council embargo and determined to be in the interests of the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
根据意大利国内实施欧盟《利息和特许权使用费 令 》 ( 2003/49/ EC ) 的 法 律 条文,如果 许 权 使的实益所有人是其 它欧盟成员国的公司或一个欧盟成员国在其它欧盟成员国常设机构,在意大利发 生的特许权使用费支付将豁免支付意大利就此等款项施加的任何税项(无论是通过源头扣减还是评 [...]
Under the domestic law provisions
[...] implementing the European Union (EU) Interest and Royalties Directive (2003/49/EC), royalty payments arising in Italy are [...]
exempt from any Italian
tax imposed on those payments, whether by deduction at source or by assessment, provided that the beneficial owner of the royalties is a company of another EU Member State or a permanent establishment situated in another EU Member State of a company of an EU Member State.
许多与会者指出,绿色经的概念 需要予以进一步阐明,有 人称 , 还 没有 对绿色经的含义达成共识,还有些人把绿色经济与经济中的(低/不)用碳和“绿 色增长”联系起来。
Many participants stated that the concept of a green economy needed further clarification, with some saying that there was still no [...]
consensus on what a
green economy meant and others linking it to the (low/non-) use of carbon in the economy and to “green growth”.
鉴于约旦在教科文组织通常会追踪的领域内人力发展的记录,它是一个中等水平 的发展中国家,在阿拉伯地区拥有合理的发展指标和一个几 令人称 羡 的 发 展 地位。 约旦的方案干预必须具有比我们在发展中国家甚至该地区其他国家通常习惯的详细设 计更具想象力和相对更高的质量。
Violence against Journalists, Media Professionals and Associated Personnel in Armed Conflicts (United Nations Security Council resolution 1738)
鉴于秘书长在关于会议时地分配办法的上一份 报告(A/62/161)中做出令人震惊的预测 ,称 25%的 语文工作人员将在 2007 年至 2011 年这 [...]
5 年中退休, 菲律宾代表团支持通过竞争性考试、工作人员培训和 交流方案、面向语言培训机构的外联活动以及为吸引
年轻专业人员到联合国就职而可能推出的见习方案, 努力解决这一问题。
In the light of the alarming forecast in the Secretary-General’s [...]
preceding report on the pattern of conferences (A/62/161)
that some 25 per cent of language staff would retire in the five-year period from 2007 to 2011, his delegation supported efforts to address the issue through competitive examinations, staff training and exchange programmes, outreach to language training institutions, and a possible traineeship programme to attract young language professionals to a career at the United Nations.
人权事务委员会在E. 诉德国一案的决定中得出结论称( 我同意这一结论)未用
[...] 尽国内补救,并指出《公约》第二十六条规定了单独的平等和不歧视的权利,这 符合令人称赞的一贯 立场,即第二十六条的适用范围不仅限于《公约》涵盖的 [...]
In its decision on the E. v. Germany case, the Human Rights Committee concludes (and I agree) that domestic remedies have not been exhausted and points out that article 26 of the Covenant enshrines the stand-alone rights to
equality and non-discrimination, in
[...] conformity with its admirable and well-established [...]
position that the scope of article
26 is not limited to the rights covered by the Covenant.




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