

单词 代理人

See also:

代理 n

agent n

代人 n

generation n

External sources (not reviewed)

因為,依據該 條文代理人(即承 辦商)獲主事人(即該機構)授權所作出的任何作為會被視 [...]
It is because pursuant to the provision, any
[...] act done by an agent (i.e. the contractor) [...]
with the authority of principal (i.e.
the organization) will be treated as done by the principal (i.e. the organization).
(9) 如付運人持有商業登記並希望同時 代理人 ( 公 司 )身分作出登記,可向香港海關遞交付運人(公司 ) 和 代理人 ( 公 司) 合併登記表格(表格(SA(C))。
(9) If a shipper that holds a Business
Registration wants to
[...] register as an agent (company) as well, it can submit a Combined Registration Form for Shipper (Company) and Agent (Company) (Form [...]
SA(E)) to the Customs and Excise Department.
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有賬戶持有人去世,本行在有關人士去世後及實際收到有關的書面通 4
[...] 知前,根據授權人員或其中任何一位的要求、指示或指令所作出的任何作為、事情、契據 或事項,將對賬戶持有人、其遺產及遺 代理人 及 透過賬戶持有人或其中任何一名或多名 人士進行申索的任何人等具絕對及終局性約束力。
4.4 When any one or more or all of the account holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made or done by us pursuant to the requests, instructions or directions of the Authorized Signatory or any of them after such death but before the actual receipt of notice in writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder
or the user of the service, his
[...] estate and personal representative and any party or parties [...]
claiming through or under the
account holder or the user of the service or any one or more of them.
任何通知或文件如已根據該等現行細則,按照此等細則規定的方式送交或 發送予任何股東,則即使該股東當時已身故或破產,及不論本公司是否知悉股東
已身故或破產,則上述通知或文件均會視作已就任何登記股份妥為送達(不論該 等股份是由該股東單獨持有或與其他人士聯名持有),直至任何其他人士取代其
[...] 地位,登記為有關股份之持有人或聯名持有人;而上述之送達將就該等現行細則 而言一概視作已向有關股東之遺 代理人 及 與其聯名持有該等股份權益之所有 人士(如有)妥為送達。
Any notice or document delivered or sent to any member in such manner as provided in these Articles in pursuance of these presents, shall notwithstanding that such member be then deceased or bankrupt and whether or not the Company has notice of his death or bankruptcy, be deemed to have been duly served in respect of any registered shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof, and such service shall for all purposes of these presents
be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or
[...] document on his personal representatives and all persons (if [...]
any) jointly interested with him in any such shares.
此外,代表電訊 服務供應商及電訊業其他持份者的香港通訊業聯會,已表示作 好準備擔任獨代理人(解 決顧客投訴計 代理人 ) , 使該項 自願性質的業界計劃得以落實。
In addition, the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK), the industry association representing telecommunications service providers and other stakeholders of the telecommunications sector, has indicated its readiness to act as an independent agent (CCSS Agent) for operation of the voluntary industry scheme.
In case your vehicle specified in Part II carries a consignment of cargo across the boundary, the
HK vehicle registration
[...] number may be disclosed to the relevant shipper / agent of the cargo [...]
consignment as a facilitation measure.
[...] 享有股份的人士發出通告,郵件可以已故者的姓名或其遺 代理人 的 稱衍或破產 受託人或委員會、接管人、財產保佐人或其他性質為委員會、接管人、法院指派 [...]
供之位於百慕達或香港的地址(如有),或(於獲提供有關地址前)如並無身故、 精神紊亂或破產,本公司可以任何方式發出通告。
A notice may be given by the Company to the persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or
wrapper addressed to them by
[...] name or by the title of representatives of the deceased or trustee [...]
of the bankrupt or committee,
receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by the court or by any like description at the address, if any, within Bermuda or Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled or, until such an address has been so supplied, by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
5.2 於法律容許的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、託管人、附屬託管人、專業顧問、 經紀、交易商代理人或任 何締約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為或不作為而直接或 [...]
5.2 To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain or suffer directly or
indirectly arising out of any act or omission of
[...] any Correspondent Agent, counter-party, [...]
custodian, sub-custodian, professional advisors,
brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes hereunder.
(a) 任何身為本公司股東的法團可由其董事或其 他管理機構的決議案,透代理人的 權 力, 授權其認為合適的人士在本公司任何大會或 本公司任何類別股份的股東大會上作為其代 [...]
表。獲授權人士有權代表其所代表的法團行 使該法團可行使的權力,猶如該法團為本公
司的個人股東,如倘由法團出席,其將被為 親身出席任何大會。
(a) Any corporation which is a member of the Company may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body or by power of attorney,
authorise such person as it
[...] thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the [...]
Company or of members of any class
of shares of the Company and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company and where a corporation is so represented, it shall be treated as being present at any meeting in person.
31.3 代理董事有權收受董事會之召集通知,出席該指派董事未出席之會議並投票,並執行
[...] 指派董事之所有職權;且為此目的,本章程條文適用時應視同該代理董事(而非其指 派董事)為董事,惟其不得再行指派代理董事 代理人。
31.3 An Alternate Director shall be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which his appointor is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director; and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting these Articles shall apply as
if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director, save that he may not himself
[...] appoint an Alternate Director or a proxy.
[...] 指關於任一種類的股份股本,本公司在中華民國的股 代理 人之主 要營業處所,董事可能決定將該股份股本之股東名冊 [...]
存放於該營業處所,(除非董事會另有指示)該股份股本或其 他所有權文件之轉讓應送交該營業所供登記並進行登記,或 台灣集中保管結算所。
(xxv) Registration Office in respect of any class of share capital, the
principal place of business
[...] of such security agent of the Company located [...]
in the ROC as the Board may from time to time determine to keep
a branch register of Members in respect of that class of share capital and where (except in cases where the Board otherwise directs) the transfers or other documents of title for such 7 class of share capital are to be lodged for registration and are to be registered, or Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation.
即便該未成年人是根據遺囑或在無遺囑情況 下繼承土地,死 的遺產代埋人可能因為不能單憑該未成年人已收受 該項贈與物而可解除遺代理人的責任,因此不願將土地轉交予該未 成年人。
Even if a minor inherits land by will or on intestacy, the deceased's personal representatives may be reluctant to pass that land to the minor since they may be unable to rely solely on the minor's receipt of this gift to discharge them from their duties.
(19) 從事各類代理業務及參與管理、監督或控制任何其他公司、社團、商號或人士
[...] 之業務或營運,並擔任任何該等公司、社團、商號或人士之 理代理人 、 秘 書 或其他高級人員而就此委任任何董事、會計師、助理及其他高級人員或專家或 [...]
(19) To carry on all kinds of agency business, and to take part in the management, supervision or control of the business or operations of any other company, association,
firm or person and to act
[...] as the managing agents, secretaries or [...]
other officers of any such company, associations, firm or
person and in connection therewith to appoint and remunerate any directors, accountants, assistants, and other officers or experts or agents.
獲資助機構不會因基金計劃或有關項 目協議而成為政府的僱員代理人、 傭 工或相聯者。
Nothing in the SDF scheme or the project agreement will render an
[...] applicant an employee, agent, servant or associate [...]
of the Government.
參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園不得,亦須確保其僱員代 理人及顧 問不得向參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生家長 [...]
或其他任何人士,饋贈或提供任何特定的禮物、折扣、回佣 或任何其他優惠或任何形式的財政誘因,從而令該等家長或 人士要求或誘使參加學券計劃的私立獨立幼稚園學生入讀有 關幼稚園。
The PEVS-PI-KG shall not, and shall ensure that
[...] its employees, agents and consultants [...]
shall not, make or give any specific
gifts, discount, rebates or any other concession or financial inducements of whatsoever form to parents of PEVS-PI-KG-student or any other persons in return for such parents or persons requiring or inducing the PEVS-PI-KG-students enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG.
倘由於一名股東身故、精神紊亂或破產而使有關人士對股份 享有權利,本公司可按本章程細則第171條規定的方式向其
[...] 送交通知,當中收件人應註明為有關人士的姓名或身故股東 遺代理人或破 產股東受託人或任何類似的描述,並郵寄至 聲稱享有權益的人士就此所提供的香港地址(包括電郵地 [...]
有關股東若無身故、神志紊亂或破產本可向其發出通知的任 何方式發送通知。
A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a member by sending it in such manner as provided
in Article 171 to him by name, or
[...] by the title of the representative of the deceased, or [...]
trustee of the bankrupt, or by any
like description, at the address (including electronic address), if any, within Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
為達到本申請表所述的目的,關愛基金秘書處或會向關愛基金轄下委員會及/或 代理 人/承 辦商(包括但不限於項目簡介附件所列的長者中心)及/或相關的政府政策局/部門轉交 [...]
For the purpose stated in this Form, the CCF Secretariat may
transfer the Data to the committees under the
[...] CCF and/or its agents/contractors (including [...]
but not limited to the elderly centres
listed in the Annex of the Programme Brief) and/or relevant bureaux/departments of the Government, including but not limited to the Land Registry, the Social Welfare Department and other transferees or any other parties as stipulated in Parts 4, 5 and 6 of this Form.
(vi) 在截止認購日或之前,已向牽頭經辦人交付下述事宜所須的一切同意及批准(如有)的副本:發 行可換股債券、發行人及本公司根據信託契據提供擔保及履行義務、付款及換 代理人 協 議 、擔 保及可換股債券(包括規定由全體貸款人給予的同意及批准
(vi) on or prior to the Closing Date there having been delivered to the Lead Manager copies of all consents and approvals (if any) required in relation to the issue of the Convertible Bonds, the giving of the guarantee and the performance of the Issuer’s and the Company’s obligations under the Trust Deed, the paying and conversion agency agreement, the guarantee and the Convertible Bonds (including the consents and approvals required from all lenders)
(23) 委聘銷售代理銷售本公司任何產品及本公司於世界任何地方擔 代理人 之任 何貨品及東西。
(23) To appoint sales agents to
sell any of the products of the Company and any goods and things for which
[...] the Company are agents in any part of [...]
the world.
(2) 本公司可透過預付郵資、信封或封套方式寄至因股東身故、精神錯亂或破產而有權享 有股份之人士,郵件可以已故者之姓名或其遺 代理人 之 稱 衍或破產受託人或任何類 似描述為收件人,並寄往聲稱有權享有股份之人士就此提供之地址(如有),或(於 [...]
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or
wrapper addressed to him by name,
[...] or by the title of representative of the deceased, or [...]
trustee of the bankrupt, or by any
like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
(a) 與發展局及其下部門和公營機構或 代理人 有 關 的統計數字載於附件 1。
(a) The statistics relating to Development Bureau (DEVB), departments and public bodies under DEVB’s purview or their agents are provided at Annex 1.
(23) 委代理人,專 業人士及授權人代本公司作出以上全部或任何事務,或為本 (24) 發放退休金,年金予任何本公司的僱員或高級職員(包括董事)或前任僱員 或前任高級職員(包括前人董事),或其親屬,有關係者或受養人,及繳付或分 擔有該目的的保險計劃,及成立或支持任何對該人等有利或可推進本公司或其股 東的利益的協會,機構,會所,資金及基金,及成立或支持任何為受託人為本公 司僱員購買本公司已繳付股份的計劃,包括任何於本公司授薪董事,及借錢予公 司僱員使他們可以購買本公司的已繳付股份,擬定及使生效任何與僱員分享本公 司利潤的計劃。
(24) To grant pensions or gratuities to any employees or officers (including Directors) or ex-employees or ex-officers (including ex-Directors) of the Company or the relations, connections or dependants of any such persons, and to pay or contribute to insurance schemes having such objects, and to establish or support associations, institutions, clubs, funds and trusts which may be considered likely to benefit any such persons or otherwise advance the interests of the Company or of its members, and to establish or contribute to any scheme for the purchase by trustees of fully paid shares in the Company to be held for the benefit of employees of the Company, including any Director holding a salaried employment or office in the Company, and to lend money to the Company’s employees to enable them to purchase fully paid shares in the Company, and to formulate and carry into effect any scheme for sharing the profits of the Company with its employees or any of them.
此外,對才華技巧兼備的僱員及富當地經驗的保代 理人的激 烈競爭(尤其是在亞洲)或會限制保誠業務按計劃速度增長的潛力。
Further, heightened competition for talented and
[...] skilled employees and agents with local experience, [...]
particularly in Asia, may limit Prudential’s
potential to grow its business as quickly as planned.
若任何未行使認沽期權於預定到期日當天或之前獲行使或被視為獲行使,新加坡渣打銀 行須向永泰或代理人交付相等於其行使的認沽期權的南聯股份,而永泰須向新加坡渣 [...]
打銀行支付金額相等於獲行使認沽期權之股份數目(即 13,900,000 股)與行使價格(即於
本公告日期每股南聯股份 12.59 港元)之乘積的款項(即假如於本公告日期認沽期權被全 面行使,新加坡渣打銀行會應因該等股份已收取 175,001,000 港元)。
If any of the outstanding put options are exercised, or deemed to be exercised, on or before the scheduled expiry date, SCB Singapore shall deliver to
Wing Tai or its nominee the
[...] shares in Winsor represented by the put options [...]
exercised by it and Wing Tai shall pay to SCB Singapore
the amount equal to the product of the number of shares subject to the put options exercised (namely 13,900,000) and the exercise price (which is HK$12.59 per share in Winsor as at the date of this announcement, such that SCB Singapore would have received HK$175,001,000 for the shares if the put options were exercised in full on the date of this announcement).
本人確認本人已獲得本申請表第五部分所示的人士及/或第六部分所示人士的父母/監護人/親屬代 理人及/ 或第七部分所示的人士及其他有關人士的同意,他們的個人資料及/或在本申請表上填報的資料 [...]
已/在有需要時須遞交予關愛基金秘書處# ,以處理本人就本項目遞交的申請(包括確定本人及/或本申
請表第五及/或第六部分所示的人士是否符合本項目的受惠資格)和作其他直接有關的用途,並進行任何 與本人就本項目遞交的申請及領款有關的審核及/或調查,以及在審核及/或調查工作必須披露有關資料 的情況下,關愛基金秘書處# 可向任何其他各方披露該等資料。
I confirm that I have secured the consent of the person(s)
specified in Part 5 and/or the
[...] parents/guardians/relatives/agents of the person(s) [...]
specified in Part 6 of this Form and/or
the person(s) specified in Part 7 of this Form and other relevant person(s) that their personal data have been or will be (as necessary) submitted to the CCF Secretariat# for processing the application submitted by me (including ascertaining the eligibility of me and/or the person(s) specified in Part 5 and/or Part 6 of this Form under the Programme) and any directly related purposes, for any checking and/or investigation relating to the application submitted by me and receipt of subsidy under the Programme, and that the CCF Secretariat# may disclose the data to any other parties if the disclosure is necessary for such checking and/or investigation.
倘股東身故,其一位或以上尚存人(倘死者為聯名持有人)及其法定遺 代理人 ( 倘 其為 單一或僅有尚存持有人)為唯一獲本公司認可為擁有有關股份權益之人士;然而,本細則 [...]
各項條文均不會解除已故股東(無論單獨或聯名)之遺產就其單獨或聯名持有之任何股份 涉及之任何責任。
If a Member dies, the survivor or survivors where the
deceased was a joint holder,
[...] and his legal personal representatives where he was a sole [...]
or only surviving holder, will be
the only persons recognized by the Company as having any title to his interest in the shares; by nothing in this Bye-law will release the estate of a deceased Member (whether sole or joint) from any liability in respect of any share which had been solely or jointly held by him.
本集團營業額包括銷售物業收入、租金收入、建築工程收入、基建項目收入、 酒店經營及管理、百貨公司經營及管理和其他收入(主要包括提供財務借貸、 投資控股、項目管理、物業理、 代理人 服 務、清潔和保安服務收入,以及建 築材料貿易及出售租賃土地)。
Turnover of the Group represents revenue from the sale of properties, rental income, income from construction, infrastructure business, hotel operation and management, department store operation and management, and others mainly including income from the provision of finance, investment holding, project management, property management, agency services, cleaning and security guard services, as well as the trading of building materials and disposal of leasehold land.
(3) 本通則未規定之契約法問題,諸如消費者保護、欠缺行為能力 代理人 之權 限、抵銷、非屬智慧財產權之其他權利之讓與、代位權、多數債務人及其內部之 求償、與因先契約關係而生之債,應依法院地國之國際私法,定其應適用之法律。
(3) Questions of contract law not dealt with in these Principles such as consumer
protection, incapacity,
[...] authority of an agent, set-off, assignment of other rights than intellectual property rights, legal subrogation, [...]
multitude of debtors
and compensation between them as well as obligations arising from pre-contractual relationships shall be governed by the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law of the forum State.
參加學券計劃的幼稚園須與教統局人員及 代理人 , 以 及其他 獲政府正式授權的人士充分合作,隨時應該等人士的要求,盡 快提供一切所需資料及文件,供查閱、核實、影印或其他用途, 用以管理及監察學券計劃的運作。
The PEVS-KG shall fully cooperate with the officers and agents of EMB and other persons duly authorized by the Government and promptly provide all relevant information and documents which any one of them may from time to time request for inspection, verification, photocopying or otherwise for the purpose of administration and monitoring the operation of the PEVS.




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