单词 | 代表处 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 代表n—representativen representativespl representationn proxyn deputyn delegatespl proctorn commissaryn 代表—represent on behalf of stand for in the name of 代表v—meanv actv embodyv
从 Seagate 印度代表处可俯瞰「莲花寺」清静幽雅的景致,到德里观光的人,绝对不能错过此一现代地标。 seagate.com | Seagate's India office overlooks the serene precincts of the Lotus [...] Temple, a must-visit modern landmark for visitors [...]to Delhi. seagate.com |
该代表处由OEM/通路销售部、公关部、FAE、人事部及行销部等部门组成。 seagate.com | It comprises the OEM/Channel sales, Corporate Communications, FAE, HR and marketing departments. seagate.com |
2008年,美国国际旅游公司获得中国国家旅游局授权的北京代表处资格,代理美国全部50个州的目的地产品、促销和培训,并在宾夕法尼亚州设立中美国(CHINAMERICA)旅游培训中心。 tipschina.gov.cn | In 2008, ATI received permission from the China [...] National Tourism [...] Administrationfor Representation Officestatus in Beijing torepresent destination [...]products, promotion [...]and training for all 50 United States and opened the CHINAMERICA Tourism Training Center with the State of Pennsylvania. tipschina.gov.cn |
澳洲会计师公会於2002年进驻中国,开设北京代表处。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | CPA Australia has established its presence in China with the opening [...] of itsBeijing Representative Office in 2002. hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
在中国内地,集团於北京、上海设立2个代表处,於北京、上海、广州、深圳及杭州等主要城市设立5个投资谘询中心。 htisec.com | In China, [...] the Group has2 representativeoffices in Beijing and [...]Shanghai and 5 investment consultancy centres in major cities [...]including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou. htisec.com |
文绮华在活动上表示:「经过数年在俄罗斯市场进行不同季度的推广测试,今天我们很兴奋可以在莫斯科成立市场代表处。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | We are very excited to open a representative office here in Moscow following a few years conducting seasonal promotions to test the market. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
我们目前已在北京、上海、深圳、广州、杭州和厦门设立了代表处及投资谘询中心。 htisec.com | Currently, [...] we haveset up representativeoffices and investment [...]consultancy centres in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Xiamen. htisec.com |
公司总部位於美国佛罗里达州Fort Myers,在世界各地设有制造设施、代表处和分销商。 ipress.com.hk | The company, headquartered in Fort Myers, Florida, [...] has facilities, representatives and distributors [...]throughout the world. ipress.com.hk |
旅游局今於位处俄罗斯首都的乐天莫斯科酒店(Lotte Hotel Moscow)设午宴,局长文绮华在午宴上向俄罗斯旅游业界及传媒宣布新代表处的成立。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | MGTO director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes is at the Russian capital to officiate the opening of the new representative office at a launching lunch held today at Lotte Hotel Moscow, to Russian travel trade and media. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
中芯国际还在美国、欧洲、日本提供客户服务和设立销售办事处,同时在香港设 立了代表处。 cre8ir.com | SMIC also has customer service and marketing officesin the U.S., Europe, [...] and Japan,anda representative officein Hong Kong. cre8ir.com |
是次讲座的讲者: 中国银联香港代表处市场服务部主管 - 李鹏林先生更强调银联卡於香港运用的各种需要注意事项,例如在港所支持的弁遄A付款受理的流程及退款和预付的缴纳手续。 qtsa.com | Speaker of the seminar, head of General Management Development of the CUP (Hong Kong) office, Mr. Carlson Lee also emphasized on the features and cautions of accepting CUP cards especially in Hong Kong as well as the refund and repayment procedures. qtsa.com |
Automated Packaging Systems 的总部位於美国俄亥俄州的 [...] Streetsboro,是一家全球性供应商,在北美、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲和拉丁美洲都设有制造、销售、服务和分销代表处。autobag.com.tw | With our Global Head Office in Streetsboro, Ohio, USA, our European Corporate Office in Malvern, Worcestershire, UK, Automated Packaging Systems is a global packaging supplier [...] with Manufacturing, Sales, Service [...] and Distributionrepresentatives locatedthroughout North [...]America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America. autobag.com.eg |
於一九九七年一月,彼调任到津联 任财务部副总经理;一九九八年一月任本公司天津代表处主任、首席代表;二零零五年起任代理投资发展部总经理;二 零零六年四月任本公司副总经理兼天津代表处主任。 cre8ir.com | In January 1998, she acted as the head and the chief representative of the Tianjin representative office of the Company. cre8ir.com |
高处长代表驻美国代表处袁大使於开幕致词时表示,马总统上任以来,为确保两岸及国际局势持续正面发展,在我对外战略上结合了两岸关系、经贸与外交政策,着手於(一)两岸和解实现台海和平;(二)以活路外交拓展国际空间并增加台湾在国际发展上的贡献;以及(三)以国防武力吓阻外来威胁,强化中华民国的国家安全,并确保未来的长治久安等国家安全「三道防线」;并使台湾得以在国际社会上发挥潜在价值,成为「和平的缔造者」、「人道援助的提供者」、「文化交流的推动者」、「新科技与商机创造者」以及「中华文化的领航者」。 roc-taiwan.org | The conference hosted by WD Kinzley, Director of Center for Asian Studies, USC, and Robert Cox, Director of Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, USC. roc-taiwan.org |
Celeno於二零零五年成立,在欧洲、中东与非洲(EMEA)地区、美国和亚太地区拥有办公室和代表处。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in 2005, the company has offices and representatives in EMEA, the US and Asia-Pacific and is backed by blue chip investors including Cisco Systems, Greylock Partners, Liberty Global, Pitango Venture Capital andVintage Investment Partners. www.celeno.com ipress.com.hk |
一 九 八 八 年 任 中 国 国 际 展 览 运 输 公 司 总 经 理,一 九 九 二 年 任 中 国 外 运(集 团)总 公 司 [...] 海 运 二 部 副 总 经 理;一 九 九 三 年 任 [...] 中 国 外 运(集 团)总 公 司 驻 义 大利代 表 处首席代表;一 九 九 四 年 任 美 国 华 运 公 司 副 [...]总 裁;一 九 九 八 年 任 中 国 外 运(集 [...]团)总 公 司 海 外 企 业 管 理 部 总 经 理;一 九 九 九 年 任 中 国 外 运 北 京 公 司 总 经 理。 sinotrans.com | In 1988, Mr. Ouyang was appointed as the General Manager of China International Exhibition Transportation Company. Then he successively serviced as Deputy General Manager of the Marine [...] Transportation Department II in [...] 1992; ChiefRepresentative ofItaly Representative Office of Sinotrans [...]Group Company in 1993; [...]Vice President of China Interocean Transport Inc. in America in 1994; General Manager of Overseas Enterprises Management Department of Sinotrans Group Company in 1998 and General Manager of Sinotrans Beijing Company in 1999. sinotrans.com |
有关创兴银行有限公司 创兴银行有限公司(「创兴银行」)(香港联合交易所股份代号:1111)於1948年创立,现於 [...] 香港设有总行及46间分行,另於香港以外设有3间分行(分别位於汕头、澳门及三藩市)及2 间代表处(分别位於广州及上海)。 chbank.com | In addition to the Head Office in Hong Kong, CHB currently operates a network of 46 local branches as well as three branches (one in [...] each of Shantou, Macau and San [...] Francisco) and two representative offices(one ineach of [...]Guangzhou and Shanghai) outside Hong Kong. chbank.com |
为提升本会会员,特别是前线员工,对银联咭的认识,优质旅游服务协会於2005年2月25日(星期五)联同中国银联香港代表处在位於中环中心的香港旅游发展局旅客谘询及服务中心举行「银联咭面面观」讲座,与会员分享有关银联咭的一般运作及行政支援等实用资料。 qtsa.com | In a bid to promote QTSA members, especially frontliners a better understanding towards CUP Cards, Quality Tourism Services [...] Association (QTSA) has teamed up with China [...] Unionpay Hong Kong RepresentativeOffice to organize [...]"Unionpay Card Seminar" on 25 February [...]2005 at Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Information & Services Centre in Central to share with members some useful information on the operation and administrative issues of CUP Cards. qtsa.com |
委任代表在股东大会上投票之代表委任文书应﹕(i)被视为赋予委任代表权 力,可就进行决议之大会所提呈之任何决议案(或其修订)要求或加入要求以按 股數投票方式表决及由其酌情表决,惟任何向股东发出以供其用以委任代表出席处理事务之股东特别大会或股东周年大会及於会上投票之表格,必须致使股东可 按照其意愿指示代表就处理任何事务之各项决议案投赞成或反对票(或倘无作出 该等指示,则由代表行使酌情权投票);及(ii)除非委任文书另有相反规定,否则 委任文书在有关会议之任何续会上应具效力。 comnet-telecom.hk | The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall: (i) be deemed to confer authority upon the proxy to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any resolution (or amendment thereto) put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit Provided that any form issued to a member for use by [...] him for appointing a [...] proxy to attend andvoteat an extraordinary general meeting or at an annual general meeting at which any business is to be transacted shall be such as to enable the member, according to his intention, to instruct theproxy tovote in [...]favour of or against [...](or, in default of instructions, to exercise his discretion in respect of) each resolution dealing with any business; and (ii) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates. comnet-telecom.hk |