

单词 代表们

See also:


on behalf of
stand for
in the name of

代表 v

mean v
act v
embody v

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,执行支助股 股长还在与欧安组织常代表们的会 议上为主席提供支持,并拜访了奥地利外交 [...]
In addition, the ISU Director supported the President at meetings with
[...] OSCE Permanent Representatives and called upon [...]
the head of disarmament of the Austrian Foreign Ministry.
代表们认识 到,缓解灾害风险及灾害风险管理应被视为本区域减轻饥饿及贫 [...]
Delegates recognized that disaster [...]
risk reduction and disaster risk management should be considered integral components
of hunger and poverty alleviation efforts in the region.
这是第一次由 人民中选举出来代表们制定 一部新宪法。
For the first time, representatives elected by the [...]
people were drawing up a new Constitution.
在气候变化问题上代表们敦促教科文组织利用其长期环境计划(人与生物圈计划、国际水文计划、政 [...]
府间海洋学委员会及国际地球科学计划)所取得的广泛知识,以及其在联合国系统独特的社会科学和人文科学 领域的使命,帮助发展中国家,特别是非洲国家,制定对付环境变化的政策和战略。
On the issue of
[...] climate change, UNESCO was urged to use the [...]
extensive knowledge gained from its longstanding environmental
programmes (MAB, IHP, IOC and IGCP) and its unique mandate in the United Nations system with regard to the social and human sciences to assist developing countries, particularly in Africa, to formulate policies and strategies for adaptation to climate change.
战略规划编制局助理总干事在辩论后的答复中表示,他感谢对该文件提出的许多肯定意见,并 代表们 保证 本组织坚定地致力于两项全球优先事项,即非洲和性别平等。
In his response to the debate, ADG/BSP
[...] expressed his appreciation for the many supportive comments given to the document and assured delegates of the firm commitment [...]
of the Organization
towards the two global priorities, Africa and gender equality.
他在答代表们提出 的问题时澄清了以下问题: 关于海关官员培训和许可证制度的 最后评价报告将讨论提供给海关官员的消耗臭氧层物质鉴定设备是否是所需要的型号,而 [...]
且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究是实地考察的必要先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证 实,他确实是在研究各位成员认为最重要的问题;正如执行委员会所希望的那样,评价课
In response
[...] to questions from representatives, he clarified that [...]
the final report on the evaluation of customs officers
training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs officers for identification of ODS was of the required type and number; that a desk study was a necessary precursor to a field study, enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee that he was indeed studying the issues that the members considered most relevant; and that the determination of subjects for evaluation was made independently by him, as desired by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
代表们认识到,本区域各国政府要加强本国相关计划及政策,以保护和可持 续利用粮农遗传资源,公平分享资源利用所带来的好处,包括确保充足及可预见的 [...]
Delegates recognized the need for governments [...]
in the region to strengthen national programmes and policies for the conservation
and sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture, and for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use, including through adequate and predictable funding.
最后,他鼓代表们就贸发会议如 何能够对执行联合国重大首脑会议的结果作出更大的贡献提出建议。
Finally, he encouraged delegates to make suggestions [...]
on how UNCTAD could improve its contribution to the implementation
of the outcomes from major United Nations summits.
代表们还强 调了获得法律援助机会对于确 保享有公平审判权和促进公平和高效刑事司法系统所具有的重要作用,并欢迎 [...]
有机会通过适用关于在刑事司法系统中获得法律援助机会的联合国各项原则和 准则而进一步支持这些目标。
Delegates also emphasized the [...]
crucial role of access to legal aid in ensuring the right to a fair trial and promoting fair
and efficient criminal justice systems, and welcomed the opportunity to further support those goals through the application of the United Nations principles and guidelines on access to legal aid in criminal justice systems.
代表们代表区域集团并以自己国家代表的身份发言,重申它们反对种族主 义、种族歧视、仇外心理及有关不容忍行为的承诺。
Delegates speaking on behalf of regional groups and as representatives of their own countries reiterated their commitments to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
在讨论中代表们谈到了许多有关问题,包括:现有关于振兴问题的决议的 执行情况;主要联合国机关之间的关系(特别是大会和安全理事会之间的关系); [...]
文件的及时印发和减少印刷和分发数量的重要性(以及相关的成本节约);专题辩 论的作用和重要性;大会的能见度;表决和投票技术的利用和改良;任命秘书长
During the discussion, representatives touched upon many pertinent [...]
problems, including the following: implementation of
existing resolutions on revitalization; relations between the principal organs of the United Nations (particularly between the General Assembly and the Security Council); the timely issuance of documents and the importance of reducing their printing and distribution (as well as related cost savings); the role and importance of thematic debates; the visibility of the Assembly; the use and amelioration of voting and balloting technology; the processes of appointing the Secretary-General and electing the President of the Assembly; and the strengthening of the institutional memory of the Office of the President of the General Assembly.
代表们建议 ,电子工作组进行的初期工作应向食典委报告。
The Delegation proposed that [...]
the initial work be carried out by an electronic working group, which would report to the Commission.
代表们还询 问儿基会由谁来决定哪项费用属于发展协调类别,以及这一类别 是否包括与人道主义协调有关的费用,如承担组群牵头角色的费用。
UNICEF was also asked who would decide which costs would fall under the category of development coordination and whether this category would include costs associated with humanitarian coordination, such as cluster lead roles.
代表们要求 说明以下问题:两性平等标志系统及其依据;次级方案 [...]
1 绩效 指标(c)中提及的“准入战略”的含义;次级方案 1 预期成绩(a)中提到的“其他 人道主义合作伙伴”是指什么。
Clarifications were sought on the gender marker system and the
[...] mandate on which the system [...]
was based; on what was meant by “access strategies”,
as mentioned in indicator of achievement (c) under subprogramme 1; and on the identity of the “other humanitarian partners” mentioned in subprogramme 1, expected accomplishment (a).
代表们向委 员会介绍了为实现千年发展目标以及帮助弱势群体 和农村社区而执行的各项方案和政策,例如伊朗伊斯兰共和国的有条 [...]
件的现金转让方案、菲律宾的 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino 方案、不 丹的农村经济方案、东帝汶的千年发展目标村方案以及孟加拉国为老
The Committee was informed about various [...]
programmes and policies undertaken in pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals
and targeted at vulnerable groups and rural communities, such as the conditional cash transfer programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Programme, the Rural Economy Advancement Program of Bhutan, the MDG Village Programme in Timor-Leste and the social safety net scheme for the elderly and lactating mothers in Bangladesh.
这些预算权掌握在执政者手 中,因而给当代表们留下 了他们的地位没有受到 执政者尊重的印象。
The budget for these was under the
control of the executive, and this created a
[...] perception among elected representatives that it did not [...]
respect their status.
它已经设立了一个特 别管理局(臭氧单位),专门负责管理和协调在印度境内执行《蒙特利尔议定书》事宜;
[...] 它还设立了一个提升能力指导委员会,该委员会由来自各职能部委及国内其他利益攸关方代表们组成 ,为执行该议定书提供总的政策指导,并对各种政策和执行方式进行审查, [...]
It has established a special directorate, the Ozone Cell, dedicated to managing and coordinating the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India;
and also an Empowered Steering
[...] Committee, comprised of representatives of various line [...]
ministries and other national stakeholders,
to provide an overall policy direction for implementation of the Protocol, and to review the various policies and implementation modalities, including project approvals and monitoring.
在此次研讨会上,来自越南青少年记者俱乐部 代表们 强 调了互联网和社交媒体的许多其他好处,其中包括与全世界的其他年轻人交流的机会、了解其他文化的机会及促进全球对话的机遇。
At the workshop, representatives from the Junior [...]
Reporters Clubs of Viet highlighted many other benefits of the Internet
and social media, including the opportunities to connect with other young people around the world, to learn about other cultures and to foster global dialogue.
她鼓代表们审阅 所提供的信息,并欢迎对该文件新的格式提供 反馈意见。
She encouraged delegates to review the information [...]
provided and welcomed feedback on the new format of the document.
代表们提到一些采取这些政策措施的国家所取得的成功经 验,这些国家加强了初级商品供应链中增值的机会。
Delegates referred to success [...]
stories in a number of countries adopting policy measures to enhance prospects for value addition
in the commodity supply chain.
代表们还要求说明以下问题:次级方案 2 绩效指标(b)㈡“得到资助的优先 [...]
部门/组和紧急情况的百分比至少增加 50%”;是否能够提供快速反应小组在发生 人道主义紧急情况的头几天中进行干预;捐助方对复原的认捐情况。
Clarifications were also
[...] sought on indicator of achievement [...]
(b) (i) under subprogramme 2, “Increased percentage of priority
sectors/clusters and emergencies funded up to at least 50 per cent”; on the availability of a rapid-response team to intervene in the first days of a humanitarian emergency; and, at the recovery level, on pledges made by donors.
们向代表团成员简要介绍了这些机 构的任务和法律框架,代表团成员得以考察这些机 代表们 所 指出的在其各自工 作领域内的现行做法和潜在问题。
Delegation members were briefed on the mandate and legal framework of these bodies and were able to examine current practices and potential problems that their representatives had identified [...]
in their respective areas of work.
在随后的一般性讨论中代表们就以下问题进行了提问和回答:委员会如何 鼓励和促进基础设施发展方面的南南合作更多地融入国家计划,医药南南合作的 [...]
范围,决定印度进出口银行业务活动的各种制约因素,以及如何使发达国家最大 限度地参与基础设施发展的三角合作。
The general discussion that
[...] followed engaged delegates in questions and [...]
answers about how the Committee could encourage
and facilitate greater integration of South-South cooperation in infrastructure development with national plans; the extent of medical South-South cooperation; the conditionalities governing the operations of the Export-Import Bank of India; and how best to engage developed countries in triangular cooperation infrastructure development.
关于工作安排方面的进一步情况和建议, 代表们参 看这一设想情况说明。
Delegates are invited to consult this [...]
scenario note for further information and proposals on the organization of work.
代表们要求 说明以下问题:两性平等标志系统及其依据;次级方案 [...]
1 绩效 指标(c)“人道主义协调员认可的额外保护/准入战略的数目”中提及的准入战 略的含义;次级方案 1 预期成绩(c)“联合国系统类以及与其他人道主义合作伙 伴对灾害和紧急情况的因应得到更好的协调”中提到的其他人道主义合作伙伴 是指什么。
Clarifications were sought on the gender marker system and the
[...] mandate on which the system [...]
was based; on what was meant by “access strategies”,
as mentioned in subprogramme 1, indicator of achievement (c) “Number of additional protection/access strategies endorsed by humanitarian coordinators”; and on the identity of the other humanitarian partners mentioned in subprogramme 1, expected accomplishment (a) “Improved coordination within the United Nations system and with other humanitarian partners in response to disasters and emergencies”.
专家们建议,新的人权理事会应执行,土著问题常设论坛第五届会议上与 会土代表们以协 商一致意见向理事会第二届会议提出的建议,提议建立一个土 [...]
著人民人权问题专家咨询机构,就影响到土著人民行使和享有人权,包括条约权 利的问题向理事会提供咨询意见。
The experts recommended that the new Human Rights Council should implement the recommendations made by consensus of
the indigenous participants in the fifth
[...] session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous [...]
Issues and presented to the Council
at its second session to establish an expert advisory body on indigenous peoples’ human rights, to provide advice to the Council regarding issues affecting the exercise and enjoyment of the human rights of indigenous peoples, including treaty rights.
代表们还指 出,人民如果 没有竞争法的保护,则将处于不利地位,因为在全球经济中,他们在防止跨界反 竞争做法的影响方面受到的保护较少。
It was also noted that populations without the protection of a competition law would be at a disadvantage because in the global economy they have less protection against the effects of cross border anticompetitive practices.
在卫生部和世界卫生组织驻摩尔多瓦办事处于 2007 年 12 月 14 日召开的主题为“精神卫生服务发展趋势”的专题研讨会上代 表们审议 并批准了社区公共服务中心运行规章示范文本。
Within the workshop “tendencies in the development of Mental Health services” from 14.12.2007 organised by the Ministry of Health and the WHO office in Moldova, the template Regulations of functioning of Communitarian Centres were examined and endorsed.
代表们要求 提供关于良好做法的实例,她在报 告第 29 段中指出,南非《宪法》规定在司法机构中 [...]
增加妇女的代表性,她还提到美德基金会的“培养 女法官举措”和“需要非洲女律师”方案。
Delegates had asked for examples [...]
of good practice and, in paragraph 29 of her report, she had indicated that, in South Africa,
the Constitution provided for greater gender representation in the Judiciary and had mentioned the Virtue Foundation’s Women Judges in the Pipeline Initiative and the programme Calling African Women Lawyers.
主席在代表们介绍 FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/6 号文件时指出,虽然该文件基 本保持了向缔约方会议第十五届会议提出的特设工作组工作成果文件的结构,但 [...]
这种结构并不影响拟向缔约方会议提交、供其第十六届会议通过的特设工作组工 作成果文件的形式和法律性质。
In introducing document
[...] FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/6 to delegates, the Chair pointed [...]
out that, while the text generally maintained
the structure of the outcome of the work of the AWG-LCA as presented to the COP at its fifteenth session, the structure was without prejudice to the form and legal nature of the outcome of the work of the AWG-LCA to be presented to the COP for adoption at its sixteenth session.




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