

单词 代罪




See also:


sin n
guilt n
sinner n
fault n
guild n

External sources (not reviewed)

但讓我再問㆒次,我們 應否因為政府的自滿而變代罪羔羊
But again
[...] should we be a scapegoat of the Government's [...]
在目前勞資關係因經濟放緩而呈現緊張時,找來輸入外勞政策作為代 罪羔羊」,對勞資雙方都沒有好處。
At a time when the relations between employers and employees are strained as a result of the
economic downturn, neither employers nor employees will benefit from making the labour
[...] importation policy the "scapegoat".
我們也看不到,我們很希望能調查系統、調查高層,而不要找一些銀行 的前線小職員作代罪羔羊 ,因為他們也是在受壓力下推銷的。
We have not seen any relevant investigations and we earnestly hope that investigations would be conducted into the system and the senior management
instead of making the front-line employees
[...] of some banks scapegoats because they [...]
have been coerced into selling the products.
其實,我們同意另設醫療服務投訴機制,也是因為可以擴闊現有規 管範疇,並且能夠減輕前線醫療人員成 代罪 羔 羊 的機會。
Actually, another reason why we agree to establishing a separate complaint mechanism for medical services is
that it can expand the existing scope of regulation and prevent front-line health care
[...] workers from becoming the scapegoat.
主席女士,房署 專 業 職系職員 協 會 支 持 由
[...] 立法會調查公 營 房屋事故 , 要 求並支 持 由 外 人 調查自 己 , 這是很痛苦的 決 定,實在是 迫 不得已, 因 為在今 次 事件中 , 如果大家只是為 了代罪 羔羊;如果有下 一 次 事件,其 餘 的人便 可 能 成 為 下 一 次代 罪 羔羊了 。
Madam President, the professional staff association of the HD endorses the idea of conducting a Legislative Council inquiry into the public housing blunders and it even asks for and endorses an investigation by outsiders; this is indeed a very painful decision, and they really have no other
[...] because if we seek only to identify a scapegoat this time around, then others will become the scapegoat the next time when anything goes wrong.
在此, 我必須提醒有關人員,由於涉及複雜和嚴重的法律責任問題,當局必須
[...] 秉持非常嚴謹的態度來處理今次的詳細調查,不能像第一份報告般馬 虎,也絕對不能隨便揪出任何人 代罪 羔 羊
Here, I must remind the relevant persons that since this matter involves complicated and serious issues of legal liabilities, the authorities must take a very stringent attitude in handling the detailed investigation and must not allow this to be done
as frivolously as the first report, and absolutely cannot casually put the blame on any
[...] person to make him the scapegoat.
同㆒道理,政府㆒定要清楚界定醫院管理局的角色和功能,而不應將醫院管理局用 作為「遮羞布」或代罪羔羊」,來化解輿論壓力。
Similarly, the Administration should define clearly the role and functions of the
Hospital Authority, which should not be made to be "a fig
[...] leaf" or "a scapegoat" to relieve [...]
the pressure of public opinion.
[...] 大,但仍需要其他財政來源,以支付最終的帳目,而結果消費者將會被迫成 代罪 羔 羊
Worse still, is the Government hiding away the truth that no matter how big the amount is committed,
alternative funding resources would still be needed to foot the final bill and the consumers are
[...] made ultimately the scapegoats.
(十二) 要求金融管理局就有關銀行脅迫銀行員工完成 銷售有關債券指標的不合理管理措施進行調 查,並設立渠道讓銀行員工向金融管理局反映
[...] 這些情況,同時監督銀行管理層不得使用高壓 指標方式促銷產品,保障前線員工免 代罪羔 羊,以挽回市民對銀行的信心;及
(l) demanding the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to investigate the unreasonable management measures adopted by the relevant banks to coerce their employees to achieve sales targets of the bonds concerned, establish channels for employees of banks to reflect such situations to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and, at the same time, monitor bank management not to use high-handed and target-oriented approach in
marketing products to protect front-line
[...] employees from becoming scapegoats, so as to restore [...]
public confidence in banks; and
屆 時 , 真正被 控 以這個嚴 重罪名及 最終受 到 法律制 裁 的,便很可能只是一代罪 羔 羊
So, at the end of the day, those who are charged with the serious offences and ultimately prosecuted may probably be some scapegoats.
代罪羔羊 , 這些㆟又如何可以凝聚群眾的支持,去塑造自己作為㆟民喉舌的形象呢?
Without a scapegoat, how can these [...]
people win public support and how can they portray themselves as the mouthpiece of the people?
所以, 我 和 民 協認 同 原 議 案 及 兩 項修正 案 的 精 神 , 要 求 政 府在制 訂 財政預算案 的時候 , 放 棄 為 未 來 公 共 開 支 硬 性 封頂的 做
法,並繼續對 各 個關乎 民生需要的環節 作出承 擔 , 不 應 大 幅 削 減 社 會福利、 醫 療 和 教育開 支 , 並 且 要 繼續凍 結 直 接 影響民 生及營
[...] 商環境的收 費 , 不要將市 民 變 成 滅 赤代 罪 羔羊
As far as the formulation of the Budget is concerned, we ask the Government to refrain from rigidly capping our future public expenditure and to maintain its commitment to the various services related to the people's needs of living. It should not drastically reduce the funding for social welfare, health care and education, and it must also continue to freeze the fees and charges that directly affect the
people's livelihood and the business environment, so as not to turn the common
[...] people into the victims of deficit [...]
[...] 更遠為不足,但政府在報告㆗卻辯稱「單憑興建新道路並不足以解決交通擠塞的問 題」,還找來私家車作代罪羔羊 」,就這樣將責任推卸掉。
New roads are particularly in short supply in urban areas of redevelopment. But in the Report, the Government argues that "building
new roads cannot by itself curb traffic congestion" and shirks it responsibility by
[...] making private cars the "scapegoat".
至於王國興議員的修正案 ⎯⎯ 他現在不在席 ⎯⎯ 最主要是希 望訂立一個時間表,以及不要因為一些銀行卸責說銷售方法與他們無 關,只是員工自己的推銷手法,而把責任推卸到員工身上,由員工來代罪羔羊 ,這是一種絕對不能寬恕的行為。
As for WONG Kwok-hing's amendment ― He is not in the Chamber now ― it mainly calls for the provision of a timetable, while stressing that the responsibility should not be shifted onto the employees who would be made scapegoats after some banks said that they had nothing to do with such sales practices and that these practices were only employed by the employees themselves in order to shift the blame to their employees.
開發商執行長要求停工後,打算在3月18日與官員及抗議民眾舉辦論壇,希望達成折衷方案,他宣稱自己也 代罪 羔 羊 ,因為施工項目除了民間大樓,亦包括公用橋樑,且移除圍牆完全是為橋樑,不過抗議民眾的怒氣仍針對開發商而來,批評不該在過去區隔東西柏林之處興建豪華公寓。
Mr. Hinkel claims he
[...] has been made a scapegoat for the protestors: [...]
he explains that Living Bauhaus is carrying out initial
construction for both its own building and for the public Brommy Bridge, but that the removal of the wall portion is necessary only for the Brommy Bridge.
However, I very much object to the practice
[...] of making restaurants a scapegoat.
當學額已供過於求,當院校要為校舍還債,當 學費 ─ 而不是質素 ─ 成為院校的生命線時,院校為要掙扎求存,便
[...] 要降低收生要求,部分甚至要提早離場,成為政策失誤 代罪 羔 羊 ,最後受 害的,便是每年數以萬計的學生。
Since the supply of places is already greater than demand, and since institutions have to make repayments for their campuses, when tuition fees, rather than quality, have become the lifeline of institutions, in order to struggle for survival, institutions have to relax the admission requirements
and some of them even had to withdraw from the playing field early, thus
[...] becoming the scapegoat for the policy [...]
因此,在這方面,由於以上的原 因,法例修改後也等於沒有修改,只讓特首仍可以出賣律政司司長,有甚麼 事便找司長出來代罪羔羊 ,他說不可以有其他做法的話,便得這樣了。
Therefore, in this regard, due to the above reasons, even if the legislation is amended, it is virtually the same as it has not been because it still allows the Chief Executive to betray the Secretary for Justice.
不過, 我 們 整個社 會,包括立法 會 、 業界及 政 府 , 多 年 來 都 忽 視 了這問題, 所以我自 己 不 會
[...] 推卸責 任 ; 現 時 並不是要代罪羔 羊 的 時 候 , 我 們現時要齊 [...]
心 一 致,做很多 事 情。
Therefore, I do not think that we should shirk
our responsibilities; this is not the
[...] time to look for scapegoats, and there is [...]
a lot of work to be done and this requires our concerted efforts.
此外,我認為王國興議員所提出的,在保障銀行前線 員工避免成代罪羔羊方面,也應該作出調查,同時亦要看看專業的操 [...]
守原則是否有問題,可否幫助他們購買一些專業彌償的保險,作為給他 們的一種保障?
Furthermore, the amendment proposed by Mr WONG
Kwok-hing urges protecting front-line employees
[...] from becoming scapegoats, but I think [...]
the relevant body should carry out an investigation
and examine if the principle of professional conduct has been violated and whether they can protect investors by helping them take out professional indemnity insurance.
雖 然 後 來 拉 斯 普 丁 被 罷 免 ﹐ 在 反 對 沙 俄 政
[...] 權 的 聲 浪 中 充 當代 罪 羔 羊 ﹐ 但 民 眾 的 批 [...]
評 仍 然 指 向 尼 古 拉 二 世 及 其 皇 后 。
After the elimination of
[...] Rasputin, the scapegoat of all oppositions [...]
to Tzardom, criticism were directed against Nicholas II and the Tzarina.
我們擔心假如日後在執 行 政 策 時出現失 誤 , 問 責 局長仍 可以常 任秘書長 有分參與, 而 很
[...] 明 顯 , 有分推 銷 政 策 為 藉 口 , 令 常 任秘書長成代罪 羔羊
We are concerned that should there be any mistake in the implementation of policies in the future, the
accountability officials can still make the
[...] permanent secretaries scapegoats on the grounds [...]
that the latter have a part to play in policy promotion.
此外,印度尼西亚正在考虑加入 1973 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人 员包括外代表的罪行的公约》和 1979 年《反对劫持人质国际公约》。
Furthermore, Indonesia was considering becoming a party to the 1973
Convention on the Prevention
[...] and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, and the 1979 [...]
International Convention
against the Taking of Hostages.
例如,以色列、意大利和联合 王国都反对布隆迪在加入 1973 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括 外代表的罪行的 公约》时提出的保留。
For example, Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom objected to the reservation formulated by Burundi upon acceding to the 1973
Convention on the Prevention
[...] and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents.
当局还报告说,正在监护 委员会待审的少年司法订正条款将以教育和矫正措施 代 对 较轻 犯 罪 的 所 有处 罚。
The authorities also report that amended juvenile justice provisions, which
are pending before the
[...] Guardian Council, replace all punishments for lesser crimes with educational [...]
and correctional measures.
德意志联邦共和国的反对如下:“德意志联邦共和国政府认为,布隆迪共和国政府关于《防 止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外 代 表 的 罪 行 的 公约》第 2 条第 2 款和第 6 条第 1 款 的保留与公约目的和宗旨相抵触”(同上)。
The Federal Republic of Germany objected: “The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany considers the reservation made by the Government of Burundi concerning article 2, paragraph 2, and article 6, paragraph 1, of the
Convention on the Prevention
[...] and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, to be incompatible [...]
with the object
and purpose of the Convention” (ibid.).
[...] 议,例如必须修订或在必要时废止有利于对专制统治 代 所 犯 罪 行 有 罪 不 罚 的法 律,以及改进监狱制度,尤其是对未成年人采取剥夺自由之外的替代措施。
It noted with satisfaction some recommendations, such as the importance of revision and, if
necessary, the derogation of laws
[...] that favoured impunity for crimes committed during the [...]
dictatorship, as well as the improvement
of the prison system, specifically the alternative measures to liberty deprivation for minors.
此外,密克罗尼西亚联邦是下列七项国际反恐怖主义公约 和议定书的缔约国:1971
[...] 年《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》; 1973 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外 代 表 的 罪 行 的 公约》; 1979 年《反对劫持人质国际公约》;1988 年《制止在为国际民用航空服务的机场 上的非法暴力行为的议定书》;1988 [...]
1997 年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;1999 年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的 国际公约》。
Moreover, the FSM is a state party to seven international conventions and protocols on counter-terrorism: the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; the 1973
Convention on the Prevention
[...] and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; the 1979 International [...]
Convention against
the Taking of Hostages; the 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; and the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.
[...] 以促进和保护被监禁妇女的权利;伊朗伊斯兰共和国表示,其国家法院应在可 能的情况下寻求代监禁女罪犯的 办法,保护妇女和儿童权利办公室应定期视 察监狱,评估对女性和少年囚犯的状况。
Afghanistan reported that the Ministry of Women’s Affairs was working on a policy to improve and protect the rights of imprisoned women; the Islamic Republic of Iran indicated that national courts
were required, when
[...] possible, to seek alternatives to imprisonment for female offenders and that the [...]
Office on Protecting Women
and Children’s Rights regularly visited prisons to assess the situation of female and juvenile prisoners.




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