

单词 代笔

See also:

writing brush
the strokes of Chinese characters
write or compose
classifier for sums of money, deals

External sources (not reviewed)

获取EUROCOM山猫的新系列的17英寸和15.6英寸全高清的最好的台式机 代笔 记 本 电脑的经验(1920 上 1080 像素笔记本.
Get the best desktop replacement notebook experience [...]
with the new EUROCOM Lynx Series 17-inch and 15.6-inch Full HD(1920 on 1080 pixels Notebook.
上网本、新代笔记本 、AP等,已经不仅仅满足于Wireless Lan的功能,越来越多的功能如3G(EVDO,TDSCDMA,WCDMA)、GPS、Wimax、UWB也渐渐被整合进去。
The netbook, a new generation of laptop, AP, already [...]
not only satisfied with the Wireless LAN function, but also more and
more functions such as 3G ( EVDO, TDSCDMA, WCDMA ), GPS, Wimax, UWB gradually be integrated in.
董事会审议了 235
[...] 份可受理的申请,并建议为土著社区和组织 代 表 提 36 笔总数约为 104 585 美元的差旅费资助,用以出席专家机制的第二届会议。
The Board considered 235 admissible applications and
[...] recommended 36 grants for representatives of indigenous communities [...]
and organizations to attend
the second session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, for an approximate total of $104,585.
教育部门代表回答说,笔拨款将分配到现有的 35 C/5 之中。
The Education Sector’s representative responded that this [...]
allocation has to be made within the current document 35 C/5.
采用AMD Fusion APU的新代台式机、笔记本 电脑和高清上网本现在能以可接受的价格供应。
New generations of desktop, notebook and HD netbooks [...]
are now available based on AMD Fusion APUs at affordable price points.
代理被询问笔 980 000 欧元的款项评估是否与现在承包商给出的 为加快工程进度的新预算表相符,但这一问题未得到答复。
The ACA was asked if this estimate of €980,000 still corresponded to the new estimates received from the contractors to accelerate their work, but that question has not been answered.
最新问世的克里顿系列必将在名士的历史中留下划 代 的 一 笔 , 它 承载着由Louis-Victor和 Célestin Baume两兄弟于1830年在瑞士株罗山创立公司之初所树立的远大目标,克里顿象征着创始人的非凡远见,传承着创始人的座右铭:“唯美主义,只制造品质最上乘的腕表”。
It showcases the very quest for excellence that shaped the destiny of this company, founded back in 1830 by brothers Louis-Victor and Célestin Baume in the heart of the Swiss Jura Mountains.
[...] 104 份可受理的申请,并建议为土代表 提 37 笔总数约为 113 314 美元的差旅费资助,用以出席 [...]
2010 年 7 月 12 日至 16 日在日内瓦举行的 土著人民权利专家机制第三届会议。
The Board considered 104 admissible
applications and recommended 37 travel grants
[...] for indigenous representatives to attend the third [...]
session of the Expert Mechanism
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which took place in Geneva from 12 to 16 July 2010, for a total amount of approximately $113,314.
[...] 2002 年--2003 年分摊的会费问题,总干事代表指 出, 笔 会 费 由于在本 双年度收到的时间晚,所以在做帐时记为预算外资金,因此没有像正常预算那样在使用上有 [...]
In response to a query concerning the United States
assessed contribution for the
[...] 2002-2003 biennium, the Representative of the Director-General [...]
indicated that this contribution,
which was received late in the biennium, was financially accounted as an extrabudgetary fund and therefore did not have the same time implementation constraints as the regular budget.
笔记本电脑卓望 5733Z代表行的笔记本电脑, 基于最新的一代英特尔处理器奔腾 P6200。
Acer laptop Aspire 5733Z – the representative line of laptops, based on the latest generation Intel processor [...]
Pentium P6200.
受侵犯的版权持有人授代表的亲笔 签 名 或电子签名。
A physical or electronic signature of the person
[...] authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the [...]
copyright interest that is alleged to have been infringed.
代表团笔注销 以及儿基会为制定管制退款过程的政策采取了哪些步骤提出具体问 题。
Specific questions were raised on several write-offs and on the steps UNICEF had taken to establish a policy regulating the refund process.
专家小组前财务专家请求将一人从旅行禁令和资产冻结名单上除名,作为交 换条件,此人付给一代管账户一笔 钱 , 然后将 笔 钱 付给利比里亚政府。
The former finance expert of the Panel has requested de-listing for one individual on the travel ban and assets freeze list in exchange for his payment of a sum of money into an escrow account that would then be paid to the Government of Liberia.
语法形式为:NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...)
[...] 其中,rate为各期贴现率,是一固定值;value1,value 2, . . . 代 表 1到 2 9 笔 支 出 及收入的参数值,value1,value2,...所属各期间的长度必须相等,而且支付及收入的时间都发生在期末。
Grammatical form: NPV (rate, value1, value2, ...) which, rate for the period of the
discount rate is a fixed value; value1,
[...] value2, ... T 1-29 on behalf of expenditure and [...]
income values, value1 , value2, ...,
affiliated to the length of the period must be equal, but the time for payment and income have taken place in the end.
项目厅还提供 380 笔赠款,例如代表开发署向喀麦隆社区发放 134 笔赠 款,以资助旨在帮助受艾滋病影响的家庭摆脱贫穷的微型项目。
UNOPS also managed 380 grants, issuing 134 to
[...] communities in Cameroon on behalf of UNDP, for example, [...]
to fund micro-projects designed to
help lift AIDS-affected families out of poverty.
[...] 世界,信息在瞬间就能传遍世界,互联网电脑早已 代 了 纸 和 笔 , 因 此必须保证所有的工作 人员都拥有高效安全的先进工作工具。
In today’s wholly computerized and globalized world, where information goes round the
world in seconds and where the networked
[...] computer has replaced paper and pencil, an [...]
up-to-date, capable and secure working tool
must be provided for the staff as a whole.
如果没有代表团、秘书代表、 口译员 笔译 员 、会议事务人员以及音响工程师的辛勤努力、支 持和积极贡献,我们是无法独自完成本月份工作 的。
We reached consensus on some major issues. Without the support and hard work of delegations and of the Secretariat, including the interpreters, translators, conference officers and sound engineers, we would not have been able to complete our work on our own.
圆珠笔芯设计,这个圆珠笔管,只是将形状改成了DNA双螺旋结构,就可以装入两倍的笔墨量,相当于两支笔,延长了我们使 笔 和 笔 更 新 换 代 的 寿 命,以减 笔 壳 的 浪费,其实环保只需要一点点改变。
This spiral DNA structure allows the refill to contain more inks which can extend its service life and minimize the waste at the same time.
秘书长的第三个备选方案——方案 C——是从工资中向即将退休的法官一次 性支付笔现金,以代任何 养恤金福利。
The Secretary-General’s third
option — option C — consists of a lump-sum payment made from payroll
[...] to a retiring judge in lieu of any pension benefits.
在天河中央商务区100个重点项目落地仪式环节中,三川田采用“聚焦引爆”的创新理念,市区领导与入驻天河中央商务区的企 代 表 , 以激 笔 聚 焦 在一个水晶球上,现场大屏幕实时互动,引爆出百家入驻企业的LOGO,布满整个大屏幕。
Focus detonated” innovative ideas the floor ceremony part of Tianhe Central Business District, 100 key projects, TRF, urban leaders and settled in the
central business district of
[...] Tianhe business representatives, and laser pointer to focus on a [...]
crystal ball, big sceneinteract
in real time on the screen, arose out of one hundred enterprises LOGO, covered the entire screen.
钌锇合金小圆珠 在笔笔尖上不可代替。
Tiny ruthenium-osmium alloy spheres are
[...] indispensable as tips for fountain pens.
因 此,对选择一笔总付方式的旅行,不应准许路程假,因为通常 笔 总 付 代 替 了与 所涉具体旅行有关的所有应享待遇(A/66/676,第 [...]
22 和 94(a)段)。
Consequently, for travel exercised through the lump-sum option, no travel time
would be granted, as this option is
[...] normally utilized in lieu of all entitlements [...]
related to the particular travel (A/66/676, paras. 22 and 94 (a)).
出现减少还与其他工作人员费用(289 600 美元)有关,主要是因为用外笔 译员代替费 用较高的自由应聘笔译员(后者需要每日生活津贴和差旅费),并且尽 [...]
The decrease also relates to other staff costs ($289,600), owing mostly to anticipated reduced costs for temporary
assistance for meetings, in view of the
[...] use of external translators in place of costlier [...]
free-lance translators (for whom
daily subsistence allowance and travel costs are required), as well as the use of internal staff for interpretation, whenever possible.
在特笔记和笔记 代替技 术工具方面,残疾学生可使用课本 笔 记 代 替 物 ,促进使用与关于高等教 育机构的组织和运作规则的规定一致的其他准备方法。
Students with disability may use course
book and
[...] note subsidy in the case of special-note and note-substituting technical tools promoting other preparation methods [...]
in harmony
with the provisions of the organisational and operating rules of institutes of higher education.
(b) 日内瓦会议管理项下净减少 10 787 600 美元,包括其他工作人员费用项下减少 12 599 400
[...] 美元,用品和材料项下减少 1 000 000 美元,减少额因增加使用承笔译, 代 替 聘 用会议 临时人员使费用增加 2 811 800 [...]
(b) A net decrease of $10,787,600 under Conference management, Geneva, comprising a decrease of $12,599,400 under other staff costs and a decrease of $1,000,000 under supplies and materials, partly offset by an increase of $2,811,800 under
contractual services for the
[...] increased use of contractual translation in lieu of temporary [...]
assistance for the servicing of meetings
根据摩尔定律以及计算机生产的快速进程,我们在使用电脑时很可能会遇到需要“克隆”我们的电脑的情况——不管是台式机 笔 记 本 取 代 还 是 换一台更快的机子。
Due to Moore's Law and the fast progress in computer manufacturing, one is almost certain to encounter at least one cloning scenario during the lifetime of
using a distribution - be it that the
[...] home PC is to be replaced by a laptop or just that [...]
a faster processor is on the market
and there is enough money to buy a new computer.
大会第三十一届会议通过第 31 C/16 号决议1 ,决定接受笔设立在荷代尔夫 特国际 基础结构、水利和环境工程学院基金会提供的无需承担费用的工作人员和基础设施贷款2 , 建立教科文组织--国际基础结构、水利和环境工程学院水教育研究所(UNESCO-IHE),作 为教科文组织的第 1 类机构。
By 31 C/Resolution 161 the General Conference at its 31st session, decided to accept a nocost loan of staff and infrastructure from the IHE Foundation2 , located in Delft, The Netherlands, and created the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education as a category 1 institute of UNESCO (UNESCO-IHE).
关于合笔译员,笔译员协会代表 强调了一个事实:联合国系统一些组织 没有意识到高水准自由职业笔译员市场的竞争多么激烈,其提供的工资不如其他组 [...]
With regard to
[...] contractual translators, AITC representatives highlighted the [...]
fact that some United Nations system organizations
do not realize how competitive the market is for high-quality freelance translators, and their rates are not as attractive as the remuneration offered by other organizations.
笔经费将用于本组织不具备、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识:变化管理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 供的项目管理服务。
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
笔会还 对“亵渎”法的存在表 示关注,依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判处死刑,国 笔会 指 出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
International Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and sentenced [...]
to death, and
indicated that it would continue to call for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.




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