

单词 代理的

See also:

代理 v

represent v
intercede v


act as an agent or proxy
act on behalf of sb. in a responsible position

理的 adj

reasonable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,还收到 信息指出,在新选出的议员与参与准政 代理 进 程 的人之间存在“政 代理 ”的 可能情况。
Moreover, information has been
[...] [...] received of possible cases of “political proxies” between newly elected parliamentarians [...]
and persons involved in parapolítica processes.
中國的新業務價值增長尤為強勁,主要由於活 代理的 人 數 增加,以及持續轉向期 繳保費保障產品所致。
China, in particular, produced
very strong growth in VONB driven by an
[...] increase in active agent numbers and our [...]
ongoing shift towards regular premium protection products.
缔约国的结论是,如果有人不希望自我代理,那么魁北克关于由律 代理 的要求没有违反《公约》。
The State party concludes that when persons have no wish to
represent themselves, the requirement in
[...] Quebec to be represented by a lawyer is [...]
based on objective and reasonable criteria
and does not constitute a violation of the Covenant.
服务对象是由客户机用来获取实现服务端点接口的存根(stub) 代理的 一 个 工厂。
The Service object is a factory used by the client
[...] to get a stub or proxy that implements [...]
the Service Endpoint Interface.
说:“安理会的历史记录的情况是,一个学说的信条没有申报,而父亲并没有一致的见证,和一些著名的圣徒几乎在设置方面的反对,而整个东没有拒绝作为一种象征,一次,而是两次,元老的元老,第一大城市的都市,由1 100口以上,然后由被强迫600口以上的主教,并要求其拒绝的理由,以作为一个另外的信条,呼吁安理会,而不是作为一个信条的确,然而,另一方面,不只是认购,但它的信仰接受,作为一个定义下的一个诅咒制裁,安理会被迫通过该决议的教宗一天,通过他的legat es 和 代理的 支 持 下,民间的力量“(新民”发展“,五,§ 3,第1版。
"The historical account of the Council is this, that a doctrine which the Creed did not declare, which the Fathers did not unanimously witness, and which some eminent Saints had almost in set terms opposed, which the whole East refused as a symbol, not once, but twice, patriarch by patriarch, metropolitan by metropolitan, first by the mouth of above a hundred, then by the mouth of above six hundred of its bishops, and refused upon the grounds of its being an addition to the Creed, was forced upon the Council, not indeed as a Creed, yet, on the other hand, not for subscription merely, but for its acceptance as a definition of faith under the sanction of an anathema, forced on the Council by the resolution of the Pope of the day, acting through his Legates and supported by the civil power" (Newman, "Development", v, §3, 1st ed., p. 307).
据提交人称,其子从未被告知他有请律 代理的 权利
According to the author, at no point of time was her son informed of
[...] his right to be represented by a lawyer.
[...] 处理时间、统计报告自动化、采用面向用户的、能保证更好的数据一致性的信息技术工具,以及密 切监督 WIPO 旅代理的效绩等方式,进一步提高差旅服务的效率。
Further efficiency gains in the travel services are expected by reducing processing
time, automating statistical reports,
[...] implementing user-friendly IT tools that [...]
also ensure better data consistency, and
by closely monitoring the performance of the WIPO travel agency.
(t) 管理土地、樓宇及其他物業(不論是否屬於本公司),並收租及收取收
[...] 入以及為租戶及佔用人及他人提供其認為適宜的便利設施及好處,以 及一般地從事土地及房地代理的業 務 及擔任土地及房地產代理。
(t) To manage land, buildings, and other property whether belonging to the Company or not, and to collect rents and income and to supply tenants and occupiers and others with such
conveniences and advantages as may seem expedient and generally to
[...] undertake the business of and act as land and estate agents.
因 此,董事認為收購Fullmark集團不僅讓本集團透過Fullmark集團於東 代理 的權益 進入預期需求將會不斷增加的中國保險市場而給予本集團擴大其資訊 [...]
科技顧問服務的機會,亦能讓本集團善用其現有專門知識及於資訊科技顧問 行業的經驗,以及根據合作協議與東大經紀合作,從而利用鑫約福(上海)擁
Accordingly, the Directors consider that the Acquisition of Fullmark Group will not only provide an opportunity for the
Group to expand its scope of IT consultancy
[...] services by participating in the insurance [...]
market in the PRC, which is expected
to have a rising demand, through the Fullmark Group’s interest in Dongda Agency, but also enable the Group to leverage on its existing expertise and experience in the IT consultancy sector, coupled with the intellectual property rights in respect of the InsureLink System owned by Fullmark SH, by cooperating with Dongda Brokerage pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement.
[...] 知識及於資訊科技顧問行業的經驗,透過Fullmark集團於東 代理的 權 益 及 根據合作協議與東大經紀合作,從而將其現有業務擴展至中國保險市場。
It is the intention of the Company to continue the Group’s existing business in the security and surveillance system and, leverage on its existing expertise and
experience in the IT consultancy sector,
[...] expand its existing business into the insurance [...]
market in the PRC through the Fullmark
Group’s interest in Dongda Agency and cooperation with Dongda Brokerage pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement.
委托兩名以上(包括兩名代理人的股 東,其理人累計行使表決權的該股東的股份數,不得超過該股東在本次會 議享有表決權的股份總數,且每一股份不得由不 的代理 人 重 複行使表決 權。
For a shareholder who entrusts
[...] two or more proxies, the voting rights to be exercised by such proxies in aggregate shall not exceed the total number of the votes that the shareholder is entitled to exercise at the meeting, and any one share may only be voted upon once by one proxy.
第 2 款所用措词不让组织规则的适用
[...] 成为唯一标准,是为了考虑到,在例外情况下,组织的机关 代理 人 的 职 能 即使 不能说是、也可能被认为是根据该组织的规则赋予的。
By not making the rules of the organization the only criterion, the wording of paragraph 2 is intended to leave the possibility open that, in exceptional
circumstances, functions may be considered as
[...] given to an organ or agent even if this could [...]
not be said to be based on the rules of the organization.
(d) “国际组的代理人” 是指组织的机关以外,受组织之命行使或帮助行 使其某项职能,从而替组织行事的官员或其他人或实体。
(d ) “Agent of an international organization” [...]
means an official or other person or entity, other than an organ, who is charged
by the organization with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions, and thus through whom the organization acts.
2007 年 8 月 31 日,总部下属司的代理以联 合国教科文组织的名誉与 Coteba 公司 签订了一份协议书,双方合同关系由此解除。
The contract with Coteba was in fact terminated by a memorandum of understanding signed on 31 August 2007 by the acting Director of the Headquarters Division in the name of UNESCO.
[...] 实侵权行为、提出恢复权利的建议,以及担任受害 的 法 院 代理 , 对 违反国民公 平原则的个人实施行政处罚。
The commissioner’s powers ranged from the administrative verification of violations,
recommendations for restoration of
[...] rights and court representation of aggrieved parties [...]
to imposing administrative sanctions
against persons infringing the principle of equality among nationals.
162 本公司可按董事會的決定備置副章,以於開曼群島以外地區使用,且本公司
[...] 可以加蓋印章的書面文件委任任何海外代理或海外委員會作為本公司加蓋及 使用該副的代理,而 該等代理可就該副章的使用施加其認為合適的有關限 制。
162 The Company may have a duplicate seal for use outside of the Cayman Islands as and where the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any
agents or agent, committees or committee
[...] abroad to be the agents of the Company [...]
for the purpose of affixing and using such
duplicate seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
(b)  本公司可備有按該條例第 73A 條所允許之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所 發行之股份或其他證券之證書上蓋印(以及在加蓋該正式印章之任何該等證明書或 其他文件上毋須任何董事、高級人員或其他人士之簽署及機械式複製簽署,且該等 證書或其他文件即使沒有任何該等簽署或上述機械式複製簽署仍屬有效及應視為已
在董事會之授權下蓋章及簽立),以及可備有按董事會決定根據公司條例條文規定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可以書面形式並蓋上該印章委任在外地之
[...] 任何一名或多名代理人或者一個或多個委員會作為本公司之獲妥為授權 代理 人, 目的在於 加蓋及使用該正式印章,並可施本公司認為合適之有關使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent,
committees or committee abroad to be
[...] the duly authorised agents of the Company for the [...]
purpose of affixing and using such
official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
战略 规划编制局与预算局将和内部监督办公室共同努力,确保在计划阶段使预期结果及与之相关的工作指标(也许代理指标的形式 )表述的更加清晰、更加利于评估工作。
BSP and BB, in association with IOS, will be working together to ensure
that expected results
[...] and related performance indicators (perhaps in the form of proxy indicators) [...]
are more clearly and measurably
articulated at the planning stage.
本公司已登記成為ROCARS的代理人公 司,並且幫助持有中國往來港澳通行證的跨境貨車司機進行捆綁手續。
My company has registered
[...] as a ROCARS agent and is responsible [...]
to perform bundling for the cross-boundary truck driver who
is holding a PRC Exit-Entry Permit which is required to be renewed on regular basis.
例如,在华盛顿州西雅图,税款可通过厄立特里亚拥有的一家旅 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈或非法性质往往要视所在国或所在州
[...] 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注 代理 商 、 收税 的 国 籍以 及收税人利用了哪类法律和行政漏洞。
In Seattle, Washington, for example, taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28 Whether or not the techniques they employ are extortive or illicit is often a matter of national or state law, and depends upon such questions as
whether or not the collector is a
[...] diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the [...]
nationality of the collector and
the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
(m) 於全球任何地方經營進出口商、一般貿易商、佣金代理、訂貨代理、運 輸代理、寶石商人、珠寶商、金器匠、銀器匠、鐘錶製造商、電鍍商、 禮物袋製造商、運輸商、旅行社及承辦商、倉庫管理人、煙草商及雪茄 商、劇院票代理、廣告承辦商 代理 及 展 覽主辦單 的 全 部或任何業 務,並買賣、進出口、製造、運用、利用及為市場籌備,以及處置各類 貨品、物品、材料供應、農產品、商品、日用品、物質、物件及動產(批 發及零售),以及進行各類代理業務及從事製造商代表業務。
(m) To carry on in any part of the world all or any of the businesses of importers, exporters, general traders, commission agents, indent agents, forwarding agents, gem merchants, jewellers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, watch and clock makers, electro-platers,
dressing-bag makers,
[...] carriers, tourist agents and contractors, warehousemen, tobacco and cigar merchants, agents for theatrical and opera box office, advertising contractors and agents, and holders [...]
of exhibition, and
to buy, sell, import, export, manufacture, manipulate, turn to account and prepare for market, and deal in goods, wares, materials provisions, produce, merchandise, commodities, substances, articles and chattels of all kinds, both wholesale and retail, and to transact every kind of agency business and to undertake the business of manufacturers’ representatives.
根据第 1483(2003) 号决议第 23
[...] 或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及 其直系亲属,包括由他们本人或代表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或 控制的实体,转移出伊拉克或获取的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源;以及伊拉 克前政府或其国家机关、公司代理 人 在 伊拉克境 的 资 金 或其他金融资产或经 济资源。
According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the freeze and transfer apply to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources removed from Iraq or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their
direction; as well as to
[...] funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.
(a) 法律 — 取消對與香港律師事務所進行聯營的內地律師事務所
[...] 的專職律師人數要求;取消香港律師事務所駐內地代表機構的代 表在內地的居留時間要求;允許有內地執業律師資格的香港居民 從事涉港婚姻、繼承案的代理活動 ;允許香港大律師以公民身份 擔任內地民事訴的代理人; 以及允許取得內地律師資格或法律 職業資格的香港居民,在內地律師事務所設在香港的分所,按照 內地規定進行實習。
(a) Legal service – to waive the requirement on the number of full-time lawyers employed by Mainland law firms that operate in association with Hong Kong law firms; to waive the residency requirement for representatives stationed in representative offices of Hong Kong law firms in the Mainland; to allow Hong Kong residents qualified for
practice in the Mainland
[...] to act as agents in matrimonial and succession cases relating to Hong Kong; to allow Hong Kong barristers to act as agents in civil litigation [...]
cases in the
Mainland in the capacity of citizens; and to allow Hong Kong residents who have acquired Mainland lawyer qualifications or legal professional qualifications to undergo internship in a branch office of a Mainland law firm set up in Hong Kong.
票箱供應不足和補給遲緩、部分投票站在地方選區投票箱補給前採取 權宜措施、部分投票站過分擠迫和出現選民排隊久候的情況、投票站
[...] 兼點票站工作人員工作時間長、候選人或他 的代理 人 被 逐離投票站 或摒諸門外、匯集投票人數的問題、延遲公布選舉結果而不作解釋, [...]
These included the insufficient supply of ballot boxes for GC elections and delay in replenishment, use of stopgap measures in some polling stations pending the arrival of additional GC ballot boxes, overcrowdedness and prolonged queuing at some polling stations, long working hours of
polling-cum-counting staff, eviction or exclusion of
[...] candidates or their agents from polling stations, [...]
problem in compilation of voter turnout
figures, delay in announcement of the election results without explanation, and ballot discrepancies in some FCs.
[...] 着联合国也在履行的职能的个人和实体,也可能不会被视为本组 的 “ 代理 人 ” , 而是被视为协助本组织实现共同目标的合作伙伴。
As indicated above, at least in some contexts, even persons and entities who perform functions that are
also performed by the Organization, may not
[...] be regarded as “agents” by the Organization, [...]
but rather as partners who assist
the Organization in achieving a common goal.
国际组的‘代理人’ 或‘机关’是指受该组织委托,履行或帮助履 行该组织某项职能的人或实体,但以该代理人或机关在特定情况中以此种资 [...]
An ‘agent’ or ‘organ’ of an international [...]
organization is a person or entity that has been charged by that organization
with carrying out, or helping to carry out, one of its functions, provided the agent or organ is acting in that capacity in the particular instance.
(ee) 就投資、貸款、付款、傳達及收取款項,以及購買、銷售、改良、發展及管 理物業(包括商業公司及營運)充當代理,以及通常辦理及承擔所有種的 代理業務 ,不論商業或財務事宜,以及擔保及負責支付款項或履行任何債務, 以及免費或以其他方式辦理所有類 的代理 業 務
(ee) To act as agents for the investment, loan, payment, transmission, and collection of money, and for the purchase, sale, improvement, development and management of property including business concerns and undertakings, and generally to transact
and undertake all
[...] kinds of agency business, whether in respect of commercial, or financial matters, and to guarantee and become liable for the payment of money or for the performance of any obligations, and to transact all kinds of agency business, either gratuitously [...]
or otherwise.
为了使中乍特派团能够充分履行其任务规定,乍得政府向 的代理 特 别 代表 重申,乍得政府承诺充分遵守 2008 年 3 月 [...]
21 日《特派团地位协定》及其 2009 年 10 月 15 日修正案的所有规定,尤其会确保中乍特派团、特派团成员、承包商
及其车辆和飞机享有充分的行动自由,并根据《协定》及其修正案的规定,免除 一切税收、费用、收费和其他关税,时间期限为特派团整个任务期间,一直到特 派团清理结束,所有军事人员和文职人员最后离开乍得。
In order to enable MINURCAT to fulfil its mandate in
full, the Government of Chad
[...] reiterated to my Acting Special Representative its commitment [...]
to fully respect all provisions of
the Status of Mission Agreement of 21 March 2008 and its amendment of 15 October 2009, and in particular to ensure full freedom of movement of MINURCAT, its members and its contractors, as well as of their vehicles and aircraft, and to grant exemptions from all taxes, fees, charges and other duties, as provided under the Agreement and its amendment, for the whole duration of the mandate of the Mission, but also until its liquidation and the final departure of all its military and civilian personnel from Chad.
i. 旅行社仅能担任旅客而非承运 的代理 人 ,而且获充分授权可在制定航海及任何相关旅行计划、住宿和旅游 或任何事务中为及代表其代理人,包括但不限于与承运人签订航行合约、领取承运人所开的任何票、进行预 约、修改或取消任何预约、签署任何文件和支付及收取任何资金。
the Travel Agent acts solely as the Guest's agent and not the Carrier's and is fully authorised to act for and on his behalf in making any arrangement for the Cruise and any related travel, lodging and tours or in any matter whatsoever including but not limited to entering into a Passage Contract with the Carrier, collecting any ticket issued by the Carrier, making, amending or canceling any reservation, signing any document whatsoever, and paying and receiving any funds.




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