

单词 代数几何学

See also:

代数学 n

algebra n


algebra (as branch of math.)

几何 adj

geometrical adj


how much

External sources (not reviewed)

透过他的工作以及他对同行的影响,他领导着微分几何学的发展,使微分几何学与几何学的几乎所有范畴交叉影响,这些范畴包括了拓 学 、 代数几何学 、 积 分几何学、复几何学、外微分系统、整体分析和偏微分方程。
Through it and his influence on colleagues, Chern guided the field of differential geometry and led it into interaction with essentially all aspects of geometry, including topology, algebraic geometry, integral geometry, complex geometry, exterior differential systems, global analysis, and partial differential equations.
康采维奇 (Maxim Kontsevich),以表彰他代数、几何和 数学 物 理 ,特别是形变量子化,Motivic积分和镜像对称的开创性工作。
Awarded to Professor Maxim Kontsevich, Permanent Professor
at l’Institut des
[...] Hautes Études Scientifiques, France for his pioneering works in algebra, geometry and mathematical physics and [...]
in particular deformation
quantization, motivic integration and mirror symmetry.
伊万杰里斯塔·托里切利(1608--1647)是意大利物理学家 数 学 家,他发明了气温 计,他几何学方面 的工作在积分学的创建中起了很大作用。
Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) was an Italian
[...] physicist and mathematician who invented the barometer and whose work in geometry aided in the [...]
eventual development of integral calculus.
瓦赞教授代数几何方面 的研究广为人所关注,她的工作是透过霍奇结构理论,研究射影和Kähler几何介面的拓扑结构。
Professor Voisin is noted
[...] for her work in algebraic geometry. Her work stands [...]
at the interface between projective and Kähler
geometries, using the theory of Hodge structures to study their topology.
不允许他学习任何的吠陀文本,以及他们在宗教仪式的参与仅限于 数几 个 微不足道的行为。
They were not allowed
[...] to learn any of the Vedic texts, and their participation in religious rites was limited to a few insignificant acts.
经过过去几个月在纽约、日内瓦、基加利、悉尼和利马举行广泛磋商并出席 与各国、国际及区域组织,以及民间社会 学 术 界 代 表 的 几 次 会议和磋商会之后, 我满意地注意到,大数相关 行为者确信需要在第三次双年度会议期间取得的成 就基础上产生具体成果,从而为 2012 [...]
After holding extensive consultations during the past months in New York, Geneva, Kigali, Sydney and Lima, and attending several meetings and consultations
[...] States, international and regional organizations, and representatives of the civil society and academia, I note with satisfaction [...]
that most of the actors
involved are convinced of the need to produce concrete results, building upon the achievements reached during the Third Biennial Meeting, laying the foundation for a successful Review Conference in 2012.
它断言关联到古典学的辛几何和 代数几何 这 两 种明显不同的几何在弦理论中是互为“镜像” 的。
The discovery by string theorists of “mirror
symmetry” led to a
[...] series of unexpected mathematical predictions which assert that two apparently different geometries appearing in string theory: symplectic geometry, which is [...]
connected with classical
mechanics, and algebraic geometry, are “mirror” to each other.
因为需要为未几代地球科学家制定环数据基 准,数 百年后,归档和访问这些数据集的能力可 能与数据本身同样至关重要。
Because of the need to develop an
[...] environmental data baseline for future generations of Earth scientists, [...]
the ability to archive and access
these digital data sets hundreds of years from now is perhaps as critical as the data itself.
由于各 种设施的现代化,西班牙出现了一些大型音乐周和音乐节,并造就 几代 才 华 横 溢的作曲家和演奏家,这些人见证了各种形式的音乐是 何 成 为西班牙人日常生 活的一部分。
Encouraged by this modernization, major
cycles and festivals have
[...] appeared, and several generations of composers and musicians of great intellectual standing have been trained – a reflection of how music in its various [...]
forms of expression
has become a part of people’s daily lives.
监督与评估报告显示,该项目在普及科 学,采用实用的动手学习方法教授科学 数学 , 与 尼日利亚 学 和 数学 教 师协会合作鼓励采 用创新的教学法,以及几个州 政府施加影响促使它们对本州学校的科学教育给予更有力的 支持方面,起到了推动作用。
Monitoring and evaluation reports suggest that the project has served a useful purpose in popularizing science, in the adoption of a practical hands-on
approach to teaching of
[...] science and mathematics, in stimulating innovative teaching methods in collaboration with the associations of science and mathematics teachers in Nigeria and in influencing several state governments [...]
to provide better
support to science education in their schools.
信息服务司也应确保,获得关键交 代 码 (使 用户能够读取、修改或删除 SAP 的何数据)的 审批标准,均记录在安全政策中 和得到数据所有人的核可。
ITSS should also ensure that the criteria for granting
access to critical transaction codes (which give
[...] users the ability to read, modify or delete any data in SAP) are documented in the security policy [...]
and authorized by data owners.
教学和科研涉及的领域包括代数 代数几何 、 偏微分方程、计算机制图、流 体力学、全纯动力学和叶状结构物、数理经 学 、 微 分几何、最优化、概率、动力系统和遍 历理论。
Teaching and research are done in the
[...] areas of algebra and algebraic geometry, partial differential equations, computer graphics, fluid dynamics, holomorphic dynamics and foliations, mathematical economics, [...]
differential geometry,
optimization, probability, dynamical systems and ergodic theory.
这种例子在陈教授的研究里比比皆是,包括透过曲率形式所引出的全纯向量丛的陈类定理;利用共形结构研究极小曲面和调和映像;复值 数 论 的 几何 化 ,以及CR结构 几何学。
Examples of this are evident throughout his work, including the introduction of the Chern classes of holomorphic vector bundles via curvature forms, the study of minimal surfaces and harmonic
maps using the conformal
[...] structure, Chern's geometrization of complex function theory, and the geometry of CR-structures.
球形左心室收缩功能最常用几何学 参 数 为 线性 测量的短轴缩短率(shortening fraction, [...]
SF)、 面积分数 变化和容积测量的射血分数(ejection fraction, EF)。
The most
[...] commonly used geometric parameters of global [...]
LV systolic function are the linear shortening fraction (SF), fractional
area change, and the volumetric ejection fraction (EF).
秘书处代表还 指出,巴巴多斯、多米尼加、圣基茨和尼维斯以及圣文森特和格林纳 丁斯的政府提交了延长体制建设项目的申请,但由于未能根据第 7 条上报一个或多个数据 上报类别的何数据, 或多年未上报数据,已实际上或有可能对《蒙特利尔议定书》违约。
The representative of the Secretariat also pointed out that the Governments of Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which had submitted requests for renewal of institutional strengthening projects, were in actual or potential noncompliance with the Montreal Protocol because they had failed to report under Article 7 any data in one [...]
or more of the reporting categories or years.
澳大利亚的英语学院课程设置十分灵活,从初级班到高级班应有尽有,而 学 生 几 乎 在 全年 何 时 间 都可以入学。
Australia’s flexible English
language institutions cater for
[...] everyone from beginner to advanced, and you can enrole at virtually any time of the year.
数学和几何学方面的科学 出版物均有关于他的记载。
He was mentioned in many scientific publications in the field of mathematics and geometry.
无论以何标准来衡量,气 象和气候学在过去十年都取得了显著进展,但只有 数几 个 最 不发达国家从中 受益,因为大多数这些国家没有能力利用气候知识及其潜在的好处。
By any standard, outstanding progress had been made in the science of weather and climate in the last decade, but only a few least developed [...]
countries had benefited from it because least developed countries lacked the
capacity to exploit climate knowledge and its potential benefits.
日本与联合国学向不 扩散条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会共同提交题为“推 动与民间社会合作,建立无核武器世界”的联合工作文件,其中的建议包括举办 民间社会和各国政府共同参加的裁军与不扩散教育全球论坛,以及采用 代数码 技 术记录原子弹爆炸幸存者的证言并流传后世。
Japan submitted a joint working paper with
[...] the United Nations University, entitled “Disarmament and non-proliferation education: promoting cooperation with civil society towards a world without nuclear weapons” for the 2010 NPT Review Conference, which included proposals such as holding a global forum on disarmament and non-proliferation education that would bring together civil society and Governments and employing modern technologies to digitally record Hibakusha’s [...]
testimonies and
to disseminate them to future generations.
(b) 任何代表团在一次会议上答辩的数 应 以 每个项目两次为限,第一次不 超过五分钟,第二次不超过三分钟。
(b) Shall be
[...] limited to two per item for any delegation at a given meeting, the first [...]
of which is not to exceed five minutes and the second three minutes.
几代人的构成的tannaim和亚摩兰历史框架序列可决定从犹太法典中的典故,轶事和来自院校的故事, 学 及 其 他有价值的材料,它展示的历史​​条件下,事件和人士的时间,而不是除在该事实已在传说或神话的外衣穿的案件。
The sequence of generations which constitute the framework of the history of the Tannaim and Amoraim may be determined from the allusions contained in the Talmud, from the anecdotes and stories of the academies, and from other valuable literary material, [...]
which exhibit the historical
conditions, events, and personages of the time, not excepting cases in which the facts have been clothed in the garb of legend or myth.
代表团 支持通过最大农药残留限量草案,忆及目前没有 学数 据 挑 战食品添 加剂联合专家委员会的评价。
Other delegations supported the adoption of the draft MRLs and recalled that presently there was no scientific data challenging the [...]
JECFA evaluation.
社会技术建议取得成功的另一个实例,是博爱工作团在正规和非正规教育机 构,根据教育家 Paiva Netto 设计的情感教育法和公民大公教育法,对从老到幼几代人实施的学习和互动方案。
Another successful example of a recommendation of social technology is the learning and interaction programme applied by the Legion of Good Will for people of various generations within the scope of both formal and informal education and based on the pedagogy of affection and on the ecumenical citizen pedagogy, devised by educator Paiva Netto.
数情况下,一般变化速度缓慢,表明在未来几十年 几代 同 堂的居住安排,在发 展中国家仍然会比在发达国家普遍。
The average pace of change is in most cases modest, suggesting that co-residence may remain much more common in developing than in developed countries for decades to come.
这些估数 表明,1970 年代,几乎所有国家都存在女童死亡率过高问题,这一问题持续很长 一段时间以后才消失,并且最近一段时间已不再明显。
The estimates indicate that, in almost all countries with [...]
excess female child mortality in the 1970s, such an excess disappeared
over time and was no longer evident in the most recent period.
事实上,它们还应当向国际社会解释,它们何 催促 安理会对一个只是力图行使其不可剥夺的合法 权利的国家采取行动,同时同样是这 数几 个 国 家又 千方百计地阻止安全理事会对以色列政权践踏国际 法和国际人道主义法最基本原则(如戈德斯通报告 (A/HRC/12/48)所述)采取行动,一再阻止本机构采 取行动制止犹太复国主义大规模侵犯巴勒斯坦人民 和黎巴嫩人民?
Indeed, they should also explain to the
[...] international community why they are pushing the Council to take action against a nation that is only trying to exercise its legal and inalienable rights, while at the same time the same few countries resort [...]
to every possible effort
to prevent the Security Council from taking action against the Israeli regime’s violations of the most basic principles of international law and international humanitarian law, as documented by the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), and have repeatedly prevented this body from moving to stop the massive aggression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.
这部作品的作者是 Ibn al-Majdī(1366-1447 年 [伊斯兰教纪元 767-850 年]),他是一位著名数学家、 几何学 家 兼 天文学家。
The author of this work, Ibn al-Majdī (1366-1447 [767-850 A.H.]), was a renowned mathematician, geometrician, and astronomer.
为了达到上述目的,《指示》规定,教科文组织亦可:“(a) 以学代理人的身份,负责传播 本组织以知识产权形式拥有的财产,并为此将权利转让给出版图书或期刊及通过其他 何 图 画 文字 形式传播信息和知识的机构和公共或私人实体; (b) 以提供服务或补助金的形式,向那些可能愿意帮 助实施本组织出版计划的个人或外界组织出版的著作提供援助;(c) 研究并建议采用不同于印刷品的 任何其他现有的或潜在的出版形式。
To achieve those aims, the Directives
provide that UNESCO may:
[...] “(a) act as a literary agent with responsibility for disseminating the intellectual property in its possession by the transfer of rights to public or private bodies and entities concerned with the publication of books or periodicals and with the dissemination of information and knowledge through any other form [...]
of graphic expression;
(b) provide assistance, in the form of services or subventions, for works published by individuals or organizations outside UNESCO which can be held to assist in the implementation of the Organization’s publications programme; (c) study and consider the production of all other types of publication, existing or likely to be introduced, apart from printed matter.
尽管在入学率方面有所进展,但是教育系统仍面临重大挑战:向被排斥在教 育系统之外的人们提供支持;内部效率低下,导致难以把儿童留在学校;教学质
[...] 将这些投入转化为成果的能力较弱;对学校、校长、教师的监督不足,原因是学 校和教师的人数急剧增加,学校督 导员的 数几 乎 没 有增加;专业培训和学习 及扫盲计划的提供方法不明确。
Despite gains in enrolment, the education system continues to face major challenges: support for those who are excluded from the system; poor internal efficiency, which leads to difficulty in keeping children in school; poor quality of instruction; unsatisfactory administrative and instructional management, resulting in an allocation of human, material and financial resources that is inconsistent with goals and relatively weak capacity to transform those inputs into results; inadequate oversight of schools, principals and teachers owing to a dramatic increase in the
number of schools and
[...] teachers coupled with virtually no increase in the number [...]
of school inspectors; and ill-defined approaches
to the provision of professional training and learning and literacy programmes.
若干代表在讨论中表示 该计划为帮助各国执行 蒙特利尔议定书 提供 了宝贵的基础 并可以成为一个灵活的指南 来帮助各执行机构和双边机构进行业 务规划 不应把该计划视为一项硬性的文书 而是应该参照经验对其进行增订乃至 可能的修改 若代表指出 在决定了下一次资金补充的数额之前 该文件中开列 的何数字都只能是指示性的
In the discussion, several representatives expressed the view that the plan constituted a valuable basis for assisting countries to comply with the Montreal Protocol and could be a flexible guide to help implementing agencies and bilateral agencies in their business planning.




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