

单词 代扣

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

但 是,稅 務 法 規 及 相 關 稅 收 協 議 另 有 規 定 的,本 公 司 將 按 照 相 關
[...] 規 定 的 稅 率 和 程代 扣 代 繳 股 息 的 個 人 所 得 稅。
Unless otherwise specified by the relevant tax regulations and tax agreements, in which case the Company will withhold individual income tax of such
dividend in accordance with the tax rates and according to the
[...] relevant procedures as specified by the relevant [...]
如果 某个国家没有适用于卢森堡SICAV/ SICAF的相关征税条约,那么有几种可 能方案可以减轻甚至避代扣税。
When there is no tax treaty application to a Luxembourg SICAV/
SICAF for a particular country, there are however several possibilities to mitigate or
[...] even avoid the withholding tax costs.
有些国家可能会认为,在对第 14 条所述服务的收入征税时,可采取按毛 代扣 的 方 式扣除,而不允许任何减税。
Some countries may take the position that
income from services under article 14 may be taxed by way of
[...] withholding on a gross basis without allowing any deductions.
本公司將嚴格依法或相關政府部門的要求並嚴格依照登 記日的本公司H股股東名代扣代繳企 業所得稅。
The Company will strictly comply with the laws and the requirements of relevant government
departments, and will withhold and pay the
[...] enterprise income tax on behalf of its shareholders [...]
whose names appear on the H-share register
of the Company on the record date.
行 使 股 票 增 值 權 時,承 授 人 將 收 取 一 筆
[...] 款 項(須 繳 付 適 用代 扣 稅),其 款 額 相 當 於 行 [...]
使 股 票 增 值 權 的 數 目 乘 以 行 權 時 的 行 權 價 與H 股 市 價 差 額 的 總 額。
Upon exercise of the SAR, the grantee will receive payment,
[...] subject to any withholding tax, equal to [...]
the product of the number of SAR exercised
and the difference between the exercise price and market price of H Shares at the time of exercise.
對於 任何因股東身份未能及時確定或確定不準而提出的任何 要求或代扣代繳安排的爭議,本公司將不會對股東負 責任及不予受理,但本公司可以在適當能力範圍內提供 協助。
The Company will take no responsibility and will reject any requests from shareholders whose identity cannot be confirmed within the specified time or cannot be confirmed at all nor will the Company handle any disputes arising from the arrangement of withholding tax or paying tax.
具 體 詳 見 本 公 司 於 2009年5月26日 發 佈 的《發 行 紅 股 及 派 發 股 息 股 票 及 支 票 的 寄 發 日 期 及 開 始 買 賣 的
[...] 日 期 為 非 居 民 企 業 股代扣企業所得稅 》公告以及於2009年5月2'日的發佈的《二○○八年度利潤分配及資本公積金轉增股本公告 》。
For details please refer to the announcement of the Company “Bonus Shares Issue and Dividends payment, Date of Dispatch of Shares Certificates and Cheques,
Date of Commencement
[...] of Dealings, Withholding of En terpriseIncomeTaxforNon-resident,EnterpriseShareh olders”dated 2 6May2009andthe“Announcement [...] [...]
of profit distribution and capitalisation of capital reserves for 2008” dated 2' May 2009.
[...] 的所有欧盟成员国(比利时自2010年  1月1日起决定停止实施过渡代扣 税)、某些关联与附属领地以及一些 [...]
第三方国家,如今可以自动交换关于 产生于本国跨境欧盟利息款项的信 息。
Following this agreement, all EU Member States – with the exception of Austria and Luxembourg only
(Belgium has decided to discontinue applying
[...] the transitional withholding tax as of 1 January [...]
2010 and exchanging information as
of that date) – certain associated and dependent territories, as well as some third countries, are now automatically exchanging information on cross-border EU interest payments originating in their territories.
新訂的第 62B
[...] 條,是因應《道路交通(違例駕駛記分)條例》所有有關 條文的中文文本中,以“記分”代 “ 扣 分 ”後,我們相應以 扣 減 ” 取代 “補 回”,以便更準確反映英文文本中的“deducted”或“deduction”的涵 義。
" in the Chinese text wherever it appears in the provisions concerned in the Road Traffic (Driving-offence
Points) Ordinance, so as to better
[...] reflect the meaning of the terms "deducted" or "deduction" used in the English version.
為使中文文本的意思更為清晰,並使該條例的用詞與第375章的 名稱相符,政府當局建議⎯⎯ (a)
[...] 在第375章及第374B章第12I和 12L條的中文文本,以" 記分"取 代 " 扣分";
(a) substitute the term "記分" for
[...] "扣分" in the Chinese text wherever it appears [...]
in Cap. 375 and in Regulations 12I and 12L of Cap. 374B; and
根據財政部及國家稅務總局的聯合通知財稅 [2008]第1號,外資企業僅對2008年1月1日之前 賺取的溢利分派予外國投資者時不受條例限制,可豁 代扣 所 得 稅。
According to a joint circular of Ministry of Finance and the State Administrative of Taxation of the PRC, Cai Shui 2008 No. 1, only the profits earned by foreign-investment enterprise
prior to 1st January, 2008, when distributed to foreign investors, can be grandfathered
[...] and exempted from withholding tax.
然而,在其之後產生的 溢利所分派的股息則須徵收5%的企業所得稅,及根據企業所得稅法第3及27條及其實施細則 第91條由中國附屬公代扣。
Whereas, dividend distributed out of the profits generated thereafter, shall be subject to EIT at 5% and withheld by the PRC subsidiary, pursuant to Articles 3 and 27 of the EIT Law and Article 91 of its Detailed Implementation Rules.
本次活动的合格消费是指花旗礼享卡在活动期间内刷卡消费中可以累计积分的消费交易,合格消费中不包括房地产类、汽车销售类、批发类、医院类、学校类、慈善机构类 代扣代 缴 类 、船只销售类、法庭费用类、政府机构类、大型企业批发类、烟草配送类、保险销售类、保险业和保险金类、直销类、当铺类、县乡优惠-房产汽车类、县乡优惠-批发类、县乡优惠-超市加油类、三农商户类消费,也不包括网上消费、银行费用(包括信用卡年费、信用卡利息及罚息、预借现金及手续费、逾期滞纳金及其他各类依《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)章程》及《花旗银行信用卡(个人卡)领用合约》约定的费用)以及花旗银行规定的其他项目。
Qualified spending in this promotion refers to Citibank Rewards Card transactions that can accumulate reward points within the promotional period, excluding spending in the following categories: real estate, auto
mobile sales, wholesale, hospitals,
[...] schools, charities, withholding and remittance [...]
of fees, vessel sales, court fees, government
agencies, wholesale by large-scale enterprises, tobacco distribution, insurance sales, insurance industry and premiums, direct sales, pawnshops, county and township preferences – real estate and automobiles, county and township preferences – wholesale, county and township preferences – supermarket and refueling, and merchants involving peasants, agriculture, and rural areas.
當該等股份其後重新發行,所收取 代 價 ( 扣 除 任 何直接應佔增量交易成本及有關所得稅 影響)計入本公司股東應佔權益中。
Where such shares are subsequently reissued, any consideration received, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs and the related income tax effects, is included in equity attributable to the Company’s equity holders.
但无论收入是否在意大利产生他们有义务 呈报税表,除非此收入须缴纳替代税,或此收入的支付者已 扣代 缴 税 项。
They are obliged to file a tax return regarding the income that is considered to arise in
Italy, unless such income is
[...] subject to a substitute tax or to a final withholding tax deducted by the payer [...]
of the income.
要享受最多 35% 的优惠,会员必须在预订时提供相应的 扣代 码。
To receive up to 35% off, members must supply
[...] the appropriate discount code at time [...]
of reservation.
Discount Code
當任何集團公司購買本公司之權益股本(庫存股份),所繳付 代 價 ( 包括任 扣 除 所 得稅 之直接應佔增量成本)自本公司股東應佔權益中扣除,直至該等股份註銷或重新發行為止。
Where any group company purchases the Company’s equity share capital
(treasury shares),
[...] the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs (net of income taxes) is deducted from equity [...]
attributable to the Company’s
equity holders until the shares are cancelled or reissued.
Got a discount code?
根 據 收 購 建 議 就 收 購
[...] 股 份 及 購 股 權 應 付之現代 價 款 項(扣 除 賣 方 之 從 價 印 花 稅 ), [...]
將 盡 快 以 普 通郵 遞 方 式 寄 發 予 接 納 獨 立 股 東 , 郵 誤 風 險 由
彼 等 自 行 承 擔 , 惟 無 論 如 何 於 登 記 處 收 到 所 有 相 關 文 件 致 使 該 獨 立 股 東 及 獨 立 購 股 權 持 有 人 根 據 收 購 建 議 作 出 之 接 納 完 整 及 有 效 當 日 起 計 10 天 內 寄 發 。
Remittances in respect
[...] of the cash consideration (after deducting the seller’s [...]
ad valorem stamp duty) payable for the Offer
Shares and the Share Options under the Offers will be posted to the accepting Independent Shareholders by ordinary post at their own risk as soon as possible, but in any event within 10 days of the date of receipt by the Registrar of all the relevant documents of title to render the acceptance by such Independent Shareholder and Independent Optionholders under the Offers complete and valid.
根據營業租約 而需支付之租金扣除自出租人收取之任何獎勵金後)於全面收益表中入賬,並按有關 租約年期以直線法計算。
Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are expensed in the statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
營業額主要包括收費電視及互聯網用戶服務的訂購、服務及相關收費、互聯網協定接駁 點批發服務,並包扣除代理商費用後之廣告收入、頻道服務及傳送服務費、節目特許 [...]
Turnover comprises principally subscription, service and related fees for Television and Internet services, Internet Protocol Point wholesale
services and includes advertising income
[...] net of agency deductions, channel service [...]
and distribution fees, programme licensing
income, film exhibition and distribution income, network maintenance income, and other related income.
假若飛利浦對合營公司供應商宣稱擁有任何3D專利權,而該名供應商就任何供 給合營公司用於許可地區的飛利浦品牌範圍內產品的顯示屏或組件的相關3D專
[...] 利權,支付許可使用費予飛利浦,則飛利浦須向合營公司支付從所供應顯示屏 或組件收取的3D專利權許可使用費收益 扣 除 任 何費用 代 理 費、銀行及行政費 用後)的70%。
In the event Philips asserts any 3D Patents against suppliers of JVCo, and where such a supplier pays Philips a royalty for any 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components supplied to JVCo for use in Philips-branded Scope Products in the Territory, Philips will pay to
JVCo 70% of the 3D Patent
[...] royalty revenue (after deduction of any taxes, agent fees, bank [...]
and administration costs) it has
received for such supplied display panels or components.
倘二零一一年除稅後淨利潤低於人民幣16,500,000元,而賠償高於餘下現金代價, 則買方毋須向賣方支付任何餘下現 代 價 , 且賣方支付賠償之責任 扣 減 餘 下現 代 價 之全 數金額。
Where 2011 NPAT is less than RMB16,500,000 and the Compensation exceeds the Remaining Cash Consideration, the Purchaser is not required
to pay any of the
[...] Remaining Cash Consideration to the Vendor and the obligation of the Vendor to pay the Compensation shall be reduced by the full amount of the Remaining Cash Consideration.
不过,从应计利润分配的纳税年度开始或在 2008 年 1 月 1 日以后,如果该股息实益所有人是一家在
[...] 另一个欧盟成员国缴纳企业所得税的公司,或其它欧洲经济区内与意大利税务机关有充分资料交换基 制的国家的公司,支付的上述扣代 缴 股 息税减少至 1.375%。
However, starting from the distribution of profits accrued in taxable years starting on or after 1 January 2008, the above withholding tax on dividends is reduced to 1.375%, provided that the beneficial owner of the dividends is a company that is subject to corporate income tax in another European Union Member State, or in
another State of the European Economic Area that allows an adequate exchange of information
[...] with the Italian tax authorities.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅度扣;(b ) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 [...]
地减少本组织网络意外停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用户电话程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach
provides the following benefits: (a)
[...] significant worldwide discounts for all locations; [...]
(b) speedier diagnosis of problems,
thereby minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones at all offices.
[...] 30A(5)條,凡已容許納稅人就長 者住宿照顧開支作扣除,該納稅人或任何其他人士無權在同 一課稅年度申領同一名父母/祖父母或外祖父母的供養父母/ [...]
According to sections 30(5) and 30A(5) of the
[...] Ordinance, should the deduction for elderly residential [...]
care expenses be allowed to a taxpayer,
the taxpayer or any other person is not entitled to claim dependent parent/grandparent allowances for the same parent/grandparent for the same year of assessment.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家
组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何
[...] 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地 代 表 性 方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 [...]
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address
gaps in the roster, especially in gender
[...] and geographic representation, and determining [...]
the mobility opportunities for staff
members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.




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