单词 | 代入 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 代入 —substitute into
把压板长度L和液压压力代入「规 格栏」中的各个计算公式中即可算出夹紧力。 kosmek.co.jp | Clamp force is found by substituting lever length and [...] hydraulic pressure in the formulas in the specifications column. kosmek.co.jp |
将压板长度L和供给油压P代入各规格栏的计算式,即可求得夹紧力F。 kosmek.co.jp | The clamping force F can [...] be calculated by inputting the lever length [...]and hydraulic supply pressure in the formula in the specification column. kosmek.co.jp |
風險經調整 [...] WACC=13.01%+2.5%+2.01%=17.52%, 代 入 方 程 式 (1)獲 得 天 基 採 [...]納 的 風 險 經 調 整 市 盈 率 10.75。 cre8ir.com | Risk adjusted [...] WACC=13.01%+2.5%+2.01%=17.52%, substituting into equation (1) to [...]obtain the risk adjusted price earnings multiple of 10.75 adopted by GA. cre8ir.com |
它興旺,直到20世紀20年代入無人 之境,然後,以抵禦市場危機的滄桑,威廉·名士加入保羅。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It thrives unhindered until the 1920s, then, to withstand the vicissitudes of a market crisis, [...] William Baume Mercier joins Paul. en.horloger-paris.com |
(b) 在被判定為無競爭的scrum時,假如有前排球員受傷,若有後補前排球員可 替代入場,則其他球員不能替代進場。 irblaws.com | (b) If uncontested scrums have been ordered and there is an injury to a front row player which requires that [...] player to be replaced and there is a front [...] row player available to replace that player [...]then the front row player replacement [...]must be used rather than players other than front row replacements. irblaws.com |
代入方程 式 8 可得出测得的 RI 峰面积与浓度峰面积(推导)成正比例关系。 malvern.com.cn | Substitution from equation 8 shows [...] that the measured area of the RI peak is proportional to the area of the (derived) concentration peak. malvern.ru |
在 “ 鑒於” 之前加上“ [...] 近年越來越多市民關注本港的文化藝術發 展,而”;在“藝術政策,”之後加上“並從年輕 一 代入 手 , 培育他 們的文化藝術素質,讓他們將來成為各項文藝活動的觀眾或聽 眾;相關措施應包括”;在 [...]“教育普及化”之後刪除“,”,並 [...] 以 “等, 以 ”代替;及在“硬件建設形式”之後加上“,從而提高市民整體的 文化藝術修養”。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "," after "That" and substitute with "in recent years more and more people are concerned about the cultural and artistic development in Hong Kong, and"; to delete "promote and [...] popularize" after "art [...] policy, and" and substitute with "start with the young generations by nurturing [...]their cultural and artistic [...]qualities, so that they may become audience of various cultural and artistic activities in the future; the relevant measures should include promoting and popularizing"; to add "etc.," after "basic education,"; and to add ", thereby upgrading the overall cultural and artistic qualities of the public" after "hardware facility in form". legco.gov.hk |
舉例來說,教師可向能力稍遜的學生提問簡單的問題(例如:若這多 項式除以x−3 ,應將甚麼值的x 代入該多項式才能求得餘數? 3890.com.hk | For example, they can ask less able students simple questions (e.g. If this polynomial is divided by x - 3, what value of x should be put into the polynomial to obtain the remainder? 3890.com.hk |
鑒於業界一 直以來均指出建造業工種難以吸引新 一 代入 行 , 當局可否告知本委員會 devb.gov.hk | Since the construction industry has pointed out [...] time and again that it is difficult to [...] attract younger generation to the trade, would [...]the Administration inform this Committee devb.gov.hk |
将方程式 6 代入方程式 5 再次得到方程式 4 malvern.com.cn | Substitution of equation 6 into equation [...] 5 yields equation 4 again. malvern.ru |
在实际应用中,最大压力往往小于最大压力极限曲线所示值, 或者小于将修正系数代入具体 密封面材料曲线所计算出的压力 值。 johncrane.com | The maximum pressure for a particular application is the lesser of the maximum pressure limit curve or the pressure calculated when the multiplier factors are applied to the specific seal face material curve. johncrane.com |
由 于 这 项 研 究 引 用 的 「 香 港 中 学 生 食 物 消 费 量 调 查 」 没 有 「 香 料 」 消 费 量 的 个 别 数 据 , 为 要 估 计 消 费 者 从 进 食 「 香 料 」 摄 入 的 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 量 , 我 们 借 用 了 欧 洲 联 盟 [...] SCOOP 项 目 3.2.7 中 的 「 香 料 」 消 费 量 数 [...] 据 ( 意 大 利 人 的 消 费 量 ) 作 代 入 数 , 即 每 天 一 般 人 的 消 费 [...]量 为 2.1 克 , 摄 入 量 高 的 消 费 者 ( 百 分 [...]位 第 95 位 ) 的 消 费 量 为 6.5 克 。 cfs.gov.hk | In this study, separate consumption data for spices is not available from the food consumption data source, “FEHD Food Consumption Survey 2000”. In order to estimate dietary exposure of ochratoxin A due to spices, the consumption levels for spices used by the SCOOP [...] task 3.2.7 (Italian food consumption [...] data) were used as a surrogate value, i.e. 2.1 g and [...]6.5 g per person per day for the [...]average and high (95th percentile) consumer respectively. cfs.gov.hk |
您一定有过这样的经历,当您在网上发现一款让您尖叫的手表“哇噻,这真是一款绝妙的/超酷的/与众不同的/特别的/运动型/疯狂的( 请 代入 相 应的形容词)美表。 iontime.ch | You’ve surely experienced the situation already, where you discover a timepiece on a website and you think “Wow, this is such an amazing/ cool/ different/ special/ sporty/ crazy (use word accordingly) beauty. iontime.ch |
以 “正式域名”输入 “代理地址”(例如, FTP.acme.com)或输入为 [...] IP 地址。 graphics.kodak.com | Enter the Proxy Address in the form of [...] a Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g., FTP.acme.com) or as an IP address. graphics.kodak.com |
若要取消菜单保护, 须输入正确代码访问菜单, 选择菜单内“菜单进入”(MENU ENTRY) 项, 然后再 次输入代码关掉菜单保护。 grindingcontrol.com | To disable menu [...] protection, enter the correct code to access the menu, select the MENU ENTRY item from the menu, and enter the code again to turn off the protection. grindingcontrol.com |
放 棄 這些於延長專營權的時期內的收入,代 表 將來的納稅人須補 貼 目前和將來的駕駛者。 forum.gov.hk | Forgoing such revenue for the duration [...] of the extended franchise would mean that future taxpayers would subsidize current and future motorists. forum.gov.hk |
如果发 言者的讲话与讲稿有出入,代表团 应该知道听众所听到的口译将不一定 与代表团分发给听众和新闻界的译稿一样。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the speaker [...] deviates from the text, delegations should be aware [...]that the interpretation heard by the audience will not [...]necessarily correspond to the translation that they may have distributed to the audience and the press. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须 为 Crimson 事先并不知晓的通用语言手动输入代 码。 redlion.net | You must enter the code manually [...] for Generic languages of which Crimson has no prior knowledge. redlion.net |
在“(八)”之後刪除“進一步推動”,並以“延長”代替;在“石油 氣小巴資助計劃及”之後刪除“將該計劃擴展至”,並以“推動”代 替;在“(九)”之後刪除“研究”,並以“加快”代替;及在“積極 引入”之後刪除“其他種類的環保車輛和”,並以“以汽油和電力混 合推動,以及使用氫或天然氣等作燃料的環保車輛,包括中重型貨車 及巴士;並提供稅務優惠和引入”代 替。 legco.gov.hk | To delete "further promoting" after "(h)" and substitute with "prolonging"; to delete "extending it to" after "light buses and" and substitute with "promoting the switch of"; to add "to LPG" after "light goods vehicles"; to delete "considering" after "(i)" and substitute with "expediting"; to delete "other types of" after "vigorously introducing"; and to delete "and" after "environmentally friendly vehicles" and substitute with "which run on a combination of petrol and electricity, hydrogen or natural gas, etc, including heavy and medium goods vehicles as well as buses; offering tax concessions and introducing". legco.gov.hk |
这符合自由之家组 织提出的 2011 年自由地图的结果,其中没有将科索 沃归入代议民主政体。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is consistent with the results of the 2011 Map of Freedom put out by Freedom House, which does not classify Kosovo as an electoral democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会 多次讨论了非成员进入“代表静 室”的问题和新闻界人士 进 入 “ 代 表 静 室”入口 附近的问题,以确保进入安理会的方式与搬迁前一样。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council discussed, on numerous occasions, access issues of non-members to the “quiet room” and of the press to the area around its entrance in order to ensure equivalent access as before the Council’s relocation. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家元首、政府首脑随行侍从武官、翻译、 医生、媒体和警卫人员不列入代表团 正式名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | The names of aides de camp, interpreters, physicians, media and [...] security personnel accompanying a Head of State or Government [...] should not be included in the official list of delegation. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 息差收入代表淨 投資收入(或就英國年金新業務而言為保費收入)及計入保單持有人賬戶的金額之間的差額, [...] 不包括超出償付股東支持保單持有人負債部分的資產的長期投資回報(已獨立披露為股東資產預期回報)。 prudential.co.uk | (i) Spread income represents the difference [...] between net investment income (or premium income in the case of the UK annuities [...]new business) and amounts credited to policyholder accounts. prudential.co.uk |
如果您在插入代码后 选择了编辑选项卡,您会看到聊天按钮。 providesupport.cn | When you select the [...] Edit tab after inserting the code, you [...]should see the live chat button. providesupport.com |
GCM提供了在应用服务器和Android设备之间 引 入代 理 的 能力,以保障两者之间可伸缩的云通信。 infoq.com | GCM offers the ability to introduce a broker in between an application server and Android devices, guaranteeing cloud-type scalable communication between the two parties. infoq.com |
为了帮助用户排除故障,赫 斯基要求您在此输入代码以收集信息。 husky.ca | To aid in troubleshooting, Husky [...] may ask you to enter a code here to [...]gather information. husky.ca |
这些指示涉及缔约方提交的如下方面的报告:《公约》执行情 [...] 况、列入《急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录》中的遗产、接受和处理报告以及非《公约》缔 约国关于列入《代表作 名录》的遗产的报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These directives concern the reports by States Parties on the implementation of the Convention and on elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, the receipt and processing of [...] reports, as well as the reports by States non party to the [...] Convention on elements inscribed on the Representative List. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同时,杰里米和其他怪物的战斗停用塔,钵水母纲拥有的Aelita和她 输 入代 码 : XANA的方式塔,擦好,离开沙漠部门Lyoko有两个主要部门 [...] - 山部门和冰部门。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, as Jeremy and the others are fighting monsters to [...] deactivate the tower, the Scyphozoa possesses [...] Aelita and has her enter Code:XANA into [...]the way tower, wiping out The Desert Sector [...]for good and leaving Lyoko with two main Sectors – The Mountain Sector and The Ice Sector. seekcartoon.com |
输入代码、 填写表格,然后您便能成为“Scavolini [...] 万无一失”项目的主要参与者!此项目专为购买过 Scavolini 厨房产品、并且愿意分享自己的期望以及那些为房中的重要房间得以充分利用而提出建议的所有消费者服务。 scavolini.cn | Enter the code, complete [...] the form and you can also become a lead player in the Scavolini No Problem project, dedicated to [...]all those who have bought a Scavolini kitchen and want to share desires and make suggestions to enjoy at best of the most important room in the house. scavolini.us |