

单词 仙山



jeweled palace in the fairy mountain

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

莫應帆議員問:主席先生,仙嶺山 火 釀成多人燒死及嚴重 燒傷的慘劇,引起市民關注。
MR MOK YING-FAN asked (in Cantonese):
[...] The Pat Sin Leng hill fire tragedy, which [...]
resulted in a number of deaths and critical
burns cases, has aroused public concern.
(1) 從劉先生提供的圖 AP-2 可見,上訴地點位於仙嶺山麓上 的一個林木區,毗鄰八仙嶺郊野公園(近至 [...]
25 米 ),周圍是 山丘、林地及雜草叢生的休耕農地。
(1) The Site is situated in a woodland
[...] area on the upper foothills of Pat Sin Leng and [...]
in close proximity (as close as 25
metres) to Pat Sin Leng Country Park, and surrounded by hills, woodland and fallow agricultural land covered with grass as shown in Plan AP-2 produced by Mr. Lau.
當日,除了有「香港人力資源管理學會」代表講解就業市場的概況外,我們更邀請到2009年香港十大傑出青年張潤衡先生(1996年 仙 嶺 山 火 意 外生還者),與青少年分享他逆境成長經驗;以及電訊盈科有限公司旗下香港電訊有限公司代表介紹職位空缺及就業前景。
Apart from briefing by representative of HKIHRM on labour market information, we have invited Mr. Stanley Cheung Yun-hang, one of the Hong Kong Ten
Outstanding Young Persons 2009 (survivor
[...] of the Pat Sin Leng Country Park Hillfire accident [...]
in 1996) to share with young people
his life experience under adversity, and representatives from HKT of PCCW Limited to introduce the job vacancies of the company and career prospects.
(b) 竹園區 :
[...] 由於在鄰近已有三個港鐵車站(樂富、黃仙及鑽石山),足 以應付現在及未來的乘客需求, 因此我們沒採納有關建議。
(b) Chuk Yuen: The area is currently served by three MTR stations in the vicinity,
[...] namely Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sin and Diamond Hill.
目前已有專線小巴及專營巴士往來慈 山 與 地 鐵黃 仙 站 和鑽 石山 站,提供方便的接駁服務。
There is already a network of green mini-buses and
franchised buses providing convenient feeder services
[...] between Tsz Wan Shan and the MTR Wong Tai Sin and Diamond Hill Stations.
[...] 12:37,载满140位之韩国首尔韩亚航空之包机抵达仙台,候客厅里有宫城县观光宣传活动饭团卡通造型玩偶『MUSUBIMARU』、宫城县 仙 台 市 、 山 形 县 之女将(女掌柜)、观光事业之有关人员、以及行政机关人员等,满脸笑容并且用韩语说着「你好」出迎等候,同时也亲手传递了装有仙台名糕点以及挂链、饮料、观光手册等之礼物袋。
Led by the Miyagi’s PR character “Musubi-maru”,
landladies of Ryokan (Japanese-style
[...] inns) in Miyagi and Yamagata, tourism trade professionals [...]
as well as staff from administrative
bodies welcomed them with smile, saying “annyeonghaseyo”.
在黃仙慈雲山 道重置中華基督 教會基慈小學 向財務委員會建議,把 23EA 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 8,970 萬元,用以在黃仙慈雲山道重置中華基督教 會基慈小學。
To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 23EA to Category A at an estimated cost of $89.7 million in moneyof-the-day prices for the reprovisioning of The Church of Christ in China Kei Tsz Primary School at Tsz Wan Shan Road, Wong Tai Sin.
例如一些較新的屋邨,即已興建一段時間,但只在數年前才入伙那些,例如 黃仙上邨、慈山的所 有公屋或秀茂坪等,總之是入住了屋邨五六年至七 [...]
In the case of some more recent housing estates, that is, those which had been completed for some time but were only offered for occupation a few years ago, such as the Upper Wong
Tai Sin Estate, all the public
[...] housing estates in Tsz Wan Shan, Sau Mau Ping, and so [...]
on, that is, all those housing estates
which have been occupied for some five to seven years, the residents there all think that the rent is very high.
此外,政府正計劃將四幅 分別位於慈山、黃大仙、觀 塘及田灣的前房屋署職員宿舍用地發展成紀律部隊宿舍。
Besides, the Government is planning to redevelop four
ex-quarters sites of the Housing
[...] Department at Tsz Wan Shan, Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong [...]
and Tin Wan respectively into DSQs.
2010 年,樹木、灌木和時花的種植量 較 2009 年明顯上升,主要是因為東涌、黃 仙 和 馬 鞍 山 數 個 休憩用地工程項目 下的種植工程,以及按市區綠化總綱圖進行的種植工程完工。
The notable increase in the number of trees, shrubs and seasonal flowers in 2010, as compared with 2009, was mainly attributed to the completion of planting works in a number of open space projects in Tung Chung, Wong Tai Sin and Ma On Shan as well as the planting works implemented under the urban Greening Master Plans.
特别是横跨盐原、内堀、粟田的多饭 山 ( 海 拔1040m)的 仙 社 ,也就是盐原的多 山 医 王 寺的镇守社,作为伯耆大山寺的直辖特许参拜地,成为了周边地区人们大山信仰的中心。
Oigatsujiyama (1040m), which covers the Shiohara, Utsubori, and Awata areas, is the tutelary shrine of Tahanzan Ioji Shrine of Shiohara and has been the core of faith in Daisen among people in the surrounding area for its dignity as the direct gomenhaisho of Daisen Shrine in Hoki.
應主席的建議,運輸及房屋局副秘書長( 運 輸 )3同意先蒐集相關區議會的意見,然後才於 山頂 道及馬仙峽道 安裝新的偵速攝影機箱。
At the suggestion of the Chairman, DS(T) agreed to gauge the views of the relevant District Councils before the installation of the new SEC housings at Old Peak Road and Magazine Gap Road.
(ii) 在黃仙區的鑽石山更換直徑介乎 150 毫米至 200 毫米、長約 1.4 公里的食水管和 0.8 公里的 海水管,並更換相關的供水駁喉;以及 (iii) 在深水 和長沙灣地區更換直徑介乎 100 毫米 至 700 毫米、長約 2.1 公里的食水管和 1.7 公里 的海水管,並更換相關的供水駁喉。
(ii) the replacement of about 1.4 km of fresh water mains and 0.8 km of salt water mains ranging from 150 mm to 200 mm in diameter and the associated service connections in the Diamond Hill areas in the Wong Tai Sin District; and
仙 及 飛 鵝 山 的 危險山 坡 工 程 揭 發 了“短 釘 ” 醜 聞,再 加上鯉 魚 門 欣 榮 街 的 山 坡 亦 未符合 規 格,令 人 感 到 整 個 工 程在監工 方面出現 不 少 問題。
The coming to light of the "short nails" scandal surrounding the maintenance works of the dangerous slopes in Wong Tai Sin and Fei Ngo Shan, together with the substandard slope in Yan Wing Street, Lei Yue Mun, has served to convince people that there are many problems with the entire process of works supervision.
她也知道有摄影师Michael科利尔亚利桑那州,国家户外图书奖得主,作 山 野 生 仙 人 掌 ,摄影师乔治HH休伊和编辑的文集,台地国家公园:前100年。
She is also the author of The Mountains Know Arizona, with photographer Michael Collier, winner of the National Outdoor Book Award; Wild Cactus, with photographer [...]
George H. H. Huey;
and editor of the anthology, Mesa Verde National Park: The First 100 Years.
何鍾泰議員: 主席,有 關局長剛 才 就 市區重建局發展 舊 工
業 區 的 補 充質詢所 作 的 答 覆 , 我 記 得 行 政長官 在施政 報 告 內 提 及有 9 個 優 先發展 的 區 域 , 但其 中 卻 並 沒
[...] 有 包括重要的 舊 工 業 區 ,例如 觀塘、 黃仙 和 鑽 石 山 等 。
DR RAYMOND HO (in Cantonese): Madam President, as regards the Secretary's reply to the supplementary question on the development of obsolete industrial areas by the URA, I recall that the Chief Executive has mentioned nine priority development regions in his policy
address but these regions do not include major obsolete industrial areas such as
[...] Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Diamond Hill.
Aobayama Campus is located several kilometers from the center of Sendai City and is surrounded [...]
by a rich natural environment.
但是,我在此想特別提醒局方,現時的沙中線構思方案,黃 仙 區 議會 慈山的居民均有很大的意見,因為他們對於沒有慈雲山站,以及鑽石 山車廠規模過大均表示很不滿。
But I wish to remind the Bureau that the Wong Tai Sin District Council and residents of Tsz Wan Shan have strong opinions about the proposed Shatin to Central Link.
根據答覆編號 FSTB(Tsy)075,請當局提供資料,告知是否有計劃把安老或殘疾人士院
[...] 舍納入政府宿舍發展項目內(例如把位於慈 山 、 黃 大 仙 、 觀 塘和田灣的四幅前房屋 署職員宿舍用地重新發展為紀律部隊宿舍的項目)。
Pursuant to Reply Serial No. FSTB(Tsy)075, the Administration is requested to provide information on any plans to incorporate residential care homes for the elderly or people with disabilities in government quarters developments (such as the
redevelopment of four ex-quarters sites of the
[...] Housing Department in Tsz Wan Shan, Wong Tai [...]
Sin, Kwun Tong and Tin Wan as disciplined services quarters).
這位市民是這樣對我說(我引述): 山 不 在 高, 仙 則 名 ;水不在 深,有龍則靈。
The member of the
[...] public said (I quote) "Mountains need not be high to be famous if fairies are around.
本种在山(Sun 逸仙)大学的植物园栽培的。
This species is cultivated in the
[...] botanical garden of Zhongshan (Sun Yat Sen) University.
兩鐵亦指出,慈雲山地區已有專線小巴及專營巴士接駁鑽 山及 黃大仙地鐵站。
The railway corporations have also pointed out that there is already a network of
Green Mini-buses and franchised buses providing feeder services to the MTR Wong
[...] Tai Sin Station and Diamond Hill Station.
透過該計 劃出售的其中3 個屋 ,即馬山耀安 、黃仙竹園 (北 ) 及粉嶺華 明 的居民不滿香港房屋委員會所草擬的公契中,訂有他們認為不公 [...]
平的條款,該等條款涉及屋 、斜坡、私家路及行人天橋的維修責任 等問題。
Tenants of three of these estates, namely, the
[...] Yiu On Estate in Ma On Shan, the Chuk Yuen (North) [...]
Estate in Wong Tai Sin, and the Wah
Ming Estate in Fanling were dissatisfied with what they considered as unfair terms in the Deed of Mutual Covenant drawn up by the Hong Kong Housing Authority in areas such as responsibilities for the maintenance of the estates, slopes, private roads and footbridges.
至於慈山 與黃大仙之間 的行人通道,運輸及房屋局副局長解 釋,由於該範圍的地質並不堅固,當局認為在慈雲 山興建一個沙中線站並不可行。
As regards
[...] the pedestrian access between Tsz Wan Shan and Wong Tai Sin, [...]
USTH explained that due to the weak geological conditions,
it was not considered feasible to construct a SCL station in Tsz Wan Shan.
彩虹 郵 政局、 長 沙灣郵 政局、 富 山 郵 政局、 加 連 威 老道郵 政局、 紅磡灣郵 政局、 九 龍灣郵 政局、 九 龍城郵 政局、 觀 塘 郵 政局、 廣 華 街郵政局、 李鄭屋 郵 政局、 藍 田 郵
政局、 美 孚 新 郵 政局、 牛池灣郵 政局、 牛 頭 角郵政局、 愛 民 郵 政局、 寶林郵 政局、 尚 德郵政局、 石 硤尾郵
[...] 政局、 秀茂坪 郵 政局、大角 咀 郵 政局、 土 瓜灣郵 政局、慈山 郵 政局、 黃仙 郵 政
Choi Hung Chuen Post Office, Cheung Sha Wan Post Office, Fu Shan Post Office, Granville Road Post Office, Hung Hom Bay Post Office, Kowloon Bay Post Office, Kowloon City Post Office, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kwong Wa Street Post Office, Lei Cheng Uk Post Office, Lam Tin Post Office, Mei Foo Sun Chuen Post Office, Ngau Chi Wan Post Office, Ngau Tau Kok Post Office, Oi Man Post Office, Po Lam Post Office, Sheung Tak Post Office, Shek Kip Mei Post Office, Sau Mau
Ping Post Office, Tai Kok Tsui Post Office, To Kwa
[...] Wan Post Office, Tsz Wan Shan Post Office, Wong Tai Sin [...]
Post Office.
橫跨龍翔道近新光中心的現有行人天橋於 1975 年啟用,是往來慈山一帶及黃仙上、下邨的主要行人通道,早上繁忙時間的行人流 [...]
量為每小時約 2 100 人次。
It provides a major pedestrian
[...] thoroughfare between the Tsz Wan Shan area and the Upper and [...]
Lower Wong Tai Sin Estates with pedestrian
flow of about 2 100 per hour during morning peaks.
過去數十年,新蒲崗、鑽山、黃大 仙 、 九 龍灣和牛頭角接駁不當的 污水渠,導致啟德明渠進口道及觀塘避風塘海床的水質受到污染,並 [...]
且散布污染沉積物,造成附近的臭味問題5 。
Over the past few decades, expedient connections in San
[...] Po Kong, Diamond Hill, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon Bay [...]
and Ngau Tau Kok have caused water pollution
and contaminated sediments deposited at the seabed of KTAC and KTTS, resulting in odour problem in the vicinity5 .
在召唤各位家长仙/牙( 岛,费舍尔),复活节兔子/ E “紫菀Bunnymund(休·杰克曼)和”睡魔/大口,北学习的人,他们是在月球感应杰克作为他们的新成员。
After summoning fellow
[...] Guardians the Tooth Fairy/Tooth (Isla Fisher), [...]
the Easter Bunny/E. Aster Bunnymund (Hugh Jackman)
and the Sandman/Sandy, North learns from the Man in the Moon that they are to induct Jack as their new member.




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