单词 | 付款人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 付款人 noun —payer nSee also:付款—payment • pay a sum of money 付款 n—payments pl • disbursement n • tranche n
根據第5(5)條,定額罰款如非按照第133號法律公告繳付, [...] 該定額罰款會視作仍未繳付,而庫務署署長可將如此繳付的數 額退回給付款人。 legco.gov.hk | Under section 5(5), if a payment of fixed penalty is made otherwise than in accordance with L.N. 133, the fixed [...] penalty is treated as unpaid and the Director of Accounting Services may return the [...] amount of the payment to the payer. legco.gov.hk |
付款金额和付款办法,或者从在国际局开设的帐户中扣除所 需规费数额的指示,以及付款人的身 份。 wipo.int | the amount of fees being paid and the method of payment, or instructions to debit the required [...] amount of fees to an account opened with the International Bureau, and the identification [...] of the party effecting the payment. wipo.int |
收入保障條例第6條規定,根據該命令繳付的任何稅項, 如超過在緊接該命令有效期屆滿後須繳付的稅項,則多付的款額 須付還付款人。 legco.gov.hk | Under section 6 of PRPO, any duty paid under the Order in excess [...] of the respective duty payable immediately after the expiry of the Order [...] shall be repaid to the person who paid the same. legco.gov.hk |
中 介 組織亦可 處理扣押入 息 令 計劃並不涵蓋的情況,例如 贍養費的付款人 屬 自 僱 人 士 或 並 無可被扣押的入息 。 legco.gov.hk | The intermediary body could also deal with cases not covered by the AIO scheme, for example, where the maintenance payers were self-employed or had no attachable income. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 主计长应根据有关办事处主任的建议指定一名或多名官员担 任付 款人。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) One or more Officials shall be designated by the [...] Comptroller as paying officer(s) on the [...]recommendation of the Head of the Office concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于提款目的的交易,我们是付款人 而 不 是支付服务提供商。 moneybookers.com | For the purposes of a withdrawal transaction, [...] we are a payer and not a payment service provider. moneybookers.com |
稍後有更詳盡資料時,我們會就 收費水平及付款人的負 擔能力作出較切合實際情況的評 估,然後會在法例中訂明實際收費水平,再交由立法會審批。 legco.gov.hk | We would make a realistic assessment on the fee level and the payers’ affordability in due course, when better information is available. legco.gov.hk |
不从在国际局开设的帐户中扣款缴费的,或 者 付款人希 望 写明从在国际局开设的帐户中扣款的数额的,应当在规费计算页(b)部分填 写付款办法、付款或扣款额、付款人 或 指 示人。 wipo.int | Where the fees are paid other than [...] by debit from an account with the International Bureau, or where the party making the payment wishes to specify the amount to be debited from an account with the International Bureau, the method of payment, the amount to be paid or to be debited and the person (holder, representative or Office) making the payment or giving [...]the instructions should be indicated in part (b). wipo.int |
此 外,承租人將向業主支付(a)租金按金人民幣12,600,000元,即九個月期間的初步租金; 及(b)預付付款人民幣4,200,000元,即由二零一二年七月一日起計三個月的租金,於租賃 合同日期起計三十日內支付。 cre8ir.com | In addition, the Tenant will pay [...] to the Landlord (a) a [...] rental deposit of RMB12,600,000, being the initial rental for a nine-month period, and (b) an advanced payment of RMB4,200,000, [...]being the rental for [...]three months commencing on 1 July 2012, within thirty days from the date of the Lease Agreement. cre8ir.com |
缴付的规费数额、付款方式以及 付款人 身 份。 wipo.int | the amount of the fees being paid, the method by which payment is being made and the identification [...] of the party making the payment. wipo.int |
国际局将从已付款中扣 除一半基本费,余款退还付款人(注 册人、代理人或主管局)。 wipo.int | The International Bureau will refund the fees [...] paid, subject to the retention of one half of the basic fee, to the party (holder, [...] representative or Office) that paid them. wipo.int |
此外,承 [...] 租人將向業主支付(a)租金按金人民幣21,750,000元,即九個月期間的初步租金;及(b )預 付付款人民幣 7,250,000元,即由免租期屆滿起計三個月的初步租金。 cre8ir.com | In addition, the Tenant will pay to the Landlord (a) a rental deposit of RMB21,750,000, being the [...] initial rental for a ninemonth period and [...] (b) an advanced payment of RMB7,250,000, [...]being the initial rental for three months [...]commencing upon expiry of the rent free period. cre8ir.com |
為清楚反映立法原意及 避 免 損 失 大 量 來 自 利 得 稅 的 收 入 ,條例草案建 議 加入一項條文,把 來 自香港以 外 使用知識 產 權 或使用知識 產 權的權利的收 入或收益, 當 作 營 業 收 入 , 只 要在確定 付 款 人的盈 利時,有關收 入 是 付 款 人 可 予 扣 除 的開支。 legco.gov.hk | In order to clearly reflect the policy intent in the legislation and to avoid substantial loss of revenue from profits tax, the Bill proposes to add a new section to deem receipts for the use of or right to use intellectual property outside Hong Kong to be trading receipts, so long as these trading receipts are deductible from the chargeable profits of a Hong Kong taxpayer. legco.gov.hk |
仲裁庭认为,销售合同受乌克兰法律管辖,申请人有权 从 付款人 处 收 取价款 (《销售公约》第 53 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Arbitral Tribunal held that the sales contract was [...] governed by Ukrainian law, and that the claimant was entitled to receive the purchase [...] price from the payer (Article 53 CISG). daccess-ods.un.org |
2 、 2005年''月,北 京 成 功 通 信 電 子 工 程 有 限 公 司(「北 京 成 功 」)訴 本 公 司 的 附 屬 公 司-揚 [...] 州 中 興 移 動 通 訊 設 備 有 限 公 司(「揚 [...] 州 中 興 」)及 本 公 司,要 求 歸 還 預 付 款 人 民 幣3,500萬 元,並 要 求 賠 償 利 息 及 [...]其 他 損 失 等 人 民 幣3,600萬 元,共 計 人 民 幣','00萬 元。 zte.com.cn | 2. InNovember2005,BeijingSuccessCommunicationsandElectronicEngineeringCompanyLimited (“Beijing Success”) instituted litigation against the Company’s subsidiary Yangzhou Zhongxing Mobile Telecom Equipment Company Limited (“Yangzhou Zhongxing”), and the Company to [...] [...] demandanindemnityofRMB''million,comprising the refund ofa n advan ced payment of RMB35 million [...]and compensation for interests [...]and other losses amounting to RMB36 million. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
付款人只需 您的姓名和电子邮件地址就可以利用 Skrill (Moneybookers) 向您付款。 moneybookers.com | The payer only needs your name and email address to send you a payment with Skrill [...] (Moneybookers). moneybookers.com |
(c) 付款人应确认付款程 序所涉相关财务条例和细则得到遵守。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Paying officers shall confirm the relevant Financial Regulations and Rules related to processing the disbursement have been [...] observed. daccess-ods.un.org |
税项豁免适用于付款人和付款的实 益所有人是那些符合国内法附件 A(法律形式)和附件 B(纳税义 务)所载要求(与指令要求相对应)的公司(或公司的常设机构)。 vasapolli.it | The exemption applies if the person [...] making the payments and the beneficial owner of the payments are companies [...](or permanent establishments [...]of companies) that fulfill the requirements set forth in Annexes A (legal form) and B (subject to tax) of the domestic law, which correspond to the requirements of the Directive. vasapolli.it |
付 款 人 保 障 只 適 用 於 保 單 生 效 時 受 保 年 齡(6) 不 超 過 60 歲 並 持 有 香 港 身 份 證 及 投 保 計 劃 申 請 表 內 付 款 人 資 料 及 核 保 問 題 之 答 覆 為 恒 生 保 險 有 限 公 司 所 接 受。 bank.hangseng.com | Payor's Benefit is only offered to Payor whose Insurance Age(6) is not greater than 60 and is holding a HKID Card upon commencement of the Policy, provided that the Payor’s information and answers [...] to the underwriting [...]questions as stated in the application form are acceptable to Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. bank.hangseng.com |
按照这一计划,修订了关于防止把通过犯罪手段所获资金合 法化(洗钱)和资助恐怖主义的联邦法案,规定必须说 明 付款人 身 份。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to this plan, amendments regulating the compulsory identification of payers were introduced to the Federal Act on the prevention of the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means (money-laundering) and the financing of terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
當任何一方以其他貨幣支付款項,在該筆款項被轉換為美元後並不足以支付所欠的美元金額款項時, 受 款人對 付款人所欠 的差額將有獨立的訴因對其作出申索。 mibd-gold.com | In the event that any payment is made by either of the Parties in another currency which, upon conversion to [...] U.S. dollar, does not [...] result in payment of the amount due in U.S. dollar, the payee shall have a separate cause of action against the payer for the balance [...]due and owing to the payee. mibd-gold.com |
00'年''月,北京成功通信電子工程有限公司訴本公司的附屬公司 — 揚州中興移動通訊設備有限公司(「揚 州 中 興 [...] 」)及 本 公 司,要 求 歸 還 預 付 款 人 民 幣','00萬 元,並 要 求 賠 償 [...]利 息 及 其 他 損 失 等 人 民 幣',600萬 元, 共 計 人 民 幣7,'00萬 元。 zte.com.cn | (“Yangzhou Zhongxing”), and the Company to demand an [...] indemnity of RMB7' million, comprising [...] the refund of an advanced payment of RMB35 million [...]and compensation for interests and [...]other losses amounting to RMB36 million. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
因 應委員提出的意見,督導委員會建議修訂第13A號 命令第10 條 規則及表 格 16和 16C內的附註,列明若 原 告人不接受 被告人提出的付 款 建議,法庭可考慮被告人在已 送 交 登 記 處 存 檔的承認列出的資料 、 原 告人不接受 被告人付款建議的原因,以及其他相關 因 素 , 再 決定被 告人應如 何 付款(經 修 改的第 13A號 命令第10(4)條 規則及經 修 改的表 格 16和 16C)。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the comment of members, the Steering Committee proposes to amend O.13A, r.10 and the Explanatory Notes in Forms No.16 and 16C to set out that, if the plaintiff does not accept [...] the defendant's [...] proposal for payment, the Court will decide how the payment should be made, taking into account the information set out in the defendant's admission filed in the Registry, the reasons why the plaintiff does not accept the defendant's proposal for payment, and any other [...]relevant factors (revised [...]O.13A, r.10(4), and revised Forms No. 16 and 16C). legco.gov.hk |
年 內,共向三名新客戶發放貸款,而第四筆貸款則 撥 付 於 一 名現有 貸 款人。 prudential.co.uk | During the year, [...] loans were made to three new clients, while a fourth advance went to an existing borrower. prudential.co.uk |
此外,放款人很想 能保证在采购货物时有 一个付款记录良好的包购人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, lenders are keen to ensure that an off-taker with a good payments track record is [...] available to purchase the goods. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於舊 車 是 一 種 有 價 值 的 資源, 可以循 環 再造, 一如廢鐵 [...] 和廢紙 , 因此, 如果政 府 向 回 收 業 和 循 環 [...] 再造商提供協助,並 協 助 他 們開拓 市 場 , 例如內地 市 場 , 相信屆時業界便 可以無 須 付 款 來 處 置 舊 車 , 反 而 會 有 人 付 款 給 他 們 來 回 收 舊 車 。 legco.gov.hk | Since used tyres can be recycled like scrap iron or used paper and are thus articles of value, if the Government can offer assistance to recovery and recycling operators and help them develop new markets such as the Mainland, [...] the industry will [...] not have to pay any money for the disposal of used tyres; instead, money will be paid for the used [...]tyres collected. legco.gov.hk |
将在筹备两年期拟 议方案预算的框架内审议这笔资金,且这笔资金将用 于支付第 23 款(人权)下 25.96 万美元的委员会成员 日常生活津贴,第 28E 款(行政,日内瓦)下 1.52 万 美元的会议服务需求,以及第 2 款(大会和经济及社 会理事会和会议管理)下 187.44 万美元的另外 40 次 会议的会议服务需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those funds would be considered within the context of the preparation of the proposed programme budget for that biennium and would provide for Committee members’ daily subsistence allowances, amounting to $259,600, under Section 23, Human Rights, conference servicing requirements, amounting to $15,200, under Section 28E, Administration, Geneva and conference servicing requirements for the additional 40 meetings amounting to $1,874,400 under Section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management. daccess-ods.un.org |
按上述方式寄發之每張支票或付款單 之 抬頭人須為 有關股份之持有人,付款銀行兌現該等支票或付款單後,即表示本公司已就該等支票或 付款單代表之股息及/或紅利付款,而不論其後該等支票或付款單被盜或其中之任何加 [...] 簽似為偽造。 kader.com | Every cheque or warrant so sent [...] shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such [...]cheque or warrant shall [...]operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. kader.com |
倘就任何催繳股款或分期股款應付的全部款額未能於指定繳付日期或之 前繳付,則欠款人士須 向本公司支付可能因該等 未 付 款 而產生的所有成本、費用 及開支連同所欠付款額的利息,利息自指定繳付日期起計至實際繳付時為止,利 [...] 率由董事會釐定(不超過年息二十厘),但董事會亦可全額或部份豁免該等成本、 費用、開支或利息。 minmetalsland.com | If the whole of the sum payable in respect of any call or instalment is not paid on or [...] before the day [...] appointed for payment thereof, the person or persons from whom the sum is due shall pay all costs, charges [...]and expenses [...]that the Company may have incurred by reason of such non-payment together with interest on the unpaid amount at such rate not exceeding twenty per cent. per annum as the Board shall fix from the day appointed for the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment, but the Board may waive payment of such costs, charges, expenses or interest wholly or in part. minmetalsland.com |
针对每项许可,C 制作公司、C [...] 银行和发行人/被许可人都签 订一份“确认和转让”协议,根据协议,被许可人确认 C 银行享有首要担保权 [...] 并确认将使用费付款付给 C 银行,而 C 银行则同意在强制执行 C 银行对该许可 人权利的担保权时不终止许可,唯一条件是被许 可 人付款 并 遵守许可协议的其 他规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | For each licence, production company C, bank C and the distributor/licensee enter into an “acknowledgement and assignment” agreement under which the licensee acknowledges the paramount security right of bank C and the assignment of its royalty payments to bank C, while bank C agrees that, in case of enforcement of its security right in the licensor’s rights, it will not [...] terminate the licence as long as [...] the licensee makes payments and otherwise abides by the terms of the licence [...]agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |