

单词 付印

External sources (not reviewed)

就香港遗产税而言,基金单位可被视为香港资产;就转让印花税而言,基金视作香港 证券,因而在转让时可能付印
Units may be regarded as Hong Kong assets for the purposes of Hong Kong estate duty
and as Hong Kong stock for the purpose ofstamp duty on transfer and
[...] thus mayattract stamp duty on the transfer [...]
of Units.
继秘书处代表介绍后,有与会者对德国所提用 2009-2011 三年期资金付印 家 淘汰计划最后一期用款的提议表示了关切。
Following the introduction by the representative of the Secretariat, some concern was
expressed regarding the proposal by Germany to paypart of the
[...] last tranche ofIndia’s NPP with funds [...]
from the 2009-2011 triennium.
如果您需要让志愿者们穿 T 恤衫或戴 帽子,公司可能愿意付印用,从而可以将公司的名字印在衣服上。
If you need t-shirts or caps for volunteers
to wear, a company could
[...] pay for the printing costs in exchange for having the company nameprinted on thet-shirt too.
中亚文明史》第 1 卷和第 2 卷被译成了中文;书的 销售量增加;报纸和知名大学的评价非常好;第 4 卷 (第 2 部分)于 2000 年 6 月出版,在学者和普通读 者中取得了巨大成功;第 5
卷的手稿已经通过;《伊 斯兰文化面面观》:继续编写和出版了若干卷,尤其 是第 IV
[...] 卷(分 2 册)完稿和第 V 卷(付印; 《拉丁美洲通史》:出版了第 [...]
II 卷和第 III 卷,第 IV 卷至第 VI 卷正在定稿,正在为最后几卷(第 VII
卷至第 IX 卷)寻求预算外资金;《加勒比通史》: 继续起草、编辑和筹备出版余下三卷(第 I、IV 和 V 卷);《人类史》:继续出版和翻译。
History of Civilizations of Central Asia: Volumes I and II translated into Chinese; Volume sales increase; Very favourable reviews by press and leading universities; Volume IV (Part Two) was published in June 2000 and met with great success among scholars and the public in general; Manuscript of Volume V approved; Work on The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture: continued preparation and publication of the various volumes,
notably Volume IV (2 vols.) completed and
[...] Volume V (in the press); General History [...]
of Latin America: publication of Volumes
II and III; Volumes IV to VI are being finalized; extrabudgetary funds being sought for the final volumes (VII to IX); General History of the Caribbean: drafting, editing and preparation for publication of the three remaining volumes (Volumes I, IV and V) continued; History of Humanity: publication and translations continued.
有人建议用联合国各种官方语文编印裁研所的词典,以便促进共同的理 解,并将其修订付印该所的网站上公布。
It was suggested that a UNIDIR lexicon be made available in all official United Nations
languages, in order to promote a common understanding and
[...] that it be updated andprinted or posted on the Institute’s [...]
出版了《人类历史和拉丁美洲通史》的最后几卷《加勒比通史》 付印以此补充 了已经完成的卷册(《非洲通史》、《中亚文明史》)。
The final volumes of the History of
Humanity, the
[...] General History of Latin America, and the General History of theCaribbean (in press) were published and added to already completed collections (General History ofAfrica and [...]
the History of Civilizations of Central Asia).
这份出版物基于一个各种作者群体就热带森林问题开展的个案研 究,预定于 2007 付印
The publication is based on case studies on topical forest issues by a diverse group of
[...] authors and isslated forprint in 2009.
於二零一零年七月三十一日(即本通 付印债务声明之最後实际可行日期)营业结 束时,经扩大集团概无尚未偿还之重大或然负债。
As at the close of business on 31 July 2010, being the latest practicable date for the purpose of this indebtedness statement, the Enlarged Group had no material contingent liabilities outstanding.
排版后的内容保存成PDF文件,则能在 付印 同时,进行网络发行(需增加适当的交互内容),而不必象目前的一些作法一样,需要两组人员,一组为纸张印刷进行排版生成PS,另一组为电子出版创作html文件,造成资源和人力浪费,生产效率低下。
After publishing the contents of save as PDF
files, you can at the same time in
[...] the delivery of theprinting,distributionnetwork [...]
(need to increase the appropriate
interactive content), rather than as a number of current practices, the need for two teams of officers, a group of printing for the paper for publishing generated PS, the other group for the electronic publishing html document creation, resulting in a waste of resources and manpower, production inefficiencies.
此后,稿件经过编辑、排版和二校,在正 付印 ,还需要将大样反馈给作者,以确定是否还有误漏。
Since then, the manuscript, after editing, typesetting and II schools
[...] before the formal printing, but also needs to [...]
be big like the feedback to the author
to determine whether there is misuse of leakage.
最近,设于纽约联合国总部的大会和会议事务管理部建立了一 种制度,可把关于当日议程的信息可下载到智能手机和平板电脑,
[...] 从而使联合国有可能通过此种渠道传播相关文件、出版物和其他资 料,而不付印(面的更多信息,见附录四。)
Most recently, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management at United Nations Headquarters in New York has instituted a system whereby information about the day’s agenda can be downloaded to smart phones and tablets, enabling
the United Nations to potentially disseminate documents, publications and other
[...] material without the needtoprint them.
The Offeror willthen paythe stamp duty on behalf [...]
of the accepting Winsor shareholders.
於二零一二年一月三十一日(即本章 付印确定本债务声明所涉及之若干资料之最 後实际可行日期)营业时间结束时,本集团应付关连人士之款项约为19,143,000港元,均为 无抵押及无担保。
At the close of business on 31 January 2012, being the latest practicable date for the purpose of ascertaining certain information relating to this indebtedness statement prior to the printing of this Prospectus, the Group had amounts due to related parties of approximately HK$19,143,000, in which all are unsecured and unguaranteed.
从粉状颜料、浆状颜料、颜料分散体到即 付印墨,我们的产品都适合于各种纷繁的市场应用。我们的产品既能为印刷行业、涂料行业和塑料行业带来闪亮的效果,又能利用自身的化学反应特性而用于如发泡混凝土和烟花的技术性应用领域。
From powders, pastes and dispersions all the
[...] way to press-ready printinginks, our products [...]
are suitable for a broad range of
uses in the most varied of markets: whether for creating brilliant effects in the graphics, coatings and plastics industries or intended for chemical reactions such as those in the foam concrete and pyrotechnical industries (technical applications).
宪法》保障人民享有表达 意见、发表演说、写作付印宣传的自由;禁止关闭、干预或者检查报纸或 [...]
The Constitution guarantees freedom of a person to express opinions,
[...] make speeches, write,print and publicize; prohibits [...]
the closure, interference or censorship
of a newspaper or other mass media; and bans politicians from owning media outlets.
[...] 也鼓励主流出版商和文学组织在这家电子书出版网站上试销售图书和他们感 付印自信的手稿。
Abook2read is also hoping to encourage the mainstream publishers and literary
agents to test market on the eBook publishing site, manuscripts that they do not feel
[...] confident enoughto committo print.
6] 空载重量数值是根付印效的欧盟92/21/EEC标准或97/27/EC标准,按标准规格计算(空载重量包括工具/备胎及制造商提供的挂车连接器,满90%油缸油量,司机体重以及(或有)行李)。
6] Figures according to the EC Directive applicable to the vehicle category, 92/21/EEC or 97/27/EC, in the version applicable at the time of going to print, (kerb weight incl. tools/spare wheel and trailer coupling, if supplied by manufacturer, fuel tank 90% full, driver and, if applicable, luggage) for standard-specification vehicles.
The information contained in this technical file comprise the technical specifications
[...] approved atthe time ofprinting.
於二零一零年七月三十一日(即本通 付印债务声明之最後实际可行日期)营业结 束时,经扩大集团之尚未偿还借贷约为13,100,000港元,当中包括(i)计息银行借贷约 [...]
As at the close of the business on 31 July 2010, being the latest practicable date for
the purpose of this indebtedness
[...] statementpriorto the printing of thiscircular, the [...]
Enlarged Group had outstanding borrowings
of approximately HK$13.1 million which include (i) interest-bearing bank borrowings of approximately HK$11.5 million; and (ii) outstanding obligation under finance leases of approximately HK$1.6 million.
由于 这种检查制度,共产党的《战场报》自 6 月 4 日以来付印苏人解旗下的《自 由周刊》也有好几期无法出版。
As a result of censorship, the Communist Party newspaper
视乎在那一市场施行,转手中国上市公司股票可能须 付印、经纪费用及其他转手费 用。
Stamp duty, brokerage charges and 23 other transfer fees/levies may be levied on a transfer of shares in PRC companies depending on where the transfer is deemed to have been effected.
除非已就转让文件之登记向本公司缴付指定证券交易所(定义见公司细则)厘 定须支付之最高款额或董事不时规定之较低款额,并且转让文件(如适用)已正式付印 ,且只涉及一类股份,并连同有关股票及董事会可合理要求以显示转 让人之转让权之其他证明(以及倘转让文件由若干其他人士代为签署,则该人士之 [...]
The Board may decline to recognise any instrument of transfer unless a fee of such maximum sum as any Designated Stock Exchange (as defined in the Byelaws) may determine to be payable or such lesser sum as the
Directors may from time to
[...] time require is paidtothe Company in respect thereof, the instrument of transfer, if applicable, is properly stamped, is in respect [...]
of only one class
of share and is lodged at the relevant registration office or registered office or such other place at which the principal register is kept accompanied by the relevant share certificate(s) and such other evidence as the Board may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer (and if the instrument of transfer is executed by some other person on his behalf, the authority of that person so to do).
本技术资料所含信息均符付印技术规格。 重要更改将补入新版技术资料中。
Significant modifications will be included in a new edition of the technical file.
下列案卷已在本报告所述期间印好或即 付印些财产(列支敦士登诉 德国)(两卷);利提干岛和锡帕丹岛主权(印度尼西亚/马来西亚)(九卷,其中三 卷将在 2010 年下半年分发)。
Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia)(nine volumes, of which three are to be issued in the second half of 2010).
ECKART 即付印属效果油墨,无论是溶剂型的、水性的还是 [...]
UV 固化的,都可以在印刷市场的油墨供应商处中获得。
ECKART’s press-ready
[...] metallicinks, solvent-based, water-based [...]
or UV-curing are available to the graphic arts industry through all ink suppliers.
自 1986 付印,这份期刊已成为一份颇有声望 的出版物:一流的人口专家在这份出版物上交流相关意见和面向行动 [...]
In printsince1986,it is a highly [...]
respected publication in which leading population experts share opinions and action-oriented
research findings and provide policy recommendations regarding population and development issues in the region.
道德操守办公室与人力处和问责项目合作,将《落实道德操守:开发署的核 心价值和行为标准指南》译成联合国的六种正式语 付印
In partnership with OHR and the accountability project, the Ethics Office translated into the six official languages of the United Nations and printed Putting Ethics to Work: A Guide to UNDP Core Values and Standards of Conduct.
於 二 零 一一年 八
[...] 月 三 十 一 日( 即 本 综 合 文付印本 债 项 声 明 而 言 之 最 後 [...]
实 际 可 行 日 期 )营 业 时 间 结 束 时 , 本 集 团 之 未 偿 还 借 贷 总 额 约 为 237,941,000
港 元 , 为 某 中 国 银 行 所 提 供 之 银 行 贷 款 约 237,941,000 港 元( 约 人 民 币 199,950,000 元 ), 其 中 约 71,388,000 港 元( 约 人 民 币 59,990,000 港 元 )为 无 抵押银 行 贷 款 , 约 166,553,000 港 元( 约 人 民 币 139,960,000 元 )为 有 抵押银 行 贷 款 。
At the close of business on 31 August 2011, being the latest practicable date for
the purpose of this indebtedness
[...] statementprior to the printing of this Composite Document, [...]
the Group had total outstanding
borrowings of approximately HK$237,941,000 comprising bank loans of approximately HK$237,941,000 (approximately RMB199,950,000) provided by a PRC bank, out of which approximately HK$71,388,000 (approximately RMB59,990,000) were unsecured bank loans and approximately HK$166,553,000 (approximately RMB139,960,000) were secured bank loans.




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