单词 | 仔细的检查 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 仔细的检查 noun—scrutiny nSee also:仔细的 adj—close adj 仔细 adj—meticulous adj 仔细—cautious • attentive 细的 adj—thin adj
尽管网页内容已经过仔细的检查,但 我们不对外部链接提供的内容承担任何责任。 tuv-sud.cn | Despite careful control of the content we assume no liability for the content of external links. tuv-sud.com |
在存在疑问的情况下,应通过坐船(图 8 和图 9)或徒步进行更仔细的检查来确认空中 观察结果。 itopf.com | In instances where doubt exists, aerial observations should be confirmed by closer inspection from a boat [...] (Figures 8 & 9) or on foot. itopf.com |
虽然,这些网页的内容都经过细心的准备 和 仔细的检查 , 但是瓦克并不对所提供信息的最新性、准确性、完整性或质量负责。 wacker.com | The content of these [...] webpages has been carefully prepared and checked. wacker.com |
挤奶后要仔细的检查乳头 来评价乳房健康。 delaval.cn | To assess udder health, look carefully at the teats after [...] milking. delaval.cn |
简要 记录的起草须进行仔细的检查,因 此有一附带的优点,即用户能够快速扫描一个 浓缩版的会议纪要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Summary records, the drafting of which [...] involved careful fact-checking, had the added [...]benefit of allowing users to quickly [...]scan a condensed version of meeting proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
表明网站需要非常仔细的检查搜索 数据库,避免这种失误引起销售上的大额损失。 uigarden.net | This result suggests that web sites need to check the mechanism of their search database very carefully and avoid such mistakes that could cause major losses in sales. uigarden.net |
仔细检查锥面座以确保止回阀 的密封点。 graco.com | Carefully check angular seat to ensure sealing point of check valve. graco.com |
粮农组织应仔细审查在世 界粮食安全首脑会议及其他会议上所讨 论的解决方案,并检查各 国履行承诺的情况。 fao.org | The Organization should closely examine the solutions discussed at the World Summit on Food Security and other conferences, and check each country’s [...] implementation of commitments. fao.org |
调查人员不应该舍弃对事实的仔细、 彻底 检查,也 不应该舍弃对适当程序原则的坚持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Investigators should not sacrifice careful, complete examination of the facts nor adherence to the principles of due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于可能删除核心文件所述及的问题 ,必 须仔 细检查,保证该文件确实涵盖了这些问题,并考虑到 其非专门性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the possible elimination of [...] questions addressed in the core [...] document, it had to be carefully checked that they were indeed covered [...]in that document, bearing [...]in mind its non-specific character. daccess-ods.un.org |
仔细检查理论和实际 节约的电力 之间的差别,并报告给国家公用工程部 门或其他投资方。 undpcc.org | The difference between theoretical and actual [...] savings in electricity is examined carefully and reported [...]to national utilities [...]or others sponsoring part of the investment. undpcc.org |
对工程项目管理的内部审计(AP [...] 2009/672/05)和非消耗性财产的管理审计(AP2009/672/06)对工程科内部的工作 流程和责任进行了仔细的自我检查和 分 析,并提出一些建议,其中包括填补重要 [...]空缺和加强执行控制监测机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The internal audit of the management of engineering projects (AP2009/672/05), together with the audit of the management of [...] non-expendable property (AP2009/672/06), [...] entailed closer self-inspection and analysis of workflow [...]and responsibilities within the [...]Engineering Section, resulting in a number of recommendations, which included the filling of critical vacancies and the increased implementation of control monitoring mechanisms. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种仔细检查的水平 意味着更大地控制PDF文档的内部运作机制以及极大地控制了文档是如何被处理和优化的。 evget.com | This level of scrutiny means greater [...] control over the inner workings of PDF documents and ultimately–greater control over [...]how documents are processed and optimized. evget.com |
然而,鉴于缺乏具体成果并在对行动进 行仔 细审查后,检察官 办公室强烈建议对采 用 的 战 略进行深入审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, in the absence of tangible [...] results and after careful examination of operational activities conducted, the Office of the Prosecutor strongly recommends [...]an in-depth review of the strategies employed. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然工作组普遍认同在审查非 政府组织的申请过程中,应作为资格标 准 的 一 个 固有方 面 仔细检查 其 各 项活动, 但关于如何开展这一过程工作组仍存在两大意见分歧:一种方法是其作为预防性 审查过程的一部分,根据按照安全理事会第 1373(2001)号决议设立的反恐怖主义 委员会编制的现有恐怖主义集团清单进行反复核对。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although it was generally agreed that the review of applications should include a careful examination of the organization’s activities as an intrinsic aspect of the eligibility criteria, there were nevertheless two divergent viewpoints within the working group on how to deal with the process: one approach included cross-checking against the existing list of terrorist organizations prepared by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism as part of a precautionary review process; the other included using both the Security Council Committee list and national lists of barred, sanctioned and terrorist groups in reviewing all applications. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果 E27 警报没有消 失,请仔细检查跳线。 graco.com | If the E27 alarm is not gone double-check your jumper. graco.com |
监督厅检查和评价司仔细审查了特 派团报 告 的 指 标,并查找了来自合作伙 伴、利益攸关方和其他数据来源的验证资料,包括联合国以及其他相关组织和学 术界保存的统计数列。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS examined the Mission’s reported [...] indicators and sought validating information [...]from partners, stakeholders and other data sources, including statistical series maintained by the United Nations and related organizations and academia. daccess-ods.un.org |
在就该问题上努力寻求折中方案的过程中,澳大利亚建 议 仔细检查第 XIX/6 号决 定的案文,因为这与第二次转产有关,以确定该案文是否为这一问题提出了解决办法。 multilateralfund.org | In an attempt to find a compromise on this issue, [...] Australia proposes to carefully examine the language of Decision XIX/6, [...]as it pertains to second [...]conversions, in order to determine if this language suggests a way forward on this issue. multilateralfund.org |
根据核查报告,氟氯化碳的生产商巨化没有直接卖给计量吸入器制造 商 的 原因 是,如果氟氯化碳没有经过仔细检查并 100%地消费,制造商就不按发票付款。 multilateralfund.org | According to the verification report, the reason why the CFC producer Juhua did not sell directly to the MDI manufacturers was [...] that the manufacturers would not [...] pay their invoices until the CFC had been checked analytically and were 100 per cent consumed. multilateralfund.org |
如果适用, 还须说明为作出诊断而进行的任何 检查 ( 无需实际结果或 详 细 情 况 )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | When applicable any tests undertaken in order to establish [...] the diagnosis should be included (without the actual results or details). unesdoc.unesco.org |
在格式化之前,请仔细检查卡/ 内置内存中的内容。 us.leica-camera.com | Check the content of the card/built-in memory carefully before formatting. us.leica-camera.com |
关于对具体地块或船舶之类具体动产上所有权及其设保情况进行记 录 的登 记 制度通常要求登记人提出或提交基本文件以 供 仔细检查 , 这是因为,登记一 般被视为构成关于所有权和影响所有 权 的 任 何财产权的证据或至少被认为是其 推定证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Registry systems for recording title and encumbrances on title to specific [...] parcels of land or [...] specific movable assets, such as ships, typically require registrants to file or tender for scrutiny the underlying documentation. This is because registration generally is considered to constitute [...]evidence or at [...]least presumptive evidence of title and any property rights affecting title. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些问题仍然需 要处理,尤其是涉及到理事会的成员组成情况、有必要确保对提出竞选理事会成 员的国家内部人权历史记录的更 仔细的 审 查 , 理事会以各种不同的方式、而不局 限于决议来应对国家人权状况的能力等。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of issues remained to be addressed particularly with regard to the Council membership, the need to ensure greater scrutiny of the human rights record of countries that offer themselves for election to the Council, the Council’s ability to take on country situations in a variety of formats, not limited to resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,第 1973(2011) 号决议第 15 段要求会员国,不管是以本国名义采取行动,还是通过区域组织或 安排采取行动,在按照该决议第 13 段进行检查时,立即向委员会提交初步书面 报告,特别是说明检查的理由、这些 检 查的 结 果 以及是否获得合作;如果发现禁 止转移的物品,则进一步要求这些会员国在晚些时候向委员会提交后续书面报 告,提供检查、没收和处置的相关细 节 和 转移的相关细节,包括有关物项、其来 源和预定目的地的描述(如果初次报告中没有这些信息)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, paragraph 15 of resolution 1973 (2011) requires any Member State, whether acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, when it undertakes an inspection pursuant to paragraph 13 of the resolution, to submit promptly an initial written report to the Committee containing, in particular, explanation of the grounds for the inspection, [...] the results of such inspection and whether or not cooperation was provided, and, if prohibited items for transfer are found, further requires such Member [...] States to submit to the Committee, at a later stage, a subsequent written report containing relevant details on the inspection, seizure, disposal and relevant details of the transfer, including a description of the items, their origin and intended destination, [...]if this information is not in the initial report. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于行政问题,俄罗斯联邦代表团打 算 仔细检查 监督厅关于维持和平行动的报告(A/64/326 (Part II))中指出的管理问题,因为这些问题影响到外勤支 [...] 助部的高效运作。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to administrative [...] issues, his delegation intended to examine closely the management problems identified [...]in the report [...]of OIOS on peacekeeping operations (A/64/326 (Part II)) because those problems had an impact on the efficient operation of the Department of Field Support. daccess-ods.un.org |
仔细检查进水口以及它们与壳体相连 的 组 件, 确保连接设备以及密封设施是完好的。对在这 些区域出现的任何关于腐蚀的问题或者现象请 及时向滨特尔工程师咨询。 codeline.com | Read all guidelines in this section before making any decisions on components structure or corrosion problems and treatment. codeline.com |
当产品出现故障或意外原因造成产品无法正常使用,我们建议你此时应该将工作暂停 , 仔细检查 故 障 原因,或者可以和我们或我 们 的 经 销 商取得联系,获得维修指引。 movcam.com | In case your rig does not work properly or accident happens, we strongly suggest you stop using the rig. movcam.com |