

单词 从那时以后

See also:

以后 adv

after adv
afterwards adv


in the future
later on

以从 v

choose from v
see from v

以后 pl

onwards pl

External sources (not reviewed)

以后会从 有义务支付抚养费的父母一那里收 回这笔钱,也就是说抚养费索赔款将转 给国家。
The state later reclaims the money from the parent who was obliged to pay the [...]
maintenance, i.e. the maintenance claim will transfer to the state.
我感到失望的 是,尽管各方表示乐意开放更多的过境点,但 从那时以 来 没有取得任何进展。
I am disappointed that, despite the stated readiness by the parties to open more crossings, no progress has since been achieved.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不 以 前 的一级诊所;病从三级医院出后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八 时 的 医 疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service
staff) is proposed,
[...] as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach [...]
activity by visiting
remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
那 时,他们将成为“有声的法律”以 便 将 《规约》和《程序和证据规则》的规定 转化为有生命力、可运作的法律从 而 以 绝 对 中立的方式伸张正义。
At that stage, they will become the “speaking law” in order to translate the provisions of the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence into living and operational law, and thereby dispense justice in an absolutely impartial manner.
后,我们重申,有必要在具有国际合法性的框 架下,采取与占领国以色列所犯暴行的严重程度相称 的具体和严厉的措施;强迫它停止充当杀人机器,并 停止其侵略行为和定居点建设活动;立即解除强加给 加沙的巴勒斯坦人民的残酷封锁;结束对阿拉伯领土 的占领从那里撤回到 1967 年边界以便能够建立 以圣城为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国。
Finally, we reaffirm the need to take, in the framework of international legitimacy, concrete, serious steps commensurate with the atrocities perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power; to compel it to stop acting as a killing machine and cease its acts of aggression and settlement campaign; to lift immediately the cruel embargo imposed on the Palestinian people in Gaza; to put an end to its occupation of the Arab territories and to withdraw therefrom to [...]
the 1967 borders, so as to allow
the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
1948 年浩劫后果是 大多数巴勒斯坦人被彻底 赶出家园——近 500 万人现在是巴勒斯坦难民从那 时到以色列 1967 年对历史上的巴勒斯坦的剩余部分 和其他阿拉伯领土的军事占领以至今天,这一决定引 发的冲突一直严重影响着巴勒斯坦人民的生活及区 域和全球和平与安全的前景。
From the 1948 Al-Nakba, which resulted in the uprooting of the majority of the Palestinian people from their homeland — nearly 5 million are now Palestine refugees — to Israel’s 1967 military occupation of the remainder of historic Palestine and other Arab lands, and on to the present day, the conflict born of that decision has continued to gravely impact the lives of the Palestinian people and the prospects for peace and security regionally and globally.
他确定津巴布韦的状从 那以后已经 得到改善。他请代表注意,津巴布韦政 府反对的那份报告中的段落也包含着许多积极因 素。
The situation in Zimbabwe
[...] had improved since then, and the paragraphs [...]
of the report to which the Government of Zimbabwe
objected also contained many positive elements.
从那时以来,《欧洲联盟稳 定与结盟协定》2 的有关国家外交部交流了某些化学物质过境点的建议,预计 2008 年 2 月在黑山举行的国家管理局第二次会议期间将 后 确 定 这项举措。
Since then,
[...] Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the States within the EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement2 have exchanged proposals on the points of entry for certain chemical substances, and it is expected that, during the Second Meeting of National Authorities, to be held in Montenegro, in February 2008, the initiative will be finalized.
因此,为确保妇女的生活不受暴力侵害所需要 的应对措施就必须发生在多个层面,从个人到体制的 从 地 方 到跨国的 以 及和 平时期的到冲后时期的,都应包括。
Hence, the response required to ensure that women’s lives are free of violence must occur on multiple levels, from
the individual to the
[...] institutional, from the local to the transnational, and in times of peace to times of post-conflict.
在此后,生育率缓慢上 升,直到达到更替水平,从那时维 持在更替水平,直到 2300 年。
After that period, fertility increases slowly until it reaches replacement level and is then maintained [...]
at replacement level from that point until 2300.
那些人和公司...先申请这些专利 后从 成 功 的公 司中收取专利许可费,把专利制度当成了一种赌博...专利局对申请审批的长期拖延也对他们 有利,因为当别人在开发产时,这 种拖延使得对他们专利范围的最终界定长期模糊不清。
The people and companies…who file these patents and extract license fees from successful businesses play the patent system like a lottery…The long delays in the patent office work to their benefit by keeping the eventual coverage of their patents [...]
indefinite while others produce products.
由于认识到扶持家庭和确保着 重于行以便落 实这次十周年纪念活动的重要性从 那时起, 77 国集团和中国每两年提出一次题为“国际 家庭年十周年及后的后续行 动”的决议草案。
Recognizing the importance of supporting families and of ensuring action-oriented follow-up to the tenth anniversary, the Group of 77 and China had since then submitted a biennial draft resolution entitled “Follow-up to the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond”.
比较理想的是,在这 种情形下,原则上所规定的临时预算最高限额方面的早期(第一年秋季)协议对于执行局和 总干事的工作不仅令人满意而且极其有效, 时 , 从后 勤 和财政的观点看,具有只需单一预 算情形的额外好处,因此以编制 C/5 号文件。
Ideally, in such a scenario, an early (autumn, year one) agreement in principle on the foreseen provisional budget ceiling would be not only be desirable but extremely useful for the work of both the Executive Board and the Director-General respectively,
having the additional
[...] advantage from the logistical and financial point of view of requiring only a single budget scenario and therefore the draft C/5 document to be prepared.
萨拉姆先生(黎巴嫩)(以英语发言):当我们今天 延长联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)的任务期
[...] 限时,我们不应当忘记,联黎部队目前得到加强的任 务是在以色列于 2006 年对黎巴嫩发动战争之后出现 的;那次战争导致了 1 125 名黎巴嫩平民死亡和数十 万人流离失所,且不提那时以来被以色列在其侵略 的后 48 小时里投下的集束炸弹致残的那些人。
(Lebanon): As we renew the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) today, it is important not to forget that the current enhanced mission of UNIFIL came on the heels of the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006, which killed 1,125 Lebanese civilians and displaced
hundreds of thousands,
[...] not to mention those civilians who have since been mutilated by the cluster bombs that Israel dropped in the last 48 hours of its [...]
这使她的精神受到重创从那以后三 年她再没游过泳。
That traumatised her and she didn’t swim for three years after that.
然而,那时以后, 委 员会确认这句话在不同的上下文被拐弯抹角地使用“既不承认也不排除依良心拒 [...]
服兵役的权利,”7 因此并不违背《公约》保障思想、良心和宗教自由的必然后果。
Since that time, however, the Committee has [...]
confirmed that the oblique use of this phrase in a different context ―neither
recognizes nor excludes a right of conscientious objection,‖7 and so does not contradict the necessary consequences of the Covenant’s guarantee of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
犹太法典相应日从以下节录的mishnah 最 后时 间 , 以 及 它 是在犹大一,学院教授作为上的tannaitic Halakah评论。
The Talmud accordingly dates from the time following the final redaction of [...]
the Mishnah; and it was taught in the academy
of Judah I. as the commentary on the tannaitic Halakah.
秘书长表示从那时以来, 外勤支助部使用招标书方法为直升机平台启动 了一个“供应源甄选计划”并且国际民航组织在协助制定若干飞机机型的招标工 作说明书(A/66/679,第 103 段)。
The Secretary-General states that, since then, a “source selection plan” using the request for proposals methodology for helicopter platforms has been initiated and that ICAO is assisting in the development of a request for proposals statement of work for several types of aircraft (ibid., para. 103).
5据 信,一些区域恐怖团体(包括阿尔及利亚和黎巴嫩的此类团体)也拥有便携式防空 系统。6 没有任何证据显示,从危机开以来 , 有便携式防空系统被运出利比亚; 我们不知道伊斯兰马格里布基地组织或“博科哈拉姆”组织在利比亚起义前是否 拥有便携式防空系统,不知道它 从那时 起 是 否获取过任何此类系统。
Both aircraft were hit, one of which crashed, killing five people.5 Some regional terrorist groups are also believed to possess man-portable
air defence systems,
[...] including in Algeria and Lebanon.6 There is no evidence that man-portable air defence systems have left Libya since the beginning of the crisis, and we do not know if Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb or Boko Haram possessed man-portable air defence systems before the Libyan uprising or [...]
have acquired any since.
本政府认为,随着与意大利的和平条约在 1947 年 9 月 15 日开始生效,非
[...] 政治性多边条约在当时开始处于战争状态的美国和意大利两国之间生效从 那时以来, 不曾有任何一方的政府根据其条款通知予以废止,现已生效,再 [...]
It is considered by this Government that, with the coming into force on 15 September 1947 of the treaty of peace with Italy, the non-political multilateral treaties which
were in force between the United
[...] States and Italy at the time a state of war commenced [...]
between the two countries, and which
neither government has since denounced in accordance with the terms thereof, are now in force and again in operation as between the United States and Italy.
虽然教科文组织近年来在发展和促进保护各种形式的文化遗产的准则制定工作中发挥 了领导作用,涉及城市保护问题的最新的准则性文件却是在 1976 年通过的(《关于保护历 史名地及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》),并 从那以后 没 有 制定和通过任何其他准则 性文件。
While in recent years UNESCO played a leading role in developing and promoting a powerful normative action related to the protection of cultural heritage in all its forms, the most recent standard-setting instrument dealing with urban conservation was adopted in 1976 (the Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas) and no other standard-setting instruments have been elaborated and adopted since.
76 几个时后,受伤乘客以色列 军方直升 从 船 上 空运到以色列的医院。77 然而,一些伤员仍然留在蓝色马尔马拉号,至少一人是遭受枪伤,没有得到适当 的医疗处理,直到很长时间后,该船抵达以色列的阿什杜德港。
Over several hours the wounded passengers were then airlifted by Israeli forces helicopters [...]
from the ship to hospitals in
Israel.77 However, some of the wounded remained on board the Mavi Marmara, at least one of whom had injuries caused by live ammunition and did not receive appropriate medical treatment until after the ship’s arrival at the port of Ashdod in Israel many hours later.
从那时起, 科学家们就发现可可种子中含有大量活性成份:抗氧化的多酚、具有放松作用的镁 以 及 具 有刺激性的可可碱。
Since then, scientists have revealed the Cocoa bean's high content of active molecules: antioxidant polyphenols, relaxing Magnesium and stimulating Theobromine.
从那以后,这些委员会与贸 易工业部,南非出版家协会,国际出版家协会和商业软件联盟等组织举行了各类讨论。
These Committees have since held discussions with the Department of Trade and Industry, the Publishers’ Association of South Africa, the International Publishers’ Association and the Business Software Alliance.
(g) 如工作人员延迟至应有回籍假的历年以后才使用回籍假,延迟并不改以后各次回籍假权利时间, 但在工作人员结束延迟的回籍 后 , 从 返 任 之日至 下次回籍假启程之日中间,通常至少要合格工作十二个月。
(g) If a staff member delays taking his or her home leave beyond the calendar year in which it falls due, such delayed
leave may be taken
[...] without altering the time of his or her next and succeeding home leave entitlements, provided that normally not less than twelve months of qualifying service elapse between the date of the staff member’s return from [...]
the delayed home leave
and the date of his or her next home leave departure.
第一个项目是在 1998 年 启动的,挪威为其提供了 150 万美元,在 2006 年项目结时得到 了非常积极的评价,尤其 是因为在项目结以后,那些参与学校在该专题上依然十分活跃79。
The first, launched in 1998, was allocated $1.5 million donated by Norway
and was very positively assessed on
[...] completion in 2006, especially as schools remained very active on the subject after the end of the project.64 86.
此外,我们还可能会从您访问我们网站所使用的浏览器收集某些信息,例如Internet协议(IP)地址、浏览器类型和语言、访 时 间 、 将您引向我们网站的其他网站的统一资源定位器(UR L) , 以 及 当 您点击我们网站上的某个链 后从 我 们 网站转到的URL。
We may also collect certain information from the browser you used to access our website, such as your Internet Protocol (IP)
address, browser
[...] type and language, access times, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the website that referred you to our website and to which URL you navigate from our site if you [...]
click on a link on our site.
从那时以来,没有发现本国疟疾病例。随着扩大免疫 方案获得成功,疫苗预防性疾病也得到控制,诸如小儿麻痹症、新生儿破伤风、 百日咳及白喉病等疾病达到接近根除的程度。
With the success of the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI), vaccine preventable diseases have also been controlled to such an extent that diseases such as polio, neonatal tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria are on the brink of elimination.
其他的差异是由于译者本人是不说话的解释对他们施加影响,他们的方法工作,从不同的固有困难的工作,他们或大或小知识希腊和希伯来文,现在他们翻译,然后马所拉学士,因为他们阅读的文本不同,这是自然的,因为,希伯来文写在方的人物,在形式和某些辅音被非常相似,很容易混淆,所以他们偶尔给一个错误的翻译,而且,他们的希伯来文正说话的书面without various任何间距之间的对象,它们以 很 容 易的话一mistake在分离,最后,由于处置希伯来语text at中没有元音,他们可能会提供不一样的,元音的马所拉学 后 来 从那 些 使 用。
Other discrepancies are due to the translators personally; not to speak of the influence exerted on their work by their methods of interpretation, the inherent difficulties of the work, their greater or less knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, they now and then translated differently from the Massoretes, because they read the texts differently; that was natural, for, Hebrew being written in square characters, and certain consonants being very similar in form, it was easy to confound them occasionally and so give an erroneous translation; moreover, their Hebrew text being written without any spacing between the
various words, they could
[...] easily make a mistake in the separation of the words; finally, as the Hebrew text at their disposal contained no vowels, they might supply different vowels from those used later by the Massoretes.
从那以后情况 发生了变化:资发基金正在累积各种不 同的捐助者提供的日益增加的支助;对资发基金服务的需求不断上升;资发基金 [...]
[...] have changed since then: UNCDF is garnering [...]
increasing support from a diverse range of donors; demand for
its services is growing; and its partnership with UNDP has never been stronger.




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