

单词 从者


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practitioners pl

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为了更好体现社会公益与责任担当,今年,CNNIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资源技术的最新发展,尤其是 IPv6 与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、
云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联网 IP 地址与域名技术发展研 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预测 IP 地址与域名技术的最
[...] 新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领域广大管理者、研 者 、 从 业 者 参 考
In order to do a better job for the public interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts of the industry in and out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the Development of IP Address and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the development trend of IP
address and domain name technology for the reference by the managers,
[...] researchers and workers in the Internet [...]
总是创者,从不是仿造者,Infratec 1241谷物分析仪今年25周岁了。
Always an innovator, never an imitator, the Infratec [...]
1241 Grain Analyzer is 25 this year.
同样在巴勒斯坦犹太法典的amoraic熟语不同版本均以不同的 者 , 从 中 可 以推断,这些作者的经验和教不同Talmudim的名字。
Similarly in the Palestinian Talmud different versions of amoraic sayings are
quoted in the names
[...] of different authors, from which it may be inferred that these authors learned and [...]
taught different Talmudim.
版权侵权降低了者从作品中挣取收入的可能性,伤害了作者为我们 创作新作品的动力,对我们都没有好处。
Copyright infringement reduces the
[...] possibilities that authors have of earning income [...]
from their works, and harms us all
by lowering the incentive for authors to create new works that we can all enjoy.
通过点击图表中感兴趣的地方,用户可以看到该点的更多相关信息,添加文本注释, 者从 预 定 义的列表中选择指定原因或者校正动作。
By clicking on a point of interest, you can drill down to see more information about that point, add text comments, or select from predefined lists of Assignable Causes and Corrective Actions.
在本报告所述期间,讲法语、西班牙语和阿拉伯 语的军事观察员的平均人数大幅增加,讲法 者从 14 人增至 19 人,讲西班牙者从 25 人增至 28 人,讲阿拉伯者从 17 人增至 32 人。
During the period under review, the average number of French-, Spanish- and Arabic-speaking military observers saw a substantial increase, from 14 to 19, from 25 to 28 and from 17 to 32, respectively.
[...] 照工作组要求编写的一项分析研究报告的基础,该研究报告旨在让从业人员和 决者从总体 上了解世界范围内检察官和法院是如何处理资产追回案件的,以 [...]
Asset recovery cases, supplemented by additional cases to be provided by States parties, will constitute the basis for an analytical study, as
requested by the Working Group,
[...] aimed at giving practitioners and policymakers an overview of [...]
how prosecutors and courts worldwide
have dealt with asset recovery cases and some key legal aspects and implications thereof.
已经有一些改善的切实迹象,见之于土著人民、暴力受 者 和 以 往的侵 权行为,以从体制 入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and the institutional promotion of human rights in the country.
[...] 者提供更好的医疗和身心服务,确保他们能够得到有效和迅速的康复服务; 为了加速将酷刑受者从初级 保健照料系统转诊至专门服务,在保健和社会 福利专业人员中间提高他们对酷刑后果以及酷刑受害者康复需求的认识;根 [...]
The State party should further strengthen its efforts to improve the access to medical and psychological services for victims of torture, especially during and after imprisonment, and assure that they receive effective and prompt rehabilitation services; raise
awareness on the consequences of
[...] torture and the need for rehabilitation for victims of torture [...]
among health and social welfare
professionals in order to increase referrals of these victims from the primary health-care system to specialized services; and increase the capacity of national health agencies in providing specialized rehabilitation services, based on recommended international standards, to victims of torture, including their family members, specifically in the field of mental health.
首尔议程》呼吁教科文组织会员国、民间社会、专业组织和团体认同议程的目标,采 用议程建议的方法,协调一致地实施议程的行动要点,从而充分发挥高质量艺术教育的潜 力,积极革新教育系统,实现关键的社会和文化目标,最终是为了让儿童、青年以及所有年 龄段的终身学者从中受益。
The Seoul Agenda calls upon UNESCO Member States, civil society, professional organizations and communities to recognize its governing goals, to employ the proposed strategies, and to implement the action items in a concerted effort to realize the full potential of high quality arts education to positively renew educational systems, to achieve crucial social and cultural objectives, and ultimately to benefit children, youth and life-long learners of all ages.
缔约国的结论是,《公约》的者从 来 无 意排除对不 严重判决限制上诉权的可能性。
The State party
[...] concludes that the authors of the Convention never intended to [...]
rule out the possibility of limiting the
right to appeal for less serious convictions.
不过应当指出的是,很难得到儿童免疫接种情况的明确数据,因为家 庭者从外围 小岛迁移到主要大岛或国外或者反向迁移。
It is noted however that there is difficulty in obtaining clear data on immunization of children due to movement of families either from the outer islands to the main islands or abroad, and vice versa.
者从有计 划的干预中得到足 够的信息,可以帮助他们就出售或保留财产做出明智的决定。
Good information for beneficiaries about planned interventions can help them make good decisions about selling or retaining their assets.
欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)亦于2008年评估了从膳食摄入PAHs的分量,认为一般消 者从 膳 食 摄入PAHs的分量对健康的影响不大,但对高消费者可能有健康关注。
JECFA recommended some measures to reduce exposure to PAHs such as avoiding contact of foods with flames, and cooking with the heat source above rather than below the food.etc. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also assessed the dietary exposure to PAHs in 2008 and concluded that the estimated dietary exposure may indicate a low health concern for average consumer but a potential health concern for high consumer.
如果民众能看到明显的民生和人权利益,会 有助于他们成为和平的广泛拥者, 从 而 限 制滥用 个人的经济和政治议程。
If they see clear livelihood and human rights benefits, this
will help create a broad constituency for peace that
[...] can constrain spoilers with personal [...]
economic and political agendas.
另外还有其它的潜在问题根源,包括:一些不再使用暴力的组织(如回教祈祷团(Jemaah Islamiyah,JI))的心怀不满或者被孤立的成员;躲过早期反恐行动追捕的逃犯;非常危险的前囚犯 者从 监 狱 里招募的圣战成员;那些被杀或者被捕的恐怖嫌疑人的弟弟妹妹;以及接受了伊斯兰宗教军事训练(tadrib)并想测试他们的技能的人,这些人包括唯一真主游击队的成员。
There are other potential problems from disaffected or isolated members of older groups like Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) that have moved away from violence; fugitives from earlier operations; former high-risk prisoners or men they recruited inside; younger siblings of slain or detained terrorism suspects; and individuals, including from JAT, who have taken part in Islamist military training (tadrib) and want to test their skills.
大多数非正规 企业和劳者从事的 是合法的商品和服务,以半合法方式经营,并非刻意从事非 法经营。
Most informal enterprises and workers deal in legal goods and services, and operate in a semi-legal, but not deliberately illegal manner.
在获取和利益分享协议中,专为知识产权管理 作出的特别安排对于确保遗传资源提 者从 中 受 益,特别是确保利益的公平分配及充分 尊重资源提供者的利益和关切,可能具有至关重要的意义。
Within access and benefitsharing agreements, the specific arrangements made for IP management can be crucial in ensuring that they operate to create benefits from access to genetic resources, and in particular to ensure that those benefits are shared equitably and the interests and concerns of the resource providers are fully respected.
当轮椅使者从 轮椅 上出来时,他们需要在扶手上找到一种支持他们的方法。
Wheelchair users need a way to support themselves on the handrail when getting up from the wheelchair.
所有国家均应按照本国程序,通过和执行适 当有效的法律,禁止任何非国家行 者从 事 此 类活动,尤其是用于恐怖目的,并 采取和执行有效措施,建立国内管制,以防止核生化武器及其运载工具的扩散, [...]
All States, in accordance with their national procedures, are requested to adopt and enforce
appropriate effective laws that
[...] prohibit any non-State actor from engaging in [...]
such activities, in particular for terrorist
purposes, and to take and enforce effective measures to establish domestic controls to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery, including by establishing appropriate controls over related materials.
作为卫星振动测试领域的领者,从 元 件到准备发射的整个卫星,LDS 丰富的经验让我们 成为独一无二的选择。
As a leader in satellite vibration testing, from component through to launch ready payload, LDS’s experience makes us the obvious choice.
行预咨委会提请注意,经对联索政治处和非索特派团支助办的行政职能进行 审查,者从 2010年 1 月 1 日起承担了这两个实体的所有核心行政和预算职能, [...]
而有些行政职能和服务将由联合国内罗毕办事处按照一份谅解备忘录规定的分 摊成本安排予以提供(见 A/64/509,第 60 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that, as a result of a review
of the administrative functions of UNPOS
[...] and UNSOA, the latter assumed all the [...]
core administrative and budgetary functions
of both entities as from 1 January 2010, while a number of administrative functions and services would be provided by the United Nations Office at Nairobi under a cost-sharing arrangement governed by a memorandum of understanding (see A/64/509, para. 60).
此外,也有更多国家报告说,它们的法律框架中包括禁止 非国家行者从事非 法化学武器相关活动的规定。
Additionally, more countries report provisions in
their legal frameworks prohibiting the
[...] involvement of non-State actors in illicit activities [...]
related to chemical weapons.
订单下一步是日内瓦的版本 (1557年至1560年)(第一个版本承认诗句分工到文本); 主教团圣经
(1568年);的兰斯和杜埃版本,根据罗马天主教主持(1582年,1609年)(仍然是标准的罗马天主教圣经); 授权版
[...] (1611年)(最广泛分布的版本,也称为国王詹姆斯授权版本 [KJAV ];工作五十四位 者从 牛 津,剑桥和威斯敏斯特,一个修订数很快就作出了1613年,中,1629,1638,1762和1769年),以及和修订版本的新约圣经旧约于1880年在1884年。
Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560) (the first version to recognize the division of the text into verses); the Bishops' Bible (1568); the Rheims and Douai versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609) (still the standard Roman Catholic Bible); the Authorized Version (1611) (the most broadly distributed version, also called King James Authorized
Version [KJAV]; the
[...] work of fifty-four scholars from Oxford, Cambridge [...]
and Westminster; a number of revisions were soon made,
in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884.
缔约国坚称,在整个初步调查期间,提交人和他的同 者从 未 抱 怨过非法讯 问手段,包括其在车臣共和国之外审前拘留设施期间。
The State party contends that throughout the preliminary
[...] investigation, neither the author nor his co-accused [...]
ever complained about unlawful methods
of questioning, including during their stay in pretrial detention facilities located outside the Chechen Republic.
在此期间,HBI主席Benedict S.
[...] Maniscalco博士主持了一个全球心血管联盟圆桌会议,与会人员就一个全球性联盟中的心脏中心的目标进行了讨论,以制定出能够覆盖各类心血管疾病的筛查、预防、后续治疗与教育项目,让尽可能多的 者从 中 受 益。
In conjunction with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2012 expo in Chicago, March 24 - 27, HBI Chairman Dr. Benedict S. Maniscalco hosted a GCA roundtable session and discussed its goal of heart centers in a global alliance to develop screening, prevention, follow-up care and education
programs covering the spectrum of cardiovascular disease to make the most impact and reach
[...] the greatest number of patients.
这可以防止打印密 度不均匀,并且能打印出窄梯度条形码 者从 微 观 上看是直线的垂直网格线。
This prevents unevenness of print density and results in the printing of narrowladder bar codes or vertical grid lines that are straight from the microscopic viewpoint.
缔约国应及时采取有效措施,确保所有被拘 者从 被 拘 即刻起就实际享有一 切基本的法律保障,包括有权可当即与律师联系并接受独立的体检、通知亲属、 在拘留当时即被告知其权利,包括对之的指控,并在按国际标准规定的时限内被 送交法官。
The State party should promptly take
effective measures to ensure
[...] that all detainees are afforded, in practice, all fundamental legal safeguards from the very outset of the detention, [...]
including the
rights to have prompt access to a lawyer and an independent medical examination, to notify a relative, to be informed of their rights at the time of detention, including about the charges laid against them, and to appear before a judge within a time limit in accordance with international standards.
阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、西班牙、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭的 50 多
[...] 位负责文化管理的大学毕业生和研究生课程的 者 , 从 伊 美 国家教育、科学及文化组织 (OEI)、伊美文化培训网(IBEROFORMAT)、智利全国文化艺术委员会和教科文组织于 [...]
年 11 月 10 日至 14 日在智利圣地亚哥联合组织的拉丁美洲文化政策培训和管理研讨会 中大受裨益。
More than 50 academicians responsible for graduate and postgraduate programmes in cultural management from Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Chile, Equator, Spain, Paraguay,
[...] Peru and Uruguay benefited from the Latin [...]
American Seminar on Training in Cultural
Policies and Management, jointly organized in Santiago, Chile, from 10 to 14 November 2003 by the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), the Ibero-American Network for Training in Culture (IBEROFORMAT), the Chilean National Council for Culture and Arts, and UNESCO.
苯丙胺类兴奋剂非法制造仍集中在业已存在大量生产的 几个区域,特别是东亚和东南亚、欧洲、北美和大洋洲。但有迹象表明非法制造 活动正在向此类活动很少者从未有 过此类活动的区域,如南美的弱势国家蔓 延。
The illicit manufacture of amphetamine-type stimulants continued in regions where it was well established, notably East and South-East Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania, but also showed signs of spreading to vulnerable countries in regions with little or no history of such manufacture, such as South America.




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