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另外需要仔细考从此类付 费 所获收入的分配问题,以便使地方社区和土著人民得益。
It is also necessary to give careful consideration to the distribution of revenue derived from such payments so that local communities and indigenous peoples can benefit.
所有者能够确定他们工作的成果如何被 使用,并且从此成果 中获得经济利益。
They are now able to decide how the outcome of their work is to be used and are able to derive financial benefits from this outcome.
除产妇补助金外,还会自孩 子出生之后一个月的第一天开始直 从此 日 算起 20 个月为止支付生育津贴。
The childbirth allowance is paid, in addition to the maternity grant, for the period from the first day of the month following the birth, up until 20 months from that date.
Rucker adopted this principle and has been designing and making rugged, yet featherlight jewelry and other artworks for some 17 years now.
这就可从此自由 度(发电厂内)中获益以满足所需要求。
This offers the opportunity to benefit from the degrees of freedom, which exist inside the plant to fulfil the required demands.
重申根本改变社会的生产和消费方式对于实现全球可持续发展必不可少,所 有国家都应提倡可持续消费和生产模式,由发达国家带头,所有国家 从此 进程 中获益,同时考虑到里约原则,除其他外包括《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》1第 7 段所载的共同但有区别的责任原则,并重申各国政府、相关国际组织、私营部 门和所有主要群体都应在改变不可持续的消费和生产模式方面发挥积极作用, 1.
Reiterating that fundamental changes in the way societies produce and consume are indispensable for achieving global sustainable development and that all countries should promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, with the developed countries taking the lead and with all countries benefiting from the process, taking into account the Rio principles,1 including the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities as set out in paragraph 7 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and also reiterating that Governments, relevant international organizations, the private sector and all major groups should play an active role in changing unsustainable consumption and production patterns, 1.
2006 年,615 兆瓦的南俄河 2
[...] 号水力发电项目 破土动工,标志从此之后 主要由泰国的参与者进 行开发和资助的重要转变。
The construction of the 615 MW Nam Ngum 2 hydropower
[...] project, which broke ground in 2006, marks [...]
an important transition in that it is being
developed and financed largely by Thai actors.
在苏丹也是同样的状况,苏丹政府和联合国难 民事务高级专员办事处维持着稳定的合作关系,为
国家东部的 15 万难民提供帮助,并鼓励许多难民返 回南部:尽管 A/64/12
[...] 号报告中的结论只在特定的时 期有价值,非政府组从此可以 更容易地进入达尔 富尔地区,但是苏丹政府还没有对联合国难民事务 [...]
使其完成保护达尔富尔北部和南部难民、并对难民 营进行管理的任务。
The same was true of the Sudan, whose Government worked closely with UNHCR to provide aid to 150,000 refugees in the eastern part of the country and to encourage many refugees to return to the south: although the conclusions contained in his report (A/64/12) applied only
to the period concerned, and
[...] non-governmental organizations had gained improved [...]
access to Darfur since that time, the fact
remained that the Sudanese Government had yet to respond to some requests made by the UNHCR country team related to the fulfilment of its mission to protect refugees and manage camps in northern and southern Darfur.
各种国际人权文书中包含的条款可以按照《宪法》(第 63 条)在国家司法和 行政机构中引用,《宪法》规定吉布提批准的国际文书自颁布时起就纳入国内法 律,从此享有高于国内法的优先权(第 37 条)。
International human rights instruments may be invoked before national judicial and administrative authorities in accordance with the Constitution (art. 63). Article 37 states that international instruments ratified by Djibouti are incorporated into the domestic legal order as soon as they are promulgated and shall then take precedence over national law.
虽然 2000 年制定了指导方针,但该机制从此 未 被 使用。
Though guidelines were drawn up in 2000,
[...] the mechanism was never used again.
从此 有了能满足特殊透析要求的血液过滤 膜,过滤效果得到了进一步提高。
This allows the production [...]
of blood filter membranes for special dialysis requirements and further improvements in filtering capacity.
通过功能多样的 32 位 Nios II 处理器,您可以用拖放方式精确组合构建系统所需的处理器和外围设备,生成完美组合的处理器系 从此 不 费 吹灰之力。
By allowing you to drag and drop the precise mix of processors and peripherals needed to build your system, the versatile 32-bit Nios II processor equips you to create an exact-fit processor system in just minutes.
从此时到 下次优惠费率通话延续之前,将采用标准 TIM 国际费率(欧洲、美国与加拿大:50 欧分/分钟;北非:2.02 欧元/分钟;世界其他地区:2.52 欧元/分钟,另需支付 16.13 欧分连接费,并按 30 秒预付计价单位计费)。
From that moment on and up to the renewal, standard international TIM rates will apply (Europe, USA and Canada: 50 cents  a minute; North Africa: 2.02€ a minute: rest of the world: 2.52 € a minute with a 16.13 cents connection charge, prices charged in 30 second advance increments).
1938年,玉门油田因抗战所需而开发建设,1939年玉门老君庙第一口油井出油,中 从此 甩 掉 了“无油国”的帽子。
The Yumen oil field was first developed in 1938, because of the war against Japan. 1939 saw Yumen’s first oil well at Lao Jun Temple begin to produce, ending China’s reputation for having no oil resources.
1) 如果您在下载该程序以后再购买的该程序,那么您必须按照用户指南或程序帮助来创建可 启动应急 CD
[...] (或其它应急媒体,例如,USB 闪存盘),然后再确保在您的计算机上 从此应 急媒体启动。
1) If you purchased the program after downloading it, you absolutely must create a bootable rescue CD (or other rescue media, for example, a USB stick) following the
recommendations given in the User's Guide
[...] or program's Help and then make sure this [...]
rescue media is bootable on your computer.
这是一个重大步骤从此爱尔 兰的运输行业有了必要的辐射防护培 训。2006 [...]
年,爱尔兰辐射防护研究所同卫生和安全管理局拟订了一份谅解备忘录, 提出了共同的利益和责任领域,特别是涉及工作场所电离辐射的卫生和安全方 面,以及在这些领域开展合作的方式(公路运输,涉及电离辐射的工作场所中的
In 2006, RPII and the Health and Safety
Authority established a memorandum of
[...] understanding that sets out areas of shared [...]
interest and responsibility, particularly
in relation to the health and safety aspects of ionizing radiation in the workplace and the modalities by which cooperation in those areas shall be exercised (transport by road, hazards in the workplace involving ionizing radiation, accidents in the workplace involving ionizing radiation, and radon in the workplace).
该法律首次提出了“教育共 同体”75 的概念从此该共 同体在制定政策(教育部门战略)、战略规划(全民教育 国家计划)以及实施方案进程中发挥着重要作用。
It introduced the concept of "educational community"75 , which now plays a significant role in the development of the relevant policies (SSS), strategic planning (National Plan for Education for All) and in the implementation of programmes.
我们可从此转向对正在发展的人权实践领域进行讨论,这些实践涉及权利请求人提 出其经社文权利诉请、法院和其他审理机构做出权利是否受到侵害的判决、以及救济建议 或决定的作出。
We can rely instead on a developing field of human rights practice in which human rights claimants are advancing claims to ESC rights, where courts and other adjudicative bodies are making determinations as to whether rights have been infringed and where remedial recommendations or orders are being fashioned.
此从逻辑 上说,保留对之成 立的其他国家或国际组织已经在同保留者的条约关系中放弃了要求保留者履行其 有关条约规定之义务的权利。
It follows logically that the other States or international organizations with regard to which the [...]
reservation is established
have waived their right to demand performance of the obligation stemming from the treaty provision in question in the context of their treaty relationship with the author of the reservation.
此,从全球 情况看,亚洲资本市场已显现了所有发展中国家区域的最大后危机复苏之 [...]
Consequently, in global terms, Asian [...]
equity markets have seen one of the greatest post-crisis recoveries of all developing
country regions, reflecting investor expectations of comparatively healthy growth prospects in international terms.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在多次报 告(A/64/753,第 8
段、A/64/660(第 26 段)和 A/64/660/Add.12(第 16 段))中关
[...] 切地注意到,一些可视为履行支助职能的员额从总部调至后勤基地, 此从 和平 行动支助账户转到了后勤基地预算,使大会难以全面掌握为支持维和行动某个职 [...]
As noted in the relevant reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/64/753 (para. 8), A/64/660 (para. 26) and A/64/660/Add.12 (para. 16)), the Committee was concerned at the fact that several functions that could be considered backstopping functions had been
transferred from sections at
[...] Headquarters to UNLB and consequently moved from the support [...]
account for peacekeeping operations
to the budget of UNLB, making it difficult for the Assembly to get a picture of the totality of resources dedicated to a particular function or business process that backstopped peacekeeping.
此,从长远来讲,成功的人力资源管理改革是 获得其他管理改革的预期成果和裨益的前提。
Successful human resources
[...] management reform was therefore a prerequisite for obtaining [...]
the expected outcomes and benefits
of other management reforms over the long term.
[...] 苏丹政府从来没有向委员会申请向驻达尔富尔的苏丹武装部队、国家警察或中央 后备警察等政府武装运送武器或弹药, 此从 来 没 有获得相关事先授权。
The Panel recalls that the Government of the Sudan has never requested, and consequently
never received, prior authorization from the
[...] Committee for transfers of arms or ammunition [...]
to Government forces in Darfur, whether
they be SAF, national police or CRP.
此,从技术 角度看,没有什么可阻止联合提出的 反对,但是这丝毫不影响反对的单方面性质。
Thus, from a technical standpoint there [...]
is nothing to prevent the joint formulation of an objection, but this in no way
affects the unilateral nature of the objection.
如我前几次报告所述,2006 年联利特派团进行了缩编前调整,连同 2010 年 5 月完成的特派团三个阶段的正式缩编,以及 2011 年 3 月从塞拉利昂问题特别法 庭撤出军事警卫人员,特派团的兵力 此从 15 250 人减至目前的核定兵力 7 952 人。
As indicated in my previous reports, the pre-drawdown adjustments to UNMIL in 2006, together with the three stages of the Mission’s formal drawdown, which was completed in May 2010, and the withdrawal of the military guard force from the Special Court in Sierra Leone in March 2011, reduced the Mission’s troop strength from 15,250 to its current authorized military strength of 7,952 personnel.
可持续发展委员会第十八届会议提供了一个虽然迟来,但非常重要的机会, 可此从联合 国各会员国就可持续发展所做的国际承诺的角度探讨其在采矿、化 学品、废物和交通运输等领域取得的进展,并在更广泛的消费和生产模式的框架 下讨论这些问题。
The eighteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development presents a late but significant opportunity to explore progress made by Member States on mining, chemicals, waste and transportation, through the lens of their international sustainable development commitments, and to discuss them within the broader framework of consumption and production patterns.
贫困 指标应考虑到少数群体的文化和生活方式, 此从 该 社区的愿望角度评估其贫困 状况,而不是从那些主流群体的角度来评估。
Indicators to measure poverty should take into consideration the cultures and lifestyles of minorities in order to assess poverty from the perspective of the community’s aspirations rather than only those of dominant groups.
然而,由于附件 B 也可以在第二或随后的承诺期间修正,以包括额外 的附件一缔约方,此,从政策 角度而言,保留一个界定计算这些缔约方配量的规 定也许是有用的。
However, since Annex B could also be amended during the second or subsequent commitment periods to include additional Annex I Parties, it may be useful, from a policy perspective, to retain a provision that defines how the assigned amount of such Parties would be calculated.
委员会审议了决议草案 33 C/DR 28(提案国:坦桑尼亚,安哥拉,博茨瓦纳,刚果民主共和 国,莱索托,毛里求斯,莫桑比克,纳米比亚,南非,斯威士兰,赞比亚,津巴布韦),该提案提 出将保养文化作为跨部门活动加以促进,并要求 此从 重 大 计划 I、II 和 V 的正常计划中,或从预算 外资源中拨款 150,000 美元。
Having examined 33 C/DR.28 (submitted by the United Republic of Tanzania, Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) which promotes the culture of maintenance as an intersectoral activity and requests a budget allocation of $150,000 from the regular programme of Major Programmes I, II and V and/or extrabudgetary resources, the Commission recommended that the General Conference invite the Director-General to endeavour to identify extrabudgetary funds for implementing the proposed activity.




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