

单词 从当

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从这个意义上 讲,文化多样性是人类的共同遗产, 当从 当代人 和子孙后代的利益考虑予以承认和肯 定。
In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations.
3) 转动 1 周的增量位置(G91.1) 从当前位置出发的角度量移动。
3) Full revolution incremental dimension (G91.1) Travel from the current position by an angle.
所有这些因素推动 和提高了产从当地消 费到国际市场的流动程度。
All these factors have facilitated and increased the movement of production in
[...] relative terms from local consumption to [...]
international markets.
从当时的情况可以看出,合并产生的国家打算维持某一具体国家 [...]
所指出的保留,这是第 2 款(c)项所指的情况;在这种情况中,例如统 一的国家一经扩大条约的领土范围,便具体提及有关国家之一在合并 之日之前就条约履行的程序。
If it becomes otherwise apparent [...]
from the circumstances that a State formed from a uniting of States intends to maintain
reservations formulated by one of the States in particular, the situation referred to in paragraph 2 (c); this is the case, for example, when the unified State, upon extending the territorial scope of a treaty, refers specifically to formalities performed in respect of the treaty, prior to the date of the union, by one of the States concerned.
专家从当地民 众的若干证词中获悉,在该国南部的一些道路上,宪兵和 警察参与了非法征税行动。
In a number of testimonies, the Group was informed by local people that the [...]
gendarmerie and the police were participating
in illegal taxation on certain roads in the southern part of the country.
此外,根从当地人 那里得到的信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,并驻 [...]
扎在中非共和国-乍得-苏丹边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information
[...] received from the local population, children [...]
allegedly remain associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and
stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
此外,委员会还剩以下五个待补空缺:东欧国家一名,西欧和其他国家一名, 任期从当选之 日开始,至 2015 年委员会第五十三届会议闭会时届满;拉丁美 [...]
洲和加勒比国家两名,西欧和其他国家一名、任期均从委员会第四十一届会议 (2012 年举行)第一次会议举行之日开始,至
2016 年委员会第四十四届会议闭会 时届满(见理事会第 2011/201 E 号决定)。
In addition, there remain five unfilled vacancies on the Commission as follows: one from Eastern European States and one from Western
European and other States, both for a term
[...] beginning on the date of election and expiring [...]
at the close of the Commission’s fifty-third
session, in 2015; and two from Latin American and Caribbean States and one from Western European and other States, all for a term beginning at the first meeting of the Commission’s fifty-first session (held in 2012) and expiring at the close of the Commission’s fifty-fourth session, in 2016 (see Council decision 2011/201 E).
警员征聘始终是一项挑战,警察局长及其高级幕僚 现在已经从当地和 海外招聘列为优先事项。
Recruitment continues to be a challenge, but the Commissioner of Police and his senior staff have made
[...] recruitment both locally and from overseas [...]
a priority.
然而,这一前景取决于两个因素:外部经济环境,特别从当前的 全球经济危机中复苏的速度,以及最不发达国家增长的质量及其对就 业、结构转型和公共及私人投资的影响。
However, this scenario is dependent on two factors: the external economic environment, in particular the speed of recovery from the current global economic crisis, and the quality of growth in the LDCs and its impact on employment, structural transformation and investment, both public and private.
发展中国家的城市,特别是特大型城市,可 从当 前绿化规划和城市发展功能的创新和经验中获得益处。
Cities, especially megacities, in developing countries stand to gain from current innovation and experience in greening their planning and city development function.
这 可归结于多个因素,包括(a) 销售收益净额与预算相比有所减少,货物支出的成 本相应减少;(b) 宣传材料支出减少;(c) 国家办事处筹款费用减少,原因是这
[...] 些费用现在重新列入国家办事处预算,这些费 从当 地 筹 款的收入中直接回收。
This is due to a combination of factors, including (a) lower cost of goods expenditure, consistent with the decline in sales net proceeds versus budget; (b) reduced spending on promotional materials; and (c) a decrease in country office fundraising expenses, as these costs are
now being reallocated to country office budgets where they are recovered directly from
[...] fundraising income raised locally.
亚洲国家四名成员、东欧国家两名成员以及拉丁美洲和加勒比国家两名成 员,其任从当选之日开始,到 2012 年 12 月 31 日届满。
Four members from Asian States, two members from Eastern European States and two members from Latin American and Caribbean States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 2012.
地面保护垫可从 当地经 销商或分销商获取以保护非地毯地板。
Floor protectors are
[...] available from your local dealer or distributor [...]
to protect non carpeted floors.
一个或一个以上会员国在大会常会进行 的任何这类选举中当选后,应立即就任,并应按照议事规则第一
[...] 三九条的规定任职到期满,犹如其任期 从当 选 后 的一月一日开 始一样。
A Member or Members elected at any such election at a regular session shall take office immediately upon their election and shall complete their terms in
accordance with the provisions of rule 139 as if they had begun their terms of office on 1
[...] January following their election.
然而,根据《刑法典》第30条2款c 项之规定,若违反保密是为了履行 法律规定之义务或从当局之正当命令,非属不法。
However, under article 30 (2) (c) of the CCM, such acts cease to be illegal if the secret is revealed in the performance of a legal duty imposed by law or by a legitimate order.
除了其定居点 政策和征用土地及水资源之外,以色列正在推行一 项政策,以便系统清除被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯 特征,从当地的 叙利亚居民意识里彻底去除阿拉 伯文化和遗产。
In addition to its settlement policy and the expropriation of land and water resources, Israel was pursuing a policy of systematically eradicating the Arab character of the occupied Syrian Golan and obliterating the Arab culture and heritage from the consciousness of its Syrian population.
例如在多哥,从当前的金融和经济危机爆发 以来,国内生产总值的增长率持续下降,而新的挑 战已经出现,表现为无法驾驭的人口增长和资源的 迅速耗尽。
In Togo, for instance, there had been a steady decline in gross domestic product growth since the outbreak of the current financial and economic crisis, while new challenges had arisen in the form of runaway population growth and rapidly depleting resources.
特派团和发展界还应制定工作人员本地化政 策,以避免人从当地劳动力市场外流的情况,并且 利用各种机会促进地方体制建设。
The missions and the development community should also develop national staff policies so as to avoid a drain of talented people away from the local labour market and to take advantage of opportunities for local institutionbuilding.
在采矿点一级,从当地采矿者的角度和经验以及当地矿物和货物价格、 矿工子女入学情况等经济和社会指标来进行评估。
At the mine-site level, the assessment is based on perspectives and experiences of local mining populations, as well as economic and social indicators, such as local prices of minerals and goods, and school enrolment of dependent children.
小组委员会审议了通过法律草案的阶段, 从当 局 20 08年11月7 日的信 中了解到法律草案将由全国立法和法律编纂委员会在其2008年9月23 [...]
日的特别 会议期间审议和通过。
The SPT has considered the stage of adoption of the draft legislation and
understands from the letter of 7 November
[...] 2008 from the authorities that the draft [...]
legislation was examined and adopted by
the National Commission on Legislation and Codification during its special session of 23 September 2008.
从地球核心的失败者当从地球 的中心,恶魔涅伽尔,在周末去拜访比利的家庭(他的姻亲),他结束了与他们在一起一年多。
The Loser from the Earth’s Core: When Nergal, the fiend from the center of the Earth, goes to visit Billy’s family (his in-laws) for the weekend, he ends up staying with them over a year.
从理论上来说发展中国家当从其政 府派遣专家代表团参加有关不同知识产权主题的国际 协商会议。
Developing countries should ideally send expert delegations from their capitals to attend international negotiations and meetings on different IP subjects.
在这一框架内,向所有警察机构发出了 指示和指导,强调当从社会 敏感角度,谨慎处理影响罗姆公民的问题。
Within this framework, instructions and guidelines have been sent to all police services, stressing the need for a socially sensitive and tactful handling of issues affecting Roma citizens.
根据国际公约和/或国家法律,他们的确从事了不 当从 事的工作,这种情况不仅危及孩子自身,也危及家庭和社区减缓贫困和 可持续发展的努力。
They do work that they should not do according to international conventions and/or national legislation, and this situation endangers not only the children themselves but also efforts at poverty alleviation and sustainable development in a larger sense for their families and communities.
目前,瑞士认为时机已经成熟,贸易法委员会 当 ㈠ 从 现 今和将来的国际商务 当事方的实际需要出发,着手评估 [...]
1980 年《国际货物销售合同公约》和贸易法 委员会相关文书的运作情况,㈡讨论在这两个领域和一般合同法这一较广的范 围内进一步开展全球性的工作以满足这些需要是否可取和可行。
Today, Switzerland believes that time [...]
has come for UNCITRAL (i) to undertake an assessment of the operation of the 1980
Convention on Contracts for the international Sale of Goods and related UNCITRAL instruments in light of practical needs of international business parties today and tomorrow, and (ii) to discuss whether further work both in these areas and in the broader context of general contract law is desirable and feasible on a global level to meet those needs.
[...] 适的标准是效果(应通过作为该战略实施手段的具体项目活动所产生的影响来衡量)、效用 (当从该战 略模式的设计、管理和监督是否适用的角度来衡量)和实用性(该战略模式是 [...]
The criteria for appropriateness, as determined by the Terms of Reference, were effectiveness (to be measured by the impact of the special project activities that were the delivery tool
for the strategy), efficiency (to be
[...] measured by the appropriateness of the design, [...]
management and monitoring of the strategic
model) and relevance (of the strategic model to the needs it was designed to serve).
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能清楚地看出,非集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而 当 被 看 作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information on the implementation of the decentralization strategy that it should not be seen as the dismantling of a centralized bloc, but rather as the establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.
一名代表指出,当从整体 来看健康状况问题;各国政府必须研究健康状 况问题的根源,例如:教育、边缘化以及获得教育和医疗服务的机会。
A delegate pointed out that health should be looked at in its entirety and governments need to address the root causes of health problems such as education, marginalization and access to schools and healthcare services.
阿克拉协议》第98 段规定:“贸发会议围绕与能源相关的问题开展的工 作当从贸易 和发展的角度着手,酌情联系贸发会议围绕商品、贸易和环境、新 的有活力部门、服务业等方面所开展的工作进行。
Paragraph 98 of the Accra Accord states: “UNCTAD’s work on energy-related issues should be addressed from the trade and development perspective, where relevant in the context of UNCTAD’s work on commodities, trade and environment, new and dynamic sectors, and services.
会议指出,时机已经成熟,当从单 纯 倡导可持续消费和生产转向切实建立 有效框架支持将这一概念纳入所有公共和私营决策领域的主流。
It was suggested that it was time to shift from merely advocating sustainable consumption and production to actually setting up an effective framework to support the mainstreaming of the concept across all areas of decision-making, both public and private.




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