

单词 从善如流

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从善如流,随 时准备在直接影响萨米族人的问题上进一步向萨米族议会 [...]
The Government is open to transferring [...]
further responsibilities to the Sámi Parliament on issues directly affecting the
Sámi people in order to strengthen their participation in decision-making.
荷兰报告 称儿童司法系统内各组织的信息流 情 况 得到了 善 , 从 而 增进了与各国政府 和司法机构的合作。
The Netherlands reported that the
[...] exchange of information among organizations within the child justice system had improved, thereby [...]
enhancing cooperation
among the various Government and judicial institutions.
主 辦 機 構 亦善 如 流 , 在 徵 詢環境保護署 的 意見後 , 在 整 個場地 鋪 上 人 造 草 皮 , 藉 以減低沙塵 引起的 滋擾。
The organizer was receptive to the idea and in consultation with the Environmental Protection Department, the organizer carpeted the entire site with artificial turf to reduce the dust nuisance.
取到一个事流并将 其转换为其他某种形式, 如从 一 个新客户事件组成 流 中 选 取名字。
Taking an event stream and converting it to some other form, e.g. selecting name from a stream of new customer events.
如果混合组件 (39)没从流体室 (7)中伸出, 可稍微拧松锁环 (11)然后再重新拧紧,使能抓 住边缘以将其取出。
If mix module (39) does not protrude from fluid housing (7), [...]
slightly loosen then retighten lock ring (11), to allow gripping of edge for removal.
主席,我 最後希望政 府 及 各 公 共 機構應該是 “ 以民為本” 、 “善如 流 ” , 而不是 以 “ 愚 民為本” 、 “ 獨 斷 獨 行 ” 。
Madam President, I just hope the Government and the various public utilities can be people-oriented and heed good advice, rather than concentrating on fooling the people and doing things arbitrarily.
已经有一些善的切实迹象,见之于土著人民、暴力受害者和以往的侵 权行为,以从体制 入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence and past abuses, and the [...]
institutional promotion
of human rights in the country.
如,从第九 个五年计划开始,政府一贯在确定其工作和目标的五 年计划中列入一个有关善妇女福利和增强妇女能力的单独的项目,目的是提 高妇女在政治生活和社会经济发展中的参与度,并鼓励妇女参与政治和公共决策 进程。
Hence, beginning with the ninth five-year plan, it has consistently included a separate item on women’s welfare and empowerment in the five-year [...]
plans that shape its work and goals.
从历史 上看,创新产品、工序和政策使千百万大众的生活得到了 善(如疫 苗 、经改良的谷物品种和移动电话等等)。
Innovative products, processes and
[...] policies have historically changed the lives of millions of people for the better (e.g. vaccines, improved varieties [...]
of grain and mobile phones, to name just a few).
雖然所花的時間較預期為長,但我認為這些討論並沒有白費,因為政 府對於議員的建議,由最初採取排斥的態度,到最後終於 善如流 , 決 定接納大部分 的建議。
Although the time spent on it is longer than expected, I believe the discussion has not been futile because the Government's attitude has changed from initially rejecting Members' proposals to readily accepting most of them.
財政司對於多個組織和政治團體就預算案提出的建議 善如流 , 可見政府愈來愈開放 和負責任。
The Financial Secretary's receptive attitude towards Budget proposals submitted by various organizations and political groups is indicative of an increasingly open and accountable government.
政府當局於是善如流, 將分體式和窗口式空調機的相關禁制令,分別推遲至明年年中和後年年 中才實施。
Having taken heed to the opinion, the Government now decides to defer the relevant banning with respect to split type and window type air-conditioners to the middle of next year and the middle of the year after next respectively.
南非还要求加强和增进安全理事会与联合国其 它机构如建设和平委员会、经济及社会理事会、联 合国开发计划署的合作和信息流, 从 而 将 安全与发 展之间至关重要的相互联系落到实处。
South Africa also calls for a strengthened and enhanced cooperation
[...] information-sharing between the Security Council and other United Nations bodies, such as the PBC, the Economic and Social Council and the United Nations [...]
Development Programme,
aimed at concretizing the crucial interdependence between security and development.
当使 用暴露在阳光下或环境热量下的较长流体管路 时,或流体从冷处泵送到热处时如从地罐 泵出时)可能发生热膨胀。
Thermal expansion can occur when using long fluid lines exposed to sunlight or ambient heat, or when
[...] pumping from a cool to a warm area (for example, from an underground tank).
卸荷阀在2 处阻止油液流入,直到1处有足够的压 力,抵抗预先设定的弹簧力,使先导阀 芯打开,油液由2流向3.如果1处的压力 值降低到比先导比与预先设定的弹簧力 的乘积低,那么阀门将关闭,阻止油从2流入。
The unloading valve blocks flow at 2 until sufficient pressure exists at 1 to pilot the poppet open against the pre-determined spring setting and allow flow from 2 to 3.
主席,無論如何,這次是得到民主黨提議,特區政府主催,而中央 政府對這個有利於香港、有利於國家、有利於香港市民的方案 善如 流,是值得香港人感到鼓舞和欣賞的。
Nevertheless, President, Hong Kong people should be encouraged by and appreciative of the fact that the proposal which is beneficial to Hong Kong, the State and the people of Hong Kong was put forward by the Democratic Party, advocated by the SAR Government and accepted by the Central Government with a receptive mind.
如果想 将高产品种及时交到农民手中,就需要在相当程度上 善从 植 物 种质资源采集、植物育种,至种子供给的整个系统。
However, timely delivery to
[...] farmers of high-yielding varieties requires big improvements in the system that connects plant germplasm collections, [...] [...]
plant breeding and seed delivery.
我們善 如 流 , 採 納 了 法案委員會的建 議,因 此 對 第 [...]
12A、 12B 和 12D 條 作出所需 的修正 ,訂明只有律 政司司長方可按照第 12A 條向法庭 申 請 提供資料和提交材料的 命令, 而 律 政司司長或獲授 權
人員 則可按照第 12B 條向法庭 申 請 提交材料的 命令等。
As a result, necessary amendments [...]
will be made to sections 12A, 12B and 12D by providing that only the Secretary for Justice
may apply to the Court for the furnishing of information or production of materials pursuant to section 12A, whereas the Secretary for Justice or an authorized officer may apply to the Court for the production of materials, and so on, pursuant to section 12B.
我们的任务是帮助银行提供创新的贸易和供应链服务 从 而 使得银行的企业客户能减少风险,提高流程效率并 善流 动 性 管理。
Our task is to help banks provide innovative trade and supply
chain services that
[...] enable their corporate customers to reduce risk, enhance process efficiency and improve liquidity management.
政 府當局善 如 流 , 在過去 數 年 來 , 積 極 推行學 校 改 善 工 程 及 實 踐 建 校 計 劃 。
The Government was amenable to advice and in the past few years, it has been actively implementing the SIP and the School Building Programme (SBP).
然後,亦提出了一些解決方法。接着,國家 善如流 , 作出了適應的安 排,令很多港商都覺得這項加工貿易政策對他們的影響,已較原本的建議減 少。
Subsequently, the State heeded sound advice and introduced adaptation arrangements which have made many Hong Kong businessmen think that compared with the original proposal, the impact of this processing trade policy on them has been reduced.
我們很高興政府善如流,接 納了我們的意見,取消書面承諾的要求,亦將計算基準改為以 過去 12 個月的最高工資水平計算。
We are very happy that the Administration has accordingly acceded to our request to remove the requirement for employer's written undertaking and to adopt the highest wage level of the past 12 months as the basis for calculation.
各大秀场支持环保时尚秀,如英国伦敦时装周的环保作品秀、韩服环保时装展等相继推出的环保服饰引起各大媒体的关注和时尚界人士的追捧,将一些“旧衣服”改良、制作而成的“新设计”;一些大牌也都纷纷力挺“环保 流 ” , 如 H & M -- “我有有机棉”、Armani--自然的才最环保、GUESS--彻头彻尾的环保原则 从 而 可 见,环 从 口 号 到实践已一步步在实践了。
Show support for the major field of environmental protection fashion shows, such as London Fashion Week show on environmental protection works, environmental protection hanbok fashion show also launched the environmental and other major media attention caused by clothing and fashion people in pursuit of some "old clothes" improvement, made of the "new design"; a number of big names
also have to support a
[...] "green tide", such as H & M - "I have organic cotton", Armani - only the most natural environment, GUESS - downright environmental principles, thereby can be seen from the slogan of environmental protection to practice has [...]
been in practice a step by step.
既 然 政 府過去所提 出 的方案 的成效 明 顯欠佳,我 希望政 府 今次能善 如流。
Since the measures put forward by the Government have failed to produce any obvious effects, I hope it can take our advice.
22.40 预计能实现本次级方案的各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a)
成员国愿意采纳和运用世界首脑 会议以及全球和区域会议倡导的可持续发展政策;(b)
[...] 预算外资源不出现重大短缺;(c) 政治 稳定善,从而使 区域成员国能有更好的合作环境,更有效地开展技术合作;以及(d) [...]
发达国 家将履行其承诺:通过技术转让和财政支助,支助发展中国家(包括西亚经社会国家)制定和实 施适应和减轻措施。
22.40 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) member countries are willing to adopt and apply the sustainable development policies advocated by world summits and by global and regional conferences; (b) there are no significant shortfalls
in extrabudgetary funding; (c)
[...] political stability is improved, thereby allowing [...]
for a better cooperative environment among
member countries in the region as well as a more effective implementation of technical cooperation; and (d) developed countries will fulfil their commitments to support the formulation and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures by developing countries, including ESCWA member countries, through technology transfer and financial support.
根据世界银行的评估,从 2004 年到 2008 年,小岛屿发展中国家分组的“政府效率”平均指数略有 善 , 从 - 0 . 22 提高到-0.14,“法治指数”也如此 ,从 0.21 提高到 0.22。
According to the World Bank, on average for the SIDS subgroup, the “government effectiveness” index improved slightly, from -0.22 in 2004 to -0.14 in 2008, as did the “rule of law” index, which increased from 0.21 to 0.22. However, the average “political stability” index declined from 0.71 in 2004 to 0.57 in 2008.
[...] 中,多语种教育、人权教育、和平教育、跨国教育和跨文化教育都能促进文化 流 , 从 而 强化对于文化多样性 的认识,深入理解其他民族的文化。
Multilingual education, human rights and peace education, cross-border education and intercultural education at all levels,
in formal and informal education, could
[...] nurture cross-fertilization of cultures, [...]
and thus bolster knowledge on cultural diversity
and appreciation of other people’s cultures.
由 於 有 很 多意見認 為 政 府不應在區議會以 外
另 行設立 一個諮詢委 員會,就管理 和 使 用 文 康 設 施 給 予 意見, 反 而 應 將 有 關 職 能 交 予 區 議會屬下的委 員會,我 可
[...] 以 在 此 說 明,我們將會善 如 流 , 對有關的建 議 作出適當的 [...]
Since many are of the view that the Government should not establish a consultative committee outside the DC framework to advise on the management and usage of cultural and leisure facilities, and that the relevant functions should rather be transferred to committees under the
DCs, I can tell Members here that we
[...] will readily accept good advice and appropriately [...]
revise the relevant recommendations.
儘 管如此 , 施 政 報 告 其 實 已善 如流, 吸納了 本 人 所 屬 進 出 口 界 的 多項 建 議,包括全 盤 落實中小型 企 業 委 員會的三 十 多項建 議,特別是 撥 款19 億 元 於 今 年年底開始 推 行 4 項支援基 金、在廣 州 成立經濟貿易辦 事 處( “ 經 貿 辦 ” ) 、在國 際 機 場 附 近 興 建新的 展 覽 設施、加快 與 珠 江 三 角洲合作發 展 物 流 業 、 準 備 放寬外 地人士來 港 投 資的規定等。
Despite all these, the policy address has in fact accepted good advice and incorporated several proposals of the import and export sector to which I belong, including implementing fully the 30-odd proposals made by the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee with $1.9 billion particularly allocated for implementing four support funds at the end of this year, setting up an Economic and Trade Office (ETO) in Guangzhou, constructing new exhibition facilities near the international airport, speeding up co-operation with the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in developing the logistics industry, preparing to relax the restrictions on foreigners making investments in Hong Kong, and so on.




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