单词 | 从业员 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 从业员 noun —practitioner n从业员 noun, plural —actresses plExamples:从业人员 n—employee n 从业人员—person employed in a trade or profession See also:从业—practice (a trade)
Navicat 是闻名世界、广受全球各大企业、政府机构、教育机构所信赖,更是各 界 从业员 每 天必备的工作伙伴。 navicat.com.cn | Navicat is well-known, trusted, and used [...] everyday around the world by global enterprises, government agencies and educational institutions. navicat.com |
除非从业员工是公司股东, 否则对私营部门公司的 管理没有影响力。 businessinmalopolska.com | Employees have no influence over the management of private sector firms unless they are shareholders. businessinmalopolska.com |
要 减 少 这 种 致 病 细 菌 , 最 重 要 是 教 育 食 物 从 业 员 、 保 持 良 好 个 人 卫 生 及 环 境 卫 生 以 防 止 细 菌 污 染 。 cfs.gov.hk | Health education and good personalhygiene are important to prevent contamination of food by such bacterial agent. cfs.gov.hk |
来自多家业务顶尖的中国公司的著名CEO和人力资 本 从业员 , 将於会议期间分享他们在中国及国际人力市场中,成功扩展机遇并克服挑战的经验、见解和理念。 chi.mazars.cn | During the conference, prominent CEOs and Human Capital practitioners from some of China's top performing companies will share their experiences, insights and ideas to successfully maximize opportunities and overcome challenges on the Chinese and international labor markets. mazars.cn |
平机会又从2009 年下半年开始为人力资源从业员举办 有关培训课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Training sessions for [...] human resources practitioners have also been [...]conducted since the latter half of 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
给从业员至少支付法定的最低工资,并且不得有不合理的工资克扣。 sharp-world.com | Suppliers are requested to pay the legal minimum wage or more, and not to practice unfair wage deduction as a means of disciplinary action. sharp-world.com |
这项国际盛事提供了宝贵机会,让国际社会 的从业员及持份者分享心得和经验,以进一步拓展无障碍运输和旅游。 daccess-ods.un.org | This international event provides a valuable opportunity for practitioners and stakeholders of the international community to share their knowledge and experiences in promoting accessible transportation and travel. daccess-ods.un.org |
香港资讯及通讯科技奖旨在表扬及推广香港资讯及通讯科技业的精英、企业及机构的卓越成就和贡献,亦同时鼓励本地业 界 从业员 开 发 创新和富创意的方案,借此进一步提升业界在香港及国际的专业形象。 navicat.com.cn | The Best Business Award Stream endorses innovative and original design effort by outstanding practitioners in the ICT Industry in Hong Kong. navicat.com |
这项全民认知的宣传运动是面向全澳居民,当中尤其会针对坊众、学生及旅游服务业 的 从业员 而 开 展多项活动,加上配合贯彻全年的媒体宣传攻势,务求引发全城效应,推动人人热心参与,齐来认识澳门旅游业,担起旅游大使,向全世界推广澳门。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | This awareness campaign, scheduled to take place from April to September, will launch a series of activities targeting at the whole population, but in particular at students and the employees in the tourism industry. The campaign will be supported by extensive media coverage inviting the whole community to know more about Macau tourism, to play the role as tourism ambassadors and to promote Macau to the world. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
为提升经济型酒店经营者及从业员的 竞 争力,并配合网站的发展,澳门酒店旅业商会已逐步为业界开办各类培训课程,如经济型酒店营销管理、经济型酒店清洁管理、经济型酒店客房使用产品采购及经济型酒店专网后台管理等。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | In order to increase budget hotel operators and employees' competitiveness and also in accord with the website development, Macau Hoteliers and Innkeepers Association have progressively organized various kinds of training courses for the industry practitioners of budget hotels, e.g. sales and operation management, cleaning management, room product procurement, website back-end management, etc. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
这次讲习班讨论了关于制订和实施 “降低脆弱性”战略与行动的实践经验,政府和非政府组织,包括学术界、专业组织和公民 社会等的作用,研究人员,从业人员 和 政 府官员之间开展合作的必要性,建立关于促使地方 建立减轻危险机构的机制,教育活动的主要受益目标为决策人员、城市规划人员、教育工作 者和媒体。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This workshop discussed actual experiences in the development and implementation of strategies and initiatives for vulnerability reduction, the roles of governmental and non-governmental institutions including academia, professional organizations, and civil society, the need for collaboration among researchers, practitioners and government officials, development of mechanisms for local institutionalization of risk reduction, key target audiences for educational efforts to include policy-makers, urban planners, educators and the media. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过,自从金价在过去十年持续上升,贸易场又陆续开展不同的营运模式,包括优化电子交易编码、强 化 从业员 注 册制度、推出以人民币计价及交收的公斤黄金条等,令牌价上升。 cgse.com.hk | Reforms included electronic trading, refining the practitioners' registration system and the introduction of yuan-denominated gold bar trading. cgse.com.hk |
这些建议旨在给予同类行业的从业员 一 些 关於隔音和吸音方面的最低指标,避免在营业时产生噪音,因根据十一月十四日第54/94/M号法令,噪音属违法行为并可遭起诉,累犯更可引致营业执照被取消或不获续期。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | According to Decree Law no. 54/94/M dated 14th November, creating noise is considered a violation of the law and the offending party may be sued. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
需要提供更为全面的一揽子技术援助,从 而使刑事司法从业人员能够应对与恐怖主义可能相关的一系列犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a demand for more comprehensive packages of technical assistance that enable criminal justice practitioners to deal with a range of crimes potentially linked to terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
正因如此,江诗丹顿选择了支持风湿病研究基金会(Rheumasearch),以预防传染性的风湿病症,以及病症为制 表 从业员 , 特 别是为数众多的制表师和工匠所带来不同程度的伤害。 vacheron-constantin.com | It is in this perspective that the Vacheron Constantin Manufacture has chosen to support the Rheumasearch Foundation, in order to prevent infectious rheumatismal diseases that could affect, to varying degrees, its employees and, in particular, its numerous watchmakers and craftsmen. vacheron-constantin.com |
针对巴勒斯坦被占领土 的媒体从业人员年度 培训方案是该方案的很多有益 内容之一,需要进一步促进和加强。 daccess-ods.un.org | The annual training programme for media professionals from the Occupied Palestinian Territory was one of the many useful elements of the programme which should be further enhanced and reinforced. daccess-ods.un.org |
中心的任务是通过培训、研究、信息推广以及网络建设,提高亚太地区参与世界遗产 申报、保护、保存以及管理工作的所有专业人员、行政管理 人 员 、 从业 人 员 以 及 手工艺人的 能力,促进亚太地区落实 1972 年世界遗产公约。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Institute’s mission is to strengthen implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in the Asia and the Pacific region, by building the capacity of all those professionals, administrators, practitioners and craftsmen involved with World Heritage site inscription, protection, conservation and management in the Asia and the Pacific region, through training, research, the dissemination of information and network building. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 关于“国家法院在仲裁中的作用”的第三次沙姆沙伊赫会议(2010 年 6 月 1 日至 5 日,埃及沙姆沙伊赫),这次会议汇集了来自整个阿拉伯世界的以 [...] 及其他几个国家和地区的约 200 名法官、仲裁人员、从业人员和学 者,共同讨 论仲裁发展情况 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The third Sharm El Sheik conference “The role of State Courts in Arbitration”(Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, [...] 1-5 June 2010) which brought together [...] some 200 judges, arbitrators, practitioners and [...]academics from across the Arab world [...]and several other countries and regions to discuss the developments in arbitration daccess-ods.un.org |
司法机构在机构间刑事司法委员会内部采取措施,将刑事法官、检察官、公 设辩护律师、法医、精神保健人员、警察、监狱工作人员以及其他相关人员纳入 到司法从业人员职业 技能培训计划当中,向他们讲解涉及禁止酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际条约和任择议定书,特别是《伊斯坦布尔 议定书》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through the Inter-Agency Criminal Justice Commission, the judiciary is taking steps to include criminal judges, prosecutors, public defenders, forensic physicians, mental health workers, police, prison officials and others in the training programmes for justice officials on international treaties and optional protocols on torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and notably the application of the Istanbul Protocol. daccess-ods.un.org |
参加讲习班的有在政府部门任职的立法人员、政府 官 员 、 从业 人 员 和 教 育 工作者以及空间机构、国际组织、国家院校、研究机构和私营部门的代表和大 学学生,共约 185 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Workshop was attended by approximately 185 legislators, Government officials, practitioners and educators holding positions in Government departments and representatives of space agencies, international organizations, national universities, research institutions and the private sector, as well as university students. daccess-ods.un.org |
2) 建立相互合作、相互信赖的关系 y 本公司所有的官员、从业人员将遵 守法律和社会规范,并遵守和实践以“经营理念”、“经营信 [...] 条”为具体化的企业行动指针而制定的《夏普集团企业行动宪章》、《夏普行动规范》,努力与供 应商之间建立相互合作、相互信赖的关系。 sharp-world.com | All the board members and employees will comply [...] with and practice “The Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behavior” and “The [...]Sharp Code of Conduct” issued to realize the Business Philosophy and Business Creed, thus enhancing the mutual relationship with suppliers. sharp-world.com |
同样,与南非水研究委员会、南非水务森林部和南非水学院合 作举办了一次国际水资源综合管理会议(开普敦),会议目的在于为来自发展中国家 的 从业人 员和政 策制订者创建一个平台,交流在实施综合水资源管理(IWRM)计划中的经验教训 (配合国际水文计划全国委员会第二次非洲地区会议)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Likewise, an international conference on integrated water resources management (Cape Town) was organized in partnership with the Water Research Commission of South Africa, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, and the Water Institute of Southern Africa in order to create a platform for practitioners and policy-makers from developing countries to share experiences and lessons in the implementation of IWRM (in conjunction with the Second Africa Regional Meeting of the IHP National Committees). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些活动包括:组织介绍情况访问团及 参加在区域和国家一级组织的各种研讨会和会议 ;协助各国评估其贸易法 改革需要,具体方法包括审查既有法规 ;协助起草国家法律以落实贸易法 委员会的法规 [...] ;协助多边和双边发展机构在其法律改革活动和项目中使用 贸易法委员会的法规;就贸易法委员会法规的使用问题向诸如专业协会、 [...] 律师组织、商会和仲裁中心等国际组织及其他组织提供咨询意见和援助; 举办培训活动,便利法官和法律从业 人 员 执 行 和解释在贸易法委员会法规 基础上制定的相关法律。 cnudci.org | These activities include organizing briefing missions and participating in seminars and conferences, organized at both national and regional levels; assisting countries in assessing their trade law reform needs, including by reviewing existing legislation; assisting with the drafting of national legislation to implement UNCITRAL texts; assisting bilateral and multilateral development agencies to use UNCITRAL texts in their law reform activities and projects; providing advice and assistance to international and other organizations, such as professional associations, organizations of attorneys, [...] chambers of commerce and arbitration [...] centres, on the use of UNCITRAL texts; and organizing [...]training activities to facilitate [...]the implementation and interpretation of legislation based on UNCITRAL texts by judges and legal practitioners. cnudci.org |
该图书馆包括:(a) 历史档案,包含有 1945 年以来 在联合国和有关机构主持下谈判和通过的法律文书的文件和视听材料;(b) 系列 讲座,关于国际法(包括海洋法)的永久收藏讲座,讲演者为重要的国际法学者和 从业人员;(c ) 研究图书馆,提供在线国际法图书服务,具有条约、判例、出版 物和文件、学术著作和研究指南的链接。 daccess-ods.un.org | It consists of: (a) historic archives containing documents and audiovisual material relating to the negotiation and adoption of legal instruments under the auspices of the United Nations and related organizations since 1945; (b) a lecture series featuring a permanent collection of lectures on international law, including the law of the sea, given by leading international law scholars and practitioners; and (c) a research library providing an online international law library with links to treaties, jurisprudence, publications, documents, scholarly writings and research guides. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩尔多瓦共和国课外教育机构主要根据青年和教育部通过并建议的“课程 模型”、教育机构教学法或专业理事会根据不同儿童群体(机构、社区)的具体特 点修订或变更后的课程计划、由从业 人 员 制 定 并由教学法或专业理事会通过的试 验课程计划和写作课程计划,开展丰富多彩的大学前课外活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Extracurricular activities at the pre-university and extracurricular education institutions are implemented on the basis of the model Programmes adopted and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Youth; modified or adapted programmes, subject to particularities of each group of children (institution, community), adopted by the methodological or professorial council of the institution; pilot programmes and author programmes developed by practitioners, adopted by the methodological, or professorial council. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会满意地注意到,国际政府间组织和非政府组织在空间法方面的 活动继续对研究、澄清和制定空间法做出重要的贡献,这些组织继续举办多次 会议和专题讨论会,编写出版物和报告, 为 从业 人 员 和 学 生组织培训研讨会, 其目的都是扩展和提高空间法方面的知识。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted with satisfaction that the activities of international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations relating to space law had continued to contribute significantly to the study, clarification and development of space law and that those organizations had continued to organize numerous conferences and symposiums, prepare publications and reports and organize training seminars for practitioners and students, all of which were intended to broaden and advance the knowledge of space law. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项举措以公约作为其法律框架,注重于三项核心行动:(a)通过增进对问 题的了解和支持从业人员的资 产追回网络,减少对资产追回的障碍;(b)建设资 [...] 产追回的国家能力;和(c)协助国家收集和分享信息,以鼓励在国家的特定资产 追回工作中取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Using the Convention as its legal framework, the Initiative focuses on three core actions: (a) lowering the barriers to asset recovery by [...] increasing the knowledge base about the problem [...] and supporting practitioners’ networks for [...]asset recovery; (b) building national [...]capacity for asset recovery; and (c) assisting States in collecting and sharing information to encourage progress in a country’s specific asset recovery efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
所采取举措的实例包括:在阿富 汗,残疾部门协调小组之下设立了获得服务无障碍委员会;在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 [...] 维那,莫斯塔尔开设了一家新的整形外科中心;在几内亚比绍,比绍的热内卢身 体康复中心改装了设备,即将重新开张;在约旦,启用了机构和方案的国家认证 标准;在尼加拉瓜,偏远地区的医生数目有所增加;秘鲁正在进行康复服务的分 散化;塔吉克斯坦发布了供相关部委工作人员遵行的“地雷幸存者心理社会支持 [...] 准则”和“医学和社会诊断准则”;泰国正在 为 从业 人 员 拟 订 全面指南;乌干达 已制定、启用和散发了服务无障碍标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of initiatives undertaken include: in Afghanistan, a Physical Accessibility committee was established under Disability Sector Coordination Group; in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a new orthopaedic centre opened in Mostar; in GuineaBissau, the Janeiro Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Bissau has been re-equipped and will soon reopen; in Jordan, national accreditation standards for institutions and programmes were launched; in Nicaragua, the number of physicians in remote areas has been increased; in Peru, the decentralisation of rehabilitation services is underway; in Tajikistan, a “Guideline on psycho-social support for landmine survivors” and a [...] “Medical and Social [...] Diagnostic Guideline” for staff of relevant ministries [...]and agencies were published; in Thailand, a comprehensive guide for practitioners is being developed; and, in Uganda, [...]accessibility standards were developed, launched and disseminated. daccess-ods.un.org |
论坛认为,针对货运代理商、多式联运营运商和物流服务商制订 最低标准和行为守则,正是提高交通运 输 业从业 人 员 的 技能及其专业精神 方面的一项关键要素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Forum considered that the development of minimum standards and codes of conduct for freight forwarders, multimodal transport operators and logistics service providers would be a critical factor in upgrading skills and professionalism in the industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,《非定罪资产没收良好做法指南》(参看上文第 18 段 (d))提交给了各区域讲习班和国际及区域机构会议并予以讨论和传播,其中包 括联合国反腐败公约缔约国会议、八国集团里昂/罗马工作组和金融行动工作 队,以及国际刑事警察组织(刑警组织)、欧洲司法组织、卡姆登资产追回机构 间网络和南部非洲资产追回机构间网络 等 从业 人 员 网 络。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, the Good Practices Guide for non-conviction-based asset forfeiture (cf. above para. 18 (d)) has been presented, discussed, and disseminated at regional workshops and meetings of international and regional bodies, including the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the G8 Lyon/Roma Working Group, and the Financial Action Task Force, as well as practitioner networks such as the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Eurojust, the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network (CARIN), and the Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of Southern Africa (ARINSA). daccess-ods.un.org |