

单词 介于两难

See also:

介于 prep

between prep


lie between

External sources (not reviewed)

规约》载有若干关于实体法的创新之处,使特别法庭不 于 现 有 的其他国 际法庭和混合法庭,下文介绍两个 这样的创新之处。
The statute contains several novel features regarding its substantive law that differentiate the Special Tribunal for Lebanon from other existing international and hybrid tribunals.
因此,他们常常于一个两难 境地 ,因为年纪大而找不到稳定的工作,但是还不到领取养老金的年龄。
As a result they frequently find
[...] themselves in a difficult position where they [...]
are too old to find steady employment, but
too young to be eligible for a pension.
[...] [...] 这一关头,需要勇气和领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久的惨剧,为巴勒斯坦人 民和以色列人民带来和平与安全,并在 1967 年边界的基础上建立一个独立、享 有主权和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,与以色列和平、安全地毗邻共存,从而实现于两国解 决办法的持久的全面和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this critical juncture in our region to ultimately end this prolonged tragedy and bring peace and security to the Palestinian and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive peace based on the two-State solution of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel
on the basis of the 1967
[...] borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
方案支助和管理司司介绍了难民署的全球方案和伙伴关系方面的最新进 展,他回顾指出,全球方案在以下各方面特别重要:帮助制定或完善全球标准; 分析趋势,使难民署能够确定需要优先关注和专门支持的行动;通过侧 于 专题 问题之途径,提升筹资和伙伴关系的机会。
Introducing the update on UNHCR’s global programmes and partnerships, the Director of the Division of Programme Support and Management recalled that global programmes were particularly important in helping to set or refine global standards; to analyse trends, enabling the Office to identify operations [...]
needing priority attention and specific
support; and to enhance funding and partnership opportunities, by giving focus to thematic issues.
大会及其政府间机构,介于两个和三个两 年期的预算编制过程之间,可以得到每个方案以某一方式进行的至少一次独立评 估。
The General Assembly and its intergovernmental bodies will have available some form of independent assessment of each programme at least once between every second and third biennium budget process.
在所有地区中,两个组 占有优势:首先是本地区组(其比例在 36%至 73%之间),其次 是第 I 组,而其它地区组所占名额比介于 3%到 18%之间。
In all regions, two groups are dominant: first, the group corresponding to its own region (between 36% and 73%) followed by Group I, while the representation of the other groups varies between 3% to 18%.
两刑庭向我介绍的 《完成工作战略》有于确保建立余留事项处理机制 的工作以更有条理和更高效的方式进行。
The progress in implementing the completion
[...] strategies that the Tribunals have shared with us contributes to ensuring that the [...]
establishment of the
residual mechanism shall take place in a more manageable and efficient manner.
根据成果(3):改善获两性平 等的优质教育的机会,特别是侧 于难 以 接 近人 群,教科文组织的支助将在于国家能力建设,以修订并实施教育大纲,特别是通过加 强任职前和在职教师的培训和改进监测和评估,支持政府满足包括生活技能、多年级 教学和有利于儿童的学校在内的新的政府需求,以及通过改进 NFE 针对青年人的国家 能力。
Under Outcome 3: improved access to quality education for all with gender equality and special focus on the hard-to-reach population, UNESCO support is expected in national capacity-building to revise and implement the education curricula, notably through strengthening pre-service and in-service teacher training and improved monitoring and assessment, as well as in supporting government efforts to address emerging needs including life skills, multi-grade teaching and child-friendly schools, and through improved national capacity in NFE for young people.
在某些情况下,解释性声明、沉默及做出声明国家和保持沉默国家以及第三 国对彼此的相互期望等因素综合起来,可能会赋予沉默一种 难 确 定的效力,既 非接受解释性声明,也非放弃保持沉默国家此前可能一直持有的立场,而 介于 两者之间。
Under certain circumstances, the combination of the interpretative declaration, silence and the resulting mutual expectation of the declaring State and the silent State — as well as of third States — could result in the attribution of
an effect to the
[...] silence that would be difficult to assess, falling between acceptance of the interpretative declaration and a waiver of the position that the silent State might have held up until that time.
特别代表在 2009 年报告中提到了这两难的困境。40 他正在通过网上咨询寻求更多于可 行方法的观点和经验。
The Special Representative addressed this dilemma in his 2009 report.40 He is seeking further views and experiences on possible ways of dealing with it through his online consultation.
她还提请委员会注意行政和预算问题咨询委员会于 2000-2001 两年期 拟议方案预算的第一次报告第 67 段(A/54/7),该段指出咨询委员会已注意到使用 “在现有资源范围内”短语或类似语言给执行活动 带来难;因 此,应当努力避免在决议和决定中使 用这种短语。
She also drew
[...] attention to paragraph 67 of the first report of the Advisory Committee on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2000-2001 (A/54/7), in which the Advisory Committee had noted that the use of the phrase “within existing resources” [...]
or similar language in resolutions had a negative impact on the implementation of activities; therefore, efforts should
be made to avoid the use of that phrase in resolutions and decisions.
然而,如果提出的请求只是为了应 对涉及反对派政党的暴力抗议,就可能使联科行动 于两难 的 境 地。
That, however, could create a dilemma for UNOCI if a request were made to intervene only in response to violent protests involving the opposition political parties.
在讨论中,一成员指出,现已提出两套数据,即:报告给多边基金的国家数据,以 及报告给臭氧秘书处的第 7 条数据两套数据的定义不同,因 难于 评 估在加工剂方面所 取得的进展。
During the discussion, one Member noted that there were two data sets presented, namely country data reported to the Multilateral Fund and Article 7 data reported to the Ozone
Secretariat, which were defined
[...] differently and therefore made it difficult to assess the degree of progress [...]
made with respect to process agents.
在这 方面,令人遗憾的是,秘书长尚未向大会提交他在大 会第六十四届会介绍 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预 算时宣布的于特别 政治任务替代筹资安排的报告 (见 A/C.5/64/SR.10,第 8 段)。
In that connection, it was regrettable that the Secretary-General had not yet submitted to the General Assembly the report on an alternative funding arrangement for special political missions that he had announced when introducing the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 at the sixty-fourth session of the Assembly (see A/C.5/64/SR.10, para. 8).
大多数工介于这两个极 端之间,多次要求能够利用非结构化或动态任务完成结构化工作流程。
Most work falls
[...] somewhere between these two extremes, many times [...]
requiring the ability to utilize unstructured or dynamic
tasking to complete a structured workflow.
在答复提出的问题时,她还概介绍 了 多个 难民 署 合作的实例,包括利用机构间常设委员会人道主义行动工作队 两 性 平 等问题 分组开展合作的情况,两个组 织都是该分组的成员,她还概要介绍了促进公平 的人道主义援助并在拟定人道主义方案时纳入两性问题的联合举措。
In response to questions raised, she also outlined several instances of collaboration with UNHCR, including through the sub-group on gender in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Force on Humanitarian [...]
Action, of which both organizations
are a part, as well as joint initiatives to promote equitable humanitarian assistance and integrate gender in humanitarian programming.
于许多人来说,在公共场所讲话也 许比诱捕流浪猫还要来的难,下面 介绍 一 些基本的解释TNR的技巧和方法,也许对 你会有很好的帮助,最终使得你的计划得 以顺畅的实施。
Below are some basic skills and methods which may help you and ultimately get your plans implemented successfully.
关于该决议草案需要 开展的工作,其特点为真正介入有 利 于难 民 的 事 务,例如如此多的国家都成为了该案文的共同提案 国。
Work on the draft resolution was characterized by a
[...] genuine commitment to refugees, as demonstrated by [...]
the large number of delegations that
had already joined the sponsors.
所有年龄段的困难和担心:于一些 不同原因,但都造成了低流动的结果,现将各年龄段的难介绍如 下:最年轻的工作人员最有可能流动,但并非是轮换政策的特定的“对象”,该政策与中 层和中年干部更加有关。
For different reasons, but leading to the same result of low mobility, difficulties have been noted for all age categories: [...]
the youngest staff members are potentially
the most mobile but have not been specifically “targeted” by the rotation policy, which is more concerned with Professional staff of intermediate rank and age.
每次专题讨论会都补充提出了正在发生的全球变革中的认识问题,提出了哲学 在普遍性与多样性之间、传统与现代之间、自由与公正之间 两难 问 题
Each of these symposia addressed complementary cognitive dimensions of the
global transformation under way posing
[...] the philosophical dilemmas they raise between [...]
universality and diversity, tradition
and modernity, and freedom and justice.
以色列议于 2005 年 12 月 6 日颁布了《临终病人 法》,为治疗临终病人过程中所遇到的医学伦 两难 问 题提供了一个答案。
On December 6, 2005, the Knesset
[...] enacted the Terminally Ill Patient Law, which provides an answer to the medical-ethical dilemma present in the treatment of terminally-ill patients.
于监督 厅的批评,即特派团针对人们于特 派团表现不佳和赞同东道国当局政策的看法 采取了“静默外交”,我们认为,这一批评未能充分公正地考虑到特派团在平衡 兼顾两方面需要时所处两难境地:一方面要与东道国当局发展建设性的伙伴关 系(如报告所强调的),另一方面又要加紧努力,就棘手的问题开展公共宣传。
We feel, however, that the critique by OIOS of the Mission’s “quiet diplomacy” in relation to perceptions of underperformance and endorsement of policies by the host country authorities does not render full justice to the difficult position of the Mission in balancing the need for [...]
constructive partnership
with the host country authorities, a point stressed in the report, against its intensive efforts at public communication on difficult issues.
程-霍普金斯女士(以英语发言):今天我荣幸地 代表秘书长向安理介绍两项建设和平行动议程,这 两项议程首先是源自 2009 年秘书长于冲突 结束后 立即建设和平的报告(S/2009/304)和去年的进度报 告(S/2010/386*),其次是源于 [...]
2010 年关于妇女参与 建设和平的报告(S/2010/466)。
Today I have the honour to update the Council
on behalf of the Secretary-General on two peacebuilding agendas for action that stem from, first, the 2009 report of the Secretary-General on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict (S/2009/304) and last year’s progress report (S/2010/386*), and secondly, the 2010 report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (S/2010/466).
在安理会、大会和实地,我们 仍然致于寻求解决保两难问题 的办法。
In the Council, in the General Assembly and in the field, we remain
[...] committed to finding solutions to the dilemmas of protection.
为 促进和监测亚迪斯亚贝巴路线图落实工作而建立的联合工作组的代表向会议简要 介绍了路线图的要点介绍了两机制 之间对话之后采取的行动,包括在各自秘书 处内指定联络点,增加信息的定期交流,诸如预报两个体系有关活动的说明;定 期向非洲委员会邮寄特别程序公告;互相参加对方的届会或年会;编写一份两种 [...]
特别程序制度之间的比较说明;对每个机制的建议进行后续对等落实;同行对同 行相互学习。
The representatives the joint working group established to advance and monitor the
implementation of the Addis Ababa road
[...] map briefed the meeting on its highlights and provided information on the action taken after the dialogue between the two mechanisms, including [...]
the appointment of
focal points within the respective secretariats and an increase in regular exchanges of information, such as notes forecasting the relevant activities of both systems; regular mailing of the special procedures bulletin to the African Commission; participation in each other’s sessions or annual meetings; the preparation of a comparative note between the two special procedures systems; reciprocal follow-up to the recommendations of each mechanism; and peer-to-peer learning.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程,
每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26
[...] 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概介绍课 程,每年在纽约举 两 次 ; 高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 [...]
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for
all mission personnel at the
[...] D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, [...]
an intensive year-long programme
involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
战略规划编制局助理总干事的代介 绍 了 两 份 文 件,并指出,当今挑战的复杂性要求各学科领域都有所 [...]
投入,这就是教科文组织《中期战略草案》(34 C/4)在唯一一条使命宣言中提出了跨学科的整体方法的原 因,文化是其中的主要支柱之一。
The two documents were presented by the [...]
representative of ADG/BSP, who pointed out that the complex nature of contemporary
challenges requires inputs from several disciplines, which is why UNESCO’s Draft Medium-Term Strategy (34 C/4) offers a holistic, interdisciplinary approach under a single Mission Statement, of which Culture is one of the main pillars.
因此,如果一个基金的大部分资金被投入债券和股票,回报率  介于 2% 到 6% 之间,而它必须获得 8% 回报率才能有偿债能力,那么,要实现这个目的的唯一途径是将其投资组合中的相当可观的一部分资金投入能够 获 两 位 数 回报率的另类投资中。
So if a fund has most
[...] of its money in bonds and stocks with returns  ranging between 2% and 6%, and it has to get to 8% to be solvent, the only way it can do that is to put a sizable chunk of its portfolio in alternatives that can earn double digit returns.
该干事将通过重点小组、与利益攸关方的调查和讨论, 集中确定维持和平行动中可能出现的具体道德操守风险、问题 两难 困 境并拟订 应对风险的干预措施或对策,包括拟订政策变化和编制宣传材料(如小册子、在 线系列、网站和手册)。
The Officer would focus on identifying the specific ethical risks, issues and dilemmas that are likely to arise in peacekeeping operations through focus groups, surveys and discussions with relevant stakeholders and develop interventions or approaches for addressing these risks, including formulating policy changes and developing communication materials (e.g., brochures, handbooks, online series, website and manuals).




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